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👉 that is for democracy 🦄

📰 on January 1, 2023, the press reports that in #Lviv, western #Ukraine 💀 🇺🇦, people celebrate the birthday of Stepan #Bandera 👻, Nazi leader during WW2. The central government does not, but since the beginning of the Russian special military operation for liberation of #Donbass  demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, is controlling the media, closely monitoring the ideological connotation of all publications.

🎙️ the photos come actually from the Telegram channel of Maksym #Kozytskyi, the head of the local regional military administration (OVA), who writes

[...] “If Bolshevism is replaced by another form of Russian imperialism tomorrow, it will also first of all turn with all its forces against the independence of Ukraine, its enslavement. The Russian people, as they still do, will bear that imperialism, will do everything to keep Ukraine enslaved” – Prophetic words of Stepan Bandera.

As a prominent Ukrainian bequeathed, we are fighting – the whole nation stands for freedom, the well-being of the Ukrainian nation. Today is the 114th anniversary of Stepan Bandera’s birthday. A person who demonstrated patriotism, determination, consistency in the fight for the homeland. We draw strength and wisdom from our great ancestors, and continue their work. We will win. Glory to Ukraine! [...]

🏛️ Stepan Bandera (1909-1959) was born in Galicia, Austro-Hungarian empire, then #Poland 🇵🇱, one leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (#OUN), an auxiliary of the Abwehr, German military intelligence, against Poland and Soviet Union. In 1934, he engineered the assassination of the Polish interior minister

The German invasion freed him in 1939. At the beginning of the Nazi offensive against Soviet Union, in June 1941, he pled with Adolf Hitler for an independent fascist Ukraine, ally of Nazi Germany, that he declared unilaterally in the occupied territories one week later. The German authorities had enjoyed the death of 4,000 Jewish civilians, whom the nationalists had slaughtered in Lviv and nearby cities a few days before, but disagreed on the independent stuff, arrested him temporarily in July.

When they finally understood that the German Nazis would not grant them an independent fascist State, ally of #Germany 🇩🇪, the Ukrainian nationalists formed the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (#UPA) in October 1942. Among lies and myths that many Ukrainians are broadcasting with the complacency of some Western media and politicians, especially in #Canada 🇨🇦, where the Ukrainian immigration is severe, one is that they would have fought against the German Nazis. FAKE. The Ukrainian nationalists, the OUN, the UPA, have NEVER fought against Nazi Germany. The "great ancestors" were carrying out ethnic cleansing, later fought against the enemies of the Nazis, the Red Army. Between late 1942 and 1945, they slaughtered Polish civilians, at least 50,000, maybe 100,000. There were anti-Nazi partisans in nowadays Ukraine, they were Poles or Soviet fighters.

After the war, Bandera sought shelter in West Germany, where the US intelligence and Nazi underground groups were protecting him. The KGB managed to denazify him in Munich, on October 15, 1959 🥂

📎 in "Nazism in eastern Urop 🦄"
a dedication to Chrystia #Freeland, deputy prime minister of Canada and granddaughter of a Ukrainian Nazi

[...] A massacre among thousands ones that the Nazis will have committed in #Belarus 🇧🇾 during WW2 : as retaliation for an ambush that Soviet partisans have carried out on March 22, 1943, 6 km away, the Nazi forces storm #Khatyn, a peaceful village about 60 km northeast of #Minsk. All inhabitants are driven in a shed which is then set ablaze. Machine gun fire kills those who attempt to escape. About 150 people, including 75 children, are slaughtered.

The assassins are members of the Schutzmannschaft Battalion 118, a Ukrainian auxiliary police formation, recruited among the Organization of Ukrainian nationalists (#OUN). Some were previously involved in the massacre of Jewish families in #BabiYar on September 29, 1941.

The last alive member of the battalion, Vladimir Katriuk, a machine gunner, will have managed to emigrate to #Canada 🇨🇦, where he will die on May 22, 2015. Among many other Ukrainian Nazis who will have fled to Canada, Mykhailo #Khomiak, editor-in-chief of Krakivs’ki Visti, a collaborator newspaper, will become the grandfather of Chrystia Freeland [...]

