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🤑🌐 Combining Marxian ideas of historical materialism and technological determinism with fascist-futurist ideas of technocracy and bureaucratic managerial scientism, the World Economic Forum pursues a path of ‘inclusivity’ for the managerial class elite.

Klaus Schwab most certainly has based his career on the maxim “The height of originality is skill in concealing origins”. For indeed, Marxian sociology and poststructuralist, post-fascist derivatives have been established by the World Economic Forum, and the prestigious academic institutions, as the foundational methodology in the execution of their long-term plans. Generally this involves the study of the relationship between the evolution of technology and its changes upon law, social organization, culture, and the power relations between socioeconomic classes.

In the last chapter we looked at the post-fascist derivatives from critical theory and poststructuralism, that combined Marxian structuralism with reconstituted technologies from fascism, and from Heidegger. In this chapter we look at the tremendous influence of Marx upon Schwab who conceals his sources on multiple fronts. This will be once again demonstrated in the following chapter on the bifurcated neo-fascism of the burgeoning technocracy, settings aside critical theory and poststructuralism, and instead looking at this same question through the development of ‘stakeholder’ business management and administration as a partial refutation of Milton Friedman’s ‘shareholder theory’ ethos, the so-called Friedman Doctrine.

In Marx’s work we discern that the age of industrial revolutions, unlike previous ages, brings about a new kind of social order which overwhelmingly subsumes the consciousness of its various and incidental actors. It possesses them, like a demonic being from the netherworld in the image of Mammon himself, the logic of the machinations of capital.

It lays the framework for understanding AI, and how that system could become effectively self-conscious, or at least from observations, indistinguishable from a conscious living being. It shows how, with the rise and implementation of new technologies, the logic of that techno-industrial system is far more complex than in prior historical stages, such that its processes mimic or even evidence a consciousness of its own. Read more by Joaquin Flores @NewResistance ⬇️

#globalism #GreatReset #Davos #KlausSchwab

🤑♻️ For the time being, the world’s developing sector is generally not going to accept being sacrificed on the altar of a new Gaia cult managed by a priesthood of Davos billionaires.

A miracle appears to be happening, as the multibillionaires of the World Economic Forum (WEF) appear to have grown consciences.

As if by magic, it appears that these gold collar elites no longer yearn for profit and power as they once had. As COP26 closes up its 12 day annual ceremonies, leading WEF-connected figures like Prince Charles, Jeff Bezos, Mario Draghi, Mark Carney and Klaus Schwab have announced a new system of economics that is based on virtue over profit!

#ClimateChange #Davos #Ecology #Globalism #KlausSchwab

🐲 A collective West “led” by unspeakable mediocrities looks at the Russia-China strategic partnership as if it was something like a double-headed Anti-Christ. Xi, for his part, seems not to be impressed.

Read more by Pepe Escobar @pepeescobar👇

#China #GreatReset #Davos

🐲🌎 Sometimes the truth is a bitter medicine. But a bitter medicine that saves the patient is always better than a sugar-coated poison.

On January 17, President Xi Jinping delivered remarks to the annual Davos Summit where a coterie of billionaires with larger than life aspirations for reshaping the world into a new techno-feudal dystopia conglomerated for several days of self-congratulatory speeches and networking.

As could be expected, Xi’s speech garnered a fair bit of hysteria from many nationalists across the Trans Atlantic who are obviously not reacting well to the ugly fact that their governments have been hijacked and their lives threatened by a very sociopathic supranational entity that wants to reset the clock on human civilization.

Read more by Matthew Ehret:

#China #Globalism #ClimateChange #Davos #Economy

🎭🌐 A Great Reset will happen, just not the one intended by the Globalists. They may have to settle for the Great Decoupling instead.

The green economy, de-industrialisation, digital health passports, Central Bank digital currencies, these are all core components of the Globalists’ plan for the Great reset. The WEF has painted a picture of their proposed future via Klaus Schwab and his acolytes.

“We will have nothing, own nothing and be happy”. The main obstacle to this grand vision is that not surprisingly very few countries wish to go along with it. The Globalists know their game is coming to an end and the Great Reset is their way of ensuring that the same financial cabal that has brought the world to its current lamentable state will continue to rule over all in the next world order.

