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🌏🦅 The West has sown the wind in sanctioning Russia; Russia will not reap the whirlwind, says Scott Ritter in an interview with the Strategic Culture Foundation.

👤 Scott Ritter is a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer who has gained international respect for his independence and integrity as a commentator on conflicts and foreign relations. This week, he was banned on the Twitter social media platform for challenging Western claims of a massacre in Bucha, Ukraine, allegedly carried out by Russian troops. Moscow denies the claims, as have other independent analysts who point to evidence that the incident was a false-flag provocation perpetrated by NATO-backed Ukrainian Nazi regiments to undermine Russia internationally and bolster Western objectives. It is a foreboding sign of the times that Ritter should be banned for daring to question dubious narratives. (He was later reinstated following a public outcry against censorship.)

In the following interview for Strategic Culture Foundation, he makes the crucial point that Russia’s intervention in Ukraine is exposing the involvement of the U.S. and NATO in the training and weaponizing of that country’s dominant Nazi regiments. That is why Western media have been so vehement in trying to distort the conflict and blame Russia. The truth about Western dirty involvement in Ukraine would be too much to bear for the Western public.

When Ritter served as a UN weapons inspector in Iraq during the 1990s he later challenged Western media and government claims that Iraq was harboring WMDs. Those claims were used as a pretext for the U.S.-British war on Iraq launched in 1993 that cost over one million lives, destroyed a nation, created millions of displaced and millions of casualties, as well as spawned international terrorism. It later turned out that the WMD claims were based on deliberate lies for which no Western leader has been held accountable. Scott Ritter was vindicated in his warnings against that war and it is one reason why he is widely respected among international public opinion.

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#MassMedia #NATO #ProxyWar #Ukraine #UnitedStates #War

The fact that NATO is stepping up its combat support for the Ukrainian military in Britain and on other member states’ territories is clear proof that the U.S.-led axis is at war with Russia.

This is no longer a proxy war, but rather a full-scale multi-level war ⚔️

“We will not fight a war against Russia in Ukraine.” So said U.S. President Joe Biden back in March this year while also bragging at the same time about pumping Ukraine with lethal weapons to ensure that the NATO-backed Kiev regime would not be defeated.

Biden’s nationwide speech added with a foreboding intonation: “A direct confrontation between NATO and Russia is World War Three, something that we must strive to prevent.”

We should have expected that appalling, fatuous contradiction to sooner or later become manifestly untenable. Indeed, the American people and the world have been conned by a warmongering puppet in the White House.

In reality, it looks like the Biden administration and its NATO partners have done everything to strive toward making war against Russia happen.

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#war #proxywar #NATO

🇬🇧🇺🇸 The much-vaunted Anglo-American “special relationship” is gaining a new dubious meaning as Britain emerges as an adept agent provocateur for inciting a wider NATO war against Russia.

Warmongering British lawmakers are this week demanding a more robust NATO response over an alleged “act of war” by Russia involving a Royal Air Force spy plane and a Russian fighter jet.

For the most part of the past century, the failed British empire was assigned the junior role as the butler to service the needs of the American empire. This special relationship involved London giving political and diplomatic cover for its American boss, as well as military services when required for one dirty war or another.

It is axiomatic that a dying empire is a dangerous beast, liable to lash out to salvage its waning power. The American empire has reached its death throes moment. But perhaps more dangerous than a dying imperial power is a dying imperial side-kick flunky.

Today, Britain is a broken-down impoverished de-industrialized wasteland whose shocking numbers of poor are like an army of living dead. It has long ago lost former colonies to parasite off. But there is one former colony – the United States – that might just be stupid enough to allow Perfidious Albion to manipulate a catastrophic war.

The tensions over the NATO proxy war in Ukraine with Russia are a powder-keg situation. And the British dirty-tricks brigade are the past masters that merit being closely watched 🤯

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#UK #UnitedStates #ProxyWar

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🛑 The Ukraine proxy war against Russia can be increasingly seen as a disastrous defeat for the United States and NATO. That stunning outcome should be making world headlines. Instead, the Western media spin machine is in overdrive about a failed mutiny in Russia, which on an objective scale of important events is relatively minor compared with the colossal U.S./ NATO scandal.

A month-long Ukrainian counteroffensive has failed to make any dent in Russia’s defenses despite billions of dollars and euros in weaponry funnelled to the Kiev regime by the NATO bloc. That is a veritably astounding calamity and scandal. The completely unnecessary death and destruction are obscene – akin to World War One slaughtering by callous armchair generals and politicians.

Even Western officials and the corrupt money-grubbing Kiev regime are coyly admitting that the much-vaunted counteroffensive – that had been hailed for months as an expected hammer blow against Russian forces – is a failure. Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers as well as NATO special forces covertly on the ground have been killed. Hundreds of tanks and infantry vehicles have been pulverized by superior Russian firepower.

It is a slaughter and orgy of war racketeering that American and European political elites, along with their media servants, have endlessly promoted.

There will be hell to pay for the American and European rulers who have staked everything on their nefarious ambition for the “strategic defeat of Russia” (under the specious guise of “defending democracy” in a Nazi regime! 😱)

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#NATO #ProxyWar #Russia #Ukraine #UnitedStates #West

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💰🪖 Western weapons manufacturers are popping champagne corks over record sales with total revenues hitting $400 billion for last year. According to media reports, this coming year-end will see that record figure exceeded by another salivating $50 billion.
Ukraine may be resembling a bloodbath, as we noted in last week’s editorial. But apparently, Western military corporations are swimming in a bonanza of profits and stock market investments.

