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Des nouvelles nous parviennent le 19 janvier 2024, dans un article de La Dépêche.
🇫🇷 💀 🇺🇦 Brandon #Nicolas est toujours convalescent, sur béquilles, désormais à #Kharkov, où il a intégré les rangs du régiment #Kraken, émanation dans le renseignement militaire ukrainien (#GUR) de l’organisation nazi #Azov.

Il a été visité par le Montalbanais Pascal #Serrier et d’autres membres de son association #Occitalien, qui m’ont l’air aussi bien perchés, se sont fait offrir le drapeau du régiment.

L’insigne de Kraken comporte une représentation du monstre mythologique scandinave et sur sa tête, la rune Tiwaz, qui identifiait aussi en 1945 l’éphémère 32. SS-Freiwilligen Grenadier-Division.

📎 in L'engagement français dans les rangs ukrainiens
the assailants are Russian Nazi exiles, subordinate to the Ukrainian military intelligence

On March 12, 2024, the Russian army, border guards and State security agency (#FSB) trounce Atlanticist troops which attempt to conduct a raid in #Belgorod region. With the support of tanks, the assailants are small groups of Russian Nazi exiles, members of the Russian Volunteer Corps (Russkiy dobrovol’cheskiy korpus, #RDK), subordinate to the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR). The goal of such operations are propaganda and to terrorize Russian civilians. The first one was conducted in #Bryansk region on March 2, 2023, others thereafter.

📎 in The Atlanticist defeat in #Donbass and #Ukraine
👇 Statement of Russian Nazi exile
🇺🇦 💀 🇷🇺 Denis #Kapustin,
after the raid that the #RDK, subordinate to the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR), conducted today at the border with #Belgorod region
🇩🇪 💀 🇺🇦 the #NDK / #DFK (Deutsches Freiwilligen Korps), emanation under command of the Ukrainian 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 military intelligence (#GUR) of Der III. Weg [The 3rd Way], a German Nazi party,
is involved in #Belgorod direction, alongside the Russian Nazi emigrates of the #RDK
[...] Team revenge 45 [...] 😅
Deutsche Nazis in atlantischen Reihen in der Ukraine

🇩🇪 💀 🇺🇦 according to a video that the group releases, the #DFK (Deutsches Freiwilligen Korps, German Volunteer Corps), emanation in the Atlanticist 🇺🇲 💀 🇺🇦 ranks of a German Nazi party, Der III. Weg [The 3rd Way], is committed, alongside Russian Nazi emigrants of the #RDK, in #Belgorod direction, where once more, the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR) is conducting a propaganda operation, in order to terrorize Russian civilians, while the Russian presidential election is held.

My international comrades of TrackANaziMerc channel have managed to identify the DFK leader, who speaks in the video. Stefan #Kind is indeed a German national.

📎 in The footprint of the Ukrainian Nazism in the West
interactions between Ukrainian Nazi organizations and Western supremacist militants
🇺🇦💀 🇷🇺 Denis #Kapustin,
leader of #RDK, a bunch of Russian Nazis who are currently fighting in #Belgorod direction, on behalf of the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR),
has come to speak in the chat of TrackANaziMerc, after we enriched the folder of his friend, German Nazi 🇩🇪 💀 🇺🇦 Stefan #Kind 👇

🚀 before dawn, on March 21, 2024, #Russia strikes the facilities of the Ukrainian 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 military intelligence 🕵️ (#GUR), which are scattered in #Kiev, in an attempt to avoid being targeted.

📎 in The Atlanticist 🦄 defeat in #Donbass 🇷🇺 and #Ukraine
chronicle of a Ukrainian secret operation

On March 7, 2024, the #US 🇺🇸 embassy to #Russia 🇷🇺 issued a security alert

The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours

#Krasnogorsk is a city in #Moscow northwestern suburb. In the evening of March 22, 2024, a concert 🎵 is sold out in Crocus City Hall, which can seat 6,200 spectators.

