Зона солидарности
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Связь: solidarity_zone@riseup.net
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💥 Solidarity zone t-shirts are now in Tbilisi!

We have begun printing merchandise in Tbilisi! You can now buy Solidarity zone t-shirts at markets and charity events in the town. You can also simply order the merchandise and collect them from one of our friendly spaces.

We now have "Abolish!" t-shirts in white. Printing of t-shirts in other colours and sizes will depend on demand;)

👕 Sizes from S to L

💶 Prices — 35 gel

➡️ Write to szmerch_tbi@proton.me with questions about merchandise.

Proceeds from the sale of t-shirts will go towards supporting Solidarity zone — a horizontal initiative, helping those arrested for anti-war activities in Russia.

На русском

#english #merch
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Support the fundraiser for Maksim Chishkovsky’s appeal!

Maksim Chishkovsky set fire to the military recruitment centre in Vladivostok, five days after mobilisation was announced. In April 2023, at a first court hearing, he was found guilty under Article 205 of the Criminal Code, on "acts of terrorism", and sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment.

Maksim does not agree that the arson attack, in which nobody was injured and there was only superficial damage to the building, can be defined as an act of terrorism. As a political prisoner, he also considers that the court did not take into account mitigating circumstances. At this stage, his sentence can be appealed at the court of cassation.

We have started a fundraiser to pay legal fees for this appeal: €610 are needed.

Please support the appeal in which ever way is convenient:

🪙 PayPal: solidarity_zone@riseup.net (marked "for Chishkovsky") 

🥷 Cryptocurrency (If you send cryptocurrency to support Maksim Chishkovsky, please inform us by email to solidarity_zone@riseup.net):

Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4


📣 A repost is also support!

На русском

#english #fundraiser
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How can I write letters to political prisoners in Russia?

Legal defense during an investigation and in court, sending packages with essentials and produce deliveries — these things really matter. However, one mustn't underestimate the value and meaning of providing prisoners with moral support. Isolation and uncertainty, psychological — and at times physical — pressure would break anyone's will. But we have it in our power to support inmates who have been put behind bars in Russian prisons for antiwar resistance.

Postcards and letters are thin, but very important threads that connect prisoners with the outside world. Written communication can help someone find out about what's happening beyond the prison walls, discuss exciting news and ideas, share stories and feelings, and even learn something new.

Is it possible to write letters in English? What should I write about in a letter? How do I send it, and how do I receive a response? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in these cards.

We will now post the addresses of inmates arrested for antiwar resistance on this channel, with the tag #writingletters

#guide #english
🥳 You raised €2433 for Angel Nikolaev’s defence!

Two months ago we launched a fundraiser for the legal defence of the activist Angel Nikolaev, in Khabarovsk in the Russian Far East. He is charged with an arson attack on a military recruitment centre, the destruction of Z-symbols and "desecration of the Russian flag". Nikolaev is threatened with up to 30 years’ imprisonment , under five Articles of the Russian Criminal Code.

❤️‍🔥 Thanks to you, the sum we needed has been collected, and Angel will be defended in court by an experienced lawyer!

Solidarity zone is working on three more fundraisers to defend those accused of anti-war actions. You can support them too!

🔥 Fundraiser for the legal defence of the anarchist Aleksei Rozhkov — who is threatened with more than 20 years’ improsonment, for one of the first arson attacks on a military recruitment centre and an interview with an opposition media channel  

🔥 Fundraiser for the legal defence of Ilya Baburin — who faces up to 30 years’ imprisonment under fabricated charges 

🔥 Fundraiser to support an appeal against sentencing by Maksim Chishkovsky — who was sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment for setting fire to the military recruitment centre in Vladivostok 

If you have any questions about how a lawyer can help people in the current circumstances, you can read our earlier post, in which we answered that question.

By participating in Solidarity zone fundraisers, you are not breaking any Russian laws: we are not recognised as foreign agents, extremists or a terrorist organisation, and raising money to pay for a lawyer is not yet prohibited in Russia.

На русском

#english #fundraiser
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What do the prisoners themselves say about letters?

Recently we wrote about how to start corresponding with a prisoner, and why it is important. But the prisoners themselves explain, much better than we could, why correspondence matters. On the cards are quotations from their letters.

