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Why is legal defence critical for political prisoners?

"A lawyer won’t help", "The outcome of the case is predetermined", "Why waste money?" — such comments can be found periodically under posts fundraising for lawyers’ fees for political prisoners in Russia. In these cards we have collected 7 arguments for the importance of legal defence.

We ask you to support our fundraising for defence lawyers: thanks to them, prisoners and detainees are protected from torture, have access to the outside world and are not left alone with the system.

You can find our fundraisers on our channel under #fundraiser

На русском

Fundraiser for the anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui’s legal defence

The anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui is accused of attacking the Dyagilevo military aerodrome, using quadcopters, and of damaging railway lines that were used to transport military equipment and fuel to the Russian army in Ukraine.

We are launching a fundraiser to pay for the next six months’ work by Ruslan’s lawyer. Let’s make sure no-one is left to face the system on their own!

For six months’ legal work we need to raise €4290. Please support the fundraiser in whichever way is best for you.

🪙 PayPal: solidarity_zone@riseup.net (please specify, "for Siddiqui")

🥷 Cryptocurrencies (please inform us by email to solidarity_zone@riseup.net if you send cryptocurrency to support Ruslan Siddiqui)

Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4


📣 A repost is a way of giving support!

На русском

#fundraiser #english
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The prisoners in Eniseisk

Two months ago we wrote about 12 anti-war prisoners who were held in "the clink" (krytki) — the strictest prison regime there is. However, prisons are rapidly filling up with political prisoners. Currently, in Eniseisk prison alone there are no fewer than 7 prisoners, given long sentences for acts of protest and resistance to the Russian military machine.

In the following posts we report on the most northern high-security prison and the anti-war political prisoners who are currently held there.

You can support the prisoners in Eniseisk prison by writing to them:

✉️ Russia, 663180, Красноярский край, г. Енисейск, ул. Декабристов, д. 11, Т-2

Alekseev, Andrei Igorevich, DOB 28.03.2001
(Алексеев Андрей Игоревич 28.03.2001 г.р.)

Butylin, Kirill Vladimirovich, DOB 27.02.2001
(Бутылин Кирилл Владимирович 27.02.2001 г.р.)

Paskar, Igor Konstantinovich, DOB 21.04.1976
(Паскарь Игорь Константинович 21.04.1976 г.р.)

Sergeev, Vladimir Andreevich, DOB 24.09.1985
(Сергеев Владимир Андреевич 24.09.1985 г.р.)

Zolotarev, Vladimir Georgievich, DOB 30.01.1972
(Золотарёв Владимир Георгиевич 30.01.1972 г.р.)

Podkamennyi, Ilya Vyacheslavovich, DOB 27.08.2004
(Подкаменный Илья Вячеславович 27.08.2004 г. р.)

Babintsev, Mikhail Petrovich, DOB 12.07.1983
(Бабинцев Михаил Петрович 12.07.1983 г.р.)

📧 You can write via PrisonMail.Online service: "Krasnoyarsk region" ⮕ "Prison-2 Yeniseisk"

ℹ️ How can I write letters to political prisoners in Russia?

It's important to note that there are other political prisoners in the Eniseisk "clink", including Crimean Tatars, who have been persecuted ever since the Russian occupation of the peninsula.

You can read more about conditions in such prisons in our posts "What is 'the clink'?".

На русском

#writingletters #english
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❗️ The anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui could face a life sentence

On 30 May, new charges were brought against the anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui, who is accused of acts of sabotage against military infrastructure in Russia. He is now charged with "undertaking training with the intention of perpetrating acts of terrorism" (Article 205.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and of handling explosive substances for an "organised group" (Article 222.1, paragraph 4). He could now face a prison sentence of between 15 years to life. 

Charges were previously brought against Ruslan Siddiqui under Articles covering acts of terrorism and the preparation of explosive substances, which could mean between 12 and 30 years in prison. But the Article on "terrorist training" envisages harsher punishment than the one on acts of terrorism — from 15 years to life. The Article is written in such a way that the security services can use it to add to their leading case. A defendant faces a longer sentence for "training" than for actually doing something. This Article was also used, for example, in the case of Roman Nasryev and Alexei Nuriev, who earlier this year received the record sentence for firebombing a military recruitment centre: 19 years’ imprisonment each.

Ruslan Siddiqui does not consider what he did — blowing up a section of railway underneath a goods train, and attacking a military aerodrome with drones — to be terrorism. He points out that his aim was to damage military infrastructure. He undertook his actions in such a way as to avoid harming anybody. The Article on "terrorist acts", one of the main definitions of which is that they intimidate people, does not apply.

For this reason, we believe that the Article on "terrorist training" also does not apply in Ruslan’s case.

