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🪖🤔 The Rift Between European Policymakers and Public Opinion

In 2022, the Central European nation of Slovakia has supported Ukraine with more than €154m in military aid. This includes S-300 air defense system, Mi-series military helicopters, self-propelled howitzers, and Grad multiple-rocket launcher rockets as well as tracked infantry fighting BVP-1 vehicles.

However, the public opinion is not as pro-Ukrainian as the country’s government 🧐

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

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#sc_infographic #EU #UkraineCrisis #Slovakia

🗽America’s War on Russia in Ukraine: A Background

RAND Corporation’s 2019 report “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia” specified “cost-imposing options that the United States and its allies could pursue across economic, political, and military areas to stress Russia’s economy and armed forces and the regime's political standing at home and abroad.”

This infographic shows the measures that the report’s authors believe would bring the highest benefits.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

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#sc_infographic #RAND #UkraineCrisis #UnitedStates

🇪🇹 Ethiopia is a touchstone for exposing American and European crocodile tears and duplicity over their machination in Ukraine against Russia.

The two-year war in Ethiopia has flared up again in its besieged northern Tigray region where millions of people have been displaced and are suffering from famine. The United States, the European Union, and other Western governments are doing nothing to avert the war in the Horn of Africa.

The scale of suffering and violations in Ethiopia totally overshadows what is happening in Ukraine where the U.S. and its NATO partners are showering billions of dollars in financial aid and military weapons. The indifference among Western governments and media toward Ethiopia’s horror illuminates the rank hypocrisy and cynical political motivations for their purported “concern” about Ukraine.

Concern for Ukraine is a cynical geopolitical game to do with confronting and subduing Russia. We know this because millions of people suffering in Ethiopia register hardly a blip of attention, never mind condemnation, among Western governments and media.

Indeed, the Western lack of concern about Ethiopia is not merely due to apathetic indifference 🤔

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#Ethiopia #Africa #UkraineCrisis #West

🌀The Ukraine conflict is a kaleidoscope of moving shapes – yet there are some handholds onto which one can seize, for stability.

The axis of states “at war with Russia” stand at the edge of an economic precipice. Living standards are collapsing at the fastest rate since WW2. Anger, slow to ignite, is now burgeoning.

The British and EU political classes have no answers to this crisis. The Ruling Class try to sit tight, and trust that the people will accept all ‘things’: Spiralling prices, jobs priced out by higher energy costs, empty spaces on shop shelves, the energy spikes – and the pockets of system dysfunctionality (i.e., at airports and on transport systems) that confound the smooth running of society. It’s the same for Americans.

What is evident is that there is a faction in the U.S., that like the Europeans, opposes the Biden Team predisposition towards escalation. The Europeans fear kinetic war in Europe, whereas the American faction more fears the prospect of financial melt-down, should the war widen.

Of course, Moscow too, does not want a wider war – although it must prepare against just such a contingency.

Russia is unlikely to take the bait: It has the real strategic advantage in all areas of engagement with the Ukrainian forces 🙌

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#UkraineCrisis #West #Davos #war

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🚧 The NATO-EU joint mission consists in using all economic, political and military means to make sure the “jungle” always behaves according to the “rules-based international order” and accepts to be plundered ad infinitum by the “blooming garden”.

So in the end what’s left of “Europe”, when it’s NATO – actually Washington – that really rules?
“Europe”, according to relentless propaganda, means defending “our values” – as in peace, democracy and prosperity.

Of course, in real life the EU – as in the real, politically organized “Europe” – has performed as a toxic instrument of division among European peoples.

Instead of peace, it has invested in all-out rabid war against Russia. The EU is arguably the most democratically irresponsible institution on the planet: spend a day in Brussels and you understand everything. And instead of prosperity, the EU has institutionalized austerity.

So sit back, relax and enjoy a race to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. The only question is who will get there first: the EU, NATO, or both🎢

💬 Read more by Pepe Escobar

#UkraineCrisis #EU #NATO #war

@strategic_culture 🤝 @rocknrollgeopolitics
📣 Former Marine Corps intelligence officer @ScottRitter answers his critics who accuse him of being a “Russian stooge” and an “anti-American traitor” owing to his trenchant criticism of U.S. involvement in the Ukraine war with Russia.

Ritter says, “they can go to hell!” He adds, “my job is to tell the truth based on fact-based analysis”.

Scott Ritter has gained international respect for his independent analysis of the war in Ukraine and the deceptive involvement of the U.S. and NATO.

“I do not serve the U.S. government, I serve the people and the Constitution,” says Ritter.
Ritter explains what guides his military and geopolitical views – “fact-based analysis”.

In his interview for SCF he says this truth-telling has always got him in trouble with the Pentagon, the CIA and the U.S. government 🗽

🎬 Watch the interview on YouTube

#sc_interview #UkraineCrisis #West #war

🌘 The degeneracy in western intelligence did not start with the recent collective ‘excitement’ at the possibilities of ‘nudge-psychology’.

The first steps in this direction began with a shift in ethos reaching back to the Clinton/Thatcher era in which the intelligence services were ‘neo-liberalised’.

No longer was the role of ‘devil’s advocate’ – of bringing ‘bad news’ (i.e. hard-edged Realism) to the relevant political leadership valued; instead what was inserted was a radical shift towards ‘Business School’ practice of services being tasked with ‘adding value’ to existing government policies, and (even) of creating ‘a market’ system in Intelligence!

The politician-managers demanded ‘good news’. And to make ‘it stick’, funding was tied to the ‘value added’ – with administrators skilled at managing bureaucracy moved into leadership jobs. It marked the end to classical Intelligence – which always was an art, rather than science.

In short, it was the outset to fixing the intelligence around policies (to add value), rather than the traditional function of shaping policies to sound analysis.

The West now faces the task of de-fusing the landmine of their own electorate’s conviction of a Ukraine ‘win’, and of Russian humiliation 🥴

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#West #war #UkraineCrisis

🇷🇺 If Russia survives, the rest of the world will survive. Anything opposite from this is surely not an option 💎

This is not only because of that (and the world is able to fathom that as well) that this is not only about what is happening on the battlefield. That battlefield is but one part of the battle front in the war in which the divide lines are not completely clear.

💬 By Natasha Wright

#West #war #UkraineCrisis

⚠️ John Pilger was right. The killing fields of Ukraine are the setting of an even greater war, one of propaganda.

It is quite extraordinary how so much of what we read in the UK press originates from a U.S.-funded propaganda bureau in Kiev so much so that it has become the norm for an event to be ‘reported’ based on what President Zelensky just merely says.

The contrast and hypocrisy are stunning 💢

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#NuclearWeapons #Propaganda #Terrorism #UkraineCrisis

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