Statera Announcements
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Dear Community!

For easy access, we have updated our website to include the following:

i. Dashboard link
ii. STANOS Pool link
iii. Infinity Pool link (wSTA/STA)


STANOS is growing more powerful by the day!

$170.000 Pool size
Liquidity Providers.
$24,000 24hour volume.

Infinity Pool

$Over 1.1 million Pool size
$36,004 24 hour volume

We are very pleased to announce that Wrapped Statera (wSta) has now been whitelisted by @Balancerlabs

This means that any pool containing our wSta token will now be eligible for 100% of the weekly BAL rewards. To check your rewards, go to:

#defi #crypto $sta $wsta #ethereum #blockchain #WeAreAllStatera
Everyone please be careful, a group of people have set up a fake STATERA chat that is almost identical to the main channel, with fake mods and everything, directing people to a giveaway scam. If you happen to be added to the group please report it immediately. Statera mods will never message you first!
Dear Community

We are delighted to announce we have an article out on the #1 crypto news site,!

Getting the Statera name into the mainstream crypto media has been a long-term aim of ours, and this is a big step towards doing just that.

You can view the article below - please feel free to share far & wide!
And thanks yet again for being the awesome community you are.

We wouldn't be here without you!
The Road Ahead

Back in May, we set out on the road to putting a digital asset into every single portfolio - and now we have upgraded our map 📍

It covers two key elements of focus: development and marketing (incl. education).
We are working as hard as ever to reach all these checkpoints 🚩

It's been an epic journey so far, and we thank each & every one of you for being a part of it.
We hope you're as excited about the road ahead as we are!
Statera White Paper v2.0

Dear Community,
We are very pleased to announce the release of the updated Statera white paper!

This expounds the beliefs & practicalities of this project and what it represents - decentralisation, sound monetary policy, and value for holders. Since the introduction of Wrapped Statera in December 2020, the Statera ecosystem is more efficient and extensible than ever. This white paper is the start of what should be an exciting period for our community, as we look to achieve our goal of becoming an industry-standard financial instrument that will help put crypto assets into every portfolio.

We would urge you to take the time to read it - and pass it on to anyone who might be interested.
We hope to have more news for you very soon, so please stay tuned.

Thank you,
Statera Team
Dear Community,

Website Update

As we look to expand our outreach, the FAQs have now been made available on the website. This is the first step in making our website a "one stop shop" for all things Statera related.

If there are questions and answers that you believe could be added, please let us know.

Community Call

If there are any community members that are willing to help in any way - particularly those who are fluent in more than one language - please reach out to a member of the team. We could use the assistance in having some translations done to help broaden our reach.

You can view the FAQs below:
What is Statera and Wrapped Statera?

Statera (STA) is a deflationary ERC-20 token.
The total Statera supply is constantly decreasing, as its deflationary mechanism results in 1% of the STA involved in each transaction being permanently removed from circulation.
Wrapped Statera (wSTA) is a second token without a deflationary mechanic that can only be minted by wrapping STA.

To find out more check out our Litepaper and infographic.

Thanks to Gavin for his assistance on pulling this together!
Forwarded from A
Dear Community,

Statera is always looking for ways to expand and move with the times. The world of crypto doesn't stand still, so why should we?
We've put out requests for community help in the past, and had various levels of success - some members have stepped up and offered their services, and the ideas & skills they've brought on board has been immensely appreciated, playing a huge part in getting us where we are now.

If you think you have an idea that could benefit Statera - and have a potential blueprint as to how to achieve it (as opposed to "we should list on Binance!!") - then please do not be afraid to come forward and let your voice be heard.
If it's a legitimate idea or opportunity, with a genuine plan to make it happen or at least get the ball rolling, then we are open to using the deployer wallet to back that idea and help it become a reality.

Please note that this initiative isn't a part of our roadmap, but any concrete plans which are deemed worthy enough can certainly run parallel to it.

Thank you for your time & support, as always.
Statera Team
Forwarded from Doktor

My fellow Staterans,

We are pleased to announce that the wait is over. The completely rebuilt and shiny new edition of the Statera dashboard is ready for its debut. We listened to your comments after the v1 release, and have worked hard to implement them into this new design, which is working for both PC and mobile. Our new version is much more extensible, allowing for room to grow along with the project ecosystem.

Features include:

🔘 Weekly, monthly and annual APY% of our pools. *Including 24h APY% for multi-asset pools!*.

🔘 Performance over time data for multi-asset pools.

🔘 Updated circulating supply of the entire ecosystem.

🔘 Direct link to trade or add liquidity for $STA, $WSTA and INFINITY POOL on Uniswap.

🔘 Direct link to add liquidity for multi-asset pools, as well as for claiming BAL rewards.

This is the first of three stages on the dashboard release roadmap. Future phases are planned to include the wrap/unwrap functionality, and direct Balancer pooling; making the dashboard the one-stop-shop for the Statera ecosystem as envisioned! Please let us now if you run into any issues, as we will be fine-tuning things as we go along.

We thank you for your patience and as always a huge thank you for your decication, collaboration, and support of STATERA.

