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Collegium System vs NJAC

◆The concept of the collegium system is unique to India. Collegium System as such is not mentioned anywhere in Indian constitution.
◆The system was evolved by the Judiciary through various judgements.

Constitutional Provisions
●The Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts are appointed by the president under Articles 124(2) and 217 of the Constitution respectively.
●The President appoints judges (including the Chief Justice) after consultation with such judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Courts as he deems necessary.
●However, the word consultation has been interpreted as and evolved into collegium through First, Second and Third Judges cases.

Problems of Collegium System:

Opaque: The decisions of the collegium are non-transparent. 

Selection procedure: No one knows about the selection criteria followed in appointing judges.

Judges appoint themselves: There is a lack of judicial accountability. They are not answerable to anyone including the parliament and executive and the people. The Central government has criticised Judiciary saying it has created an empire within an empire by appointing themselves. 

Give-and-take culture: The Supreme Court Bar Association has blamed it for creating a “give-and-take” culture, creating a gap between the haves and have-nots. Politicians and actors get instant relief from courts, the common man struggles for years for justice.

Nepotism: The former Chief Justice of India, RM Lodha in relation to the appointment of judges in the High Court he commented that “Every Third HC Judge is Uncle”. It means within the high court relatives are practising law at the same place.

●To replace the collegium system, the government passed the NJAC Act in 2014. But it was struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional and void in the Fourth Judges Case, 2015.

Way forward:

●The government should evolve a procedure of appointing higher judges upholding judicial independence. The following commissions have recommended as follows:
●National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution (NCRWC) the effective participation of both the Executive and the Judiciary in the appointment of Judiciary.
●Second ARC recommended setting up of National Judicial Council to lay down the code of conduct for judges, including the subordinate judiciary. It also recommended that the appointment of judges to higher courts should be through the participation of the executive, legislature and the Chief Justice.

The composition of NJAC for appointing Supreme Court judges should include:
•The Vice President (as Chairperson of the Council)
•The Prime Minister
•The Chief Justice of India
•The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
•The Law Minister
•The Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha
•The Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha

For Appointing High Court Judges, the NJAC should include:
•The Chief Minister of the concerned state
•The Chief Justice of the concerned High Court

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#Current_Affairs #Important_notes_ssb


• According to satellite images, Iran has begun construction on a site at its underground nuclear facility at Fordow amid tensions with the U.S. over its atomic programme.
• Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP) is an Iranian underground uranium enrichment facility located 20 miles northeast of the Iranian city of Qom, near Fordow village.
• It is the second Iranian uranium enrichment facility, the other one being that of Natanz.
• Iran has not publicly acknowledged any new construction at Fordow, whose discovery by the West in 2009 came in an earlier round of brinkmanship before world powers struck the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran.
• While the purpose of the building remains unclear, any work at Fordow will likely trigger new concern in the waning days of the Trump administration before the inauguration of U.S. President-elect Joe Biden.

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In the personal interview, many questions are asked from the various sports you fill in the PIQ form. We will help you to know all about sports.

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Army Air Defence(AAD)

◆The Army Air Defence AAD is a technologically adept, modern & a formidable Arm of Indian Army.

◆Equipped with sophisticated weaponry to include Guns, Missiles & Radars, the AAD provides protection against Enemy Aerial Platforms.

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It was his birthday yesterday. He was only 22 when he sacrificed his life for the country.

Try reading the last letter that Kargil War Hero Capt Vijayant Thapar, VrC (P) wrote to his parents, without getting your eyes moist.

Hero tujhe Salaam!🇮🇳

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1. Drink:
2. Ready:
3. Beat:
4. Light:
5. Cheat:
6. Communicate:
7. Open:
8. Medicine:
9. Hard:
10. Dark:

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1. He is passing by a Railway line and saw that the fish plates have been removed. Only 15 minutes are left for the train to reach and the Station is 1.5 kms. away from the spot. He…

2. While travelling in a train, he found that his ticket is lost. He…

3. He has lot his way in the jungle. He…

4. He had a minor scooter accident on his way to office in which his scooter got slightly damaged. He…

5. He hears a cry of fire-fire from neighbouring house. He…

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Important TAT image for all Entries.
Try to write within prescribed time i.e. 4 minutes.
Be honest with your preparation and attempt this image and write a desirable story.

(For better practice,Write the story on A4 paper within prescribed time)

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