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⚡️🇮🇷🇸🇾🇺🇸 It seems that, against the Background of Recent Events, Contradictions have escalated between #Iran and the #US in #Israel, and #Syria is still under Attack⚡️

🗓 Yesterday, an UAV Raid on #US bases in #Syria was carried out by Iranian proxies in response to several pinpoint attacks by the US Armed Forces on Iranian proxies.

▪️ Later towards midnight, 3 military bases were attacked by Shiite groups. 2 were in the so-called "demilitarised zone of al-Tanf" where Syrian Free Army fighters are now actively training.

▪️ Another base hit was the Al-Omar camp near Dayr al-Zawr. Kamikaze drones were used in all attacks, but the extent of the damage remains a mystery. Arab sources said several Americans were killed and wounded.

❗️Against the backdrop of the deaths of several pro-Iranian warlords, such raids were expected, including for the Americans. Instead, the status quo prevailed for a short time. At the same time, other Iranian-affiliated forces became active in #Iraq.

▪️ Another event occurred overnight, however, as Jordanian F-16 fighter jets carried out several strikes on the outskirts of West Ghariya in Dar'a province. As 👉 last time, the aim was to combat smugglers, the threat from which has increased in recent months.

📌 But Reuters journalists found an Iranian trace in this. They said that these were pro-Iranian smugglers who were taking weapons through #Jordan. That would be all right, but #Iran has already established supply channels for Hezbollah and proxy groups, and they have no need to transit through #Jordan. However, the Western media could not miss the opportunity to once again blame #Iran for everything.

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📜 RYBAR; 5 Jan 2024, 20:50

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⚡️🇮🇱🇵🇸⚔️ Escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Zone until the End of 28 January 2024⚡️

🔹In the north of the #Gaza Strip, Israeli troops continue to strike residential areas in Beit Lahia, as well as the areas of Az-Zaytoun and Tell al-Hawa. At the same time, a firefight occurred again northeast of Jabaliya.

🔹In the area of the
#isthmus between the northern and southern parts of the enclave, the configuration of the front remains unchanged. Meanwhile, footage of destruction in Al-Maghazi, as well as along the Salah ad-Din highway, was actively disseminated on the Internet.

🔹In the south of the #Gaza Strip, Israelis are fighting near the Al-Amal hospital, as well as in the Abasan al-Kabire area. At the same time, the Israelis declared the area near the Kerem Shalom checkpoint a military zone, trying to stop protests at the site.

🔹On the northern border of #Israel, the situation remains tense. Hezbollah reported missile launches at Israeli military bases. In turn, the IDF again attacked populated areas in southern #Lebanon.

🔹In the Middle East, pro-Iranian proxies continue to show limited activity. Within a day they launched drones at targets in #Syria, #Iraq and #Israel, but the consequences of the attacks are unknown. And in the Persian Gulf, IRGC Navy fighters detained a ship on charges of diesel fuel smuggling.

🔹In the evening, in #Jordan, a drone attack on the #US outpost Tower 22 caused a significant resonance, as a result of which three #US military personnel were killed and at least 25 were injured of varying degrees of severity. The #US authorities issued threats of retaliatory action against #Iran for the incident.

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📜 RYBAR; 28 Jan 2024, 22:32

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⚡️🇺🇸🇸🇾🇮🇷 After the Strike on #US Troops in #Jordan⚡️

🔹Or on the base in At-Tanf, we 👉 talked about it, in the #US Congress, Senate and in general, in the American segment X (Twitter) there are calls to go and “hungry” about #Iran.

🔹Lindsey Graham and other hawks also showed up. The incident, naturally, outraged the American public, which is concerned about what is happening on the #Texas border (the Take our Borders Back rally will begin there ⚠️today).

❗️But it is important to understand a very subtle nuance. The fact is that if the #US begin attacks on #Iran (or on pro-Iranian proxies in #Iraq/#Syria), #Jordan may also take advantage of this incident as a casus belli to launch a cross-border operation in the Syrian province of Es-Suwayda.

🔹 What's the point? There are pro-Iranian formations and networks of smugglers in the province that enter Jordanian territory. Plus there are constant protests there, and the Syrian government actually does not control it.

