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[🍗 #TwitterFiles]
🇺🇸 the influence operation of the #FBI 🕵️‍♂️ to discredit Hunter #Biden's 👙 laptop story

Author Michael Shellenberger writes the 7th episode of the #Twitter Files, "the FBI & the Hunter Biden Laptop"

On December 9, 2019, the FBI has already seized the laptop at the repair shop, has become aware of its content. On September 15, 2020, in the context of an ongoing campaign about "foreign influence" risks, the #FITF has given a classified briefing for Jim Baker, deputy general counsel at Twitter and former general counsel of the FBI.

On October 14, 2020, when the New York Post drops its bombshell 💣, Yoel Roth is head of "Site Integrity" at Twitter. He states first that the laptop story "isn’t clearly violative of our Hacked Materials Policy, nor is it clearly in violation of anything else". But Baker, despite his close ties with his former colleagues or because of them, seems convinced that the materials from the laptop are either faked, hacked or both. Baker manages to sell his tale to Roth and Vijaya Gadde, while the crooked FBI is spreading everywhere the rumor that the laptop story is a #Russia-n 🇷🇺 interference

The influence operation is real, like the censorship. But the culprit is the FBI. Elon Musk will sack Jim Baker early December 2022 [...]

📎 in "State censorship on social networks : the Twitter Files"
👻 Joe #Biden 🇺🇲 is beyond doubt a decrepit Irish thug

Orthodox Christians celebrate #Christmas on January 7. Vladimir #Putin 🇷🇺 states

[...] Taking into account the appeal of His Holiness Patriarch #Kirill of Moscow and all #Russia, I instruct the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to declare a ceasefire along the entire line of contact of the parties in Ukraine from 12:00 on January 6, 2023 to 24:00 on January 7, 2023.

Considering the fact that a large number of citizens living in the areas of hostilities practice Orthodoxy, we call on the Ukrainian side to declare a ceasefire and allow the people to attend the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services [...]

No surprise, Alexey #Danilov is secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of #Ukraine 💀 🇺🇦, replies

[...] Ukraine will not conduct any negotiations with Russia about the Christmas truce [...]

Decrepit Irish thug Joe Biden tells about himself

[...] I think he [Vladimir Putin] is trying to find some oxygen [...]

📎 in "The whole countdown of the Atlanticist defeat in #Bakhmut"
[Western 🦄 politics]
According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Chancellor Olaf Scholz is apparently ready to deliver #Leopard main battle tanks to #Ukraine 💀 🇺🇦, but on one condition. In a phone call with #US 🇺🇸 President Joe #Biden on Tuesday, he is said to have made it clear that #Germany 🇩🇪 could only give in to the pressure to deliver if the US in turn delivered #Abrams [...] 😳

[...] According to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, in a phone call with #US 🇺🇲 president Joe #Biden on January 17, Kanzler Olaf #Scholz has claimed to be ready to deliver #Leopard tanks to #Ukraine 💀 🇺🇦, but on one condition : if the US in turn deliver #Abrams 😜

#Poland 🇮🇩 and others 💀 🇫🇮 have previously committed to provide Leopards but need that #Germany allows their reconveyance [...]

📎 in Countdown of the Atlanticist 🦄 defeat in #Bakhmut

[...] The government confirms that #Germany 🇩🇪 will send 14 Leopards to #Ukraine 💀 🇺🇦 The plan is to form two battalions, that is about 88 tanks, with contribution of other countries. New German defense minister, Boris #Pistorius predicts that these formations may reach the front line in about three months, that is early May.

#Poland 🇮🇩 has already announced the delivery of a company, that is 14 vehicles. Germany has managed to convince the #US 🇺🇲, which will deliver 31 Abrams, confirms Joe #Biden. 14 British 🇬🇧 Challengers should be also part of the 88 Western 🦄 💀 Panzerkampfwagen ultimately engaged in Ukraine. 75% of mankind are eager to watch their wrecks on the battlefield. Government by grocers is a curse 😅 [...]

📎 in "Panzer, Marsch"

[...] While a splendid Chinese 🐉 🇨🇳 🎈 balloon is terrorizing the whole nation 😱, the #US 🦄 🇺🇸💰 announce on February 3, 2023, that they will ship a new package to #Ukraine, $2.175 billion worth of military aid, including Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs (#GLSDB), that the #HIMARS, already delivered, will be able to launch up to 150 km.

