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He came to know that some of his friends were trying to sell a tarpaulin that
was spare to collect money for Barakhana. He............

As CQMH of his company he found that the rations were not of good quality.

He was the leader of trekking group and found the route hazardous due to
heavy snow fall. It was getting dark. He.....................

The examination was nearing and he found it difficult to understand the Maths
syllabus. He....................

He felt that the leave policy being followed in the Company was not proper.

He was the Captain of the Company basket ball team and the best player had
to be admitted in MH one day before the tournament. He ..................

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Israel,UAE & Bahrain Abraham Accord

Why in News-The Abraham Accord between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain is mediated by the USA. It is the first Arab-Israeli peace deal in 26 years.

Previous Agreements: There were the only two peace deals between Israel and the Arab States in more than a quarter of a century.
●Egypt was the first Arab State to sign a peace deal with Israel in 1979.
●Jordan signed a peace pact in 1994.

The Agreement:
◆As per the agreements, the UAE and Bahrain will establish:
◆Embassies and exchange ambassadors.
◆Working together with Israel across a range of sectors, including tourism, trade, healthcare and security.
◆The Abraham Accords also open the door for Muslims around the world to visit the historic sites in Israel and to peacefully pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, the third holiest site in Islam.
◆In the Islamic tradition, the Kaaba in Mecca is considered the holiest site, followed by the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, and Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Reason: Bringing Israel, the UAE and Bahrain together reflects their shared concern about Iran’s rising influence in the region and development of ballistic missiles. Iran has been critical of both deals.

Significance of the Accord:
◆The agreement shows how the Arab countries are gradually decoupling themselves from the Palestine question.
◆Palestine was among former Ottoman territories placed under UK administration by the League of Nations in 1922. All of these territories eventually became fully independent States, except Palestine.
◆Full diplomatic ties will be established between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain which will have a positive impact on the entire region.
◆The deal buys UAE a lot of goodwill in the US, where its image has been tarnished by its involvement in the Yemen war.
◆In South Asia, it will put Pakistan in a bind, whether to follow UAE’s steps (will be seen as giving up Islamic cause of Palestine) or not to follow the UAE (since it is already in feud with the Saudis over not taking up the Kashmir case, Pakistan cannot afford another hostile Islamic Country).
◆In the upcoming presidential election in the USA, the accord could help shore up support among pro-Israel Christian evangelical voters, an important part of current President’s political base.

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#PPDT make stories .
the structure of writing PPDT story is .

No. of characters :-
gender:- M/F
age:- in YEARS
mood:- +ve / -ve /0 neutral

your story:-

#INTERNATIONAL_RELATIONS #Important_notes_ssb #GD_Material #Personal_Interview

Indian Interest in West Asia:

Geopolitical: West Asia occupies an important position in international relations due to its geographical location and proximity to continents and countries South Asia, China, Central Asia, Europe, and Africa.

Energy: The region is strategically significant due to its enormous energy resources, trade route links to different parts of the world.

◆It is the world's largest oil-producing region accounting for 34% of world production, 45% of crude oil exports and 48% of oil proven reserves.

Diaspora: Indian expatriates have constituted a substantial share of the regional labour market.

◆Remittances from the region constitute a major chunk of total remittances to India.

Opportunity for India:

Defence and Security: India should use this unexpected opportunity to give itself a bigger role in a region which is its strategic backyard. The first step should be to ramp up defence and security relations with UAE.
◆Israel is already a very close defence partner.
◆While some work has already happened, India should leverage its economy for a bigger opening in this region. Importantly, India can use its good offices to ensure that any future deal on a regional security framework gives adequate space to Iran, which may be weak but not so weak that it cannot be a hugely disruptive power if it so chooses.

Way Forward
●A balance between Shia and Sunni, between Persian and Arab, is key to any sustainable peace.
●The US may be a pre-eminent power in the Middle East, but Russia has made a space for itself, spending a lot less money. In recent years, China has indicated its willingness to play a larger role in this region, and is close to both UAE and Israel and, increasingly, Saudi Arabia.
●India should make its moves before this market and this extended neighbourhood come under the Chinese sphere of influence.
●A deal that could, if played right, open the doors for a changed geopolitical arrangement in the Middle East should have a stronger Indian footprint.

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While passing by he found two people sneaking at a house from the window. He.............

He was walking on a dark street with his girl friend then suddenly ten armed people came and started
harassing his girl friend the next police station was ten km away. He...

His friend was always quarrelling with him and the papers were near. He.....

