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college kas ☝️☝️☝️ waa college free online ah sidaa ogu jeedaan waxaan ka sameeyey hal course si aad u aamintaan marka qaybta adi kula itaalka gal linka kore ka gal shaadadna hel waxaaa aqooon san jamda qaar iyo college qaar
everyday English conversation between two friends:


At the Park

A: Hi, how are you doing today?

B Hey! I'm good, thanks It's such a beautiful day, isn't it?

A: It really is. I love spending time outdoors. Have you been here before?

B: No, this is my time. It's such a peaceful.

A: Yeah, I come here often to relax and enjoy nature. Do you like going for walks?

B: Definitely! Walking in the park is so refreshing. Plus, the scenery is amazing.

A: I agree. It's a great way to clear your mind and get some exercise. Have you tried the jogging trail here?

B: Not yet, but I heard it's nice. Maybe we can try it together next time.

A: That sounds like a plan. Let's make it a regular thing to meet up here for walks.

B: I'd love that. Thanks for inviting me today. I'm really enjoying our conversation.

A: Anytime! It's always nice to have good company. Let's enjoy the rest of our time here at the park.

English conversation about grandmother's advice to her grandchildren.

Grandmother: Hello, my dear grandchildren! How are you all today?

Grandchild 1: Hi Grandma, we're doing well, thank you. We were just thinking about all the wise advice you've always given us.

Grandmother: Oh, that's sweet of you to say. I've always believed in sharing my life lessons with you all. Remember, a kind heart and a positive attitude will take you far in life.

Grandchild 2: Grandma, you always tell us to stay true to ourselves and never give up on our dreams. It's something we always remember.

Grandmother: Yes, my dear. And don't forget to always be grateful for what you have and to show kindness to others. It costs nothing to be kind.

Grandchild 3: You also teach us to be patient and to always believe in ourselves, no matter what life throws at us.

Grandmother: That's right, my dear. Life may have its ups and downs, but staying strong and believing in yourself will help you overcome any challenges that come your way.

Grandchild 1: Thank you, Grandma, for always being there for us and sharing your invaluable advice. We love you so much.

Grandmother: And I love you all too. Remember, my door is always open for you. Now go out there and conquer the world with all the love, kindness, and belief in yourselves.Grandmother: Hello, my dear grandchildren! How are you all today?

English conversation about wedding preparation:

Jane: Hi Sarah, how are you feeling about the wedding coming up?

Sarah: Hi Jane, I'm feeling a bit stressed to be honest. There's still so much to do!

Jane: I totally understand, there's always a million details to take care of. Have you found your dress yet?

Sarah: Yes, I finally found the perfect dress last week. I'm so relieved that's out of the way. How about you, have you decided on your bridesmaid dresses?

Jane: Yes, I found some options that I really like. I just need to confirm the color with the rest of the bridesmaids. And I still need to think about the decorations and the music for the reception.

Sarah: Oh, the decorations! I'm still finalizing the floral arrangements with the florist. It's amazing how quickly the costs can add up.

Jane: Tell me about it! I'm trying to stick to a budget, but it's definitely challenging. Have you thought about the menu for the reception?

Sarah: Yes, we had a tasting last weekend and decided on a buffet with a mix of different cuisines. It was so delicious, I can't wait for our guests to try it!

Jane: That sounds amazing. I need to schedule a tasting soon too. It's so exciting to see everything coming together. I'm sure it'll all be worth it in the end.

Sarah: Definitely, I keep reminding myself that it's about celebrating our love with our family and friends. It'll be a beautiful day, no matter what.

Jane: Absolutely, that's the most important thing. We'll both have amazing weddings, I'm sure of it.

Sarah: Thank you for the pep talk, Jane. I needed that reminder. Now, back to wedding planning!

WH questions

WH Questions are used to ask for specific information about someone or something. These questions usually start with words like "who", "what", "where", "when", "why", and "how".


1. Who is that girl standing by the door?
2. What time does the concert start?
3. Where did you go on vacation?
4. When is your birthday?
5. Why did you quit your job?
6. How did you learn to play the guitar?

example 2⃣

1. What is your favorite food?
2. Where did you go yesterday?
3. When is your birthday?
4. Who is that person over there?
5. Why are you late?
6. How did you learn to play the guitar?

formation of sentences

some basic examples of forming sentences in English:

1. Subject + Verb: She runs.

2. Subject + Verb + Object: He eats an apple.

3. Subject + Verb + Adjective: They are happy.

4. Subject + Verb + Adverb: She sings beautifully.

5. Subject + Verb + Preposition: He walks to school.

6. Subject + Verb + Conjunction: She plays soccer and basketball.

7. Subject + Verb + Object + Adjective: They read a book quietly.

8. Subject + Verb + Object + Adverb: He completed the project quickly.

9. Subject + Verb + Object + Preposition: She gave a present to her friend.

10. Subject + Verb + Object + Conjunction: They ate pizza and salad for dinner.

more examples in each forms above

1. She runs every morning.
She runs fast.
She runs around the park.

2. He eats an apple for breakfast.
He eats an apple every day.
He eats an apple after lunch.

3. They are happy with their new home.
They are happy to see each other.
They are happy after receiving good news.

4. She sings beautifully in the choir.
She sings beautifully all the time.
She sings beautifully at the talent show.

5. He walks to school with his friends.
He walks to school early in the morning.
He walks to school through the park.

6. She plays soccer and basketball on weekends.
She plays soccer and basketball with her siblings.
She plays soccer and basketball for her school team.

