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📢🇺🇦🦅 Western media has gouged itself on the idea that there is no nuances worth looking at in the war and no place for any factual reporting.

Peak fake news reached a climax in early March when social media circulated a video of the Ukrainian president singing a duet with his wife.

A music video of a cover of Diana Ross and Lionel Richie’s “Endless Love” has been miscaptioned online, with social media users claiming it depicts Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and Olena Zelenska, the first lady of Ukraine singing. The performers in the video, however, were English singer Connie Talbot and Boyce Avenue’s singer Alejandro Manzano.

What is particularly worrying is how quickly it circulated and just how many people were prepared to believe it – as it fitted nicely into their polarized and distorted view of the conflict in the Ukraine, with Zelensky portrayed as some sort of saint and Putin the devil. Zelensky, who probably walks on water and invented a cure for cancer while still in school, has become, due to western media’s obsession with oversimplifying all conflict, almost sub-human, ironicised as a living prophet.

This surely can be the only explanation as to why western journalists have so much trouble reporting him for stashing almost 600m USD in share options in the British Virgin Islands – which he transferred just days before the invasion to a close friend – or any number of other news items which challenge the lucid black and white picture we are asked to accept with regards to the conflict.

Does he also have links to far right groups, which have for decades also been supported by the CIA and State Department? Probably.

These and other awkward questions which journalists once upon a time were expected to ask, are now left off the table completely as western media has gouged itself on the idea that there is no nuances worth looking at in the war and no place for any factual reporting.

✍️ Read more by Martin Jay:

#War #Zelensky #Ukraine #Propaganda

🇺🇦🎭 Zelensky and his handlers want the whole of Europe to drive over the abyss.

But the talented Mr Zelensky is pushing the script beyond acceptable limits when he starts slapping Berlin around.

Team Zelensky has been playing a deft, if cloyingly confected, game up to now. The Ukrainian president has found time in his busy wartime schedule to address over 17 parliaments around the world in recent weeks, each time with a speech tailor-made to push specific cultural emotive buttons.

💬 By Finian Cunningham:

#EuropeanUnion #Germany #Ukraine #Zelensky

🇺🇸🇺🇦 Soon the only “medium” left will be the streets and rebellion against the elites – if, that is, the Western public hasn’t been made totally comatose yet.

When Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky recently declared the war in his country “could go on for another 10 years”, the weapons industries in the United States and Europe must have been rubbing their hands with glee.

The U.S. and NATO partners have already plied billions of dollars worth of weapons into Ukraine. And the Russian military is destroying the gifted munitions as fast as they’re arriving – the destruction accelerating this week with Russia hitting depots with cruise missiles. Zelensky calls for more weapons to be sent and the Western states happily oblige.

The Ukrainian president, being a comic actor before his political career took off, will no doubt appreciate the absurdity of the situation. His country is the scene of a modern-day version of Catch-22 playing out. The 1961 novel by Joseph Heller is a classic satire on the absurdity of war driven by corporate profit. Violence is nothing but a messy means to an end of creating more profit. The messier, the better. Forget about platitudes invoking noble principles. That’s just for packaging the cruel, hideous cycle.

Zelensky and his Western supporters talk about “defending democracy”. What they mean is “defending profits”.

💬 Writes Karl Haki:

#NATO #Ukraine #UnitedStates #Zelensky #War

🤡🇺🇦 When the critical moment called for a true statesman, Ukraine has given the world a comedian, and that has made all the difference.

It’s no coincidence that the Ukrainian showman finds himself presiding over 44 million souls at this critical juncture in world history. Kiev’s Western handlers supported this comedian precisely because – not despite – tensions with Russia were ratcheting up over the Donbass.

The fine line that separates the world of entertainment from 3D reality has been blurred to the point of irrelevancy. That much has been proven by the rise of the comedian-actor Volodymyr Zelensky to the top of Ukraine’s fetid political heap.

To be clear, such things do not happen on a whim in a country where the US government, not to mention international provocateurs like George Soros, spends billions of dollars annually to keep Kiev in a state of perpetual servitude.

The reality is that Zelensky, 44, has been groomed and stage-managed for the biggest role of his life for a long time.

But why would the puppet masters of the universe want a court jester to rule over such a dysfunctional state at this critical juncture in world history?

💬 By Robert Bridge

#Ukraine #Zelensky

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📚 Imagine the Tsar of all the Russias summoned all of Russia’s great writers together for a banquet.

Why, there is Pushkin, the jewel in Russia’s crown, charming all the ladies, both young and old, pretty and plain. And there go Chekhov and Gogol, deep in intellectual arguments that would grace Versailles. And here comes Count Tolstoy, jousting with Turgenev, as they cross swords on Russia’s endless social textures.