His boss gives a peace of work and orders him to follow his instructions to complete the work, but the work
is difficult to finish within time. He............

He see a snake moving near to the bed where his younger brother is sleeping, when he enters his

If some of your friend cracks a joke on you in presence of your girlfriend, what will you do...

While shooting a film, terrorists kidnapped the heroine. You are in charge of the 'check post ' nearby the
scene. What will you do…

Country young men are not interested in joining defense forces. What incentive would you offer to lure

You are moving along with a convoy to forward area and sitting at the back of the vehicle. You saw a flag car
is speeding fast. What will u do....

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#Science_Technology #Important_notes_ssb_Lecturette

Stamp on India's First Anti Satellite Missile (A-SAT)

Why in News-A Customized My Stamp on India’s First Anti Satellite Missile (A-SAT) launch was released by the Department of Posts on the occasion of Engineers Day.

A-SAT Missile

◆It is an interceptor missile that destroys or jams satellites in space.
◆Two types of A-SATs: Kinetic and Non-Kinetic A-SATs.
Kinetic A-SATs, like ballistic missiles physically strike an object in order to destroy it.
Non-Kinetic A-SATs: A variety of nonphysical means can be used to disable or destroy a space object. These include frequency jamming, blinding lasers or cyberattacks.

Mission Shakti
●Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully conducted India’s first Anti-Satellite (A-SAT) missile test ‘Mission Shakti’.
●It was launched from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Island in Odisha on 27th March 2019.
●The interceptor missile was a three-stage missile with two solid rocket boosters.

◆The entire effort was indigenous which demonstrated the Nation’s capability to develop such complex and critical missions.
◆With this success, India became the fourth nation in the world to possess such capability.
◆With the establishment of India as a space power, India will be accorded a place in any future international treaty that relates to the governance or usage of Space.
◆In case of Pakistan, a terrestrial power, the use of nuclear arsenal can now come at a heavy cost.
◆As of now Pakistan presumes that the no first use doctrine of India gives it an advantage, but with the development of ASAT capabilities, India would be able to destroy an incoming Pakistani nuclear missile.
◆This will create a significant deterrence vis-a-vis the position of Pakistan.
◆In case of China, which is a significant space power, counter-space capabilities of India will provide a critical balancing deterrent.

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#Current_Affairs #GD_Material

Hybrid warfare

Why in the news-Recently more than 10,000 people in India are being actively monitored under a surveillance Programme run by Zhenhua Data Information Technology Co, a Shenzhen-based technology company.

◆The company is known for engaging in 'Hybrid Warfare’ using the big data gained from mass surveillance.

What is hybrid warfare?

●Hybrid warfare refers to the use of unconventional methods as part of a multi-domain warfighting approach.
●These methods aim to disrupt and disable an opponent’s actions without engaging in open hostilities.
●The term originally referred to irregular non-state actors with advanced military capabilities.

The main tools of hybrid warfare as:
•Disinformation and misinformation operations
•Political and economic coercion
•Cyber and space operations
•Proxies and state-controlled forces
•Diplomatic pressure
•Military actions.

●Under Hybrid Warfare, China is increasing social animosity in its enemy country, disrupting economic activity, and hollowing out institutions, tarnishing political leadership and its potential.
●After Russia’s success in Crimea without a war in 2014-15, now every second country is giving hybrid warfare a shot.
●However, no one has used it more extensively than China. China used it extensively in Hong Kong.

What information does it collect?

◆Information collected includes dates of birth, addresses, marital status, along with photographs, political associations, relatives, and social media IDs.
◆Collecting such massive data and weaving in public or sentiment analysis around these targets, Zhenhua offers “threat intelligence services.

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#Important_notes_ssb #Current_Affairs #GD_Material #Defence_News

Chushul Valley

Why in the news-Recently the Chushul sub-sector has come into focus due to the standoff between the Indian and Chinese troops.

About Chushul sub-sector

●The Chushul sub-sector is in the eastern part of Ladakh, south of Pangong Tso.
●It consists of broken, high mountains, and includes heights like Black Top, Gurung Hill, Helmet Top, Magger Hill and Thatung, along with passes like Rechin La and Rezang La.
●Chushul is among the five Border Personnel Meeting points between the People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA) and the Indian Army.

Chushul sub-sector: Strategic importance

◆Chushul, due to its terrain and location, is a centre for the deployment of logistics, and is, therefore, of strategic and tactical importance to India.
◆The sub-sector consists of plains having a width of a couple of kilometres, making it ideal for the deployment of mechanised forces including tanks.
◆Further operational advantages are added by the road connectivity to Leh and the airstrip it consists of.

