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Ku baro luuqada English ka SI ---
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very important book must read
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Xarafka jimcaha.... Friday words...

Eradicate micno ahaan waa cirib tir.

To destroy something completely down to its roots.

destroy completely; put an end to.....


this disease has been eradicated from the world

Xarafka ka micnaha ah
eliminate : baabi in

security agents have started a campaign to eliminate some of the government's opponents.

a policy that would eliminate inflation
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Waa book English aas aasiga ah dadka hada bilaabaayo
I have + (past partic

Again, 'I have' shows possession or something acquired. By adding a past participle you are informing someone of a past or completed action done by you.

Here are some examples:

"I have done it."
"I have heard that before."
"I have driven a car."
"I have forgotten the words."
"I have read that book."
"I have eaten at that restaurant before."
"I have flown in an airplane."
"I have forgiven you."
"I have seen you before."
"I have written a letter."
I used to + (verb)

'Used to' expresses something that was done in the past, and is not usually done now.

Here are some examples:

"I used to develop websites."
"I used to jog every day."
"I used to paint."
"I used to smoke."
"I used to work from home."
"I used to live in California."
"I used to go to the beach every day."
"I used to sing in a choir."
"I used to like vegetables."
"I used to start work at 6 o'clock
I have to + (verb)

The words 'have to' describe something that needs to take place soon. It expresses certainty, necessity, or obligation.

Here are some examples:

"I have to switch schools."
"I have to use the telephone."
"I have to go to the bathroom."
"I have to leave."
"I have to unpack my bags."

You can also add the word 'don't' to suggest that someone is not required to do something.

"I don't have to switch schools."
"I don't have to use the telephone."
"I don't have to go to the bathroom."
"I don't have to leave."
"I don't have to unpack my bags."
Cashar video maka Soo sameyaa casharadan Kore mise waa fudud yihiin oo waa la fahmay
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Iweydii suaal kasta oo kusaabsan barashada luuqada English ka..

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What is the plural form of sheep?
Anonymous Poll
Sheep is the correct answer

Sheep isma badasho plural oo jamac ah. Iyo singular oo mufrad ama Kali ah waa isku mid waa un sheep
10 Common Phrasal Verbs in Spoken and Written English

1. go on =What’s going on
2. carry out = They carried out the boss’s plan
3. set up = It is expensive to set up a new business
4. pick up = Can you pick me up at the airport next Monday
5. go back = When did Pierre go back to France?
6. come back = What time will you come back?
7. go out = The lights went out around ten.
8. point out = The teacher pointed out the most important pages.
9. find out = When did you find out about the accident?
10. come up = His divorce did not come up in our conversation.