Here are the addresses of the political prisoners mentioned in this post:

Ziza Bogdan Sergeevich, born 1994 (Зиза Богдан Сергеевич 1994 г.р.)

✉️ Russia, 600020, г. Владимир, ул Большая Нижегородская, 67, ФКУ Т-2

Babintsev Mikhail Petrovich, born 1983 (Бабинцев Михаил Петрович 1983 г.р.) 

✉️ Russia, 670000, Республика Бурятия, г. Улан-Удэ, ул. Пристанская, 4, СИЗО-1

Zotova Valeriya Igorevna, born 2003 (Зотова Валерия Игоревна 2003 г.р.) 

✉️ Russia, Костромская обл., Костромской р-н, пос. Прибрежный, ул. Мира, д. 1, ИК-3, 3-й отряд

📧 You can write via PrisonMail.Online service: "Kostroma region" ⮕ "IK-3 Pribrezhny"

Petrauskas Andrew Vadimovich, born 1998 (Петраускас Андрей Вадимович 1998 г.р.) 

✉️ Russia, 662606, Красноярский край, г. Минусинск, ул. Горького, д. 114, ФКУ Т

📧 You can write via PrisonMail.Online service: "Krasnoyarsk region" ⮕ "Minusinsk prison"

Siddiqui Ruslan Kasemovich, born 1988 (Сидики Руслан Касемович 1988 г. р.)

✉️ Russia, 125130, Москва, ул. Выборгская, д. 20, СИЗО-5

📧 You can write via PrisonMail.Online service: "Moscow" ⮕ "SIZO-5 Vodnik"

Goncharenko Boris Andreevich, born 1988 (Гончаренко Борис Андреевич 1988 г.р.)

✉️ Russia, 344022, г. Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Максима Горького, 219, СИЗО-1

ℹ️ How can I write letters to political prisoners in Russia?

На русском

#writingletters #english
Help to file an appeal against to Igor Paskar's sentence!

Igor Paskar was sentenced to eight-and-a-half years in prison for two anti-war actions — setting fire to a banner with the letter "Z" and throwing an improvised "Molotov cocktail" at the stone doorstep of the Federal Security Service (FSB) office in Krasnodar. Despite the fact that Igor's actions did not intimidate the city's population and were not actually dangerous, the court found him guilty under Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("an act of terrorism").

Help Igor to file an appeal against the verdict — support the fundraiser for lawyer's fees and travel expenses!

🪙 PayPal: solidarity_zone@riseup.net (give "for Paskar" as the reference)

🥷 Cryptocurrency (if you send cryptocurrency to support Pascar, please inform us by email to solidarity_zone@riseup.net):

Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4


📣 A repost is also support!

На русском

#fundraiser #english
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Fundraiser for the defence of anti-fascist Yuri Mikheev

Yuri Mikheev is an anti-fascist from Lobnya, just outside Moscow. On 10 November 2023, he and a friend were detained on the territory of a military unit in the Moscow region. The FSB accused the young men of planning to set fire to military equipment. A case was initiated under criminal articles regarding "preparation for sabotage". Yura faces up to 10 years.

We are collecting €4260 (420,000 roubles) to pay for a lawyer for six months. Support the collection for Yuri Mikheev's defence however you can!

🪙 PayPal: solidarity_zone@riseup.net (with the note "for Mikheev")

🥷 Cryptocurrency (if you send cryptocurrency to support Mikheev, please inform us by email to solidarity_zone@riseup.net):

Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4


📣 Sharing this is a form of support!

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#fundraiser #english
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Загляни на Patrteon «Зоны солидарности» 😉

ENG below

Если вы подписаны на наш Patreon — обязательно загляните туда сегодня или завтра. Мы вас кое-чем порадуем! А если не подписаны — то заглядывайте тоже и подписывайтесь.

Мы кое-что сделали, и анонсируем небольшую акцию. Публикация с подробностями доступна все нашим подписчикам на Patreon — в том числе с бесплатными подписками.

➡️ Подробности тут

Check out Solidarity zone's Patreon 😉

If you're subscribed to our Patreon — be sure to stop by there today or tomorrow. We'll have something for you to look forward to! And if you're not subscribed — stop by and subscribe too.

We've done something, and we're announcing a little promotion. The publication with details is available to all our Patreon subscribers — including those with free subscriptions.

