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💭 Lack of societal meaning – and the dead hand of ubiquitous identity politics – is turning deadly. More so in the West, since the woke Revolution has not exhausted itself. In the rest of the world however, the transition to ‘meaning’, to the reason to be, what we ‘are’, is easier, since woke never gained real traction.

Israel looks to be the ‘canary in the mine’ for how the U.S. and Europe might look – once the contradictions of a decaying society at home can no longer be papered over. But for the Middle East region, it’s over. It has decided to ‘move on’. Collectively it can see that the world is on the cusp of a new era and is looking East. Washington may try to present these changes as if some form of Henry Kissinger ‘triangulation’ (as David Ignatius suggests).

The brutal truth however, is that this regional transformation came about precisely because the U.S. and its toxic ‘with us, or against us’ doctrine was wholly excluded from the negotiations.

Moral integrity is reviving, and this is what matters 🌅

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#society #politics #West #MiddleEast #liberalism #traditionalism

🇮🇶🦅 Remembering the Iraq Invasion

Twenty years ago, the United States supported by some if its allies, launched the invasion of Iraq. It invaded a sovereign country under a false pretext and unleashed almost two decades of armed conflict, which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

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#sc_infographic #Iraq #war

🔓 There seems to be an illusion with the inexperienced internet users that only some individuals are being closely monitored and secretly ‘surveilled’ online. An ordinary user tends to think that to secretly monitor and listen to an unsuspecting online user is too costly and complicated and that one particular individual, he or she i.e. a simple user, is not particularly interesting to anybody to be listened to or closely monitored at all.

But the facts have no mercy; data storage and information saving are nowadays rather affordable and so called ‘big data’ about each user has been being saved continually for about eight to ten years now, because those who closely monitor us, cannot possibly know what and who a student of today will be in ten or fifteen years.

To closely monitor hundreds of millions of users in the form of online surveillance is technically possible nowadays and it is not prohibitively expensive so that it is being done by many individuals in the USA and globally.

There are so called ‘markers’ – sensitive points, points of interest – which are determined by way of automatic procedures of mass data processing.

Given that close monitoring online (online surveillance) now begins at an early age, digital hygiene should be well taken care of ever since one’s childhood 👾

💬 Read more by Tatiana Obrenovic

#surveillance #digitalsecurity #BigData

🇲🇪 Milo Djukanovic, the outgoing Western puppet who ruled and plundered Montenegro for the last three decades, betrayed everything he ostensibly ever stood for during his insufferably long public career.

Everything, that is, with the single exception of his own political survival. His finely tuned antennas assisted him at every turn to make opportunistically correct choices. The end came when it no longer depended on him and his puppeteers decided that his shelf life was over.

Djukanovic will now be swept away as were Mobutu, Suharto, Mubarak, and scores of similar satraps who were allowed to misrule and steal for decades, until the inscrutable overseers decreed that their time was up.

Will Djukanovic be humiliated like the deposed Mobutu who memorably showed up at a Brussels bank to withdraw some of the plundered cash, only to be told that his account was frozen pending clarification of “human rights violations” that had been alleged against him?

Or will he be put on trial in a cage like Mubarak (he was, after all, chased out of office in a rough Montenegrin equivalent of the “Arab Spring,” such as marked the end of Mubarak’s rule)?

We will find out as the scenario, which certainly is not being written in Montenegro🗽, further unfolds.

💬 Read more by Stephen Karganovic

#MiloDjukanovic #Montenegro

🇸🇾 Syria is on the brink of recovery as Saudi Arabia plans to invite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to the Arab League summit in Riyadh on May 19.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan will travel to Damascus soon to hand Assad a formal invitation to attend the summit, in what will be the most significant development in the Arab rapprochement with Assad.

Riyadh and Damascus are in talks to reopen embassies in both countries, in a culmination of diplomatic meetings, statements and policy shifts demonstrating new and independent positions on Syria.

The people of Aleppo say that they went to bed one night, and they woke up under occupation of armed fighters supported by the U.S. Obama administration, Turkey and Qatar.

In December 2016 the city was liberated from Al Qaeda and their affiliates, and they have been trying to recuperate, but with U.S.-EU sanctions opposing their reconstruction plans, the recovery has been slow going.

The people of Aleppo have hoped that as quickly as their lives were turned upside down by outside forces, the turning point of recovery and prosperity would be just as quick.

