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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «📰 The New York Times and other Western news media ran with clumsy and blatantly diversionary claims this week, which in the end only serve to draw even more attention to the guilt of the United States in blowing up the Nord Stream gas pipelines. Not only…»
🇷🇺 In Donbass, which used to be part of Ukraine up until recently, the local population have always spoken Russian as their mother tongue and considered themselves Russians i.e. members of the Russian population corpus.

Donbass has up to recently been considered the richest part of Ukraine due to huge deposits of coal and other valuable and lucrative ores, including much-sought-after titanium.

It was in effect Donbass together with Crimea, which gave the staunchest opposition to the pro-European movements 💪, by way of which the Collective West wanted to forcefully direct Ukraine’s future.

In the meantime, the situation in Donbass got to be continually exacerbated. Upon Kiev’s request, the Collective West started increasing the military aid for Ukraine.

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#Donbass #Crimea #Ukraine #West

Forwarded from Pepe Escobar
Psychos do Divide and Rule.

Ancient civilizations do Diplomacy.
🪖 During March 2022, the peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine began first in Belarus and then in Istanbul.

Vladimir Medinsky, an aide to the Russian delegation announced in public that they managed to align their viewpoints on a number of issues and then Kiev presented a document in writing, which for Russia contained sufficient number of acceptable views with the neutral status out of any political bloc of Ukraine without foreign military bases, units or weaponry, nuclear arms included.

It was recommended that as the guarantors for security these countries would be included as follows: Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Italy, Canada, China, Poland, the USA, Turkey and France.

However, the basic disagreement related to Crimea and Donbass remained unresolved.

Now all the services from Kiev, across Brussels and the Pentagon seem to be thinking: What is Gerasimov up to now? 🤔

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#Donbass #war #Ukraine #West

Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
The US produces a lot of hot air, which is great for bubbles and not so great for the real economy. As a fallout of the crisis that hit Silicon Valley Bank, a regional New York-based lende,r Signature Bank, has also succumbed to a high outflow of deposits. The effects of the crisis are being felt globally, and a high number of startups could struggle to pay salaries while smaller firms may crumble. The US market is the most manipulated market in the world. The Federal Reserve cut rates to zero, a most irresponsible decision, then had to increase them. Any surprise that bubbles would be created and would eventually burst? @LauraRuHK
🌘🌒 The Ukraine war as the tool by which to cast the West’s war on Russia too, is an epic struggle between the Light and Dark. These Manichean ideological source-codes for now, dominate western liberalism.

But the West has put itself into a trap: ‘Going Manichean’ puts the West into an ideological straight-jacket.

It is a crisis of the West’s own making. Put bluntly, Manichaeism is the antithesis to any negotiated solution, or off-ramp. Carl Schmitt was clear on this point: the intent of conjuring up the blackest of enmities, precisely was to preclude (liberal) negotiation: How could ‘virtue’ strike a bargain with ‘evil’?

The West is too dysfunctional and weak now to fight on all fronts. Yet there can be no retreat without some de-legitimising humiliation of the West 🪃

The West has gambled all on its fear-led, ‘emergency-crisis’ managed ‘control’ system to save itself. It’s hopes now are pinned on its ‘Beware! The big boss has gone angry-mad’ act; he might do anything’, which it hopes will cause the world to back-off.

But the Rest of World is not backing off – it is becoming more assertive. Fewer believe what the western Élites say; fewer still trust their competence. The West has recklessly ‘placed its bet’; it may lose all. Or, more dangerously, in a fit of anger, it may kick over others’ gaming tables.

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#West #war

🏙 If Companies Were Countries, How Would They Compare?

This infographic shows nominal GDPs of the top countries and market capitalization of comparable corporations. As you see, some companies are worth more than many G20 countries.

🔗 Follow this link to find the high-res infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#sc_infographic #G20 #corporations

🪙 Western capitalism and its supposed democracy are in terminal crisis as increasing numbers of people reject the system’s abysmal economic failure: record levels of poverty, inequality and relentless militarism and warmongering.