Since the day before, Ursula von der Leyen 💀 🇩🇪 💉, the president of the European Commission, is attending a summit in Kiev. During a joint press conference, Volodymyr #Zelenskyy 💀 🇺🇦 🤡 states

"No one will surrender #Bakhmut. We will fight for as long as we can. We see Bakhmut as our fortress" 😅

According to the usual mathematical model, more than 180,000 Ukrainian service members have been killed since February 24, 2022. That criminal insanity sounds funny the day after the 80th anniversary of the Soviet victory in #Stalingrad, where the annihilation of the German 6. Armee was the turning point of WW2, forecasted the complete defeat of Nazi Europe. To a request for capitulation from Friedrich Paulus on January 24, 1943, Adolf Hitler 💀 🇩🇪 ☣️ replied

"Surrender is forbidden. 6. Armee will hold its position to the last man and the last round and by its heroic endurance will make an unforgettable contribution toward the establishment of a defensive front and the salvation of the Western world" 😅

A usual contemporary question about WW2 is : how a character like Adolf Hitler may have led #Germany between 1933 and 1945 ? Let us wonder nowadays. Zelenskyy is a cocaine addict actor, under the thumb of a Nazi deep State. All Europeans know for a while that Leyen is corrupted and unfit, whatever her job. European leaders appear as stooges of the US. And who is really leading the US ? Joe #Biden ? A senile ham 👻 ?

📎 in "Countdown of the Atlanticist 🦄 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 🦄 defeat in Bakhmut"
[Sharing] Seymour #Hersh 🕵️‍♂️ on #US 🇺🇸 Bombing #NordStream Pipelines 🐳 – Radio War Nerd

Recorded: February 11, 2023

We talk to legendary Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh about his latest bombshell scoop: the United States, on President #Biden’s 👻 orders, blew up the Nord Stream pipelines that were foundational to #Germany’s 🇩🇪 export economy until last year [...]
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La démarche de #Biden est encore assez digne,
en revanche, pour courir, en cas de FLIEGERALARM 🎈, il va falloir le porter.
Je dis ça pour aider
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😅 #Borrell 💀 🇪🇸 et #Biden 💀 🇺🇸 ont ceci de commun qu'ils sont vieux ET particulièrement nuisibles 💩
👎 je le déplore mais tous deux devraient être piqués 💉
the Israeli air force targets an overcrowded hospital in the center of the Palästinensisches Wohngebiet von Gaza [in German, Palestinian ghetto in Gaza]

On October 16, 2023, #Russia 🇷🇺 submitted to the #UN Security Council a draft resolution, that 30 countries co-sponsored, which was calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, primarily in the #Gaza strip. The document set forth several urgent goals : end of violence and civilian suffering, liberation of hostages, prevention of a humanitarian disaster or widening of the conflict. The #US 🇺🇸 and three stooges, #UK 🇬🇧, #France 🇫🇷 and #Japan 🇯🇵, voted against it.

In the evening of October 17, a huge explosion wreaks havoc in the middle of Al Mamadani Baptist hospital, where in addition to wounded and sick people, hundreds civilians have sought shelter. The provisional toll is 500 dead victims. The probability is null that such a carnage may not be the result of an aimed strike.

No electricity, no food, no fuel, no water, #Israel 🇺🇸 💀 🇮🇱 is blockading since October 9 the Palästinensisches Wohngebiet von Gaza [in German, Palestinian ghetto in Gaza], when a few minutes after the attack, Hananya Naftali, advisor to prime minister Benjamin #Netanyahu 💩, starts claiming on social networks a deliberate strike against terrorists. Then the first messages are deleted and the narrative changes. The Israeli authorities start accusing the Palestinian fighters of misfiring a rocket. One video is spreading as an evidence on social networks but is a fake, dates back to August 2022.

A real amateur video surfaces, is showing the strike. The noise reminds undoubtedly the sound of an air-dropped bomb fall. From Ramallah, West Bank, the BBC correspondent comments

It’s hard to see what else this could be, really, given the size of the explosion, other than an Israeli airstrike or several airstrikes

From Ashdod, Israel, the MSNCB correspondent adds

There are instances in the past, when the Israeli military has said things in the immediate aftermath of an incident, that had turned out not to be true in the long run

In brief, Israel is attempting to cover a mass war crime. And from Israel on October 18, Joe #Biden 💩, the major warmonger, is supporting that lies.