Syria stands today on the threshold of a recovery which may hold peace and prosperity in the near future for 21 million inhabitants 🙏

💬 By Steven Sahiounie

#Syria #SaudiArabia #ArabLeague #MiddleEast

Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
Macron tweeted in Chinese, French and English, tried to charm his hosts and be less annoying than usual. He must have comprehended that Europe is collateral damage in the confrontation between the US and China. He claimed that he wants the conflict in Ukraine to end and, of course, wants French companies to sign deals (he was accompanied by a delegation of over 50 CEOs). Macron came across as a bit too eager and pushy, members of Xi's entourage noticed that he spoke twice as much as the host of the meeting, which can be perceived as a diplomatic faux pas. Ursula VdL crashed the French-Chinese party, Macron would have probably preferred she didn't tag along. She irked everyone with her finger-pointing and hypocrisy, as expected. Xi Jinping didn't fall for Macron's blandishments and ignored VdL's preaching. China's position is clear:
US and NATO should take responsibility for the Ukrainian issue, the alliance has no right to criticize China or put pressure on it. Actions speak louder than words. @LauraRuHK
🦅 NATOstan, Previously Known as Europe

“The NATO expanders are telling us that Russia’s actions inside its unchanged borders are exactly why we had to expand NATO’s borders. Russia’s reaction to NATO’s expansion enlargement justifies NATO’s enlargement expansion.” – Patrick Armstrong

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#sc_infographic #NATO #Finland #Europe

🇫🇮 During the Cold War decades, Finland prided itself in adopting a non-aligned position in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. Of course, there were good reasons for this Finnish nominal neutrality. The Nordic country not only shared a long border with Soviet Russia, thereby making its neutrality an essential Moscow requisite for security. But in addition, too, Finland bore the shame of having been defeated by the Red Army as a member of the Nazi-led Axis Powers.

European revisionist whitewashing of history tends to minimize the fact that many European states were allied with the Third Reich in its war of extermination against the Slavic peoples. The Finnish army played a key role in helping to launch the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union known as Operation Barbarossa in June 1941. The Finns were part of the northern pincer whose southern counterpart ran through Ukraine. It was the Finnish army along with the Wehrmacht troops that besieged Leningrad (St Petersburg) in a genocidal blockade that lasted for 872 days until it was completely broken by the Red Army, which went on to defeat the Nazi Reich in Berlin and their Axis allies, including Finland.

Thus, after World War Two, Finland’s non-alignment was not a matter of noble principle on behalf of the Finns, but rather a matter of reparation for the crimes committed against the Russian and Slavic peoples.

All this odious history has been widely forgotten in the West today. This week, when Finland joined the U.S.-led NATO military alliance there was much celebration and metaphorical trumpet-blowing.

Biden and other NATO cheerleaders celebrating “peace” and “security” with Finland joining the bloc this week is not just grotesque. It is a foreboding warning of a more disastrous war ⚠️

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#NATO #Finland

Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🇫🇮 During the Cold War decades, Finland prided itself in adopting a non-aligned position in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. Of course, there were good reasons for this Finnish nominal neutrality. The Nordic country not only shared…»
🚨 The goal of the Anglo-Saxon plutocratic elites today is for the Americans to militarily control all of Europe and to continue their aggressive expansion towards Siberia, to bring the Russians to their knees and make them beg for mercy, and to keep down not only the Germans but also the French and all other European nations — all of this, of course, at the expense of the Europeans themselves, who are expected not only to pay the hefty costs of their own occupation but also to finance the insane Anglo-Saxon proxy war against Russia, which is being waged through the previously occupied Ukraine.

As we all know, after the 2014 coup, directed by the CIA and MI6, Ukraine was deprived of real democracy, freedom, and its authentic national identity, while Ukrainians were pushed into a war against the inexhaustible military, human, and economic potential of the Russian Federation. The hapless Ukrainians are expected to fight to the last in order to revive America’s recessionary economy by more forcefully spinning the flywheel of its infamous military-industrial complex. This, by the way, is one of two favorite tricks that Americans learned during World War II, when they saved themselves from the Great Depression by starting a massive military industry. America’s second favorite trick is, of course, just participating in war and wantonly plundering other people’s resources 🌪

Although the American calculation in all this is clear to everyone, the interests of Ukraine and Europe are certainly quite different. Does Europe really want the fate of Ukraine to befall it, that is, to enter into an endless military conflict now not only with Russia but also with the power of Eurasia that rises protectively behind it? Do the Europeans really want to die in America’s dirty war to the last while the Anglo-Saxons watch it all from a safe distance and count the money earned? What mysterious force keeps the Europeans in a subordinate position in relation to the U.S. and makes them work against their interests?

💬 By Davor Slobodanovich Vuyachich

#West #US #UK #war

Forwarded from Pepe Escobar
Welcome To NATOstan (Formerly Known As Europe) | ZeroHedge

Very cool. The folks at ZeroHedge DO remember what I wrote BEFORE the SMO.
🇵🇸 April 7 was “Good Friday” for Western Christians, the day when they believe Jesus was hung on a cross. But it was a “Sad Friday” in Jerusalem 😥

To the Muslims of the world, this is the third Friday of Ramadan, and this morning worshippers attempting to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem were prevented entry to the area and severely beaten by Israeli Police batons. Street vendors and shopkeepers were also attacked by Israeli Police. It was indeed a sad Friday.

With its silence, the U.S. stands complicit in the crimes against the Palestinian people who are deprived of every human right.

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Palestine #Jerusalem #Israel