📎 in "Nazism in #Ukraine 💀 🇺🇦"
album de famille

Le fils de Pépin le Bref s’est retourné deux fois dans sa tombe. Tout d’abord en septembre 1944, lorsqu’une unité de SS français fut nommée Waffen-Grenadier-Brigade der SS #Charlemagne [en Français dans le texte]. Ce fut par un décret paru au Journal officiel du 22 juillet 1943 que l’État français 🇲🇫 permit les engagements dans la Schutzstaffel (SS). Mais pourquoi donc ? Pour la défense de l’#Europe 💀 🇩🇪 🦄 [...]

En signe de contrition, Charles le Magne [grand] se résout même à raser sa barbe fleurie le 14 mai 2023, lorsque Volodymyr #Zelenskyy 💀 🇺🇦 💰 reçoit le Internationaler Karlspreis zu #Aachen [Prix international Charlemagne à Aix-la-Chapelle], que son ancienne capitale, aujourd’hui en Allemagne, aux frontières des Pays-Bas et de la Belgique, décerne chaque année, depuis 1950, pour un engagement en faveur de l’unification européenne. Le communiqué explique que depuis le 24 février 2022, début de l’opération militaire spéciale, "Volodymyr Zelenskyy et le peuple d’Ukraine défendent l’Europe et ses VALEURS" 💀 🇺🇲 🦄 [...]

Valeurs, qu’ils disent. Le 9 décembre 2022 déjà, l’anthropologue et historien Emmanuel #Todd a soulevé que les valeurs, c’est comme la culture ou la confiture. Vous connaissez la suite, moins on en a, plus on les étale.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy n’est pas nécessairement nazi. Je le vois plutôt comme un comédien cocaïnomane et opportuniste, que ses sponsors ont fait élire président le 20 mai 2019, avec la promesse de faire la paix dans le #Donbass 🇷🇺, région russophone de l’est de l’Ukraine, qui réclamait l’autonomie, quand les nationalistes ukrainiens commencèrent à la bombarder fin mai 2014 [...]

Le problème de la 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS Galizien est qu’elle était sous commandement allemand, pas assez nationale. Mais l’#Ukraine ne manque pas de "héros" historiques nazis. Chaque année depuis 2015, le 14 octobre, le pays célèbre officiellement le Jour des défenseurs. La date correspond à la fondation en 1942 de l’UPA, Armée insurrectionnelle ukrainienne. Elle était la branche militaire de l’#OUN, Organisation des nationalistes ukrainiens du criminel de guerre nazi Stepan #Bandera [...]

Les masques sont aujourd’hui tombés, l’Union européenne apparaît comme un espace libre-échangiste sur le territoire de l’#OTAN, dont elle defend scrupuleusement les intérêts militaro-politiques. Sa puissance dominante est l’Allemagne, dont la soumission aux États-Unis est telle, qu’elle a accepté sans broncher le sabotage de Nord Stream 🐳 par ses maîtres. Charlemagne est encore compromis, à l’insu de son plein gré, pour l’Europe et contre les Russes.
after he has suggested that Zelenskyy should apologize for the crimes of the Ukrainian Nazis during WW2

[...] 🎙 Łukasz #Jasina was spokesman of the foreign affairs ministry, when on May 19, 2023, in an interview with Onet, the main online news platform in #Poland 🇵🇱, he has replied to a question

[Question] Should president Zelenskyy apologize for Volhynia, for the Volhynia massacre ?
[Answer] The Ukrainian State did not do this, but president Zelensky should take more responsibility as Ukraine [...]

Between 1943 and 1945, an ethnic cleansing killed at least 50,000, maybe 100,000 Polish civilians in #Volhynia, a Polish territory before 1939, nowadays in western #Ukraine 💀 🇺🇦 The assassins were local Ukrainian peasants and members of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (#UPA), which had been formed in October 1942, under the aegis of Nazi war criminal Stepan #Bandera, as the military branch of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (#OUN). The German occupation forces did not interfere and in 1944, in partnership with the SS intelligence (Sicherheitsdienst), the organization started carrying out a guerilla against the Soviet liberators. After 1945, the British 🇬🇧 intelligence started sponsoring the UPA.