And there, alone and sullenly growling in a dark corner, seethes Dostoyevsky, dead broke after another high-stakes cards’ game, giving you that unnerving glare that penetrates into the darkest recesses of your soul where it unpicks your most secret thoughts, as if they were an infant’s first babblings.

What a heavenly soirée that would be, with Pushkin, Solzhenitsyn, Turgenev, Nabokov, Bulgakov, Chekhov, Bunin, Gogol and Tolstoy 💫💫💫

And all of them, even Dostoyevsky whose Notes from the Underground understands the Ukrainians even better than they understand themselves, castigated by Zelensky’s foul mouthed caste, as if they were Peeping Toms and not the giants of world literature that they are.

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#Dostoyevsky #Zelensky

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🦅 How much longer has Zelensky got with his so-called special relationship with western elites and NATO?

It is a popular notion among geopolitical experts that the relationship is beginning to sour as in recent weeks there have been a number of indicators which hint that the marriage of convenience may well be on the rocks.

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Zelensky #Ukraine #UK #West

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🪖 Can NATO expect to survive its policy on blinded dogma escalation in the longer term or face a period of decline, even expiration? Seems far-fetched? Not when you examine the timeline of the past two years and you observe the direction this war machine business empire conglomerate is heading under the leadership of Washington.

At Vilnius we are expected to believe that despite the summer offensive going well for Ukraine’s army – which is a lie perpetuated by western media – that Ukraine should be given full NATO membership. The hysteria which can be seen in the eyes of Zelensky who is calling for this is palatable.

But few if any western pundits ask themselves “if it’s going well, then why the immediate demand of NATO membership? Where’s the crisis?” 🤨

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#NATO #Ukraine #Zelensky #War

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🚺 Although China’s Chairman Mao Zedong famously told us that women hold up half the sky, he failed to expound on what proportion of NATO’s war crimes women are responsible for.

We must, first of all, realise that new-born baby girls do not enter the world as newly-minted war criminals but, as Hillary Clinton, Greta Thunberg, Victoria Nuland and Ursula von der Leyen all show, they are groomed to it, just as the architects of Hitler’s Final Solution or any other psychopaths were groomed into their lives of organised crime.

Because the Nazis believed that a woman’s place was in the home, if not otherwise engaged in securing one of their many concentration camps, they were shocked when they first captured female Red Army soldiers, whom they summarily dispatched. Although test pilot Hanna Reitsch was a valuable servant of the Reich, and the women pilots of the Royal Romanian Air Force performed virtual miracles on Hitler’s Eastern Front, women, as such, barely figured even as an after-thought in Herr Hitler’s grand plans of conquest.

NATO makes no such mistake 💅

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#CIA #NATO #Ukraine #Zelensky #WarCrimes

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⚠️ During the past four years performing as “His Excellency”, Zelensky has fulfilled multiple tasks for his Western handlers. They include:

Eliminating the Russian language, literature and culture.

Splitting and suppressing the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to banish historic Russian links and disorient many ordinary Ukrainians.

Erasing and rewriting history to denigrate Soviet military liberation of Ukraine during the Second World War, while elevating Ukrainian fascist collaborators of the Nazi Third Reich, including valorizing figures who had been instrumental in executing the Holocaust and mass murders of Slavs, Poles and others. Zelensky’s personal Jewish heritage was a calculated attribute aimed at confounding Western public understanding of this particularly obscene betrayal.

Zelensky has suppressed opposition media, journalists and political parties in order to expedite the turning of Ukraine into a tool for Western control and as an anti-Russian proxy. So much for “shared Western values” that the American and European leaders continually eulogize him for.

Selling off Ukraine’s prodigious farmland to American agribusiness – a sell-off that is in complete violation of the country’s constitution barring such foreign ownership.

Turning Ukraine into a laboratory for U.S. biowarfare experimentation and a testing ground for Western military weapons.

Preparing Ukraine for a NATO-sponsored military offensive against the Donbass region in March 2022, which Russia preempted with its intervention in February of that year.

The list goes on of other sordid tasks fulfilled by Agent Zelensky. All of it is meticulously documented.

The upshot is that the Ukraine has become a massively indebted colony of Western capital that will be enslaved for decades to come 🪤

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Ukraine #UnitedStates #Zelensky #war #West

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🇺🇦 A massacre in a Ukrainian village last week that was roundly blamed on the Russian military in Western media reports has taken a new twist that further shows the incident was actually a false-flag provocation by the Kiev regime.

Western media last week reported that 52 people were killed when a cafe was allegedly hit by a Russian precision missile on Thursday, October 5. All Western media reports cited Ukrainian officials as their source for attributing blame on the Russian military firing an Iskander missile.

Zelensky needed a propaganda punch for his appeal and Western media obliged as usual to paint Russia as evil barbarians.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#Ukraine #Zelensky #propaganda #war

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