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1️⃣4️⃣⚡️8️⃣8️⃣ In Grim Symbolic Gesture, Germany Sends 14+88 Tanks to Ukraine

In early February, Germany decided to supply Ukraine with 14 Leopard 2 and 88 older Leopard 1 battle tanks, prompting speculation about the symbolism of this move.

14/88 is a notorious neo-Nazi slogan extensively used in acts of white supremacist terrorism and violence

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#sc_infographic #Germany #military #Ukraine #war

🇩🇪 As the world holds its breath and gasps at the news that Germany has been egregiously used as America’s pawn in a sick power game which is filling the coffers of U.S. companies and making Joe Biden’s buddies in the military industry billionaires, many will reflect on the judgement of Olaf Scholz and ask whether he is fit to be the German chancellor.

He may have known about Biden’s plan to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines which would guarantee that Germany would not only throw itself into the war against Russia, but stay at it in the long run, which is bad enough. Or he may not have known and was as shocked as anyone when it happened in June of last year during a NATO exercise.

In either case, Scholz’s judgement will be examined now for a very long time and a process of opprobrium has in fact already started in the same building where he announced that he would throw the lever on a 200 billion euro spending spree to ‘rearm’ the German army: the German parliament.

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Germany #Scholz #militarization

🇪🇺 Where does Europe go in the wake of the Nord Stream allegations? It is hard to see a Germany-dominated Europe diverging far from Washington.

The present German leadership is in thrall to Washington and readily has accepted its vassalage. France will – a few hiccoughs aside – stick with Germany. However, as the U.S. observes its dollar sphere contract with the expansion of the BRICS and the East Asian Economic Community, the U.S. will bear down hardest on its captive nearest economies.

Europe will likely pay a devastating price 💸

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#NordStream #EU #Germany

🇩🇪 Germany’s largest defense contractor is U.S.-owned — and it produces “eco-friendly mobility,” Werner Rügemer writes.

#Germany #war #militarisation

🇩🇪 Exorbitant prices for energy supplies and economic crisis which fell upon the Western Europe as a response to the EU sanctions against Russia have made many analysts cast a nostalgic look at the times bygone with Russian gas galore which contributed to German rapid economic development for decades.

An ever-growing number of politicians in Germany and EU want to turn the clock back to the way things used to be ‘pre-conflict in Ukraine’ days 🤫

💬 Read more by Tatiana Obrenovic

#Germany #EU #oil #gas #energy

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🤔 Russian President Putin recently wondered why the European Union no longer produces leaders of the calibre of former French President Jacques Chirac who, Putin recounted, had previously explained to him that the West’s current crop of leaders lack the rounded and deep culture both Chirac and De Gaulle had in abundance. Although Putin attributes this modern Western failing to the lack of proper education and sense of self that Chirac and De Gaulle both epitomised, because Putin’s question deserves a much longer and more detailed answer, this short article is designed to kick-start that process.

Although volumes have been written on De Gaulle, Chirac is the more pertinent here primarily because, like the great De Gaulle, he defied the Americans, in his case by not sending troops into Iraq, where the Americans committed the most unconscionable of war crimes. That defiance cost France very dearly.

In this extraordinarilty revealing interview, Arnaud Montebourg, France’s former Minister of the Economy, explains how the United States punished France for not colluding in its Iraqi war crimes, which ranged from gang-raping pre-pubescent Iraqi schoolgirls to poisoning its wells, looting its museums and emptying its bank vaults of their gold reserves. Montebourg goes on to explain how the United States not only loots France’s intellectual property at will but it also tortures French patriots like Frédéric Pierucci for refusing to betray France. American state-sanctioned criminals not only eavesdrop on France’s political, religious and industrial leaders but even refuse to sell to France paint varnish and similar marginal components for its aircraft if it can thereby instead win those aircraft export contracts for American companies. In that regard, let’s not even waste time on how America brazenly stole the Australian nuclear submarine contract from their French partners (ha ha).

Because it takes a patriotic leader of the calibre of De Gaulle, Pierucci or Chirac to stand up to Uncle Sam, today’s Western leaders simply kowtow to the Yanks 🤯

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#France #Germany #Italy #NATO #NewWorldOrder #Politics #UnitedStates #West

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🇸🇾 We have heard of the concept of the clash of civilizations, and east meets west in Germany, and the project of Syrian integration in Germany is a failed project.

Sweden is also taking school aged children away from their Syrian parents and placing them into a foster home, and the parents are prevented from even knowing where the child is at.

There are many Syrian who have left home to find their place abroad. They have become productive members of society around the world, and may remain abroad for all their life. There is even a Syrian refugee who became the Mayor of a small town in Germany.

The U.S.-NATO regime change project engineered by U.S. President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden is a failure.

It is time to allow Syria to be rebuilt and recover from an unjust war which left death and destruction in its path 💔

💬 Steven Sahiounie writes

#Syria #MiddleEast #Europe #Germany #refugees

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