About 10 minutes before the show, at least 4 gunmen enter the building, start shooting at unarmed people.

The evacuation has begun, when the terrorists burst in the auditorium, where the slaughter is going on.

None of them yell any jihadist cry. Their action is methodical. A blaze has broken out in the upper floors, when the Russian security forces storm the building, about one hour after the beginning of the attack.

On social networks, Ukrainian 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 Nazis channels and also less extremist Ukrainian nationalists are already celebrating the attack.

As usual in the case of a tragic event in Russia, Ukrainian calls are overloading the Russian emergency lines with fake alerts. Russian media release the description of the car that the terrorists have used to flee.

Later, #Amaq publishes a first statement

A security source told Amaq agency : Islamic State fighters have attacked a large gathering of Christians in the city of Krasnogorsk, on the outskirts of the Russian capital, Moscow, killing and wounding hundreds, and causing great destruction to the place, before their safe withdrawal to their bases

Amaq is the news agency of the #Caliphate (#ISIS), not its official channel. The statement could be opportunistic, but the afterwards will show it is not.

March 23, 2024

The blaze is extinguished but the auditorium ceiling has collapsed. Some victims have died of asphyxiation, while they were hiding in the premises. In the morning the provisional death toll is 93.

While they are on duty in #Bryansk region, in order to usually prevent the infiltration of Atlanticist groups under command of the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR), operatives of the Russian security agency (FSB) and Chechen Akhmat regiment manage to intercept and take alive four terrorists, who are attempting to seek safety in Ukraine.

All are Tajik 🇹🇯 One of them tells his recruitment, while he was attending a series of lectures on Telegram. He was enticed with an offer of half a million Russian rubles, roughly equivalent to 5,000 euros, in order to slaughter people in Crocus city hall, has received half of the reward before the attack. Amaq releases later its second statement, a usual practice, in order to prove with pictures that the assailants have been in touch with the Caliphate. The statement clarifies that the terrorists have set the building ablaze with petrol bombs.

For Andrew Napolitano’s Judging Freedom, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson is explaining the best theory so far. The terrorist attack in Moscow is a Ukrainian plot. Increasingly frustrated by unauthorized, Ukrainian blatant actions, the US knows it, were terrified for weeks.

Since Afghanistan in the 80s, the West is using the Jihadists for its geopolitical interests. The terrorist operation in Paris on November 13, 2015, was the result, the collateral damage, of the Western support to the so-called Syrian revolution, a radical Sunni uprising against the secular government in Syria. Even the Caliphate. Then Secretary of State, John Kerry explained in a recorded conversation how the US did not prevent the expansion of the Caliphate, regarded as a leverage to constrain Bashar Assad to negotiate his ouster.

Known Jihadists, usually called Freedom Fighters in the West 🦄, are currently in the Atlanticist ranks, under command the Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR).

ISIS or Ukraine ?

Of course Ukraine

the Secretary of the Russian Security Council 🐻 🇷🇺 , Nikolai #Patrushev, replies to journalists on March 26, 2024, about the terrorist attack on March 22, in #Krasnogorsk, that #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 has subcontracted with remnants of the Caliphate.

Director of the security agency (#FSB), Alexander #Bortnikov, adds that Kyrylo #Budanov, head of the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR), is a legitimate target.

📎 in Terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk
chronicle of a Ukrainian secret operation
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🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 Kyrylo #Budanov is head of the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR)
the Ukrainian command reinforces its defense there with RDK Nazi militants

#Russia 🇷🇺 is of course silent when on May 10, 2024, #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 reports a Russian offensive south of #Belgorod, a Russian city which is a usual target of terrorism, the deliberate Atlanticist shelling of its civilians. The Russian forces are indeed carrying out offensive operations. Their scale is still unknown when Volodymyr #Zelenskyy announces a fierce battle there. #Kharkov is threatened and the #RDK 💀, a formation of Russian Nazi exiles under command of the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR), is showing on social networks that it has been sent as reinforcement in the sector.

