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#Current_Affairs #Defence_News #Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #Know_Your_AirForce

India ready to host its first multinational air exercise "Tarang Shakti in August

✓The Indian Air Force's first multinational air exercise, Tarang Shakti-2024, will be held in August.
✓Likely to see the participation of 10 countries.
✓The plan is to invite friendly foreign countries with whom the IAF interacts regularly and has a certain degree of interoperability.
✓Tarang Shakti was earlier planned to be held at the end of 2023, but got deferred.
✓The exercise is now scheduled to be held in two phases. The first will be held in southern India in the first two weeks of August and the second will be in the western sector from the end of August to mid-September. Some countries will participate in both phases, while others will join one of the two phases.
✓ Among the countries sending contingents Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, the Unit ed Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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South China Sea Conflict

The South China Sea conflict involves territorial and maritime disputes among several countries in Southeast Asia, primarily centered around China’s expansive claims and its actions in the region.

✓ Main Actors
1. China: Claims nearly the entire South China Sea through the "Nine-Dash Line," which covers vast areas including the Spratly and Paracel Islands.
2. Vietnam: Claims parts of the Spratly and Paracel Islands.
3. Philippines: Claims parts of the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough Shoal.
4. Malaysia and Brunei: Also have claims on parts of the Spratly Islands.
5. Taiwan: Mirrors China's claims due to historical reasons.

✓ Key Issues
1. Territorial Claims: Overlapping claims to various islands, reefs, and rocks.
2. Economic Interests: Rich fishing grounds and potential oil and natural gas reserves.
3. Strategic Control: Important shipping lanes and military strategic advantages.
4. Environmental Concerns: Overfishing, habitat destruction, and environmental degradation due to construction activities.

✓ Legal and Diplomatic Dimensions
1. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS): Defines nations' rights and responsibilities concerning ocean use. China’s claims through the Nine-Dash Line have been challenged under UNCLOS.
2. 2016 Arbitration Ruling: The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled against China’s claims in favor of the Philippines. China rejected the ruling.
3. ASEAN Involvement: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) members are involved in seeking peaceful resolution but face challenges due to varying national interests and China’s influence.

✓ Recent Developments
1. China’s Militarization: Construction of military facilities on artificial islands.
2. Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs): Conducted by the U.S. and other countries to challenge China’s claims and ensure open sea lanes.
3. Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy: Ongoing negotiations and diplomatic efforts to manage tensions and seek resolutions.

✓ Implications
1. Regional Stability: Persistent tensions can destabilize the region.
2. Global Trade: Disruptions in the South China Sea could affect global shipping routes.
3. U.S.-China Relations: The conflict is a significant factor in the broader strategic rivalry between the U.S. and China.

The South China Sea conflict remains complex, involving historical claims, legal disputes, and significant geopolitical interests.

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Smritivan Earthquake Museum

Why in news?
Smritivan Earthquake museum has been listed among the world's most beautiful by UNESCO

✓Smritivan Earthquake Museum, located in Bhuj, Gujarat, India, is dedicated to the memory of those who lost their lives in the devastating earthquake that struck the region on January 26, 2001. The museum serves both as a memorial and an educational facility, providing insights into the science of earthquakes, the history of the region, and the resilience and recovery of the community.

1. Exhibits and Displays: The museum features various exhibits that explain the science of earthquakes, including how they occur, how they are measured, and their impact on the earth's surface and human structures. Interactive displays and models help visitors understand these concepts better.

2. Memorial Section: This area of the museum is dedicated to the victims of the 2001 earthquake. It includes names of the deceased, stories of survival, and tributes to the resilience of the people of Kutch.

3. Reconstruction Stories: The museum highlights the efforts undertaken for reconstruction and rehabilitation post-earthquake. This includes showcasing the transformation of Bhuj and surrounding areas, with examples of earthquake-resistant architecture and infrastructure.

4. Educational Programs: The museum runs various educational programs, workshops, and seminars aimed at raising awareness about earthquake preparedness and disaster management. It is particularly focused on educating children and local communities.

5. Multimedia Presentations: Utilizing modern technology, the museum offers multimedia presentations, including films and virtual reality experiences, to immerse visitors in the experiences of the earthquake and the subsequent recovery efforts.

