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#Important_notes_ssb_Lecturette #GD_Material

West Asia : A Highly Miltrilized Region[4/4]

⁉️What are the Approaches proposed to address the conflict?

🔆Negotiations and Two-State Solution:

✓Many international actors have advocated for a negotiated two-state solution, where Israel and Palestine would coexist as independent states.

✓Negotiations would aim to establish clear borders, address issues like the status of Jerusalem, and provide security guarantees for both sides.

🔆The Oslo Accords:

✓Previous negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) aimed at achieving a two-state solution.
Various peace plans proposed by international actors, such as the United States, the United Nations, and the Arab League.

🔆Ceasefire and Humanitarian Assistance:

✓Immediate ceasefire agreements and humanitarian assistance to the people affected by the conflict can help alleviate suffering and create an environment for diplomatic solutions.

✓Temporary ceasefires brokered by Egypt, Qatar, and other regional actors to halt hostilities during periods of intense conflict.

✓International humanitarian organizations provide aid and support to affected populations in Gaza and the West Bank.

🔆International Mediation:

✓Involvement of neutral international mediators or organizations, such as the United Nations, to facilitate negotiations and peace talks.

🔆Addressing Core Issues:

✓Addressing the root causes of the conflict, such as land disputes, access to resources, and the rights of refugees, can contribute to long-term stability.

🔆People-to-People Initiatives:

✓Encouraging dialogue and cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians at the grassroots level to build trust and understanding.

🔆Human Rights and International Law:

✓Ensuring that both parties respect international humanitarian law and human rights standards, and holding violators accountable.

✓International Criminal Court (ICC) investigations into alleged war crimes and human rights abuses in the region.

✓United Nations resolutions condemning illegal settlements and calling for respect of international law.

🔆Regional Cooperation:

✓Involving regional actors and neighboring countries in peace efforts to create a more stable environment.

✓The Arab Peace Initiative, which offers normalization of relations between Israel and Arab states in exchange for a comprehensive peace agreement with the Palestinians.

✓Regional summits and initiatives aimed at promoting peace and stability in the Middle East.

🔆Economic Development:

✓Supporting economic development in the region to improve living conditions and create opportunities for both Israelis and Palestinians.

✓The Palestinian Investment Promotion Agency (PIPA) and other organizations working to stimulate economic growth in the West Bank and Gaza.

✓International donor conferences to raise funds for infrastructure and economic development projects.

🔆Security Measures:

✓Implementing measures to ensure the security of both Israelis and Palestinians, which may involve international peacekeeping forces.

✓United Nations peacekeeping missions, such as the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), deployed in the region to monitor ceasefires.

✓Border security arrangements and confidence-building measures to reduce violence.

🔆Educational Initiatives:

✓Promoting education and awareness about the history and culture of both sides to foster understanding and tolerance.

✓Educational programs that promote understanding and tolerance, such as the Hand in Hand bilingual schools in Israel.

✓Cultural exchange initiatives and joint artistic projects.


✓It is highly unlikely that the conflicts raging now in Syria, Yemen and other parts of the Middle East will come to an end. It will take too much diligent political manoeuvring to bring all the parties to the negotiation table.

✓Even initiatives such as the West Asia Peace Plan are self-serving at best as they only benefit one party by completely neglecting the other.

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#Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #GD_Material #Important_notes_ssb_Lecturette

India-EFTA Deal [1/3]

✓After 15 years of negotiations, India recently signed a Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA) with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

✓The EFTA today includes four non-EU countries — Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.

✓The agreement stands as a potential game-changer for both parties, promising economic growth, job opportunities, and strengthening bilateral relations.

✓However, it also presents challenges that must be addressed to move towards a more integrated and prosperous global economy.

What is the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)?


✓It is an intergovernmental organization set up for the promotion of free trade and economic integration to the benefit of its four Member States – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland – and the benefit of their trading partners around the globe.


✓It was established by a Convention signed in Stockholm on 4th January 1960.

✓It aimed to serve as an alternative trade bloc for those European states that were unable or unwilling to join the then European Economic Community (EEC), the main predecessor of the European Union (EU).

🔸Main Tasks of the Association:

✓Maintaining and developing the EFTA Convention, which regulates economic relations between the four EFTA States.