➡️ Details here

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"If they have worked, they won't let a man go"

Ilya Baburin, who faces up to 26 years’ imprisonment for a firebomb attack on a military recruitment centre that did not happen, made a final statement to the 2nd Eastern military district court at Novosibirsk. Here are some key excerpts.

Solidarity zone continues its fundraiser to pay for Ilya’s legal defence. Please support the appeal in which ever way is convenient!

💰 PayPal: solidarity_zone@riseup.net (with note "for Baburin")

🥷 Cryptocurrency
(write to solidarity_zone@riseup.net, if you are transferring cryptocurrency to support Baburin):

Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4


✉️ Address for letters to Ilya:
Russia, 630010, г. Новосибирск, ул. Караваева, д. 1, СИЗО-1

Baburin Ilya Nikolaevich, born 1999 (Бабурин Илья Николаевич 1999 г.р.)

How to write letters to political prisoners in Russia?

На русском

#english #fundraiser #writingletters
Ilya Baburin sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment

The 2nd Eastern military district court at Novosibirsk has sentenced 24-year-old Ilya Baburin, in the case of an arson of a military recruitment centre that did not happen. Baburin was found guilty under an array of Articles, including “treason against the state” and “attempted organisation of a terrorist act”. The court sentenced Ilya to 25 years’ imprisonment, of which the first five years must be served in prison, and the remaining 20 in a strict regime colony.

Ilya pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against him. His lawyer, Vasily Dubkov, called on the court to acquit his client.

Solidarity zone provides full support to Ilya Baburin. In the first place, we need to complete the fundraiser to pay his lawyer. You can support this via the link.

На русском

#fundraiser #english
On May 25 we invite you to the 'Solidarity zone' event in Leipzig in support of political prisoners in Russia. It will be held in the framework of the exhibition 'freedom is a verb' by Alla Gutnikova.

The program:
▪️presentation of Solidarity zone
▪️speeches by ex-political prisoners
▪️poetry reading
▪️donation box
▪️prisoners' treats: chifir and koryak cake

Chifir is an exceptionally strong tea, brewed in Soviet and post-Soviet prisons. Koryak is a DIY prison cake made of crushed cookies mixed with condensed milk (vegan).

Solidarity zone is a horizontal organization supporting those arrested for anti-war actions in Russia. We currently support 19 prisoners by finding lawyers, arranging parcels, and sharing information about their cases. We have no permanent source of funding, therefore your donations are of critical importance.

Event will start with a presentation from Solidarity zone, followed by the speeches of ex-political prisoners.

Alla Gutnikova and Natasha Tyshkevich spent a year under house arrest for their journalist work together with two colleagues from DOXA Magazine, Armen Aramyan and Vladimir Metelkin.

Lev Skoryakin was persecuted for an action near the FSB building against political repressions. He fled to Kyrgyzstan, was detained there and put under arrest, then released, but a month later he was kidnapped by the Russian special forces and tortured at the Moscow airport after extradition.

Denis Kozak was persecuted for a comment on social media. He fled to Kazakhstan, but was detained there and spent a year in a Kazakh pre-trial detention center on an extradition request from Russia.

All four of them are on Russia’s federal wanted list. With the help of human rights activists they all managed to escape to Germany and live here with a humanitarian visa and Reiseausweis für Ausländer.

Finally, poets from Russia with a migration background will read their texts. Among them are Alla Gutnikova, Inna Krasnoper, Karina Papp, Nikita Sungatov, Roman Osminkin, and Natasha Tyshkevich.

Mikhail Balabanov sentenced to 4.5 years

The 21 year old from Kazan Mikhail Balabanov has been sentenced in the southern district military court. The young man was found guilty of preparing an "act of terrorism" and was given a custodial sentence of 4 years and 6 months. He will have to spend two of those years in a prison and the rest in a strict regime prison colony. Meanwhile, the court reduced the seriousness of part of the charge against him, not finding a "group of people".

Balabanov was accused of conspiracy with an unspecified agent of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and of preparing an arson attack on a military recruitment office in Nevinnomyssk. Mikhail does not accept the charge against him, and his defence believes that it was FSB agents who corresponded with him. The security forces may have come after the young man after he called the Ukrainian project to help those wishing to surrender, "I want to live" — Mikhail wanted to avoid being sent to the front.

