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📢🦅 Western media leads us into war in Ukraine with Russia, but don’t worry, Biden’s got the autocue working now.

Read more by Martin Jay:

#Ukraine #FakeNews #MSM #Propaganda #War

🌍🦅The former UN Ambassador for the U.S. and first female secretary of state won’t be missed in the Middle East.

The link between her legacy in Yugoslavia and Iraq and the Ukraine will not have Gulf oil rich kingdoms lining up to write her eulogy.

With the death of Madeleine Albright being covered by much of western media, followed by the anniversary of the siege of Sarajevo we are reminded of her legacy in the former Yugoslavia and how she, along with Richard C. Holbrook, Warren Christopher and Peter Galbraith, finally convinced Bill Clinton to throw the lever on NATO airstrikes.

The events on the ground and across the diplomatic community involved in the Ukraine conflict are strikingly similar.

💬 By Martin Jay:

#MadeleineAlbright #FakeNews #Serbia #War #Yugoslavia

🤥 All the years of hysterical shrieking about Russian trolls interfering in US democracy and corrupting the fragile little minds of Americans — a narrative that has been used to drum up support for internet censorship and ever-increasing US government involvement in the regulation of online speech — was false 🥸

💬 By Caitlin Johnstone

#MSM #propaganda #MassMedia #fakenews

🤯 Western media would have its consumers believe that Russians are the most devious, perverse, and self-destructive people on Earth. Following a flood of jaw-dropping, biblical proportions in the Russian-controlled Kherson region this week, the Western media amplified the Kiev regime’s talking points, which is to say, the Kiev regime’s Western sponsors’ talking points.

The Russians are destroying themselves for propaganda gain, according to those talking points.
The giant Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant was spectacularly blown up by an explosion or explosions and its vast reservoir began flooding hundreds of cities and villages in the surrounding Kherson countryside. The nearby city of Nova Kakhovka with a population of 45,000 is being evacuated. Aerial images of the deluge show an unprecedented disaster with huge environmental, economic and social repercussions.

The damage from the dam’s collapse is catastrophic. The impact of displacement and destroyed livelihoods, businesses and industries will affect millions of Russian citizens. Kherson is one of the four former Ukrainian territories that voted to join the Russian Federation in referenda last year following Moscow’s military intervention in Ukraine to neutralize what was then ongoing aggression from the Kiev regime towards ethnic Russians.

It’s not the Russians who are perverse and barbaric. It’s the Western regimes and their Nazi terrorist front in Ukraine

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#Kakhovka #Kherson #fakenews #propaganda

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💥 The blowing up of the Kakhovka dam last week is a monumental war crime tantamount to using a weapon of mass destruction against a civilian population. The ultimate perpetrators are the United States and its NATO partners in crime.

An enormous facade has been breached. And we’re not primarily talking about a hydroelectric power plant – gravely serious though that is, and more on that below. What has happened this week is a bigger, more far-reaching breach: the unerring realization that the Western powers have burst their fraudulent images and can be seen for the criminal regimes that they are, along with their media organs of mass deception.

The full impact of the flooding of the Dnieper River in the Kherson region adjacent to the Black Sea will take weeks to assess. It is a catastrophe with huge humanitarian, economic, and ecological impacts. Cities, towns, villages, and farmlands have been inundated, affecting tens of thousands of people.

The collapse of the dam is already putting the drinking-water supply to the Crimean Peninsula at grave risk, thereby widening the population impact to millions of people. There is also potential danger from crippling the cooling operations at the Zoporozhye Nuclear Power Plant located upstream from the dam.

The blowing up of the Kakhovka dam is intended to bolster flagging public support for NATO’s geopolitical machinations in Ukraine. The fraud of “democracies” no longer holds any water 🚱

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#Kakhovka #Kherson #fakenews

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🔕 The horrendous violence and suffering in Gaza have dominated the global news cycle. That is not untoward given the dreadful scale of disaster where over 7,000 people, mainly civilians and nearly half of them children, have been killed over the past three weeks by Israeli bombardment and siege.

Death toll numbers are obsolete within a day, such is the wanton murderous destruction by the Israeli regime. And yet Joe Biden and other Western politicians minimize this criminality by trying to cast doubt on the casualty numbers. How utterly despicable of Biden and his Western accomplices to this genocide.

But what is also notable is the abrupt cancellation of Ukraine as a story by Western media. The wholesale relegation of interest in Ukraine is truly astounding. The precipitous fall-off in Western media coverage reflects how the proxy war in Ukraine was always a contrived geopolitical agenda devoid of any purported principle of Western democracy.

The Western media saturation coverage of terrible events in Gaza over the past three weeks is driven in large part by the onerous need to divert attention from the scandal and debacle of NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine.

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#SC_Editorial #FakeNews #Israel #Palestine #propaganda #ProxyWar #Ukraine

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