✓Managing the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA Agreement), which brings together the Member States of the European Union and three of the EFTA States – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway – in a single market, also referred to as the “Internal Market”. Developing EFTA’s worldwide network of free trade agreements.

🔸India and EFTA:

✓India’s exports to EFTA countries during 2022-23 stood at USD 1.92 billion, while imports were at USD 16.74 billion.
The bilateral trade between India and EFTA stood at USD 18.65 billion in 2022-23.

✓Switzerland is the largest trading partner of India followed by Norway.

✓In fact, India has a trade deficit with Switzerland, largely due to gold imports.

✓India-European Free Trade Association signed a Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA) in March 2024.

⁉️What is the Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA)?


✓The TEPA aims to create opportunities for trade and investment between India and EFTA by eliminating/reducing tariffs and non-tariff barriers on a wide range of products.

✓It aims to ensure fair and transparent market access conditions for service providers and investors and will enhance cooperation on intellectual property rights protection and enforcement.

✓TEPA aims to facilitate trade procedures and customs cooperation along with effective mechanisms for dispute resolution.


✓The agreement has 14 chapters, including trade in goods, rules of origin, intellectual property rights (IPRs), trade in services, investment promotion and cooperation, government procurement, technical barriers to trade and trade facilitation.

🔺Key Highlights of the Agreement:

✓EFTA has committed to promoting investments to increase the stock of foreign direct investments by USD 100 billion in India in the next 15 years, and to facilitate the generation of 1 million direct employment in India, through such investments.

✓For the first ever time in the history of FTAs, a legal commitment is being made to promoting target-oriented investment and the creation of jobs.

✓EFTA is offering 92.2% of its tariff lines which covers 99.6% of India’s exports.
India is offering 82.7% of its tariff lines which covers 95.3% of EFTA exports of which more than 80% of import is Gold. The effective duty on Gold remains untouched.

✓The EFTA’s market access offer covers 100% of non-agri products and tariff concession on Processed Agricultural Products (PAP).

✓India has offered 105 sub-sectors to the EFTA and secured commitments in 128 sub-sectors from Switzerland, 114 from Norway, 107 from Liechtenstein, and 110 from Iceland.

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India-EFTA Deal [2/3]

Why Does the India-EFTA Deal Hold Significance?

🔹Economic Growth and Job Creation:

🔅Investment Boost:

✓The anticipated USD 100 billion in FDI from EFTA countries over 15 years is crucial for India's infrastructure development, technological advancement, and job creation.

✓TEPA will give impetus to “Make in India” and Atmanirbhar Bharat by encouraging domestic manufacturing in sectors such as Infrastructure and Connectivity, Manufacturing, Machinery, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Food Processing, Transport and Logistics, Banking and Financial Services and Insurance.

🔅Trade Expansion :

✓TEPA would stimulate our services exports in sectors such as IT services, business services, personal, cultural, sporting and recreational services, other education services, audio-visual services etc.

🔅Market Access :

✓Under the India-EFTA free-trade agreement, Indian customers will get access to high-quality Swiss products such as watches, chocolates, biscuits, and clocks at lower prices as India will phase out customs duties under the trade pact on these goods over 10 years.

🔹Strategic and Technological Benefits:

🔅Geopolitical Significance:

✓The deal strengthens India's economic ties with Europe, fostering a more multipolar global trade landscape.

✓This reduces dependence on any single trading partner and provides strategic benefits for India.

🔅Knowledge Sharing and Innovation:

✓The deal can foster knowledge sharing and joint research ventures, accelerating India's technological development.

✓It facilitates technology collaboration and access to world-leading technologies in precision engineering, health sciences, renewable energy, Innovation and R&D.

🔹Setting a Precedent:

🔅Template for Future Deals:

✓The successful implementation of the India-EFTA TEPA can serve as a template for future trade agreements with other European nations like the UK and potentially even the EU.

✓TEPA provides an opportunity to integrate into EU markets. Over 40% of Switzerland’s global services exports are to the EU. Indian companies can look to Switzerland as a base for extending its market reach to EU.

🔅Free Trade Champion:

✓India's successful negotiation and signing of the TEPA reinforces its image as a champion of free trade. This can attract further foreign investment and position India as a key player in the global trade arena.