The issue is still cruel, even sensitive in the context of #NATO 🇺🇲 support, because Ukraine is praising the UPA as a pantheon of "national heroes". Since 2015, after the right-wing coup around #Maidan square, the country is celebrating each year, on October 14, the "Defenders Day", an euphemism for the anniversary of UPA foundation.

On May 30, the Polish press learns that Łukasz Jasina has been suspended, sent on indefinite leave. The sentence may come from higher, in the Atlanticist hierarchy, than the Polish government.

📎 in Nazism in Ukraine
its roots before WW2, its collaboration with Nazi Germany, its legacy in modern Ukraine, how NATO has continually supported Nazism in Ukraine
[Sharing of an unintentionally funny piece from the NYT 🍏 🇺🇲]
Troops’ use of patches bearing Nazi emblems risks fueling Russian propaganda and spreading imagery that the West has spent a half-century trying to eliminate

[😅 Molière, Le Tartuffe : Couvrez ce sein que je ne saurais voir]

[...] I guess that Thomas Gibbons-Neff has suffered when he has written a such convoluted piece. He is observing that the Nazi symbols are widespread within the Ukrainian 💀 🇺🇦 armed forces, what I confirm. He deplores their display, because such symbols are fueling the Russian 🇷🇺 propaganda, I agree. As to whether why these service members are bearing them, Gibbons-Neff has written that the issue is complicated, what is bullshit. Actually, it is not complicated and Vladimir Putin is right when he is saying that #Ukraine should be denazified.

The Jewish parents of Volodymyr #Zelenskyy do not void the fact that since the right-wing coup in 2014, Nazi paramilitary organizations have formed a deep State, are deciding national politic over #Donbass , that the nostalgia of Nazism during WW2, racism and white supremacism are their business.

All these symbols date back to WW2, were German and Nazi. The Totenkopf was the most common emblem within the Schutzstaffel [SS], the Schwarze Sonne is a legacy of Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler. Is R3ich Totenkopf variation not affiliated with Nazism ? Here it is, at the center. The helmet of the variation is also displaying a key, which was the emblem of the 1. SS-Panzer-Division, Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler.

The display of these symbols is adherence to a nationalism based on nostalgia of WW2 Nazism, racism and supremacism. These nationalists are regarding the Russian-speaking inhabitants of Donbass or #Crimea 🇷🇺 like the Jews or the Poles were regarded during WW2.

Since 2014 in Ukraine, the national heroes are former members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (#OUN) and its military branch, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (#UPA). Gibbons-Neff has written one historical lie. No, the Ukrainian nationalists have NEVER fought against Nazi Germans.

Before WW2, the OUN was already a partnership with the German military intelligence (Abwehr), against #Poland and Soviet Union. OUN militants have been the co-perpetrators, alongside the Germans, of the Jewish genocide. When they understood that Adolf Hitler would not satisfy their request, an independent fascist Ukraine, ally of Germany, they formed the UPA in October 1942. However, the UPA did not fight the Germans, rather carried out an ethnic cleansing, the slaughter of at least 50,000, maybe 100,000 Polish civilians. The German forces did not interfere. Later, in 1944, when the Red Army broke through Ukraine, the UPA started, in partnership with the SS intelligence (Sicherheitsdienst), carrying out a guerilla against the Soviet liberators. As soon as 1946, the British intelligence 🇬🇧 started sponsoring the UPA, what did not void that its members were Nazis.

I encourage Thomas Gibbons-Neff to read my chronicle
💚 Nazism in Ukraine
its roots before WW2, its collaboration with Nazi Germany, its legacy in modern Ukraine, how #NATO has continually supported Nazism in Ukraine
the dispute with Poland is not over

[...] On July 9, 2023, Poland 🇵🇱 president Andrzej #Duda 🤡 and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr #Zelenskyy 🤡 attend together a church service in #Lutsk, nortwestern #Ukraine 💀 🇺🇦, in memory of at least 50,000, maybe 100,000 Polish civilians, men, women and children, whom the Ukrainian nationalists have slaughtered during WW2 (cf. supra, Historical benchmarks, July 11, 1943), while the assassins were under protection of the German 💀 🇩🇪 occupiers.

