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🌐 G20 Infrastructure Spending

By 2040, China is projected to spend at least 5% of its GDP on infrastructure, this is the highest percentage across the G20 countries.

🔗 Follow this link to find the high-res infographic.

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#sc_infographic #China #GDP #economy #G20

📛 The war in Ukraine is not just about Ukraine and Russia with the U.S. and NATO acting as seemingly benevolent supporters of Ukraine, as the Western media portray.

The United States and its NATO allies are deeply involved in the conflict. The military withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 – after 20 years of futile occupation – was a calculated “reorganization of firepower” against Russia, says Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics in his interview for SCF.

Ukraine is merely a proxy and ultimately cannon fodder for American imperial planners.

This war is part of a bigger geopolitical confrontation between the U.S. and Russia, China and other nations that are pushing for the emergence of a multipolar world.

That is a multipolar world no longer under the hegemony of U.S.-dominated Western capitalism 🎡

🎬 Watch the interview on YouTube

#sc_interview #UkraineConflinct #multipolarity

♨️ The reckless warmongering ambitions of the Western powers know no bounds.

Just as Washington and its imperial minions in the NATO axis are escalating the war in Ukraine against Russia with the utmost deranged folly, the Western rulers are also pushing ahead to bait China with provocations and threats.

The psychopathic behavior of the collective Western so-called leaders shows beyond doubt that the Ukraine conflict is but one battlefield in a bigger global confrontation.

This week saw the 80th anniversary of the historic Soviet victory at Stalingrad over the Nazi Third Reich. That turning-point victory in February 1943 led to the defeat of Nazi Germany and its criminal imperialist ambitions. If that heroic battle had not been won, the history of the world would have followed a very different path.

Likewise today in Ukraine there is another historic battle going on ⚔️, one whose outcome threatens the world with expanded global war and perhaps even nuclear catastrophe if the warmongering NATO imperialist machine is not defeated.

Washington’s Reich Syndrome (also known as “exceptional narcissism”) which has reigned since the end of World War II and which has subjected the world to endless wars and relentless financial looting must be finally extirpated.

This year is promising to be a most consequential watershed in world history.

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#UkraineConflinct #NewWorldOrder

Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «♨️ The reckless warmongering ambitions of the Western powers know no bounds. Just as Washington and its imperial minions in the NATO axis are escalating the war in Ukraine against Russia with the utmost deranged folly, the Western rulers are also pushing…»
🎞 Kustendorf, the 16th annual film festival at a time of the ‘new world insanity’ (around us), wars, the end of history, culture(s) cancelled, in the post-truth and post – justice world. Does it make any sense to go on fighting?

The original word in Serbian that Emir Kusturica is using here has multiple meanings: to go in fighting, struggling, campaigning and there lies Kusturica’s genius in the choice of words among other thing. Do the culture (and) the art make any sense… does Kustendorf make any sense?

💬 Read more Tatiana Obrenovic

#CultureWar #EmirKusturica #Serbia

Forwarded from Pepe Escobar

A gentle reminder.
🎎 In case you haven’t been able to hear under all the media thunder of doomsday prophesying by so-called “experts” on China’s future economic performance (which has been going on for close to a decade and is more akin to wishful thinking than economic analysis), Japan’s economy does not require a prophet or crystal ball to tell you what lies ahead in its very near future: that is, that Japan has become the ticking time bomb for the world economy👺

💬 Cynthia Chung writes

#Japan #economy #crisis

@strategic_culture 🤝 @CanadianPatriotPress
💃 Proportion of Women in Senior and Middle Managerial Positions Across G20

As of 2021, Russia and the United States were G20 leaders in terms of the proportion of women in senior and middle managerial positions. However, nowhere is this proportion nearly consistent with sex ratio.

🔗 Follow this link to find the high-res infographic.

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#sc_infographic #women #society #G20

🇷🇸 As the basis for the ‘new’ agreement between Belgrade and Priština, the German-French proposal should come in handy, the Collective West stakeholders tend to think.

What does that Scholz-Macron plan even mean? After all manner of agreements, non-papers and plans for thirty years so far, is there still a condition for Serbia to agree to the unrecognized pseudo state of Kosovo and its (im)probable membership in the UN? What is to change if the so-called Kosovo Republic becomes a UN member and/or NATO member? For which there is absolutely no realistic probability, because at least China and Russia shall veto it.

The German-French proposal should be used as the basis of the new agreement between Belgrade and Pristina – say Macron and Scholz in chorus. But let us look into what it entails.