🔹Long-Term Benefits Beyond Just Trade:

🔅Streamlined Processes:

✓The agreement goes beyond just tariffs, addressing areas like intellectual property rights, services trade, and government procurement.

✓This comprehensive approach fosters a stronger economic partnership with long-term benefits.

✓Commitments related to Intellectual Property Rights in TEPA are at the TRIPS level.

🔅Sustainable Development:

✓The TEPA incorporates provisions for promoting sustainable development practices in trade and investment. This ensures environmentally conscious growth and aligns with global sustainability goals.

⁉️What are the Key Issues in the India- EFTA Agreement?

🔺Exclusion From FTA:

✓India has excluded sensitive sectors like agriculture and dairy from significant tariff reductions. Sectors such as dairy, soya, coal and sensitive agricultural products are kept on the exclusion list and there will not be any duty concessions on these goods.

✓FTA’s biggest export to India by far is gold, mostly from Switzerland. The effective duty on Gold remains untouched.This might limit the benefits for some EFTA exporters.

🔺The USD 100-Million Legal Commitment:

✓If the USD 100-million commitment is not fulfilled, then there is a provision in the agreement that if the proposed investments do not come because of some reasons, India can “re-balance or suspend” the duty concessions to the four countries.

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India-EFTA Deal [3/3]

🔺Data Exclusivity:

✓One of the key concerns is the proposal to introduce an additional IP barrier—data exclusivity (DE)—which could potentially delay the manufacturing of generic versions of new medicines, biologics, and preventive HIV therapy for a defined period, even when there is no patent on the medicine.

✓The proposed data exclusivity provisions, insisted upon by EFTA nations, would prevent domestic generic drug manufacturers from utilizing data from preclinical tests and clinical trials conducted by the original patent holders.

🔺The Difference in Income Level:

✓There is a huge difference in per capita incomes between India (USD 2,500) and the EFTA countries (USD 60,000-70,000).

✓So an FTA must consider ways and means to provide equal opportunity for the latter to catch up.

🔺Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs):

✓Streamlining non-tariff barriers like differing product standards and technical regulations is crucial. Inconsistencies can create hurdles for businesses trying to export goods, as they may need to modify products to comply with regulations in each market.

🔺Domestic Resistance:

✓Some Indian sectors, particularly those facing competition from EFTA imports, might express concerns about job losses or unfair competition.

What Should be The Way Forward to Ensure the Success of The India-EFTA Deal?

🔹Addressing Asymmetries by Finding Common Ground :

🔅Investment Protection:

✓The deal should include provisions for the protection of investments, ensuring a conducive environment for businesses to invest and operate in each other's markets.

🔅Phased Reductions:

✓For sensitive sectors like agriculture, India could consider phased tariff reductions, allowing domestic producers time to adjust and become more competitive.

🔅Compensation Packages:

✓Tailored compensation packages for affected industries can ease concerns and provide support for necessary restructuring.

🔅Dispute Resolution Mechanism:

✓Establishing an effective dispute resolution mechanism is crucial to address any trade-related disputes that may arise and prevent escalation into trade conflicts.
Bridging the Regulatory Gap Through

🔹Streamlining for Efficiency :

🔅Reduce Non-Tariff Barriers:

✓Efforts should be made to reduce non-tariff barriers such as technical regulations, standards, and customs procedures that can hinder trade flows

🔅Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs):

✓Establishing MRAs for specific product categories can ensure products that meet one country's standards are automatically accepted by the other.

🔅Joint Technical Committees:

✓Forming joint committees dedicated to harmonizing technical regulations can expedite the process and promote consistency.

🔹Building Capacity By Providing Tools for Growth:

🔅Training and Skill Development:

✓Investing in training programs for customs officials and businesses on the new trade regime will ensure smooth implementation.

🔅Infrastructure Upgrade:

✓Upgrading customs infrastructure and logistics networks can handle the anticipated increase in trade volume efficiently.

🔹Fostering Collaboration With A Shared Vision:

🔅Regular Stakeholder Dialogues:

✓Maintaining regular dialogues between governments, businesses, and civil society can address concerns and ensure transparency.

🔅Knowledge Sharing Programs:

✓Encouraging knowledge exchange in areas like best practices and technological advancements can benefit both regions.


✓The deal presents a unique opportunity to forge a stronger, more integrated partnership that benefits both sides and sets a positive precedent for future trade agreements.

