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🇪🇺🇷🇺 Europe’s energy crisis and Russia’s readiness to alleviate vividly demonstrates a fundamental win-win partnership.

Russophobia and geopolitical cynicism know no bounds among certain Western politicians and media commentators. Thankfully, however, such a negative mindset is increasingly exposed for its ridiculous irrationality.

This week as Europe’s energy crisis broke new records in terms of soaring consumer prices, Russian President Vladimir Putin stepped in with a promise to increase exports of natural gas. The news had an immediate calming effect on Europe’s energy markets which saw prices whipsawing to lower levels.
Rather than simply greeting the development as a positive move, there were predictably sinister comments from some quarters. Russia was accused in Western media of “holding Europe hostage” over the continent’s energy crisis and using its vast supply of natural gas as a “geopolitical weapon”.

#Europe #gas #Russia #energy

Media is too big
🇪🇺🇷🇺 After years of sanctions and threats from the EU Russia remains a reliable energy partner to the hostile Europe.

#Europe #gas #Russia #energy

🥶 The U.S.-led imperial warmongering against Russia is indulged by European political lackeys and clowns who are treating their own citizens with outrageous contempt.

The surging export of American fuel gas to Europe demonstrates the underlying motive for the U.S.-led NATO proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. It should be so obvious and brazen, yet Western media push the absurd charade of the U.S. and NATO “defending” Ukraine and “aiding” Europe.

US exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the European Union are on track this year to double the transatlantic trade volume for 2021. Media reports express admirable surprise at the “unexpected” surge in American supply and how it has exceeded what U.S. President Joe Biden had earlier promised to deliver to Europe in order to compensate for a fall in Russian exports. Cuts in Russian gas supplies have been largely due to European self-imposed restrictions purportedly to reprimand Russia over the war in Ukraine.

The United States has marginal energy trade relations with Russia, unlike the EU which up until recently relied on Russian gas and oil for about 50 and 25 percent of respective supplies. Those average figures belie much higher reliance among some EU members like Hungary on Russian hydrocarbons.

In any case, shutting out Russian gas and oil was thought to be a relatively pain-free call made by Washington, although in the integrated global economy the repercussions are hitting home with soaring U.S. inflation.

The European governments have by and large dutifully gone along with the American madness to cut their noses off to spite their faces and in the process inflict extreme economic hardship on their citizens.

Just wait until winter comes! 🧦❄️

💬 Read more in this week's Editorial

#Europe #gas #sanctions

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🪖⛽️ The EU has weaponized the supply of European energy on behalf of a financial racket, against the interests of European industry and consumers.

When Green fanatic Robert Habeck, posing as Germany’s Economy Minister, said earlier this week “we should expect the worst” in terms of energy security, he conveniently forgot to spell out how the whole farce is a Made in Germany cum Made in Brussels crisis.

Flickers of intelligence at least still glow in rare Western latitudes, as indispensable strategic analyst William Engdahl, author of A Century of Oil, released a sharp, concise summary revealing the skeletons in the glamour closet.

Everyone with a brain following the ghastly Eurocrat machinations in Brussels was aware of the main plot – yet hardly anyone among average EU citizens. Habeck, Chancellor “Liver Sausage” Scholz, the European Commission (EC) Green Energy VP Timmermans, EC dominatrix Ursula von der Leyen, they are all involved.

In a nutshell: as Engdahl describes it, this is about “the EU plan to de-industrialize one of the most energy-efficient industrial concentrations on the planet” 👌

💬 Read more by Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#EU #gas

🇪🇺 The EU leadership is resolved to ignore protest messaging, however loud it becomes.

There is a whiff of desperation floating across the Brussels battlespace ⚔️

Forget the Ukraine war – that is a lost cause, and just a matter of time, until its final unravelling; yet the Ukraine – as icon of how the Euro-élite have elected to imagine themselves – could not be less existential.

It is (cynically) seen in Brussels to be key to keeping the 27 member states in ‘lockstep’ that is – and an opportunity for a power grab: ‘We Europeans are ‘victims’, like Ukraine, of Putin’s actions’; ‘All must sacrifice to the newly installed command ‘war economy’’.

Consider the fears (as perceived by Brussels) of abandoning Ukraine to plead with Moscow for gas and oil.

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#EU #Europe #gas #oil #crisis #Ukraine

⛽️ These Countries Account for Half of Global Natural Gas Consumption

Seven countries account for more than fifty percent of global natural gas consumption.

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🌫 These Countries Consume the Most Natural Gas Per Capita

The world consumes 45.4 cubic feet of natural gas per capita on the average, but for some countries this figure is much, much higher.

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🛑 Almost every Western political leader in office today is a con artist who betrays democratic principles.

The Kiev regime has shown its true dirty colors in manifold ways. The persecution of the Orthodox Church, the renaming of streets to honor Nazi collaborators, the shuttering of opposition media and political parties in Ukraine, the unabashed calls by senior representatives for the killing of Russian leaders and extermination of ordinary Russian citizens… the list of profanity goes on.

Millions of Ukrainians have fled their country and are being put up rent-free across Europe not because of alleged “Russian aggression” but rather to escape the corruption of the Kiev regime – a regime that the American and European media declare to be “democratic” and worthy of hundreds of billions of dollars and euros in subsidies to prop up.

The United States and its imperial “Ukrainian project” have done immense damage to Europe as well as putting world security at grave risk.

The oil and gas scam, like the whole war and weapons scam, and the charade of the West “defending Ukrainian democracy”, will be the undoing of the Kiev regime. It might even be the eventual undoing of the Western regimes that have imposed this Kiev crime syndicate on the whole world.

Aesop’s fable of the frog and scorpion seems an apt metaphor for the bloated West and its incorrigibly nasty Kiev grifter 🐸🦂

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#war #West #oil #gas #energy

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🇩🇪 Exorbitant prices for energy supplies and economic crisis which fell upon the Western Europe as a response to the EU sanctions against Russia have made many analysts cast a nostalgic look at the times bygone with Russian gas galore which contributed to German rapid economic development for decades.

An ever-growing number of politicians in Germany and EU want to turn the clock back to the way things used to be ‘pre-conflict in Ukraine’ days 🤫

💬 Read more by Tatiana Obrenovic

#Germany #EU #oil #gas #energy

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🇳🇴 Meet Norway, the War Profiteer

In 2022, Norway became Europe's largest supplier of natural gas in 2022 after the EU cut energy ties with Russia, earning a whooping $140 billion in revenues from energy exports.

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#sc_infographic #Norway #gas #war

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🗽⛽️ How Gas Prices in the U.S. Compare to the Rest of the World

This infographic compares gasoline prices in individual U.S. states to countries of the world. Most of these countries are poor or very poor, so you can imagine what kind of boost cheaper gas could give their economies. Europeans pay for their gas twice as much on the average, while the highest gas price is in Hongkong: 11.714 per U.S. gallon.

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