Chushul’s importance to China
Chushul acts as a gateway to Leh, and if China was able to enter Chushul, it would be in a position to launch its operations for Leh.

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#Important_notes_ssb #Current_Affairs #GD_Material

Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package insurance scheme

Why in the news-The ‘Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package insurance scheme for health workers fighting COVID-19’ has now been extended for another 180 days.

◆The scheme was announced on March 30 for 90 days and was extended for 90 days (up to Sept 25).

About Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package insurance scheme
●It is a central sector scheme.
●The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has collaborated with the New India Assurance (NIA) Company Limited for providing the insurance amount based on the guidelines prepared for the scheme.
●The entire amount of premium is being borne by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

Age limit
◆There is no age limit for this scheme and individual enrolment is not required.

●It provides an insurance cover of ₹50 lakh to healthcare providers, including community health workers, who may have to be in direct contact and care of COVID-19 patients and therefore at risk of being infected.
●It also includes accidental loss of life on account of contracting the infection.

●It covers private hospital staff/retired/volunteer/local urban bodies/contract/daily wage/ad-hoc/outsourced staff requisitioned by States/Central hospitals/autonomous hospitals of Central/States/UTs, AIIMS & INIs/hospitals of Central Ministries drafted for COVID-19 related responsibilities.
●The insurance is over and above any other insurance cover being availed of by the beneficiary.

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#GD_Material #Current_Affairs

Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package Insurance Scheme

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#Important_notes_ssb_Lecturette #GD_Material

Non Aligned Movement (NAM)

Context:This article focusses on the idea that how and why  India has changed its diplomacy during the ongoing pandemic and India is quick to recognize the changing global dynamics. The government’s attempt to go back to the NAM is a clear case of changing approaches during changing circumstances.

About NAM origin and issues with India:

●The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is a bloc of 120 developing countries that are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc in the world. As we know the United Nations is the largest block of the countries worldwide.
●After independence India also followed the path of NAM in fact it also becomes one of the founding members of this block, because of much orientation of Nehru towards the soviet era, it followed the path of NAM.
●Although in reality many of the Non-Aligned Movement's members were actually closely aligned with one or another of the superpowers which somehow serves their own interests.
●By following the same path in the later years after Nehru NAM become less relevant, and due to the changing geopolitics India also followed the path of globalization and collaborated with superpowers from time to time.
●This approach of India not only leaves the country negligent towards NAM but in the time frame, the importance of this bloc diminishes for India.

Global pandemic Crisis and aftermath Leadership role of NAM?
◆With the present 120 permanent members of the NAM, India is perfectly positioned in that stage so that it can emerge as the group’s leader with respect to its democratic values and the size of its demography and economy. 
◆Apart from this, India’s value increased more because it is one of the three founding countries of the NAM, with Egypt and erstwhile Yugoslavia, they also act in its favor.

Special advantages for India for leading the NAM 
●From the point of view of strategy, it is also important for Modi to check his authoritarian and nationalist image in the international arena. If he is taking a leadership role in the world’s largest multipolar organization will significantly distinguish him from the likes of Trump and other such leaders, who have actively pushed back against such multilateralism. 
●Further, the NAM also redeems the Nehruvian template of foreign policy, which was widely accepted in the West and the Middle East, two regions from whom Modi has been receiving maximum pushback for almost a year.
●The world expects the emergence of a new global order in the aftermath of COVID-19, emerging middle powers like India are set to play an important role. 
●What India has identified during his NAM intervention, which clearly acknowledged about “limitations of the existing international system” and pitched a “new template of globalization, based on fairness, equality, and humanity. That can be achieved by this forum”
●It can also be said that the need for international institutions “to promote human welfare” alongside economic growth, and highlighted India’s “championing” of such initiatives through the International Day of Yoga, the International Solar Alliance, and the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure is also been noted.

◆India’s diplomacy in the last few years has been majorly following the path to counter China and its influence. 
◆India is facing China as a competitor in Africa, West Asia, Central Asia, and the Indo-Pacific in many realms. Indo-US ties are complementary, and a formal alliance will help realize the full potential of these relations.
◆Although  India’s alliance with the US is not going to break down trade relations with China. Even during the Cold War, New Delhi had good trade ties with the US despite leaning towards the Soviet Union.
◆Non-alignment or being a swing state makes all the sense if the profits to be derived from either side are balanced. China will never try to become India, what the Soviet Union was.

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