✓As India and EFTA countries embark on this exciting journey, the focus should remain on collaborative efforts, open communication, and a shared vision for a thriving economic partnership.

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#Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #Defence_News #GD_Material #Know_Your_Navy #Know_Your_Army #Know_Your_AirForce #Important_notes_ssb_Lecturette

🔸All recent deals and contracts of MoD

Hello future officers, hope you are doing well!

Here we are sharing all the recent deals and contracts signed my MoD in order to promote atamnirbarta in defence production.

1. 2400 Cr deal with BEL for Project Akashteer and Sarang systems

2. 9100 Cr deals for improved Akash Weapon Systems (AWS) and Swathi Radars

3. 1700 Cr deal with BAPL for procurement of next gen Maritime Mobile Batteries and BrahMos Missiles

4. 19600 Cr deal with Indian shipyards for 11 next gen offshore patrol vessels and 6 next gen missile vessels for IN

5. 1700 Cr deal with BEL for 13 Lynx U2 Fire control system for IN

6. 3000 Cr deal with BEL for procurement of 2 integrated electronic warfare systems Project Himshakti

7. 470 Cr deal with Ultra dimensions Pvt Ltd for modernization of naval aircraft yards at Goa and Kochi

8. 3700 Cr deal with BEL for medium power radars Arudhra and 129 DR-118 radar warning receivers

9. Women workforce in Indian Armed Forces

10. MoD approves 4th Positive Indigenisation List of 928 strategically-important Line Replacement Units/Sub-systems/Spares & Components

11. MOD Signs ₹500 Cr Contract to strengthen Indian Army's Communication System

12. MoD & HAL sign Rs 458 crore contract for two upgraded Dornier Aircraft for Indian Coast Guard

13. Self Reliance in Defence Sector

14. MoD inks Rs 19,000 crore contract with HSL for five Fleet Support Ships for Indian Navy

15. DAC approves AoN for nine capital acquisition proposals for the Armed Forces worth Rs 45,000 crore

16. MoD inks Rs 5,336.25 crore contract with BEL for procurement of Electronic Fuzes for Indian Army for 10 years

17. Several Landmark Decisions of Defence Acquisition Counsil(DAC) of 2023

18. Ministry of Defence signs contracts worth Rs 802 Crores for procurement of military equipment

19. MoD signs contract worth Rs.1,752 Cr with AWEIL for 463 Stabilised Remote Control Guns for Indian Navy & Indian Coast Guard

20. MoD inks contract worth Rs.2269.54 Cr with BEL to procure 11 Shakti Electronic Warfare Systems for Indian Navy

21. DAC clears capital acquisition proposals worth Rs 84,560 crore to boost the capabilities of the Armed Forces & Indian Coast Guard

22. Ministry of Defence signs five major capital acquisition contracts worth Rs 39,125.39 crore

23. MoD inks MoU with BEML Limited, BEL & MIDHANI for indigenous development of Advanced Fuelling & Control System for Engines for heavy duty applications

24. MoD signs contract worth over Rs. 2,890 cr with HAL for Mid Life Upgrade of 25 Dornier Aircraft of Indian Navy

25. MoD signs contracts worth Rs 8073 Cr with HAL for acquisition of 34 Advanced Light Helicopters (ALH) Dhruv Mk III for Indian Army & Indian Coast Guard

26. MoD inks contract with AVNL for 693 Armament Upgrades of Infantry Combat Vehicle BMP2 to BMP2M

27. Defence exports touch record Rs 21,083 crore in FY 2023-24, an increase of 32.5% over last fiscal; Private sector contributes 60%, DPSUs - 40%

This post will be updated in due time and will remain pinned on the main channel,Candidates can access it any time under their thumb.

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#Important_notes_ssb_Lecturette #GD_Material

🔸SSB Lecturette Topics[5/5]🔸

Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are sharing the links to the lecturette topics shared on the channel earlier.The list will be updated and added in the meantime.