The most prominent objectors to this insidious plan are of course Russia and China. Unlike their western counterparts both have strong leaders who enjoy popular support, have strong economies and are optimistic about future prospects for growth. Neither intends to sacrifice their countries so that Western elites can maintain their control over the Global economic system and impose their self-serving will on weaker nations. Which in its simplest terms is why both countries need to be destroyed, at least economically before the Great Reset can be imposed on the world.

Time, however, is not on the Globalists’ side, recent events have demonstrated that they are aware of this and are accelerating their timelines.

💬 Eamon McKinney writes

#Davos #Globalism #GreatReset

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📺 While the world slides towards a chaotic future the MSM remains wilfully oblivious to the suffering it has enabled.

The Globalists’ agenda has progressed steadily over the years, it’s evil intent has brought us to the lamentable condition that the world finds itself in today. It is no exaggeration to say that the Cabal are attempting to implement a mass extinction event upon humanity. Bill gates and the rest of the NWO Davos crowd have been enthusiastically talking up the need for “De-population” for years.

There are according to them, too many “useless eaters” 🍔

💬 Eamon McKinney writes

#globalism #MSM #Davos

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🌀The Ukraine conflict is a kaleidoscope of moving shapes – yet there are some handholds onto which one can seize, for stability.

The axis of states “at war with Russia” stand at the edge of an economic precipice. Living standards are collapsing at the fastest rate since WW2. Anger, slow to ignite, is now burgeoning.

The British and EU political classes have no answers to this crisis. The Ruling Class try to sit tight, and trust that the people will accept all ‘things’: Spiralling prices, jobs priced out by higher energy costs, empty spaces on shop shelves, the energy spikes – and the pockets of system dysfunctionality (i.e., at airports and on transport systems) that confound the smooth running of society. It’s the same for Americans.

What is evident is that there is a faction in the U.S., that like the Europeans, opposes the Biden Team predisposition towards escalation. The Europeans fear kinetic war in Europe, whereas the American faction more fears the prospect of financial melt-down, should the war widen.

Of course, Moscow too, does not want a wider war – although it must prepare against just such a contingency.

Russia is unlikely to take the bait: It has the real strategic advantage in all areas of engagement with the Ukrainian forces 🙌

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#UkraineCrisis #West #Davos #war

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🗺 The new world order is not a mere buzzword for the idle ones any more. One cannot but wonder who will shape it and in what manner: economically, financially and politically.

Will the Collective West do their diabolical best to prevent that from happening by resorting to what they have always done: the truly global world war and possibly aided with nukes? 💣

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#NewWorldOrder #Davos #GlobalSouth

📍 El foro de Davos de este año, marcó el fin de la globalización y el surgimiento de los regionalismos. De hecho, se abrió paso hacia una nueva arquitectura en el gobierno global y una nueva reformulación del papel de las instituciones multilaterales. El orden mundial que se estructuró después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, de la disolución de la Unión Soviética y el fin de la Guerra Fría que originó el poder hegemónico unipolar de Estados Unidos (EU) llegó a su fin.

El fin de ese mundo unipolar dio paso a un nuevo orden mundial tripolar con tres potencias disputándose el control del mundo: EU, China y Rusia. India es una cuarta potencia que busca participar en aquel festín y que se mueve entre las tres con autonomía y agenda propia, pero aún no muestra sus cartas. También han surgido otras potencias regionales que se están abriendo paso en sus esferas de influencias, como Brasil, Turquía, Irán, Indonesia, Sudáfrica, Egipto y Nigeria, la cuales de la mano de los Brics van a tener un fuerte protagonismo global.

Por un lado, EU e Inglaterra, lideran las siete economías más desarrolladas de occidente. De allí la jugada de la anglósfera de provocar con la OTAN, la guerra de Ucrania contra Rusia para quebrar a Alemania, la principal económica europea y de paso al resto de Europa y convertir a los países europeos en vasallos para conservar su hegemonía global.

💬 Por José E. Mosquera

#SC_Spanish #BRICS #Davos #globalism

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