💀 Ach, der Krieg
good and bad news

💀 Warsaw ghetto, 1943 ?
No, bigger, this is Gaza

💀 The walls of Jericho
as a psychological operation, the raid of Hamas is already a great success
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👻 🇺🇲 🦄 #Biden claims he was born in #Israel 🇺🇲 💀 🇮🇱,
advocates a Lebensraum for the "Jewish people".
🤫 Why not in Pennsylvania ?
il l’a toujours été

Le 21 octobre 2023, l’ex président François #Hollande 🐽, un seul mandat entre 2012 et 2017, apparaît sur le plateau de l’émission Quelle époque ! de France Télévisions.

Même Léa Salamé en tombe à la renverse, sur le président #US Joe #Biden 👻, le ci-devant déclare

"Il est toujours dans la bonne réaction. Et il l’a été encore en se rendant auprès de Benyamin Netanyahou. Qu’est ce qu’il lui a dit ? Il lui a dit nous soutenons votre réponse mais nous demandons qu’elle soit proportionnée et qu’elle respecte les droits humanitaires. On dit souvent Biden est vieux, usé et fatigué. Non, je pense que Biden est aujourd’hui le meilleur président des États-Unis depuis très longtemps

[Léa Salamé] Vous pensez que c’est le meilleur président des États-Unis depuis très longtemps, c’est-à-dire depuis Bill Clinton, Barack Obama ? Il est supérieur à eux ?

Je pense qu’aujourd’hui, sur l’#Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 et sur ce qui se passe aujourd’hui au Proche-Orient, il est le meilleur président."

Cette seule séquence rappelle comment les Français n’ont pas volé les attaques du 13 novembre 2015.

Lorsque Jacques #Chirac s’opposa en 2003 à l’invasion de l’Irak, Hollande contesta cette décision. En 2006 déjà, George W. #Bush à la Maison blanche, le fat faisait des ronds de jambe à l’ambassade des États-Unis.

Le Califat et ses opérations ont été les conséquences, les dommages collatéraux, du soutien occidental à la prétendue révolution syrienne, en réalité une insurrection islamiste contre le gouvernement laïc de Bashar #Assad 🇸🇾 ✌️ Elle a réuni en Syrie le ban et l’arrière-ban des djihadistes internationaux.

Hollande a été le pilier le plus hystérique du support occidental à l’insurrection de Syrie. En août 2013, il exigea même des frappes aériennes contre les forces laïques. Heureusement, Barack #Obama, moins bon que Joe Biden, les lui refusa.

Joe #Biden’s administration and the Ukrainian 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 authorities are unable to bring themselves to officially end their counter-offensive, which is a failure since early June. Meanwhile, the Russian forces are advancing, are threatening to encircle in #Avdeevka, Donetsk People’s Republic, the Ukrainian troops which since 2014, are deliberately shelling civilians in #Donetsk 🇷🇺 city.

Some Atlanticist armored formations have been transferred from the south to Avdeevka area, in an attempt to thwart the Russian advance, where the 114th Motorized Rifle Brigade manages on October 31, 2023, to burn one more Panzerwunderkampfwagen [wonder tank] 🔥, a German Leopard 2A6.

📎 in Panzer, Marsch
the saga of #NATO Panzerkampfwagen in #Donbass and #Ukraine

[...] It took the arrogant Western leaders 6 months to admit the failure of the counter-offensive. #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 is widening the mobilization criteria, military police is chasing draft-dodgers. #Zelenskyy traveled once more to Washington DC on December 12, 2023, begged for more military support, but the #US Congress departed without a deal with Joe #Biden’s administration.


🎙 during a press conference on April 24, 2024, #US National Security Advisor Jake #Sullivan discloses that by order of Joe #Biden, first #ATACMS have been supplied to #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 in March. The Army Tactical Missile System is a long range tactical ballistic missile that the already delivered #HIMARS can launch. He believes that the Atlanticist forces will use it within Ukraine, which in his mind is including Donbass and #Crimea 🇷🇺, not against #Russia.

📎 in The Atlanticist defeat in Donbass and Ukraine
chronicle of a new catastrophic NATO venture
[😅 humor]
#USA / #Biden ♻️ 💰 ♻️ #Zelensky / #Ukraine