Solidarity zone is supporting Mikhail Balabanov

На русском

#court #sentence #english
We are continuing to fundraise for the anarachist Aleksei Rozhkov. We still need to raise €1475 out of the total €3504 required!

Aleksei Rozhkov was one of the first to protest against the invasion of Ukraine by settling light to a military enlistment centre in March 2022. Now Aleksei is charged under three articles: "an act of terrorism" for the arson attack; "justification of terrorism" and "fakes" about the army for an interview that Aleksei gave to the channel "Khodorkovsky Live". You can read more about his case in the following cards.

Help Aleksei raise funds to pay for reviews of the expert reports used in his case!

You can contribute to the fundraiser in any way that suits you:

🪙 PayPal:
solidarity_zone@riseup.net (with the reference "for Rozhkov")

🥷 Cryptocurrency
(email solidarity_zone@riseup.net , if you are sending cryptocurrency to support Rozhkov):




📣 Repost — that's support too!

На русском

#english #fundraiser
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Why is legal defence critical for political prisoners?

"A lawyer won’t help", "The outcome of the case is predetermined", "Why waste money?" — such comments can be found periodically under posts fundraising for lawyers’ fees for political prisoners in Russia. In these cards we have collected 7 arguments for the importance of legal defence.

We ask you to support our fundraising for defence lawyers: thanks to them, prisoners and detainees are protected from torture, have access to the outside world and are not left alone with the system.

You can find our fundraisers on our channel under #fundraiser

На русском

Fundraiser for the anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui’s legal defence

The anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui is accused of attacking the Dyagilevo military aerodrome, using quadcopters, and of damaging railway lines that were used to transport military equipment and fuel to the Russian army in Ukraine.

We are launching a fundraiser to pay for the next six months’ work by Ruslan’s lawyer. Let’s make sure no-one is left to face the system on their own!

For six months’ legal work we need to raise €4290. Please support the fundraiser in whichever way is best for you.

🪙 PayPal: solidarity_zone@riseup.net (please specify, "for Siddiqui")

🥷 Cryptocurrencies (please inform us by email to solidarity_zone@riseup.net if you send cryptocurrency to support Ruslan Siddiqui)

Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4


📣 A repost is a way of giving support!

На русском

#fundraiser #english
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The prisoners in Eniseisk

Two months ago we wrote about 12 anti-war prisoners who were held in "the clink" (krytki) — the strictest prison regime there is. However, prisons are rapidly filling up with political prisoners. Currently, in Eniseisk prison alone there are no fewer than 7 prisoners, given long sentences for acts of protest and resistance to the Russian military machine.

In the following posts we report on the most northern high-security prison and the anti-war political prisoners who are currently held there.

You can support the prisoners in Eniseisk prison by writing to them:

✉️ Russia, 663180, Красноярский край, г. Енисейск, ул. Декабристов, д. 11, Т-2

Alekseev, Andrei Igorevich, DOB 28.03.2001
(Алексеев Андрей Игоревич 28.03.2001 г.р.)

Butylin, Kirill Vladimirovich, DOB 27.02.2001
(Бутылин Кирилл Владимирович 27.02.2001 г.р.)

Paskar, Igor Konstantinovich, DOB 21.04.1976
(Паскарь Игорь Константинович 21.04.1976 г.р.)

Sergeev, Vladimir Andreevich, DOB 24.09.1985
(Сергеев Владимир Андреевич 24.09.1985 г.р.)

Zolotarev, Vladimir Georgievich, DOB 30.01.1972
(Золотарёв Владимир Георгиевич 30.01.1972 г.р.)

Podkamennyi, Ilya Vyacheslavovich, DOB 27.08.2004
(Подкаменный Илья Вячеславович 27.08.2004 г. р.)

Babintsev, Mikhail Petrovich, DOB 12.07.1983
(Бабинцев Михаил Петрович 12.07.1983 г.р.)

📧 You can write via PrisonMail.Online service: "Krasnoyarsk region" ⮕ "Prison-2 Yeniseisk"

ℹ️ How can I write letters to political prisoners in Russia?

It's important to note that there are other political prisoners in the Eniseisk "clink", including Crimean Tatars, who have been persecuted ever since the Russian occupation of the peninsula.

You can read more about conditions in such prisons in our posts "What is 'the clink'?".

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#writingletters #english
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