▪️ And using this incident as a kind of pretext for launching a cross-border operation (especially if you note that the shelling was carried out precisely from the territory of the province of Es-Suwayda), the Jordanians will thereby put pressure on the Syrians and create another artificial point of tension. And they will follow the lead of both the #US and the Israeli ultra-Orthodox, who are blackmailing the King of #Jordan with the crisis in the West Bank.

📌 In the end, everyone will be happy, and the Iranians, the Syrians, and, naturally, the Russians will be fools. The plan to capture Es-Suwayda was developed approximately one and a half to two months ago and is now moving into an active phase. The only question is the nuances of its practical implementation.

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📜 RYBAR; 29 Jan 2024, 00:22

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⚡️🇺🇸🇮🇷⚔️ On the Upcoming #US - #Iran War⚡️

🔹Biden said he had already decided how to respond to the attack on the #US At-Tanf base. The strikes could be launched as early as this night. The #US are running out of time, and further delays in responding will look like another sign of weakness.

🔹#Iran informed the #US that it would regard any attack on its territory as a reason for direct attacks on #US forces in the Middle East.

🔹Shiite groups in #Syria and #Iraq have already reported that, regardless of #US actions, they will continue to attack #US bases.

🔹With the Houthis everything is clear, given #Israel’s refusal to cease fire and withdraw troops from Gaza, missiles and drones will continue to fly at tankers and #US destroyers for a long time.

⚠️ Note, the usual Evening Report is canceled, cause still not available, I am sorry about!

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⚡️🇺🇸🇬🇧🇾🇪 Escalation of the Conflict in the Red Sea - Chronicle of Events for 28-30 January 2024⚡️

🔹In the Red Sea region, the tense situation remains, but no one is taking active action yet. Both Ansarallah and the #US-led coalition have taken a wait-and-see approach and are apparently awaiting the enemy’s move.

🔹Throughout #Yemen, meanwhile, rallies are taking place in support of #Palestine and against #Israel and the #US. And, in turn, the atmosphere in the #US media is heating up, and #Yemen may become one of the potential targets of a response to #Iran after the attack on the #US base in #Jordan.

🔹Perhaps the precarious calm will soon end. And whether this will be another Houthi attack or a #US airstrike, time will tell.

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📜 RYBAR; 31 Jan 2024, 00:03

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⚡️🇮🇶🇺🇸🕊 Kataib Hezbollah stops Attacks on #US Bases⚡️

💬 Kataib Hezbollah, traditionally seen as an Iranian proxy (not to be confused with Lebanese Hezbollah), has announced it will suspend attacks on #US Military Bases in #Iraq and #Syria and is calling on other resistance groups to do the same.

❗️The formal justification is the reluctance to “embarrass” Baghdad, which is currently negotiating with Washington on the withdrawal of #US troops from the country.

📊 In total, since 7 October 2023 and the subsequent escalation in Gaza, #US facilities in the region have been attacked more than 160 times.

💥 The most serious strike was performed by the Islamic Resistance of #Iraq on the at-Tanf Base in #Syria (according to the official version of the White House, on an outpost in #Jordan), as a result of which 3 American soldiers were killed and over 40 people were injured of varying degrees of severity.

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⚡️🇺🇸🇬🇧🇾🇪 Escalation of the Conflict in the Red Sea: The #US - #UK Coalition has launched another Strike against #Yemen⚡️

🔹This time, as the second stage of retaliation for the strike on the base in #Jordan, where 3 Americans were killed and dozens were injured.

🔹The coalition air force attacked the cities of Sanaa, Hodeidah, Taiz, Damar, Al-Bayda and Hajjah. Local sources report that the aircraft carried out 4 raids on Jabal al-Jadaa in the Al-Lahiya and Al-Salif areas, 7 raids on the Al-Jar area in the Abs area in Hodeidah province and 2 raids on the Bani Hashish area in #Sanaa province. Another 12 airstrikes followed in the Al-Bara area in Makban and the Haifan area in Taiz. A little later, the Radaa and Al-Sawadiya districts were also hit.

🔹In addition, the #US Air Force attacked the areas of Al-Lahiya and Al-Duraimi in Hodeidah in the afternoon.

❗️However, it is unlikely that the strikes will seriously affect the intentions and capabilities of the Houthis to continue the fight against shipping, undermining #Israel's interests. In #Yemen, there are a lot of missiles, as well as the mountains where they are hidden.