1. Violence in Manipur

2. Criminalisation of Politics

3. Unseasonal Rains & It's Impact

4. Recent Deals of MoD

5. Same Sex Marriage


7. India - Turkey Bilateral Relations

8. Defence Budget 2023

9. Extra Judicial Killing

10. LGBTQIA+ Community in India

11. ONDC and It's Potential

12. Uniform Civil Code(UCC)

13. Railway Accidents in India: Causes and Safety Measures

14. Flooding in North India

15. Chandrayaan-3

16. India's Economic Challenges

17. Communal Violence

18. 4th Anniversary of Abrogation of Article 370

19. One Nation, One Election

20. Water Scarcity in India

21. The Name Game: Bharat VS India

22. UNSC Reforms

23. Caste Census: The Need & Concern

24. Internet Shutdowns & It's Ramifications

25. India and Canada Ties at a Downturn

26. Women's Reservation Bill for Gender Equality

27. Israel - Palestine Conflict (Article - 1)

28. Israel - Palestine Conflict (Article - 2)

29. Press Freedom in India

30. China's Belt & Road Initiative

31. Rethinking Reservation Policy in India

32. India-Maldives Ties: Tale of A Diplomatic Tussle

33. Defence Budget 2024-25

34. Defence Ecosystem

35. Maritime Security

36. India - EFTA Deal

37. Iran - Israel Conflict: Instability in Middle East

38. Introspecting the South China Sea

39. West Asia : A Highly Miltrilized Region

This message will remain pinned on the channel,most of the links have part 1 of the topic, you guys can scroll down just next to the linked part to check other parts.

For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion
Forwarded from SSB Future Officers (Ankit)

🔸SSB Lecturette Topics[1/5]🔸

Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are sharing the links to the lecturette topics shared on the channel earlier.The list will be updated and added in the meantime.

1.One year of Taliban 2.0

2.Jal Jeevan Mission

3.Chabahar Port

4.Refugee Crisis in India

5. India's Foreign Policy

6.Education Technology in India

7.India & NATO

8.Integration of NE States

9.US-China Conflict Over Taiwan

10.PM Gati Shakti Plan

11.Drug Menace in India


13.Special Economic Zones

14.India & South Asia

15.Theaterisation of Armed Forces

16.New Space India Limited

17. Demographic Transition in India

18.Kargil Vijay Divas

19.Future of Agniveers

20.Social Media & Politics in India

21.Heatwaves in India

22.International North-South Transport Corridor(INSTC)

23.Death Behind Bars

24.Srilankan Crisis

25.India's Maritime Security

26.European Union

27.One Nation One Ration Card

28.India-Bangladesh Relations

29.Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)

30.Agneepath Scheme

31.Tour of Duty Scheme

32.Israel-UAE Peace Deal

33.India-Afganistan Relations

34.India-Nepal Relations


36.Integrated Battle Groups

37.Global Food Crisis

38.India-France Relations

39.India-Germany Relations

40. 5G Technology

41. Quad

42.BharatNet Project

43.India-Mauritius Relations

44.Mullaperiyar Dam

45.Indigenisation of Armed Forces


47. India-Oman Relations

48. POSH Act:Sexual Harrasment in India

49. E-Waste Management

50. Education During Pandemic

51. UPI 123PAY

52. Indian Women in UN Peace Keeping

53. United Nation Environment Program (UNEP)

54. United Nation General Assembly (UNGA)

55. India-Rusaia Military Relations

56. India-UAE Relations

57. Artificial Intelligence

58. India & Unemployment

59. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

60. Assam-Arunchal Pradesh Border Dispute

61. Manufacturing in Defence Sector

62. India-Israel Relations

63. Union Budget 2022



66. Military Operations of India

67. Startup India Mission

68. BrahMos Missile

69. Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

70. India-USA Relations

71. Non-Prolifetation Treaty(NPT)


73. Security Covers in India

74. Sudan Crisis

75. I2U2:The West Quad


77. Indigenisation of Defence Forces

78. Nuclear Submarine Alliance:AUKUS

79. India-Myanmar Relations

80. Agni-P Missile

81. NO2 as a Pollutant

82. India's Missile Capabilities

83. Cyber Security

84. United Nations

85. Anti Tank Missiles

86. Medium Range Surface to Air Missile

87. Gallantry Awards

88. Cryptocurrency

89. S-400 Air Defence Missile System

90. Maoism

91. India and Rise of Turkism

92. Human Migration in India

93. Stubble Burning

94. COP-26

This message will remain pinned on the channel,most of the links have part 1 of the topic, you guys can scroll down just next to the linked part to check other parts.