- the Statera Team
Forwarded from Souvlaki
Statera goes cross-chain onto the Fantom network

We are delighted to announce that $wSTA is now live on the Fantom network on Anyswap, and already has the 2nd highest liquidity on there! 🔥🔥
Huge thanks to & for the flawless integration & deployment 🙏
Forwarded from Souvlaki
Statera is live for trading on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

We are thrilled to announce (although some eagle-eyed community members noticed a few days ago!) that $STA is live on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and available for trading on PancakeSwap. This allows us to reach a new audience and facilitates significantly cheaper trades than on the Ethereum network.

Huge thanks to for adding us to the bridge integration and deployment.

For full details, including how to bridge your STA to BSC, please view this Medium article.
Dear Community, we have another two pieces of exciting news!


We are pleased to announce that we are featured in the latest edition of Cryptonaire Weekly. Be sure to read about Statera's unique value proposition and extended ecosystem.


As part of our plan to make Statera a worldwide brand, we are delighted to announce that the first german speaking STATERA channel has been launched.
This is the second non-English-speaking Statera group, and we hope there'll be many more to come!
All important updates & announcements will be translated and posted here.
We welcome our German-speaking community members, and look forward to seeing the community grow as the word spreads!

Statera German channel:
Wrapped Statera is live for trading on Polygon network!

There have been many high-profile DeFi projects such as AAVE and CRV that have set up shop on the Polygon network, and we are proud to join them. The low transaction costs facilitate high volume trading in a way that isn’t feasible on Ethereum at this point.

The below Medium post contains details on how to add Polygon/Matic as a custom network and bridge wSTA between networks.

We hope to continue expanding in this space, so keep your eyes peeled for further developments!
📐Community Update ✏️

Hello all, I hope that our northern hemisphere members have been enjoying the last of the summer wine, and that the days are getting a bit brighter for those on the other side of the equator.

Let’s start with Polygon. I believe that within the upcoming week we will be in a position to have the refactored contract audited - following submission we should have this completed within a week, assuming nothing untoward comes up (which I don’t believe it will).

Today we received the explainer video from our media partner, and it is looking great - very professional and communicates the value proposition of the project very well. There are some minor tweaks, but this should also be completed within the week and I can’t wait to share it with you all. They are also producing graphics for the website, and upon completion we will be relaunching the new website - faster, more reliable, and pretty damned slick if you ask me.

The Wrap/Unwrap dashboard functionality is also nearing completion, and (once again) should be finished within the week. This is a great step forward in making the ecosystem more accessible to all, regardless of skill level. The next step after this is of course direct pooling. I’m also trying to secure more of the v2 dashboard dev’s time to make it even more user friendly and a little bit snazzier.

All in all, I think we’re in for a good week.

Thank you all again for your support. As always, if you have any questions or comments please reach out to myself or another team member.

Statera Team
Forwarded from Rubinacci
📐 Community Update ✏️

Hello Community! As you may know, we have been hard at work looking for a chain-agnostic bridging solution that would allow us deploy our native STA token (with burn included) to whichever L2 we chose, all accessible from a single bridge, without needing to create a separate contract each time.

I’m happy to say that we have now completed this, and the contract is currently being audited. Following the audit we will deploy and list on the bridge - these timelines are out of our hands but we will be pushing to have these steps completed as soon as possible.

This is a key moment that unlocks the next phase of the Statera project, and we have more in the pipeline that will be announced in due course.

- Statera Team
🔥📐 Community Update ✏️🔥

It's been a long time coming, but we're pleased to announce that Statera is officially live and burning on the Fantom network!

You can now bridge your STA to the Fantom network using the Anyswap Bridge - for more information, please view the official announcement.

This is the first step on our journey to relaunch the ecosystem - in the most efficient and powerful iteration yet. We have lots of exciting announcements in the pipeline, and can't wait to share these with you.
In order to celebrate the launch of the bridged deflationary STA token on the Fantom network, and to incentivise migration of the Statera ecosystem, the first 200 bridges of 50,000 or more STA or wSTA to Fantom will receive an airdrop* of 25 FTM to cover their Ethereum bridge gas fees and to allow new Fantom users to experience the low costs and high transaction speeds of the network.

*Airdrops will be made daily for the previous day’s transactions

We are proud to pioneer cross-chain deflationary tokens. To celebrate our successful launch on Fantom @FantomFDN we are launching the Statera Meme Competition!

🥇 $1000 ~ Top Prize
🥈 $500 ~ Runner Up Prize
🥉 $250 ~ 3rd Prize

The loose competition theme is "STA burns on #Fantom" , however all NEW high-quality STA memes will be considered

The competition is NOW OPEN, and will close at 23:59 UTC on Tuesday the 28th of December. Prizes will be paid in $STA on FTM 👻

Submission Rules:

1️⃣ Post your submissions on Twitter using the following tags: @StateraProject #StateraFTM #BurnOnOpera $STA $FTM

2️⃣ Follow on Twitter and retweet the pinned tweet

3️⃣ Join our Telegram Group (
Dante Symphony 🎶🔥 is now listed on!

In addition to our listing on, Dante Symphony holders can now compound farming rewards on the protocol.

By adding your Inferno BPT to either of these protocols, your farmed BEETs will be automatically claimed and reinvested to increase your APY. This listing will also give our pool additional visibility to new investors.