Most of this lucrative new business stems from NATO’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, which is heading toward its second year. There is no sign of a diplomatic effort from the West or the Kiev regime it sponsors to end the bloodshed.

The main corporate beneficiaries making a financial killing from Ukraine are by far the American firms. They include such behemoths as Lockheed Martin, Boeing and RTX (formerly Raytheon). But also enjoying soaring profits are arms makers in other NATO countries: BAE in the United Kingdom, Airbus in France, Netherlands and Spain, Leonardo in Italy, and Germany’s Rheinmetall.

This week the Joe Biden administration requested another $24 billion in U.S. taxpayer-funded aid to Ukraine. It’s hard to keep track of the money flowing from NATO countries to prop up the Nazi regime in Kiev. Even the NATO authorities don’t seem to know the precise figures, such is the rampant corruption that is inevitably associated with the vast doling of funds. But estimates of total U.S. and NATO aid to Ukraine range from $150 billion to $200 billion over the past year alone.

Western capitalism is at once a sponsor and an addict of war 🛑

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#military #MIC #ProxyWar #Ukraine #UnitedStates

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🦅 U.S. President Joe Biden was last week making desperate appeals for more funds to fuel the futile, heinous war in Ukraine. By contrast, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin delivered a keynote speech calling for a world based on equality and peace.

Comparing the substance of the two is instructive. Biden rambles with scripted scraps of ideological stereotypes and belligerence that increasingly sound ho-hum nonsense. By contrast, Putin gave an intellectually passionate and eloquent survey of world history to an audience of international scholars and serious thinkers. Putin summed up his speech with a sincere appeal for peace and goodwill to all humanity.

One cannot contemplate Biden or any other Western so-called leader having the intellectual capability or moral fibre to articulate a comparable speech promoting world peace and progress.

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#Biden #ProxyWar #Ukraine #UnitedStates

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🗽 On both sides of the Atlantic, there is now discernible fatigue and anger among citizens over the bottomless money pit that is NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.

The only wonder is that it has taken so long for the Western public to get wise to the scam.
The disgraceful adulation of a Nazi war criminal by the whole Canadian parliament in a perverse show of solidarity with Ukraine against Russia has helped focus public attention on the obscenity of the NATO proxy war.

All told, since the NATO-induced conflict blew up in February last year, the American and European establishments have thrown up to €200 billion into Ukraine to prop up an odious Nazi-infested regime.

All that largesse that is billed to U.S. and European taxpayers has resulted in a slaughter in Europe not seen since the Second World War – and a failed Ukrainian state. And of course huge profits for the NATO military-industrial complex that bankrolls the elite politicians.

Times are changing though 🚧

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#NATO #ProxyWar #Ukraine #UnitedStates

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🔕 The horrendous violence and suffering in Gaza have dominated the global news cycle. That is not untoward given the dreadful scale of disaster where over 7,000 people, mainly civilians and nearly half of them children, have been killed over the past three weeks by Israeli bombardment and siege.

Death toll numbers are obsolete within a day, such is the wanton murderous destruction by the Israeli regime. And yet Joe Biden and other Western politicians minimize this criminality by trying to cast doubt on the casualty numbers. How utterly despicable of Biden and his Western accomplices to this genocide.

But what is also notable is the abrupt cancellation of Ukraine as a story by Western media. The wholesale relegation of interest in Ukraine is truly astounding. The precipitous fall-off in Western media coverage reflects how the proxy war in Ukraine was always a contrived geopolitical agenda devoid of any purported principle of Western democracy.

The Western media saturation coverage of terrible events in Gaza over the past three weeks is driven in large part by the onerous need to divert attention from the scandal and debacle of NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine.

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#SC_Editorial #FakeNews #Israel #Palestine #propaganda #ProxyWar #Ukraine

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💢 Western leaders and institutions have brought themselves into unprecedented disrepute over their complicity in the genocide against the Palestinian people. This is all the more amplified by the NATO proxy war in Ukraine.

Not only is Western complicity in war crimes exposed but also what is on display to the whole world is the shocking double standards and hypocrisy of the Western leaders. These people are liars, psychopaths and criminals.

What we are witnessing is something profoundly historic: the seminal collapse of Western images of presumed democratic and moral authority.

All across the globe, huge public protests are mounting against the appalling slaughter of civilians in Gaza and the West Bank by Israeli state forces. European and North American cities, including Washington DC, London, Berlin and Paris, are seeing millions of citizens marching in protest, not only against the Israeli state crimes but also – equally important – the depraved culpability of their own governments in facilitating the genocidal destruction underway of the Palestinian people.

The old Western-dominated order has to go, despite the immense pain and suffering entailed 🌀

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#GazaStrip #imperialism #Israel #NATO #ProxyWar #WarCrimes

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🪖 The West should be ashamed to use these Ukrainian soldiers, but also the population, for their own aspirations and in addition to doctrinaire their own population and now, according to what we can all read, prepare for yet another war, with mandatory military conscription, everything for the enemy: Russia 🇷🇺

💬 Read more by Sonja van den Ende @devendonline

#Ukraine #West #ProxyWar #WarCrimes

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