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#瘟疫 #武肺 #武漢肺炎 #新型冠狀病毒 #冠狀病毒 #CoronaVirus #Covid #Covid19 #中共病毒 #CcpVirus #變種 #Variant #突變 #Mutation #SouthAfrica

發現 #Omicron 變種的 #南非 醫生說沒甚麼好擔心的,只是很輕的症狀。


香港Mind Control機器說要封這封那,防止病毒傳入,第三針雲雲。這是cabal唯一可出的牌,隊友請準備證據上軍事法庭作證✌️💪


自從有了武肺,流感病就被消失了,很奇怪,英國Dr. Vernon Coleman說 #Covid19 類似 #流感 https://t.me/GreatAwakeningHk/182

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. 認為武肺是一個「偽瘟疫」 https://t.me/GreatAwakeningHk/3921

1989年的書,coronavirus只是common cold(普通感冒)。 https://t.me/GreatAwakeningHk/4993

#Covid19 群眾操控模型

#新加坡 自從有了武肺,流感病就消失了。

自從2020年7月, #澳洲 沒有一例證實是死於流感 。
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#瘟疫 #武肺 #武漢肺炎 #新型冠狀病毒 #冠狀病毒 #CoronaVirus #Covid #Covid19 #中共病毒 #CcpVirus #變種 #Variant #突變 #Mutation #SouthAfrica

發現 #Omicron 變種的 #南非 醫生說沒甚麼好擔心的,只是很輕的症狀。


香港Mind Control機器說要封這封那,防止病毒傳入,第三針雲雲。這是cabal唯一可出的牌,隊友請準備證據上軍事法庭作證✌️💪


自從有了武肺,流感病就被消失了,很奇怪,英國Dr. Vernon Coleman說 #Covid19 類似 #流感 https://t.me/GreatAwakeningHk/182

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. 認為武肺是一個「偽瘟疫」 https://t.me/GreatAwakeningHk/3921

1989年的書,coronavirus只是common cold(普通感冒)。 https://t.me/GreatAwakeningHk/4993

#Covid19 群眾操控模型

#新加坡 自從有了武肺,流感病就消失了。

自從2020年7月, #澳洲 沒有一例證實是死於流感 。
#瘟疫 #武肺 #武漢肺炎 #新型冠狀病毒 #冠狀病毒 #CoronaVirus #Covid #Covid19 #中共病毒 #CcpVirus #變種 #Variant #突變 #Mutation #SouthAfrica

#南非 #博茨瓦納 #Botswana 發現的 B.1.1.529 #Omicron 變種是在接種後的人體內發現的。




發現 #Omicron 變種的 #南非 醫生說沒甚麼好擔心的,只是很輕的症狀。
Forwarded from foureye




Everyone is telling you how to NOT catch #coronavirus, but NO ONE is saying what to do if you get it.


Thanks to this nurse in the UK for putting this guide together:


Finally, some sensible advice. From a GP Nurse in the UK.


What I have seen a lot of are recommendations for how to try to avoid getting coronavirus in the first place:


*• good hand washing 勤洗手*
*• personal hygiene 個人衛生*
*• social distancing 社交距離*

but what I have NOT seen a lot of is advice for what happens if you actually get it, which many of us will.


So as your friendly neighborhood Nurse let me make some suggestions:


If you get Covid-19


You basically just want to prepare as though you know you’re going to get a nasty respiratory bug, like bronchitis or pneumonia. You just have the foresight to know it might come your way!


Things to start doing now:


*1)* Get 20 minutes sun on your entire body (or as much as possible) every day. This will dramatically increase your Vitamin D levels, which improves your immune system.

*每天花 20 分鐘曬太陽(或盡可能多曬曬身體各個部位)。這將會大大提高體内維他命 D 的含量, 藉以增強免疫系統。*

*2)* If affordable take a good general supplement, plus 2000mg Vit C a day. Include ZINC, SELENIUM & GLUTATHIONE.

*如果負擔得起,要多吃營養均衡的食物,外加每天攝取2000mg 維他命C,再配合鋅、硒和谷胱甘肽(註:一種強效的抗氧化劑)。*

*3)* Scott’s Emulsion is a great general tonic (cod liver oi)


Things you should actually buy ahead of time:

4. Kleenex

*撲熱息痛藥片(德國市面稱為Paracetamol 500)*

*5)* Cough medicine of choice (check the label and make sure you're not doubling up on Paracetamol)


Zinc lozenges

*6)* Throat spray like Andolex or TCP

*喉嚨噴劑,如Andolex或TCP( Trichlorophenylmethyliodosalicyl)*

*7)* Honey and lemon can work just as well!


*8)* Vicks vaporub for your chest is also a great suggestion. Vicks vaporub


*9)* A humidifier would be a good thing to buy and use in your room when you go to bed overnight. (You can also just turn the shower on hot and sit in the bathroom breathing in the steam)

*夜裡睡覺時,在房間裡使用加濕器,是一個不錯的法子。 (也可以打開淋浴的蓮蓬頭,然後坐在浴室裡呼吸熱蒸汽)*

*10)* If you have a history of asthma and you have a prescription inhaler, make sure the one you have isn’t expired and refill it/get a new one if necessary.


*11)* Meals This is also a good time to meal prep: make a big batch of your favorite soup to freeze and have on hand.


*12)* Hydrate Hydrate, hydrate! Stock up on whatever your favorite clear fluids are to drink, though tap water is fine you may appreciate some variety!


*13)* For symptom management and a fever over 38°c take Paracetamol rather than Ibuprofen.

*如有病徵同時發燒超過 38°c,那就服用撲熱息痛藥片(Paracetamol),而不是布洛芬(Ibuprofen)。*

*14)* Rest lots You should not be leaving your house! Even if you are feeling better you may will still be infectious for fourteen days and older people and those with existing health conditions should be avoided!

*多休息 不應外出!即使病情好轉,14 天內仍具有傳染性;也要避免與老人家和健康狀況欠佳的人接觸!*

*15)* Wear gloves and a mask to avoid contaminating others in your house.


*16)* Isolate in your bedroom if not living alone, ask friends and family to leave supplies outside to avoid contact.


*17)* Sanitize your bed linen and clothes frequently by washing and clean your bathroom with recommended sanitizers.