7. They read a book quietly in the library.
They read a book quietly before bed.
They read a book quietly during lunch break.

Subject verb agreement.pdf
151.5 KB
Subject-verb agreement

Word order refers to the sequence in which subjects, verbs, and objects are arranged in a sentence. In English, the typical word order is subject-verb-object (SVO). Here are a few examples:

1. Sarah (subject) loves (verb) chocolate (object).
2. The cat (subject) chased (verb) the mouse (object).
3. We (subject) are eating (verb) dinner (object).
4. They (subject) will watch (verb) a movie (object).
5. He (subject) plays (verb) the guitar (object).

1. The cat (subject) chased (verb) the mouse (object).
2. She (subject) wrote (verb) a letter (object).
3. They (subject) are watching (verb) a movie (object).
4. He (subject) ate (verb) a delicious meal (object).
5. The children (subject) are playing (verb) in the park (object)

lesson 2.

In English sentences, the typical word order is subject-verb-object. This means that the subject performs the action (the verb) on the object. For example, "The cat (subject) chased (verb) the mouse (object)."

In English, the word order for subjects-verb-object is common. Here are some examples:

1. She (subject) ate (verb) an apple (object).
2. They (subject) watched (verb) a movie (object).
3. He (subject) read (verb) a book (object).
4. We (subject) played (verb) football (object).
5. I (subject) bought (verb) a gift (object).

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buugaan ☝️☝️BARO ENGLISH waxaa jidka kusoo jirta daabacadiisa 2 baad oo afsomali kuwada turjuman insha Allah inkama iibinaayo lakin waxaan u hibeenayaa cid walba oo youtube channel subscribe saarta haduuna kuu saar neen halkan hada kasaar riix halkan
bugaaas ka daawo link kore casharadiisa
English conversation between students and their teacher

Teacher: Good morning, everyone! I hope you all had a good weekend.

Student 1: Good morning, Mrs. Mohamed! My weekend was great, thank you.

Teacher: That's good to hear. What about you, Sam? How was your weekend?

Student 2 (Sam): It was okay, Mrs. mohamed. I just stayed home and watched some movies.

Teacher: Well, that sounds like a relaxing way to spend the weekend. Did anyone else do anything fun or exciting?

Student 3: I went to the beach with my family, Mrs. mohamed. It was really nice to get some sun and relax.

Teacher: That sounds like a wonderful way to spend the weekend. I'm glad you all had a good time. Now, let's get started on today's lesson.


Via @team_kordhis B2

Ma iska Joogtay Aalada telegram Oo wakhti badan makaaga baxay raadinta Kannaalo Faa'iido u leh Noloshaada. Jawabtaadu hadday tahay; haa ''Waxan halkan kuugu soo xulay aqristaha sharfanow channelskaad baadi goobka ugu jirtay mudada dheer oo nooc kastaba leh. 😇

𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗳 𝗶𝘆𝗼 𝗸𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗮𝗺𝗼 𝗻𝗮𝗴𝘂 𝘀𝗼𝗼 𝗯𝗶𝗶𝗿 𝗔𝗸𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲 𝗼o 𝗸𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗱 𝗻𝗼𝗾𝗼 𝗯𝘂𝗹𝘀𝗵𝗮 𝘄𝗲𝘆𝗻𝘁𝗮 𝗻𝗮𝗴𝘂 𝘅𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗻, 💙😘

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♧Guddoomiyaha kooxda♧

Sure, here are 30 English words along with example sentences

1. apple - He ate a red apple for a snack.
2. book - She loves to read a good book before bed.
3. cat - The black cat chased after the mouse.
4. dog - Her dog barks loudly whenever the doorbell rings.
5. elephant - The baby elephant played in the mud with its mother.
6. flower - She picked a beautiful flower from the garden.
7. guitar - He played the guitar at a local music festival.
8. hat - She wore a floppy hat to protect her face from the sun.
9. ice cream - They enjoyed a scoop of vanilla ice cream on a hot day.
10. jump - The cat tried to jump onto the high wall.
11. key - He lost his house key and had to call a locksmith.
12. lamp - She turned on the lamp to read her book in bed.
13. money - She needed to save money for her upcoming vacation.
14. nurse - The nurse took care of the sick children in the hospital.
15. orange - He peeled an orange and enjoyed the juicy segments.
16. paint - She used different colors of paint to create a beautiful picture.
17. queen - The queen waved to the crowd as she rode by in her carriage.
18. rain - The rain fell softly on the roof of the house.
19. sunshine - They enjoyed a picnic in the park under the warm sunshine.
20. table - She set the table with plates and silverware before dinner.
21. umbrella - He opened his umbrella to shield himself from the rain.
22. violin - She played the violin in the school orchestra.
23. watch - He checked his watch to see how much time had passed.
24. xylophone - The child played a tune on the xylophone in music class.
25. yellow - The bright yellow flowers bloomed in the spring.
26. zoo - They took their children to the zoo to see the animals.