But the dispute is not over. While the Polish parliament is regarding these massacres as a genocide, the members of the #OUN (organization of Ukrainian nationalists) and #UPA (Ukrainian insurgent army), their leader Stepan #Bandera 🦄, are still popular heroes in Ukraine (cf. supra, The infection of the State, June 30, 2022). Moreover, the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance, an openly revisionist State agency (cf. supra, Local debates, December 5, 2022), is claiming that the mass killing would have been a justifiable response to "the persecution of Ukrainians by the Poles" (cf. supra, Local debates, December 3, 2019).

The racism and inclination of a large part of the Ukrainian society to perpetrate terrorism and genocide are one cause of a war in Donbass 🇷🇺 since 2014 and one reason for the current Russian special military operation ✌️

📎 in Nazism in Ukraine
its roots before WW2, its collaboration with Nazi Germany, its legacy in modern Ukraine, how #NATO 🇺🇸 has continually supported Nazism in Ukraine


💚 The Western 🦄 disinformation about Ukraine
chronicle of censorship 🚫, fake news, whitewashing of the Ukrainian Nazism and war crimes, for the sake of the proxy war that NATO is conducting in Ukraine against #Russia
David Piguet y a trouvé sa place naturelle

[...] 📷 "GLOIRE AUX HÉROS", slogan inauguré en avril 1941, parmi les fascistes ukrainiens de l’#OUN 💀 🇺🇦 (Organisation des nationalistes ukrainiens), alors implantés dans le Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete 💀 🇩🇪 [Gouvernement général des territoires polonais occupés]. Cette image est le bandeau du compte Twitter de David #Piguet 💀 🇫🇷

Cinquantenaire, ancien officier de l’armée française, une partie de sa carrière comme auxiliaire de l’OTAN 🇺🇲 en théâtre d’opérations extérieures, impliqué aussi dans la partisane et calamiteuse mission de l’OSCE en #Ukraine, David Piguet est par son pedigree un acteur presque naturel de la guerre par procuration que l’OTAN mène au #Donbass 🇷🇺 et en Ukraine. Au déclenchement par la Russie de l’opération militaire spéciale, fin février 2022, il devint chef des opérations d’une ONG, le Fonds ukrainien pour les volontaires internationaux (FUVI).

Fervent catholique 😇, il se distingue sur les réseaux sociaux par son racisme, sa russophobie et son révisionnisme pour Stepan #Bandera, chef des nazis ukrainiens de la seconde guerre mondiale, criminel de guerre, héros populaire de l’Ukraine post-#Maidan et figure emblématique d’un nazisme endémique jusqu’à aujourd’hui. L’information est donc crédible, lorsque dans dans un article du 24 juillet 2023, le Figaro rapporte que Piguet a intégré, un temps au moins, les rangs du #DUK (Dobrovolʹchyy ukrayinsʹkyy korpus, Corps des volontaires ukrainiens), branche militaire du parti nazi #PravyiSektor [Secteur droit]. En tous cas, il fait l’intermédiaire entre les journalistes et la formation militaire, qui en novembre 2022, fut renommée 67e brigade mécanisée de l’armée régulière. Je fais le pari que si Volodomyr Zelenskyy 🤡 n’avait pas interdit les partis de gauche et qu’ils avaient mobilisé un corps de volontaires, nous n’y aurions pas retrouvé David Piguet.