For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion
Forwarded from SSB Future Officers (Ankit)

🔸SSB Lecturette Topics[2/5]🔸

Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are sharing the links to the lecturette topics shared on the channel earlier.The list will be updated and added in the meantime.


2. UPI

3. Indian Navy Submarines

4. Drug Abuse in India

5. Hunger Issue in India

6. Cyber Warfare

7. India-Bhutan Defence Relations

8. International Energy Agency

9. Nuclear Energy

10. Social Media & Youth

11. National Human Rights Commission

12. EU in Indo-Pacific

13. China-Taiwan Issue

14. India's Coal Crisis

15. India & Present Global Order

16. Defence Industrial Corridor

17. India - Srilanka Ties

18. Representative Judiciary in India

19. Internet Shutdown in India


21. Quad Group

22. Nipah Virus

23. Marital Rape

24. Rape Cases in India

25. Caste Based Census

26. DRDO

27. Ujjawala Scheme

28. Taliban

29. Temperature Rise in India

30. India-US Nuclear Deal

31. Indus Water Treaty

32. Education Emergency in India

33. IAC-1 Vikrant

34. Assam-Mizoram Issue

35. Abrogation of article 370

36. e-RUPI

37. India at UNSC

38. DigiLocker

39. Naga Insurgency

40. National Education Policy

41. Missile Man:Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

42. India at Olympic Games

43. Anti Drone System

44. Military Intelligence of India

45. Laws for Surveillance in India

46. Indigenous Capabilities in Defence Production

47. Pegasus Malware

48. Uniform Civil Code-1

49. Brexit

50. Naga Peace Talks

51. India' Tibet Policy

52. Military Synergy

53. Dowry System in India

54. Digital Divide in Schools

55. Krishna River Dispute

56. CAPF's Turf

57. Speed Limits on Roads

58. Financial Action Task Force

59. NITI Ayog

60. Role of Social Media in Democracy

61. Religion & Patriarchy

62. India-Africa Relations

63. Project Seabird

64. Domestic Violence

65. Violence in Kashmir

66. Censorship of Films in India

67. Integrated Tri-service Theatre Command

68. Galwan: A year's Tale

69. Vaccine Hesitancy

70. One Nation One Election

71. Interpol & Mehul Choksi Issue

72. Global Vaccination Gap

73. Caste Based Violence against Women

74. Free speech & Privacy

75. Threats to Internal Security

76. Political Turmoil in Nepal

77. Galwan Valley Standoff

78. Planning for Future Pandemic Waves

79. India-Pakistan Trade Relations

80. FDI in India

81. Right to Life

82. Issues with Indian Judiciary

83. PM Mudra Yojana

84. Israel-Palestine Conflict

85. SIPRI report on Military Spending

86. American Exit from Afganistan

87. Health Service in India

88. Economic Impact of 2nd Covid Wave

89. Health Infrastructure Under Covid-19

90. India's Foreign Aid Policy

91. Aircrafts Operated by Indian Navy

This message will remain pinned on the channel,most of the links have part 1 of the topic, you guys can scroll down just next to the linked part to check other parts.

For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion
Forwarded from SSB Future Officers (Ankit)
#Important_notes_ssb_Lecturette #GD_Material

🔸SSB Lecturette Topics[5/5]🔸

Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are sharing the links to the lecturette topics shared on the channel earlier.The list will be updated and added in the meantime.