The scenario offered with the Macron-Scholz cocktail for Serbia looks rather bleak and grim, which would cost us dearly historically, politically, geopolitically and economically 🤥

💬 Read more by Tatiana Obrenovic

#Kosovo #Serbia #KosovoIsSerbia #КосовојеСрбија #KosovojeSrbija #Germany #France

🔮 Things are getting psychotic. As you listen to EU leaders, all parroting identical ‘good news’ speaking points, they nonetheless radiate basal disquietude – presumably a reflection of the psychic stress from, on the one hand, repeating ‘Ukraine is winning: Russia’s defeat is coming’, when, on the other, they know the exact opposite to be true: That ‘no way’ can Europe defeat a large Russian army on the landmass of Eurasia.

Even the colossus of Washington confines the use of American military power to conflicts that Americans could afford to lose – wars lost to weak opponents that no one could gainsay whether the outcome was no loss, but somehow ‘victory’.

Yet, war with Russia (whether financial or military) is substantially different from fighting small poorly equipped and dispersed insurgent movements, or collapsing the economies of fragile states, such as Lebanon.

The question worrying the West is what the Russians now will do next: Continue to attrit the Ukrainian army, whilst simultaneously de-stocking NATO’s weapons inventory? Or roll out the gathering Russian offensive forces across Ukraine?

Weak leadership has lifted the lid on the European Pandora’s box 🎁

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Imperialism #Russia #Ukraine #UnitedStates #War

1️⃣4️⃣⚡️8️⃣8️⃣ In Grim Symbolic Gesture, Germany Sends 14+88 Tanks to Ukraine

In early February, Germany decided to supply Ukraine with 14 Leopard 2 and 88 older Leopard 1 battle tanks, prompting speculation about the symbolism of this move.

14/88 is a notorious neo-Nazi slogan extensively used in acts of white supremacist terrorism and violence

🔗 Follow this link to find the high-res infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#sc_infographic #Germany #military #Ukraine #war

📣 Former Marine Corps intelligence officer @ScottRitter answers his critics who accuse him of being a “Russian stooge” and an “anti-American traitor” owing to his trenchant criticism of U.S. involvement in the Ukraine war with Russia.

Ritter says, “they can go to hell!” He adds, “my job is to tell the truth based on fact-based analysis”.

Scott Ritter has gained international respect for his independent analysis of the war in Ukraine and the deceptive involvement of the U.S. and NATO.

“I do not serve the U.S. government, I serve the people and the Constitution,” says Ritter.
Ritter explains what guides his military and geopolitical views – “fact-based analysis”.

In his interview for SCF he says this truth-telling has always got him in trouble with the Pentagon, the CIA and the U.S. government 🗽

🎬 Watch the interview on YouTube

#sc_interview #UkraineCrisis #West #war

Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «📣 Former Marine Corps intelligence officer @ScottRitter answers his critics who accuse him of being a “Russian stooge” and an “anti-American traitor” owing to his trenchant criticism of U.S. involvement in the Ukraine war with Russia. Ritter says, “they can…»
What about "aggressive Russian war on Ukraine"?!

It seems American people see the real problems better than their own government
Forwarded from Intel Republic
⚡️🗣 Chinese President Xi Jinping rejects Westernization

🗣 China’s successful development shows there is another way to modernize, we must work to create a path to modernization that is more efficient than capitalism.

⚡️⚡️ A 7.8. magnitude earthquake hits Europe’s southern neighbors Türkiye and Syria – and the NATO alliance does next to nothing in response. What sort of security organization is that?

The death toll in both countries has risen to over 11,000 with tens of thousands injured and made homeless. With thousands of missing people trapped under rubble, the casualties will increase over the coming days.

Many countries were quick to send emergency rescue teams to the zone of havoc that straddles the border between Türkiye and Syria. Russia and Iran – experienced in such natural disasters – were among the first neighboring countries to send in aid and salvage crews.

By contrast, the apathetic response from the U.S.-led NATO bloc has been abject. What’s even more incredible, Türkiye is a long-time prominent member of the organization and is considered a vital partner for the European Union.

All one has to do is compare the massive mobilization of military and financial aid that the U.S. and NATO mounted for Ukraine. The proxy war in that country against Russia has been fueled with over $100 billion in “emergency” spending by the United States and its European allies.

Why aren’t the United States and NATO members mobilizing tens of billions of dollars in aid and rescue crews for the quake victims? What are all those airplanes, ships, tanks and engineering equipment for if they can’t be deployed with efficient timing and logistics to save lives? Where is the will to move heaven and earth to dig people out of crushing debris?

Of course, the answer is that NATO is not a “security organization” in the normal meaning of the word. It is a war machine that serves U.S. imperialist objectives 🧨

When a real-world emergency happens, all of NATO’s pious and self-regarding talk implodes in a pile of dust.

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#Turkey #Syria #earthquake #disaster #NATO

Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «⚡️⚡️ A 7.8. magnitude earthquake hits Europe’s southern neighbors Türkiye and Syria – and the NATO alliance does next to nothing in response. What sort of security organization is that? The death toll in both countries has risen to over 11,000 with tens of…»