6. Architectural Design: The museum itself is an example of modern architecture that incorporates earthquake-resistant features. It stands as a symbol of resilience and modern engineering.

Smritivan Earthquake Museum is a significant cultural and educational landmark in Gujarat, providing a poignant reminder of the earthquake's impact while educating visitors on the importance of preparedness and resilience.

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#Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #Current_Affairs #GD_Material


JUNE 21-22 2024
#Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #Current_Affairs #Know_Your_AirForce


The Indian Air Force (IAF) is set to acquire six Tapas drones as part of a larger initiative to procure a total of 97 medium-altitude, long-endurance drones under the 'Make in India' program. This move, led by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), aims to enhance the surveillance and operational capabilities of the Indian armed forces along the borders with China and Pakistan.

The TAPAS UAV, also known as the Tapas BH-201, is a medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) drone developed by India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

1. Development and Purpose:
- The Tapas BH-201 was initiated to enhance India's surveillance capabilities along its borders. It is designed for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR) roles.
- The project, originally sanctioned in 2011, has faced several developmental challenges and delays. Despite this, it has achieved significant milestones, including a flight endurance of over 18 hours and an altitude of 28,000 feet.

2. Technical Specifications:
- Altitude: Capable of reaching up to 28,000 feet.
- Endurance: Can fly for more than 18 hours.
- Payload Capacity: Equipped to carry various surveillance payloads, including electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensors and synthetic aperture radar (SAR).

3. Operational Use:
- The Indian Air Force (IAF) and Navy have shown interest in the Tapas UAV for their surveillance operations. The Navy, in particular, is considering its use for monitoring activities in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
- A recent acquisition plan involves the procurement of six Tapas drones by the IAF as part of a larger initiative to enhance the capabilities of India's armed forces with indigenous technology.

4. Challenges and Future Plans:
- The Tapas project has encountered difficulties in meeting certain military specifications, leading to ongoing efforts to refine and improve the drone’s performance. The focus is on enhancing its altitude and endurance capabilities to better suit operational requirements.
- Despite these challenges, the DRDO remains committed to the Tapas project, continuing its development and testing to ensure it meets the necessary standards for military use.

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Jaipur: Famous for its traditional crafts, including block printing, blue pottery, and gemstone jewelry.
Malappuram: Renowned for its handloom weaving and traditional wood carving.
Mysore: Celebrated for its silk sarees, sandalwood carving, and Mysore paintings.
Srinagar: Known for its papier-mâché, walnut wood carving, carpets, Sozni embroidery, and Pashmina and Kani shawls.
#Current_Affairs #Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #Know_Your_Navy

DRDO handed over the Medium Range-Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket to the Indian Navy at a ceremony held in New Delhi today. Microwave Obscurant Chaff, a niche technology developed by DRDO’s Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur, obscures radar signals and creates a microwave shield around platforms and assets, thus reducing radar detection.

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DRDO has successfully completed six consecutive developmental trials of High Speed Expendable Aerial Target ‘ABHYAS’ with improved booster configuration from the Integrated Test Range, Chandipur, Odisha.

ABHYAS offers a realistic threat scenario for weapon systems practice. This indigenous system is designed for autonomous flying with the help of an auto pilot, a laptop-based Groun Control System for aircraft integration, pre-flight checks, and autonomous flight.
#Current_Affairs #Defence_News #Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #Know_Your_Army

Subsequent appointments after the appointment of General Upendra Dwivedi as the CoAS(Chief of Army Staff)
#Current_Affairs #Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #Know_Your_Army


• India has carried out initial trials of an indigenous light tank named 'Zorawar' being developed primarily to enhance the Army's overall combat capabilities along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China, people familiar with the matter said on Saturday.

• The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and L&T Defence are developing the air-transportable 25-tonne tank that has been designed for rapid deployment largely along the frontier with China, they said.

• The Army planned to procure light tanks equipped with adequate firepower for deployment in high-altitude areas with an aim to enhance agility, manoeuvrability and operational capability.
#Current_Affairs #Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #Know_Your_Navy

#Current_Affairs #Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview

DRDO has successfully flight-tested Phase-II Ballistic Missile Defence System. The test fully met all the trial objectives validating complete network centric warfare weapon system consisting of Long-Range Sensors, low latency communication system & MCC and Advance Interceptor missiles.