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🌠 The two opposing cosmologies currently at odds with each other (open vs closed systems) strike on the very nature of life vs death, Matthew Ehret @CanadianPatriotPress writes.

It appears increasingly like our world is being shaped by ideas and intentions that have a pseudo-religious like commitment to limits and reducing human activity upon the earth.
Whether it is in the halls of Davos, where big wig corporate magnates and powerful technocrats proclaim how important it is to cut back on food consumption, energy use and breathing or in such events as COP26 where these same elites promote decarbonization schemes that threaten to reduce not only carbon production through “global Green New Deals” but life itself, we find notions of “nature”, “equilibrium” and “limits to growth” shaping the contours of all permitted discussion of ecological, economic and political policy among those stuck within the trans-Atlantic “rules based order”.

Where does this dismal “science of managing scarcity” come from?

Certainly it has not always been this way 🌌

#science #space

The idea that anti-republican John Locke inspired the founding of the USA has been a strategic myth which has kept generations of Americans from understanding their own moral roots.

💡 This is the 2nd of a five part series by Matthew Ehret @CanadianPatriotPress. Part one ‘On the Cult of Aristotle’ which introduces the two opposing currents of ‘western thought’ leading up to Kepler’s “banning Aristotle from Christendom” can be accessed here.

#history #science #society

⚖️ Whether we review the growth of eugenics or even the growth of modern ecologism and transhumanism out of cybernetics, the seeds of Aristotle’s oligarchical cosmology can be felt viscerally.

💡 In part three of this series, we were introduced to the growth of modern liberalism and Malthusianism as the outgrowth of the core fundamental axioms contained in Newton and Locke’s philosophical descriptive systems of mankind and the universe. We explored some of the leading voices who resisted this liberal Malthusian paradigm of social engineering with particular attention paid to the figure of Abraham Lincoln’s trusted advisor Henry C. Carey.

We ended that section by discussing a new innovative adaptation which Malthusianism and Newtonian mechanics took in the late 19th century under the label of “Entropy”- also known as “the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics”. This system was popularized by a mathematician named Rudolph Clausius and based itself on a sleight of hand that took the obvious properties of heat powered machines made by humans which necessarily tended towards heat death over time, and extended these properties to the entire universe. The outgrowth of the social application of this dismal theory of a dying universe took the form of a neo-Malthusianism called eugenics.

A leading high priest of both eugenics and entropy who took these systems to new heights during he 20th century was a man named Bertrand Russell (1872-1970).

💬 Read more by Matthew Ehret @CanadianPatriotPress

#history #society #science #transhumanism

🌌 In our last installment of this series, we explored the evolution of a bad idea known as eugenics throughout the 20th century following its transformation into new clothing after World War II which called itself “transhumanism”.

This new “
science” danced with another bad idea masquerading as a “universal law” which was called “entropy” and found its champions among an array of social engineers who were committed to a static faith in a dying universe managed by an impotent and irrational God who was made in their own image. The practical application of this entropic science of population control took the form of a system dubbed “cybernetics” founded by an apostle of Bertrand Russell named Norbert Wiener- both of whom attempted to appropriate the name of Gottfried Leibniz (founder of calculus, binary language and computing machines) as a new god head within their new Church.

As we saw in 
part 2, Leibniz ironically stood in opposition to everything which this new death cult represented.

In this final segment of his series, Matthew Ehret @CanadianPatriotPress gives the last word to several leading scientists who took a stand in our modern age against the rise of the cult of darkness.

#History #Religion #Science #Society #Vernadsky
