178 subscribers
64 photos
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Stegos official telegram channel

White paper: https://stegos.com/docs/stegos-whitepaper.pdf

Website: https://stegos.com

Blog: https://stegos.com/news/

Telegram chat: @stegos4privacy
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Dear community,

It’s been great to work on Stegos for the last 2.5 years but time has come to shut the project down. Like Phoenix, Stegos may yet to raise from the ashes but I’m not willing or able to give you a timeline.

All our code is public at https://github.com/stegos and I will continue tinkering with it when I have time to spare.

Thank you all for your support! Stay safe and healthy!
All pool deposits have been returned.
The testnet, block explorer and Snowball facilitators have been shutdown. Please use payments with certificate (or public payments) from now on.
Half of the Stegos nodes have been shut down. The rest will be shut down this Friday. Unfortunately, this will make it impossible for new users to connect to the network since only Stegos nodes are used for bootstrapping at the moment.
Now that the procedural stuff is out of the way and Stegos is officially ~shut down~ transitioned to community ownership and management, I’ll freely admit to something…

I’m VERY angry!

I’m mostly angry at myself, though. Whatever problems this project has are problems that I caused and problems that I own up to.

I’m angry because I did not realize that 99% of private sale investors didn’t give a fuck about technology but wanted a quick 5-10x flip.

I’m angry at myself for not understanding the value of having an ERC20 token during development and for not overcoming the legal problems that prevented me from having it or an ICO.

I’m angry at myself for not knowing about USDT when I was fundraising, not immediately selling the crypto raised and for HODL-ing the treasury down to a pittance.

I’m angry at myself for paying a ton of money for “industry-standard” crypto marketing that didn’t do shit for Stegos.

Regrets are useless. Anger, on the other hand, can be channeled! There are many technical challenges facing Stegos and many things in the code that I see as broken. I may not have broken it but I will do my best to fix it!

I want to continue developing Stegos, for the love of advancing technology and tackling tough technical challenges. Stegos has awesome potential but it will take a long time to realize it. There’s a ton of hardcore technical work to do before this car engine with great potential beats a Ferrari engine and even more work before it becomes a Ferrari!

I still believe in Stegos as a privacy technology. It’s should be an awesome way for people to avoid censorship, once chat is released. Stegos can be useful and can yet find its niche!

Do you want to help? Let me know!

Subscribe to the official Stegos channel for news and updates https://t.me/stegos4privacy_official
Bithumb Global (BG) will delist STG on Monday, August 10! Your BG tokens will be automatically migrated to the upcoming ERC20 Stegos contract. If you have tokens in your wallet outside of BG then we will help you migrate those in the coming days.
Folks, let’s get consensus restored so that we can all send native STG to Bithumb and move on with the ERC20 conversion https://stegos.com/news/2020/08/restoring-consensus/
There seems to be a misunderstanding of the purpose of the ERC20 conversion so let me explain...

The Stegos project is dead so changing to ERC20 won’t have any impact on Stegos. The goal of the ERC20 conversion is to preserve existing ownership of STG, that is account for how much STG is being held and who holds it.

Why does this matter?

I plan to start a new project and airdrop some tokens of this new project (5-10%) to you, existing STG owners. Without the ERC20 conversion I won’t know who to airdrop to.

Also, the future airdrop will be proportional to the number of STG you hold. So the more STG you hold, the larger your airdrop will be.

And no, it’s not possible to buy or sell STG right now as the Stegos blockchain is not running. All you can do is send me your private keys (backup pass phrase) and have me verify your STG balance using the last snapshot of the blockchain I have.

Do not send anything now, please wait for their official announcement!
Dear STG token holders,

The Stegos blockchain is officially shut down!

The ERC20 conversion will start on October 1, 2020 and run until October 31, 2020. The ERC20 version of the STG token will be deposited into your ETH wallet address soon after.

Please use the form at https://airtable.com/shrlmajFN8BFYT8ot to supply your contact information as well as the details of your STG wallet. You can fill out this form once for each STG wallet you have.

Please enter the 24 words of the recovery pass phrase without any commas and with a single space between words.

Please wait for further official announcements after you have filled out the form. There’s no need to confirm if your information was received or if it’s correct. I will be in touch with you if there are any problems!

Those with STG at Bithumb Global (BG) don’t have to do anything. The exchange will automatically credit your account with the ERC20, once the conversion happens.
The deadline of October 31 is fast approaching. Anyone who doesn’t submit their mnemonic by then will need to send me 1 ETH for me to process their tokens!
I have collected and restored close to 300 native STG wallets last month. The collection process is over!

I will create the ERC20 contract and distribute converted tokens by the end of November.

I will also post a link to the table with ETH addresses and balances so that you can check your balance and let me know if there are any discrepancies.
Please check this table and confirm that you have the right number of STG tokens!


Please tell me the account# in the last column and the number of tokens is wrong.

I will be distributing the ERC20 tokens at the end of November using the table above.
Dear STG token holders,

Some of you have gotten in touch because you haven't had a chance to register your wallets for the ERC20 conversion.

I'm extending the registration period for the conversion until 30.11.2020. The ERC20 version of the STG token will be deposited into your ETH wallet address soon after.

Please use the form at https://airtable.com/shrlmajFN8BFYT8ot to supply your contact information as well as the details of your STG wallet. You can fill out this form once for each STG wallet you have.

Please enter the 24 words of the recovery pass phrase (mnemonic) without any commas and with a single space between words.

Please wait for further official announcements after you have filled out the form. There’s no need to confirm if your information was received or if it’s correct. I will be in touch with you if there are any problems!

Those with STG at Bithumb Global (BG) don’t have to do anything. The exchange will automatically credit your account with the ERC20, once the conversion happens.

Please note that there will be a penalty of 1 ETH per wallet for registration after 30.11.2020!
STG distributed, finally. Apologies for the long wait and please find the contract here https://etherscan.io/token/0x4353c0E1B3c2640942a3C3d14884401947504017

If you don't see the token then confirm your balance using this table https://airtable.com/tblNGAjeDbTtglUCG/viw7wtArCk1oeVjtt?blocks=hide and add a custom token to Metamask or whatever wallet you are using. You need the contract address above!

Use the Ethereum explorer to check if you have a transfer here https://etherscan.io/token/0x4353c0e1b3c2640942a3c3d14884401947504017?a=0x0f924e50e1c8Dd4a6C51Aae54aCF6C03D410B9F1 or just check your wallet address using the Ethereum explorer

If you see the transfer but no token then learn how to add custom tokens to your wallet software.