📎 in L’engagement français dans les rangs ukrainiens
le catalogue pour Adopte un Mec

Articles connexes

🧀 Pauvre Sacré Charlemagne
la mythologie européiste

🧀 Nazism in Ukraine
en Anglais, its roots before WW2, its collaboration with Nazi Germany, its legacy in modern Ukraine, how #NATO has continually supported Nazism in Ukraine

🧀 David Piguet, un commissaire aux questions russes
son révisionnisme, en détails

🧀 Les oeils de Moscou
le magazine l’Express 🦄 nous en parle, fait le lien indispensable entre "démocratie libérale" occidentale et fascisme
les fantasmes d’un supplétif de l’OTAN, depuis son Ostgebiet ukrainien

[...] "GLOIRE AUX HÉROS", slogan inauguré en avril 1941, parmi les fascistes ukrainiens de l’#OUN 💀 🇺🇦 (Organisation des nationalistes ukrainiens), alors implantés dans le "Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete [Gouvernement général des territoires polonais occupés]. Cette image est le bandeau du compte Twitter de David #Piguet 🧀

Cinquantenaire, ancien officier de l’armée française 🇫🇷, une partie de sa carrière comme auxiliaire de l’#OTAN 🇺🇲 en théâtre d’opérations extérieures, impliqué aussi dans la partisane et calamiteuse mission de l’#OSCE en #Ukraine, David Piguet est par son pedigree un acteur presque naturel de la guerre par procuration que l’OTAN mène au #Donbass 🇷🇺 et en Ukraine. Au déclenchement par la Russie de l’opération militaire spéciale, fin février 2022, il devint chef des opérations d’une ONG, le Fonds ukrainien pour les volontaires internationaux (FUVI).

Fervent catholique, il se distingue sur les réseaux sociaux par son racisme, sa russophobie et son révisionnisme pour Stepan #Bandera, chef des nazis ukrainiens de la seconde guerre mondiale, criminel de guerre, héros populaire de l’Ukraine post-Maïdan et figure emblématique d’un nazisme endémique jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Son état ne s’améliore pas. Quelle peut en être la raison ? La défaite de l’OTAN en Ukraine ? L’alcool ? Avant 11:00 du matin, heure ukrainienne ?

Voilà que depuis son "Ostgebiet [territoire oriental] ukrainien, le demi-solde veut réprimer l’anti-France."État d’exception", arrestation des cadres de la France insoumise, sont les fantasmes d’un individu qui ne déroge pas à l’héritage de son engeance pétainiste. Et aussi les Sections spéciales ? Sauf vraie nouveauté, je clos ici le rapport des élucubrations sur Twitter du supplétif français de l’OTAN en Ukraine, nous n’en finirions pas.

📎 in L’engagement français dans les rangs ukrainiens
le catalogue pour Adopte un Mec

Articles connexes

🧀 Pauvre Sacré Charlemagne
la mythologie européiste 🦄

🧀 Nazism in Ukraine
en Anglais, its roots before WW2, its collaboration with Nazi Germany, its legacy in modern Ukraine, how NATO has continually supported Nazism in Ukraine

🧀 David Piguet, un commissaire aux questions russes
son révisionnisme, en détails

🧀 Les oeils de Moscou
le magazine l’Express 🦄 nous en parle, fait le lien indispensable entre "démocratie libérale" occidentale et fascisme

🧀 Fils de Pétain
c’est atavique, sinon congénital

In the previous days, a placard has appeared in Kiev, that the German Nazi forces 🇩🇪 💀 have seized on September 19, after 45 days of Soviet resistance.

"All Yids of the city of Kiev and its vicinity must appear on Monday, September 29, by 8 o’clock in the morning at the corner of Mel’nikova and Dokterivskaya streets. Bring documents, money, valuables and also warm clothing, linen etc. Any Yids who do not follow this order and are found elsewhere will be shot. Any civilians who enter the dwellings left by Yids and appropriate the things in them will be shot."

On September 29, these families are led to #BabiYar ravine, Kiev northwestern suburb, where more than 30,000 victims are shot. The executioners are Ukrainian auxiliaries and mainly, the German Einsatzgruppe C, in charge of the Jewish genocide in northern and central #Ukraine.

📷 On January 1, 2009, after the orange revolution early 2005, right-wing, pro-West and pro-Europe 🦄, the Ukrainian philately pays tribute for his 100th Birthday to Stepan #Bandera

The auxiliaries are Ukrainian 🇩🇪 💀 🇺🇦 nationalist militants, whose leader is Stepan Bandera (1909-1959). Within the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (#OUN), the moderate ones are fan of Benito Mussolini. Bandera’s followers are rather praising Adolf Hitler. The leader is usually prescribing

"Muscovites [Russians], Poles, Hungarians and Jews are your enemies, destroy them !"