Professor Jodi Dean, the author of The Communist Horizon (Verso), says we are living in a rare historic situation of social, economic and political turmoil where breakthrough revolutionary change can happen.

People are increasingly realizing that “Western-style democracy” and its much-vaunted “values” are a grotesque illusion. In reality, what we have is a “dictatorship of billionaires” that is brutally oppressive and destructive

Increasingly, people and workers are taking to the streets in protests and in industrial strikes, from Europe to the United States, because they have “had it” with capitalist exploitation and militarism. This is a formidable sign of positive change, says Dean in this wide-ranging interview on the prospects of a socialist alternative.

She points out that the massive bailouts of banks and private corporations by the state, both in the U.S. and Europe, clearly demonstrate to people that socialist control of the economy is actually viable and doable, only instead of “socialism for the rich” we should implement socialism for workers, the vast majority of society.

🎬 Watch the video interview

🎬 Watch on Youtube

#West #imperialism #capitalism

🪰 A U.S. spy drone operating 8,000 kilometers from Washington on Russia’s borders, helping a Nazi regime at war against Russia, crashes into the Black Sea – and yet, insanely, Moscow is arraigned for taking defensive action?

Can it be imagined how the U.S. would react if Russian drones were flying near its territory with their transponders off? We don’t have to imagine. Only a few weeks ago, President Joe Biden ordered F-16s to fire $500,000 Sidewinder missiles to shoot down a Chinese weather balloon and other balloons that had accidentally strayed into North American airspace.
The danger here is that Washington is a hyper-militarized, hyper-hostile rogue regime that is unhinged from its own delusional sense of righteousness and hubris. The American regime wantonly declares Russia and China to be geopolitical enemies and yet expects to fly and sail its warplanes and warships wherever it pleases as a matter of “routine”.

A fundamental problem is one of deep irrationality among American leaders. They want to have their imperial cake and eat it too 🎂 This exceptionalism has been going on for decades. In 1960, a CIA U2 spy plane was shot down over Soviet airspace provoking a hue and cry by the Americans for Moscow to have the audacity to do so.
The current situation is even more absurd. Washington is all but at war against Russia – despite its risible assertions about not being involved – and yet when a hostile aircraft is forced down there is laughable outrage and hyperventilating by the Americans.

A $32 million drone buried unceremoniously at sea says a lot about a failing empire 🤭

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#drone #UnitedStates #spying #war

Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🪰 A U.S. spy drone operating 8,000 kilometers from Washington on Russia’s borders, helping a Nazi regime at war against Russia, crashes into the Black Sea – and yet, insanely, Moscow is arraigned for taking defensive action? Can it be imagined how the U.S.…»
📢 Western propaganda outlets (also known as “news media”) are suddenly full of reports that The Hague-based International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The over-the-top coverage (that is, orchestration) is intended to give the ridiculous legal ploy an impression of gravitas and significance when in reality the so-called arrest warrant is meaningless and oozes with kitsch politicized theater.

Along with Putin, the Russian Children’s Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova is also named as a wanted person to face “war crimes” prosecution. The alleged crimes are in connection with the supposed deportation of children to Russia during Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine conducted since February 2022.

The basis for the ICC move is as flimsy as an errant weather balloon. It is also an audacious distortion of reality 🌫

Russia has evacuated thousands of civilians, including children, from the regions formerly of eastern Ukraine that are now part of the Russian Federation for the precise reason of taking them out of harm’s way from the NATO-backed Nazi regime in Kiev whose forces have been indiscriminately shelling the Donbass and other areas.

If anyone should be facing prosecution for war crimes it is Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and his Nazi-adulating commanders, as well as their sponsors: American, European, and NATO leaders.

If there were any genuine principles of justice, Biden should be in the dock facing war crime charges in connection with America’s illegal wars.

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#West #UnitedStates #propaganda #war

Forwarded from Pepe Escobar
The Global South has had enough.

I post this as Putin and Xi are in the Kremlin here discussing the next steps.