As for handling explosive substances, here the phrase about an "organised group" raises questions. The investigating officers claim that the "organised criminal group" is the Central Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of Ukraine. But Ruslan insists that he planned and carried out his actions single-handedly. And the investigators themselves found that Siddiqui had prepared explosives at home, using ingredients that can be purchased legally: the most popular ones in Russia — triacetone triperoxide (TATP) and ammonal.

Solidarity zone is now collecting funds to pay for a lawyer for Ruslan Siddiqui. The lawyer is not only a specialist for defence in court, but also the only person who can visit a prisoner in pre-trial detention (SIZO) and be present during questioning by investigating officers. A lawyer is a vital defence against torture and other methods of intimidation. You can support the fundraiser via PayPal or using cryptocurrency.

🪙 PayPal: solidarity_zone@riseup.net (please specify, "for Siddiqui")

🥷 Cryptocurrencies (please inform us by email to solidarity_zone@riseup.net if you send cryptocurrency to support Ruslan Siddiqui)

Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4


💌 You can also support Ruslan by writing letters (in Russian only)!

✉️ Address for letters:
Russia, 125130, Москва, ул. Выборгская, д. 20, СИЗО-5
Siddiqui Ruslan Kasemovich, born 1988 (Сидики Руслан Касемович 1988 г. р.)

📧 You can write via PrisonMail.Online service: "Moscow" ⮕ "SIZO-5 Vodnik"

ℹ️ How can I write letters to political prisoners in Russia?

На русском

#fundraiser #writingletters #english
Support the fundraiser for Ilya Baburin!

Ilya Baburin was arrested in September 2022 and charged with attempting to organise the firebombing of a military recruitment centre. After almost another year, the investigating officers also introduced an absurd charge of arson at a music school. In May this year, Baburin was convicted in court under six Articles of the Criminal Code, including "terrorism" and "treason", and sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment.

Ilya disputes the sentence, and his defence lawyer has already lodged an appeal.

Why is it important to appeal a sentence?

We continue our fundraiser to defend Ilya Baburin. Now we need to collect €3130 to pay for work that his lawyer has already done, and for work on the appeal.

Support the fundraiser, in whichever way is best for you!

💰 PayPal: solidarity_zone@riseup.net (with note "for Baburin")

🥷 Cryptocurrency
(write to solidarity_zone@riseup.net if you are transferring cryptocurrency to support Baburin):

Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4


📣 A repost is also support!

На русском

#fundraiser #english
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Please open Telegram to view this post
Ivan Astashin, a member of the Solidarity zone, told Radio Svoboda about the work of our initiative, human rights in conditions of war and dictatorship, as well as about the scale of resistance and repression.

As you will see from the material, the scale of repression exceeds our capacity to support political prisoners many times over. Your paid subscription to the Patreon Solidarity zones will help us to better cope with this difficult task.

Thanks for translation The Russian Reader.

На русском

🎉 You have helped us raise the funds to pay for Ruslan Siddiqui's lawyer!

In less than a month, you have helped us raise the funds needed to pay for a lawyer for the anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui. Investigations into Ruslan's case are continuing and we realise that this fundraiser will not be the last. We are unbelievably grateful to every single donor, and to everyone who reposted!

We continue to work on a volunteer basis and value all the help you give us and the prisoners we support! Without you, we couldn't do it!

We remind you that Ruslan was arrested in late November 2023 under suspicion of blowing up railways in Ryazan district, causing 19 goods wagons to come off the rails. Siddiqui was charged under the articles for committing an "act of terrorism" and "possessing explosive devices."

In December the anarchist faced new charges connected with a drone attack on the military aerodrome of Dyagilevo in Ryazan district, and also with preparing another explosion on the railways. The investigators charged him under the articles on "attempting an act of terrorism and preparing an act of terrorism".

In early June the anarchist was faced with yet more charges — for "studying in preparation for terrorist activity" (article 205.3 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and "circulation of explosive devices by an organised group" (part 4, article 222.1 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Until this charge Ruslan would have faced between 12 and 30 years behind bars. However, he now faces an unlimited sentence, up to a life sentence. The article on "studying terrorism" carries a harsher penalty than an "act of terrorism" itself - from 15 years to life imprisonment. The formulation of the article allows the security services to add it onto the main charge. As a consequence, defendants can end up with longer sentences for "studying" than for the acts themselves.

Ruslan does not consider his actions to be acts of terrorism. He points out that his aim was to damage military infrastructure. Sidiqi carried out his actions in order to avoid harming people. This contradicts the formulation of the article on "acts of terrorism", one of whose fundamental characteristics is terrorising the population.

You can still help Ruslan now, by writing him a letter or sending him a parcel! We can help lighten up the dreary everyday prison life of the anarchist by starting up an interesting conversation with our letters, or sending a story or an article, or sharing photographs.

🌱 If you decide to send Ruslan a parcel, please keep in mind that he tries to avoid using animal products.

