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⚙️🪙 The panopticon of the Smart City is a system set up so that free citizens police, interrogate, and report on each other, Joaquin Flores @NewResistance writes.

Academia, with its woke newspeak, is a god-awful thing. Only through the complete destruction of language can actually fascist policies, which threaten to eradicate humanity, be passed off as progressive, even social-democratic. Our aim is to build upon our previous chapters to show that these were not intellectual fishing expeditions – we’re here with the receipts.

Jeremy Bentham’s horrific theory and model of the Panopticon is openly presented as a ‘positive vision of the future’ which official academia endorses through its ivory-tower liberal idealists as the foundation of ‘Smart Cities’. The Great Reset openly takes its inspiration for the ‘Smart City’ from the Panopticon prison system. Read more 👇

#BigTech #Blockchain #economy #GreatReset #society

🇨🇳🇺🇸 In a world of chronic shortages China has realised that commodities hold more value than cash.

The current trade war with China began at the very outset of the Trump administration. Apparently alarmed at America’s dependence on Chinese goods, particularly the extent to which its defence industries are reliant on Chinese components and rare earths, Trump had a point but may have better served to speak softly about this vulnerability. He mentioned only two dependencies, there are thousands of products that America relies on China exclusively for.

In moves that were simply anti-competitive practices he then launched in a “tech war” with China. Banning the sale of chips and semi-conductors, along with bans on Chinese 5G and Huawei the global leader in particular. Not content with that the U.S. launched a global push to pressure its “allies’ to also ban Huawei and its state of the art 5G technology. Not to be taken in isolation, the tech war was just part of an overall strategy to damage and restrain China’s economy. “Decoupling” had arrived into the general lexicon.

#China #Economy #BigTech

📲 TikTok has become an enormously influential medium that reaches over one billion people worldwide.

Having control over its algorithm or content moderation means the ability to set the terms of global debate and decide what people see. And what they don’t.

💬 By Alan Macleod:

#BigTech #NATO #SocialMedia #TikTok

🔎💻 With civil liberties now on the line, the revolving door that exists between the U.S. intelligence and private sector needs to be closed down.

Secret Service Director James Murray has resigned from his White House security detail for a cushy security job at Snap, the parent company of Snapchat. With civil liberties now on the line, this revolving door that exists between the U.S. intelligence and private sector needs to be closed down.

In the course of his 27-year security gig in Washington, DC, James Murray ran a tight ship, keeping trespassers off the White House lawn while for the last three years providing security to both Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump. Not a bad resume and Snapchat, the mobile messaging application used to share photos, videos, text, and drawings, seems to agree. Last week, Murray accepted the position as head of security at the social media company. He is scheduled to begin his duties in August.

What’s wrong with this picture?

💬 Read more by Robert Bridge

#BigTech #Snowden

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🔐 Doomsday prophesising of how China’s days are numbered and that it is in the midst of an economic collapse could not be any further from reality.

The reasons for the spread of this sort of gossip is to keep up the belief (and thus investment) in the idea that the United States is secure in its alpha dog global status and that the world is better off siding with said alpha in its escalating and reckless, not to mention unnecessary, economic and geopolitical war against Russia and China. It is to intimidate any country foolish enough to throw too many of its eggs into the Russia-China basket with the thought that they will be left hanging in the wind once China collapses from the international stranglehold on its economy, which is touted as inevitable.

It is to convince the American people, that the further sacrifices they are about to make in their livelihood and standard of living will be worth it, perhaps to even go so far as to proclaim that this will be the necessary “new normal” all for the cause of world security, of course.

The reality of the situation which should be plain for everyone to see at this point, is that the United States’ sanctions and banning of various types of trade with Russia and China, meant to cripple their economies, is doing more damage to the world markets than anything else, including that of Europe and the United States

💬 Cynthia Chung writes

#China #sanctions #Taiwan #BigTech

🕵🏻‍♂️ Leaked documents reviewed by The Grayzone @thegrayzonecom reveal how a smartphone tracking technology tramples over fundamental data protection tenets and international law, while violating the privacy of citizens across the world without their knowledge or consent.

The clandestine tool can transform anyone into a potential person of interest to Western intelligence agencies, and thus a target for recruitment, surveillance, harassment, or worse 🔮

A Washington DC-area Anomaly 6 firm is marketing illegal spy tech that can scrape an individual’s most sensitive personal data by tracking their smartphone. The British Ministry of Defence and GCHQ are potential buyers.

💬 Read more by Kit Klarenberg

#BigTech #CIA #Spying

📶 5G is fantastic for everyone who wants to video call, stream movies or play games online.

Not only is it infinitely faster than what is currently out there but, according to this FAQ, it is entirely safe, just like all those Pfizer Covid shots people jacked up on.

As 5G is also pivotal to the Internet of Things, which stands at the heart of the World Economic Forum’s plans for our future, it is all good.

There are, alas, several pertinent and inter-related problems with 5G 📡

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#5G #BigTech #China #Huawei #UnitedStates