Since 2001 in Germany, where teenager, he became a Nazi militant, Denis #Kapustin settled in Ukraine after the 2014 West-backed right-wing coup, is a kind of RDK political leader, appears on May 10, 2024, allegedly in the battle zone north of Kharkov.

📎 in the Atlanticist defeat in #Donbass and Ukraine
chronicle of a new catastrophic #NATO venture
🇩🇪 💀 🇺🇦 Stefan #Kind 👇
leader in #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 of the Deutsches Freiwilligen Korps (#DFK, #NDK), a bunch of German Nazi fighters from the the III. Weg party,
who alongside #RDK Russian Nazis,
are under command of the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR), in the Atlanticist ranks 🦄
a legacy of the Ukrainian fascists during WW2

#Lviv and other cities in western #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 mark May 23 as the Day of Heroes, which was set in April 1941, at a congress in Krakow, then Polish capital of the Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete [General Government for the Occupied Polish Territories], of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (#OUN), who were gathering under the protection of the German Nazis. The date is the death anniversary of Yevhen #Konovalets (1891-1938), OUN founder, Ukrainian nationalist terrorist in free Poland, whom the NKVD (Soviet State security agency) assassinated in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, where he was exiled.

The Day of Heroes is also celebrated among members of the Ukrainian World Congress (#UWC), at its Canadian 🇨🇦 💀 🇺🇦 headquarters and worldwide. Born in Kiev, Kyrylo #Budanov 🕵️ is head of the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR), seizes the opportunity to address the country on May 23, 2024

[…] The military, police, border guards, medics, emergency workers, community and military volunteers. Everyone fighting back against the Russian aggression deserves the highest respect and recognition

📎 in Nazism in Ukraine
its roots before WW2, its collaboration with Nazi Germany, its legacy in modern Ukraine, how #NATO has continually supported Nazism in Ukraine
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Enzo Proupin, 22yo, born on April 3, 2002, from Angoulême, France. Enzo is a motorcyclist passionné, pretend to be a military officer, which is what he laughs at for the instant, when he quits Angoulême for Ukraine in November 2023. There, he joined a duo…
Précisons quand même que le
💀 #RDK est une formation sous commandement du renseignement militaire ukrainien (#GUR),
peuplée de militants nazis russes, qui ont fait réfugiés politiques en #Ukraine, dans les années qui ont suivi le coup d'État d'extrême droite à Kiev
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Fatalitas, disait Chéri Bibi. Le 15 août, Maxime #Barrat 🐔 est très officiellement recherché par la justice russe 🐻 🇷🇺 ⚖️, dans une sordide affaire de viol. Les faits datent du 5 mai 2024, à #Glubokoe, dans la région de #Kharkov, une semaine avant la prise…
Il exerce le 18 août son droit à la défense, mais aurait mieux fait de s’adresser à un avocat compétent, avant de publier sur X un texte en Anglais que je traduis ici

🎙 L’année dernière, j’ai entendu des rumeurs selon lesquelles je trafiquais les organes de volontaires [tués] et maintenant, j’ai violé une femme. Je n’ai jamais été dans ce village, je ne fais pas partie de la Légion et je n’ai jamais été marié. Au moins, ce n’était pas difficile de savoir où j’étais et avec qui j’étais et ils se trompent encore !

🙄 cette défense est désespérante de maladresse. Je ne connaissais pas les rumeurs de trafic d’organes. Elles sont intéressantes, car si nous savons déjà dans quel panier de crabes 🦀 il évoluait, nous ne connaissons pas encore les obscures sources de financement pour lesquelles son ancien camarade Daniel #Burke 🇬🇧 fut abattu par un autre volontaire en août 2023. Pas de rumeur en revanche dans le cas du viol commis dans la région de #Kharkov le 5 mai dernier, car les faits sont établis et ouverte, une procédure judiciaire ⚖️ dans laquelle la victime l’a formellement reconnu.

