Stenin Contest
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The Andrei Stenin International Photo Contest. An annual contest for photojournalists aged between 18 and 33 years old.
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💧World Water Day is celebrated annually on March 22. Today's date is another opportunity to remind people of the vital importance of water resources for the environment and societal development, and to draw attention to the problems related to protecting water reserves. Photo contests and exhibitions often showcase humanity's acute issues.

Our contest is not an exception. In 2021, Sebnem Coskun, a photographer from Turkey, won the Grand Prix for her work focusing on the threat posed by waste to the underwater world.
A more detailed description is here:
The Stenin Press Photo Contest is now at a crucial stage: The entries submitted by participants are being processed, and the Expert Commission is working tirelessly. After the Jury finishes its work, a shortlist will be published on June 17, 2024. We can't wait to see the results! 🤗
🌍Around 2 000 entries were submitted to the 10th anniversary Stenin Contest. Our participants come from 36 countries, such as Russia, India, Iran, China, Italy, US, Spain, Great Britain, South Africa, Poland, France, Ecuador, Syria, Mexica, and many others.

📸The Press Photo Contest: A platform where various countries and cultures unite through art. Each shot captures a one-of-a-kind glimpse into someone else’s reality. The language of beauty and emotions is spoken through photographs. This is why photo contests become a meeting place of various countries and cultures. Here photographers from all over the world share their vision, stories, and feelings. They show us that even though we speak different tongues, we nevertheless have a common language: The language of Art.

This is why photo contests are so important. They not only capture the beauty of the world and its problems through their camera lenses, but also create an opportunity for sharing experiences, mutual inspiration, and understanding.
☺️ Are you enjoying every day of your life just like this happy farmer from Bangladesh?

❤️ According to Richard Branson, a British business magnate, doing what you love will bring you the most satisfaction in life; only having found what you love to do, something that keeps you engaged and inspired every minute of your life, can you become truly happy.

🥦 Photographer Rafid Yasar took a shot of a farmer from Bangladesh, a country known for its six distinct seasons.
In winter, in many parts of the country - especially in rural areas with underdeveloped infrastructure and low population density - the temperature varies between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius. This is why winter in Bangladesh is full of color. Rural food markets boast an array of colorful produce. In 2021, the photo received a special commendation from the Stenin Contest jury. In the picture, you can see a farmer smiling broadly with his cauliflower harvest. Is he happy? What do you think?
☺️ It is April 1, the day when we can add humor and fun to our creative atmosphere! In the world of photojournalism a single shot can tell a unique story, so why don’t we use today to experiment and think outside the box when it comes to work?

👍🏻Unleash your creativity and showcase your approach to photojournalism through play and fun on this special day. Create a photo story that will make the viewers smile or even laugh! Or just share a fun experience in the world of photography.

Please, post in the comments below. Let your creativity and humor raise the spirit of all the participants of our Contest! Never underestimate the power of a good mood and positivity to inspire your next masterpiece! Photography is not only art, but a means to share joy and good vibes!

😜Happy April Fool’s Day, dear photojournalists!
📱Today is an important date: It marks the day the first ever cell phone was made!

📸These days, cell phones are more than just communication devices; They have become versatile pocket computers. And yet, when it comes to choosing a phone, the CAMERA is a major consideration for many. And the quality of cameras in modern phones has become quite high. Today, any of us can become a photojournalist just by using a phone.

😊Let’s celebrate this remarkable day together. We want to hear from you! Share your best moments of using cell phones in the comments below and send us photos that showcase the unbelievable progress of this technology.

Could your photos be the ones to enter our Contest next year?
Looking back at the last year’s winners🥇

The 2023 Stenin Contest's first prize was claimed by this single photo, Fireball 🌅

March 25, 2022 saw Saudi Aramco's Jeddah base become engulfed in flames and smoke. According to the Saudi-led Arab coalition, the incident was the result of an attack by Yemen’s Houthi militants.

The photo was captured by Ayman Yaqoob, a journalist and photographer from Bahrain who works for Al-Bilad newspaper and Anadolu Agency.
Have you heard about the most renowned photography spots on our planet? 🌆

According to a number of ratings, there are many of them, and their position on the list can vary. Here are some of them:

1. Eiffel Tower, Paris, France: a symbol of romance and elegance that attracts thousands of tourists every year;

2. Machu Picchu, Peru: an ancient Incan city of striking beauty and mystery;

3. Statue of Liberty, New York, USA: a symbol of freedom and democracy, one of the best-known monuments in the world;

4. Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA: a truly remarkable natural wonder that will leave a lasting impression on you;

5. Saint Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow, Russia: an amazing architectural masterpiece that attracts photographers with its beauty.

❤️ We want to hear from you! Do you have a preference for specific places on the planet when it comes to photography? Please share your impressions and photos!
Two Latin American countries, Nicaragua and Argentina, are to host an exhibition of works by the winners of the Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest.

In the ten-year history of the Contest, this is the first exhibition in Nicaragua, known as the "heart of Central America," and the seventh country of the 2023 roadshow.

Starting now, the exhibition featuring 24 pieces by photojournalists from Bahrain, China, Spain, Russia, Bangladesh, Italy, and various other countries will be open to all until April 12th.

San Juan, Argentina, is once again the host of the exhibition for the second consecutive year. Visitors to the Fine Arts Museum can view an extensive array of 40 pieces by young photojournalists originating from countries such as Iran, Bosnia, Russia, France, and Burundi. Starting from April 18, the collection will be exhibited at the Social Sciences Faculty of the National University of San Juan.

More on our website:
Argentina. Launch of the exhibition of the 2023 Contest winners

Foto: Ahora San Juan