1. Violence in Manipur

2. Criminalisation of Politics

3. Unseasonal Rains & It's Impact

4. Recent Deals of MoD

5. Same Sex Marriage


7. India - Turkey Bilateral Relations

8. Defence Budget 2023

9. Extra Judicial Killing

10. LGBTQIA+ Community in India

11. ONDC and It's Potential

12. Uniform Civil Code(UCC)

13. Railway Accidents in India: Causes and Safety Measures

14. Flooding in North India

15. Chandrayaan-3

16. India's Economic Challenges

17. Communal Violence

18. 4th Anniversary of Abrogation of Article 370

19. One Nation, One Election

20. Water Scarcity in India

21. The Name Game: Bharat VS India

22. UNSC Reforms

23. Caste Census: The Need & Concern

24. Internet Shutdowns & It's Ramifications

25. India and Canada Ties at a Downturn

26. Women's Reservation Bill for Gender Equality

27. Israel - Palestine Conflict (Article - 1)

28. Israel - Palestine Conflict (Article - 2)

29. Press Freedom in India

30. China's Belt & Road Initiative

31. Rethinking Reservation Policy in India

32. India-Maldives Ties: Tale of A Diplomatic Tussle

33. Defence Budget 2024-25

34. Defence Ecosystem

35. Maritime Security

36. India - EFTA Deal

37. Iran - Israel Conflict: Instability in Middle East

38. Introspecting the South China Sea

39. West Asia : A Highly Miltrilized Region

This message will remain pinned on the channel,most of the links have part 1 of the topic, you guys can scroll down just next to the linked part to check other parts.

For more @ssbgeneraldiscussion
Forwarded from SSB Future Officers (Ankit)
#Important_currentaffair_for_SSBinterview #Defence_News #GD_Material #Know_Your_Navy #Know_Your_Army #Know_Your_AirForce #Important_notes_ssb_Lecturette

🔸All recent deals and contracts of MoD

Hello future officers, hope you are doing well!

Here we are sharing all the recent deals and contracts signed my MoD in order to promote atamnirbarta in defence production.

1. 2400 Cr deal with BEL for Project Akashteer and Sarang systems

2. 9100 Cr deals for improved Akash Weapon Systems (AWS) and Swathi Radars

3. 1700 Cr deal with BAPL for procurement of next gen Maritime Mobile Batteries and BrahMos Missiles

4. 19600 Cr deal with Indian shipyards for 11 next gen offshore patrol vessels and 6 next gen missile vessels for IN

5. 1700 Cr deal with BEL for 13 Lynx U2 Fire control system for IN

6. 3000 Cr deal with BEL for procurement of 2 integrated electronic warfare systems Project Himshakti

7. 470 Cr deal with Ultra dimensions Pvt Ltd for modernization of naval aircraft yards at Goa and Kochi

8. 3700 Cr deal with BEL for medium power radars Arudhra and 129 DR-118 radar warning receivers

9. Women workforce in Indian Armed Forces

10. MoD approves 4th Positive Indigenisation List of 928 strategically-important Line Replacement Units/Sub-systems/Spares & Components

11. MOD Signs ₹500 Cr Contract to strengthen Indian Army's Communication System

12. MoD & HAL sign Rs 458 crore contract for two upgraded Dornier Aircraft for Indian Coast Guard

13. Self Reliance in Defence Sector

14. MoD inks Rs 19,000 crore contract with HSL for five Fleet Support Ships for Indian Navy

15. DAC approves AoN for nine capital acquisition proposals for the Armed Forces worth Rs 45,000 crore

16. MoD inks Rs 5,336.25 crore contract with BEL for procurement of Electronic Fuzes for Indian Army for 10 years

17. Several Landmark Decisions of Defence Acquisition Counsil(DAC) of 2023

18. Ministry of Defence signs contracts worth Rs 802 Crores for procurement of military equipment

19. MoD signs contract worth Rs.1,752 Cr with AWEIL for 463 Stabilised Remote Control Guns for Indian Navy & Indian Coast Guard

20. MoD inks contract worth Rs.2269.54 Cr with BEL to procure 11 Shakti Electronic Warfare Systems for Indian Navy

21. DAC clears capital acquisition proposals worth Rs 84,560 crore to boost the capabilities of the Armed Forces & Indian Coast Guard

22. Ministry of Defence signs five major capital acquisition contracts worth Rs 39,125.39 crore

23. MoD inks MoU with BEML Limited, BEL & MIDHANI for indigenous development of Advanced Fuelling & Control System for Engines for heavy duty applications

24. MoD signs contract worth over Rs. 2,890 cr with HAL for Mid Life Upgrade of 25 Dornier Aircraft of Indian Navy

25. MoD signs contracts worth Rs 8073 Cr with HAL for acquisition of 34 Advanced Light Helicopters (ALH) Dhruv Mk III for Indian Army & Indian Coast Guard

26. MoD inks contract with AVNL for 693 Armament Upgrades of Infantry Combat Vehicle BMP2 to BMP2M

27. Defence exports touch record Rs 21,083 crore in FY 2023-24, an increase of 32.5% over last fiscal; Private sector contributes 60%, DPSUs - 40%

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