📌 Therefore, we should expect new Houthi attacks on both ships and coalition ships, coupled with ballistic missile launches at Eilat in the near future.

⚓️ Moreover, according to the British maritime security company Ambrey, at this moment there is a certain "incident" in the Bab El-Mandeb Strait.

📜 RYBAR; 4 Feb 2024, 01:19

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⚡️🇮🇶🇸🇾🇺🇸 Tonight, the Islamic Resistance in #Syria and #Iraq, as well as Factions of the Iraqi Militia Al-Hashd al-Shaabi* may begin a new Stage of the War against the #US Contingent in the Middle East⚡️

*which consist mainly of pro-Iranian formations

🔹Apparently, after the assassination of Kataib Hezbollah commander Abu Bakr al-Saadi, members of the Iranian forces began to demand blood and retribution, so a new stage of the struggle of the “Axis of Resistance” will begin this weekend.

🔹The scale is unknown, but given previous experience, most likely we will see massive launches of UAVs and missiles at targets, as well as attempts to even the score and repeat 👉 effective strikes on Tower-22 on the border #Syria and #Jordan.

📌 It is unlikely that things will come to an open assault on #US military bases, but it could get hot in the Green Zone near the #Baghdad embassy.

📜 RYBAR; 9 Feb 2024, 21:54

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⚡️🇮🇱🇵🇸⚔️ Escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Zone until the End of 29 February 2024⚡️

🔹In the north of the #Gaza Strip, another high-profile incident occurred. More than a hundred people died on a section of the Ar-Rashid motorway during the passage of a humanitarian aid convoy. The Palestinian media accused the Israelis of attacking crowds of civilians, while the IDF announced a stampede and attacks by unknown persons on the crowds gathered.

🔹In the north of the Enclave, the Egyptian Air Force, with the assistance of #Jordan, dropped humanitarian aid. To prevent the cargo from falling into the Mediterranean Sea, the discharge was carried out closer to the eastern border, but wind currents blew some of the supplies into Israeli territory.

🔹In the south of the Enclave, Israeli troops are fighting in the area of ​​the Al-Shifa Mosque and the Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis. Skirmishes continue in the city of Abasan al-Kabira, where Palestinian forces are conducting incursions, but they are unable to push back the Israeli Defense Forces.

🔹In the West Bank, the usual police raids by Israeli security forces are continuing as usual. In Jenin, there were exchanges of fire with local militants, one person was injured. Meanwhile, another terrorist attack occurred in the Eli settlement.

🔹On the border with #Lebanon, routine strikes continue. Israeli troops primarily targeted border communities in southern #Lebanon, while Hezbollah fighters reported firing rockets at several IDF targets.

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📜 RYBAR; 29 Feb 2024, 21:06

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⚡️🇮🇱🇵🇸⚔️ Escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Zone until the End of 14 March 2024⚡️

🔹In the north of the #Gaza Strip, Israeli troops are carrying out airstrikes in areas where Palestinian militias remain active. The #US, together with #Jordan, carried out another delivery of humanitarian aid, dropping boxes with 14 thousand meals over the northern regions of the enclave.

🔹In the south of Gaza, IDF units completely left the Hamad residential complex after completing the task. Palestinians began returning to houses destroyed by the fighting and burying the bodies of the dead.

🔹In the West Bank, the Israeli army conducts raids in Palestinian settlements, detaining more than 20 people per day. The most violent clashes took place in the suburbs of Nablus and Hebron, and in Jenin an Israeli armored car was blown up by a homemade bomb.

🔹On the border with #Lebanon, the exchange of strikes between Hezbollah and the IDF continues. The Israelis attacked enemy targets on Lebanese territory in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Kunin and An-Nakura. The Lebanese responded by striking Israeli army targets in Al-Abad and Al-Malqiya.

🔹In the Red Sea, #Yemen's Houthis attacked a cargo ship with an antiship missile, but did not reach their target. They also launched four drones at an unidentified anti-Houthi coalition ship, all of which were shot down. The #US Air Force responded by striking Houthi positions in the area of ​​Al-Jah and on the territory of Hodeidah International Airport.

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📜 RYBAR; 14 Mar 2024, 23:45

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