✉️📦 Address for letters and parcels:
Russia, 125130, Москва, ул. Выборгская, д. 20, СИЗО-5

Сидики Руслан Касемович 1988 г. р.
(Siddiqui Ruslan Kasemovich, DOB 1988)

📧 Letters can be sent through the PrisonMail.Online service

Solidarity zone supports Ruslan Siddiqui.


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"Remember, above all, that good will prevail in the end"

On the cards we publish excerpts from letters by Angel Nikolaev, which were shared with us by a friend he has corresponded with.

Angel Nikolaev is an anti-war activist from Khabarovsk in the Russian Far East. He was arrested last summer for taking anti-war actions. Angel was accused of firebombing a military recruitment center; of defacing the letter "Z" on vehicles displaying pro-war symbols; of destroying a banner showing military stripes and the letter "Z"; and of "desecration" of the Russian flag and places of burial, as he defaced the letter "Z" on Russian flags that were placed alongside the graves of participants in the invasion of Ukraine.

On the 3rd of May, the Eastern District Military Court at Khabarovsk sentenced Angel Nikolaev to 15 years’ imprisonment. He will spend the first four years in prison, and the remainder of the sentence in a high-security prison camp. Nikolaev’s lawyer has lodged an appeal against this harsh sentence, and now Angel is waiting for the case to go to the Military Appeal Court.

Angel is currently at the pre-trial detention center (SIZO-1) at Khabarovsk, and would very much like to correspond with friends. Write to him, tell him about yourself, and send him warm words of support.

✉️ Address for letters:
Russia, 680038, г. Хабаровск, ул. Знаменщикова, д. 6, СИЗО-1,
Николаев Ангел Александрович 1984 г. р.
(Nikolaev Angel Aleksandrovich, d.o.b. 1984)

ℹ️ How to write a letter to a prisoner if you are not in Russia?

Solidarity zone gives support to Angel Nikolaev.

На русском

#writingletters #english
🥳 We have completed the fundraiser for Alexey Rozhkov's legal defence!

In March, we opened a fundraiser for Alexey Rozhkov’s legal defence. Alexey is being charged under three criminal articles over an arson attack on a military recruitment office, and an interview with Khodorkovsky Live. The investigation have claimed the arson as a "terrorist act”, and Rozhkov's words as "justification of terrorism" and “fake news" about the Russian army. Rozhkov faces up to 22.5 years in prison, and we opened a fundraiser to pay for his lawyer, as well as independent research into the expert analyses carried out during the investigation.

❤️‍🔥 Thanks to you — because of your donations and reposts — we have now collected the required €3504! Alexey will now have legal defence until the end of the trial, and independent experts have already written, or are in the process of writing, reviews on all the expertise of the investigation.

We are still collecting for the legal defence of our other arrestees. Support them too, if can.

🔥 Fundraiser for the legal defence of anti-fascist Yuri Mikheev
An 18-year-old from the Moscow region is accused of planning to set fire to military equipment, and faces up to 10 years in prison.

🔥 Fundraiser for the legal defence of Ilya Baburin
The 24-year-old from Novosibirsk was sentenced to 25 years in prison in a case of preparing to set fire to a military recruitment centre. Ilya did not agree with the sentence and is appealing against it.

🔥 Fundraiser for Boris Goncharenko's legal defence
The school teacher from Krasnodar is charged under the "terrorist act” article for helping his friend Bogdan Abdurakhmanov to make a Molotov cocktail, which Bogdan then used to set fire to a military recruitment centre. The trial is underway, and Boris faces up to 20 years in prison.

You can support our fundraisers by transferring through PayPal or in cryptocurrency.

🪙 PayPal: solidarity_zone@riseup.net (please leave a note specifying who you are transferring for)

🥷 Cryptocurrency (email us at solidarity_zone@riseup.net, to tell us for whom you are transferring money):

Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4


To donate to USDT via another network or with other cryptocurrency — email solidarity_zone@riseup.net for the necessary details.

If you have questions about how a lawyer can help in the current climate, read our post answering that question.

На русском

#fundraiser #english
Report on Solidarity zone’s work: first half of 2024

The first half of 2024 has passed, and we are reviewing the results of work in that time. On the cards we present figures that show the amount of support that we have given to political prisoners.

Solidarity zone is a self-organised, horizontal initiative, and we do not have a regular source of financing. For this reason, your support is a lifeline: we are grateful for every donation and re-post.

You can donate to support prisoners in several ways:

PayPal: solidarity_zone@riseup.net


Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4

USDT (TRC20): TRcCUHKSMY7iLJPvbDxLc6ZnvAud72jTgj

To make a donation in USDT via other networks, or in other cryptocurrencies, write to us at solidarity_zone@riseup.net and ask for the necessary details.​​​​​​​

You may also subscribe to our Patreon. The money from there goes to support the Solidarity zone collective.

📣 Independently of whether you are able to give financial support to Solidarity zone, you can help us by re-posting this, or circulating information about us in other ways.

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#report #english