That is why early July in Lviv, western Ukraine, the nationalist militants already slaughtered 4,000 Jewish civilians, in order to celebrate the Nazi invasion of Soviet Union.

📷 In Miropol vicinity, on October 13, 1941, a woman and her son are assassinated. The killers are two German custom officers and in the foreground, two Ukrainian police auxiliaries (Lubomir Skrovina, historical collection of the State Security Service, Prague)

The Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft [auxiliary police] carries on, alongside Germans, with the Holocaust by bullet. In the case of Miropol and that famous photo, the custom officers, although reported in the 60s, are not sued in West Germany where the denazification has been very flawed. But in Soviet Union, the KGB identifies the Ukrainians, who are sentenced to death in 1987.

📷 Another popular hero in Voldodymyr Zelenskyy’s Ukraine is Roman Shukhevych (1907-1950). Thanks to the KGB and its great memory, the Ukrainian Nazis, especially leaders, were not always living long. #Shukhevych was captain within the Schutzmannschaft, became in 1943 the leader of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (#UPA), military branch of the OUN, which slaughtered at least 50,000, might be 100,000 Polish civilians, with the benevolent detachment of the German occupiers, carried out later a guerilla against the victorious Red Army, with the support of the SS intelligence (SD), then Anglo-American 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 intelligence agencies

Some Ukrainian nationalist militants have assassinated and fought under regular German command. Yaroslav Hunka was Waffen-SS within the 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS, Galizien [Galicia, Lviv region]. On September 22, 2023, in the presence of Volodymyr Zelenskyy 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 and prime minister Justin Trudeau, at the invitation of the speaker, the whole Canadian parliament gives a standing ovation to him, a Ukrainian-Canadian WW2 hero, who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians [speaker].

📷 Volodomyr Zelenskyy, Chrystia #Freeland and Justin Trudeau cheer former Waffen-SS Yaroslav #Hunka (Patrick Doyle / The Canadian Press)

On December 27, 2023, a photo surfaces on Ukrainian Nazi networks. In #Lviv, historical birthplace and still hotbed of an endemic Nazism in Western #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦, a service member gives the fascist salute to the statue that was unveiled in 2017, in tribute to Stepan #Bandera (1900-1959), Nazi war criminal during WW2 and a popular nationalist hero in modern Ukraine. His organizations, the #OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) and its paramilitary branch, #UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army), were then bearing the red and black flag, that #PravyiSektor [Right Sector] political party and many Atlanticist fighters are still displaying nowadays.

📎 in Nazism in Ukraine
its roots before WW2, its collaboration with Nazi Germany, its legacy in modern Ukraine, how #NATO has continually supported Nazism in Ukraine
a legacy of the Ukrainian fascists during WW2

#Lviv and other cities in western #Ukraine 🇺🇸 💀 🇺🇦 mark May 23 as the Day of Heroes, which was set in April 1941, at a congress in Krakow, then Polish capital of the Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete [General Government for the Occupied Polish Territories], of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (#OUN), who were gathering under the protection of the German Nazis. The date is the death anniversary of Yevhen #Konovalets (1891-1938), OUN founder, Ukrainian nationalist terrorist in free Poland, whom the NKVD (Soviet State security agency) assassinated in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, where he was exiled.

The Day of Heroes is also celebrated among members of the Ukrainian World Congress (#UWC), at its Canadian 🇨🇦 💀 🇺🇦 headquarters and worldwide. Born in Kiev, Kyrylo #Budanov 🕵️ is head of the Ukrainian military intelligence (#GUR), seizes the opportunity to address the country on May 23, 2024

[…] The military, police, border guards, medics, emergency workers, community and military volunteers. Everyone fighting back against the Russian aggression deserves the highest respect and recognition

📎 in Nazism in Ukraine
its roots before WW2, its collaboration with Nazi Germany, its legacy in modern Ukraine, how #NATO has continually supported Nazism in Ukraine