Dans la Légion [internationale] ? Peu importe et nul ne l’affirme. Il était bien sous les drapeaux jusqu’à la date en juillet dernier de sa démobilisation. D’abord dans une formation de combat du renseignement militaire ukrainien 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 (#GUR), il s’est affiché plus récemment avec l’étendard de l’#UDA (Ukrayinsʹka dobrovolʹcha armiya, Armée des volontaires ukrainiens), formation paramilitaire nazie de Dmytro Iarosh, fondateur en 2014 de Pravyi sektor [Secteur droit].

Business d’abord. Il s’adresse en Anglais à son public habituel de pigeons anglo-saxons 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇨🇦, car il a passé le plus clair de ses deux ans sous les drapeaux ukrainiens à faire la quête auprès de ce public sur les réseaux sociaux. Les plus avisés l’ont d’ailleurs traité de scammer [arnaqueur]. Il leur suggère qu’il n’aurait pas été l’auteur en #France de violences conjugales parce que célibataire. Le mariage n’était pas nécessaire et pour avoir été sous le coup, avant son départ pour l’#Ukraine, d’un contrôle judiciaire ⚖️, il a non seulement commis des violences conjugales, mais n’y est pas allé de main morte. Il est particulièrement maladroit, pour se défendre, de nier les faits antérieurs pour lesquels il est déjà poursuivi en France
Début 2024, le volontaire nazi en #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦
🐔 🇫🇷 💀 Guillaume #Andreoni, dit Bones (https://instagram.com/giiomandreoni/),
affiche son affection pour un très jeune représentant du Volkssturm [assaut populaire, 1944-1945], affublé de l’insigne du régiment #Kraken, émanation de l’organisation nazie #Azov dans le renseignement militaire ukrainien (#GUR) 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦

📎 in L'engagement pinzutu 🐔 dans les rangs atlantistes en Ukraine
For the first day of Ligue 1, French 🇫🇷 professional football league ⚽️, on August 18, #Toulouse receives Nantes. In the stands, supporters unfurl the banner of the #RDK, a formation of Russian Nazi militants who have emigrated to #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 after the far-right coup in 2014, are under command of the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR)
The image is proudly shared on August 27 by Ukrainian Nazi channels on #Telegram
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LVIV, WESTERN UKRAINE, HOSTS A MEETING OF VARIOUS EUROPEAN FASCIST ORGANIZATIONS #Lviv is in western #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 the historical hotbed of the Ukrainian Nazism, where a statue was raised in 2017 in tribute to WW2 Nazi leader Stepan Bandera 👻 August…
The hosts are

💀 #Svoboda [Liberty] party,
💀 #C14, the youth organization of Svoboda,
💀 #Tradytsiya ta poryadok [Tradition and Order],
💀 #Avanhard [Vanguard],
💀 the #RDK, a combat formation of Russian Nazi militants who have settled in #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 after the 2014 coup, are under command of the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR),
💀 the Belarus Volunteer Corps, under Ukrainian command,
💀 Wotan Jugend [Odin Youth, in German], a group of Russian Nazi militants who have settled in Ukraine after the 2014 coup.

The main political guests are

💀 BNS-ND, Bulgaria 🇧🇬,
💀 Nacionalisté, Czech Republic 🇨🇿,
💀 III. Weg [Third Way], Germany 🇩🇪,
💀 CasaPound, Italy 🇮🇹,
💀 Trzecia Droga [Third Way], Poland 🇵🇱,
💀 AN, Slovakia 🇸🇰.

Through video-conference, Italian fascist ideologue Gabriele #Adinolfi speaks remotely.

📎 in The footprint of the Ukrainian Nazism in the West 🦄
interactions between Ukrainian Nazi organizations and Western supremacist militants