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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Special Operation, 25 Jan 2024, Main; pub. 19:10⚡️

▪️ The #West is waging an information war against #Russia and is trying to intimidate with the prospect of a direct armed conflict with the alliance, Naryshkin said in an interview with RIA Novosti;

▪️ #Russia and its leadership will not abandon the goals of the special operation against this background, he assured;

▪️ Russian troops have improved the situation along the front line in the #Donetsk direction, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) said;

▪️ Kiev lost up to 925 militants, 8 tanks, 4 infantry fighting vehicles, 14 armored vehicles, 2 Polish Krab self-propelled guns, MoD said;

▪️ Both black boxes of the Il-76 shot down by Ukraine with Ukrainian prisoners of war were found at the crash site in the #Belgorod region, emergency services told RIA Novosti;

▪️ The coordinator of the #Nikolayev underground, Lebedev, told RIA Novosti that as a result of Russian strikes, more than 30 militants of the Kraken and the Russian Volunteer Corps (recognized as a terrorist organization in the Russian Federation) were eliminated;

▪️ At least 400 Americans died in #Ukraine, former Pentagon adviser, retired Colonel McGregor said.

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ There are no Friends - We are Alone⚡️

🔸 Political Scientist Nikolay Sevostyanov on Moscow's western and eastern "Partners":

🔹 Today's approval by the #EU of a long-term budget assistance program for Kiev (€50 billion for 4 years), announced by the head of the European Council Charles Michel, is important because it once again shows the true value of hopes for any "partners" in the West.

🔹 No "Friend of Russia" Orban (who promised to veto the allocation of funds) ultimately did not help. First of all, because Orban is not a "Friend of Russia". Orban is a typical Hungarian politician who heads a country that is a member of #NATO. It is absolutely natural that in the long-term bargaining he chose the most profitable option for himself and for Budapest, having managed to get solid preferences from Moscow in exchange for loud and, as it turned out, completely empty statements.

🔹 Before that, it was the same story with "Friend Recep." There were also a lot of predictions that Ankara would never let #Sweden join #NATO for the sake of partnership with Moscow. As a result, the #US offered good conditions, and Erdogan willingly sold this partnership, and not for the first (and probably not for the last) time.

🔹 All this is a good lesson for the future, including the near future, which will come after the #US presidential election. A lot of "experts" are trying to push the thesis that now, in principle, you can do nothing - Trump will come and hand over the Ukrainians. Such "analytics" is extremely dangerous, because it works perfectly and creates a very cozy feeling that "everything will pass by itself."

🔹 It won't work. It will no longer be possible to "roll back" the fundamental decision on the destruction of #Russia, and they will not give it. The #West needs Moscow to lose, and the #East (represented by #India, #China and the "Gulf" Monarchies) needs it not to win. No Trump will change this course, and he will not want to change it.

🔹 Let me remind you that it was with Trump in April 2018 that the Russian Federation had the toughest confrontation in #Syria. And if elected, which will be accompanied by a deep internal crisis in the #US, nothing will prevent him from escalating around #Ukraine, much more serious than the one that Washington is implementing today.

🔹 But, unfortunately, stepping on the same rake is our tradition. It didn't work out with Erdogan - it will work out with Orban. Orban threw it - well, Trump certainly won't let you down. This thought is much less painful than the understanding that no one but Us needs Victory, and we can only rely on our own strength, and not on the collapse of the #EU, nor the collapse of the dollar or the fall of an asteroid on the White House.

📌 But it is unlikely that conclusions will be drawn. So even Erdogan and Orban will try to sell themselves to #Russia as a "Reliable Ally" more than once, and lobbyists in high #Moscow offices will certainly find an excuse for them and help them carry out a new deal, as a result of which we will once again be made fools of.

📜 Nikolay Sevostyanov especially for the Voenkor Kotenok Channel

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Political Scientist Nikolay Sevostyanov on Macron and the "Red Lines"⚡️

🗓 The week is not over yet, but the main newsmaker was, of course, Macron, who spoke about the possibility of sending #NATO troops to #Ukraine. Almost all Western leaders and a number of European and American media hastened to refute this prospect. In general, everyone agreed that nothing of the kind was being discussed, and in general, Macron was misunderstood.

🔹An important marker is the speed at which the Western "hawks" ran after Macron to wipe. It will not work to attribute this to fear of #Moscow's reaction - in the West they have not been afraid of it for a long time. The repeated transfer of red lines has greatly devalued the bellicose rhetoric on the part of certain individuals, unfortunately, quite official ones.

🔹It's much more likely that Macron let it slip. It happens. Emotions are not the most stable psyche, and as a result - a declaration of what is really being discussed. More precisely, it is not so - it cannot be discussed. Especially after #Avdeyevka, in which Western analytical centers see a harbinger of a future catastrophe.

🔹From the point of view of the #West, the option is a win-win and safe - of course, no one believes in nuclear threats broadcast via Telegram, but they believe that the formal entry of the contingent will be used by Western agents of influence in #Moscow to freeze the conflict. Threats in the spirit of "now we are dying" will be used not in the interests of #Russia, but against it, acting as an argument in favor of a new "Minsk".

🔹Relatively speaking, some will strenuously escalate so that others will use it to suspend the conflict on terms far from their stated goals, which, of course, will be a defeat for #Moscow.

🔹At the same time, the perception of this approach in the format of the Second World War is absurd. The Western contingent is already de facto on the territory of #Ukraine in the form of mercenaries, advisers and maintenance personnel. The only question is in its design and number. Legalisation with a rapid increase, when in a short period of time, without any serious consequences, several red lines declared by #Moscow will be crossed at once, according to the #West's plan, and will become its victory in #Ukraine.

🔹How it will be framed is the tenth question. But this scenario has probably already been agreed with those who actually represent the interests of the #West in #Moscow. De-escalation through escalation, especially verbal and unrelated to a real threat, is an old and proven method. The fact that such a scenario became possible is the fault of those who repeatedly promised to "smash their face if ..." and then pretended that nothing had happened when this "if" was immediately realised.

📌 In the #West, they are not afraid of "nuclear war" or talking about it. They are afraid of economic terror and targeted actions. Conditionally- what the Houthis are doing and what can be organised through the Darknet. For example, the fact that a well-armed "Latino" with debts to the cartel will come to a meeting with voters. Or that an angry Palestinian decides to avenge the dead relatives to the families of those who send weapons to #Israel. #Moscow does not use these tools, still hoping that eventually relations with the #West will be able to roll back to the 21st year. And the #West feels it very well.

📜 Nikolay Sevostyanov especially for the Voenkor Kotenok Channel

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Special Operation, 2 Mar 2024, Main; pub. 17:29⚡️

▪️ Over the past day, the Russian Army has improved the position along the frontline in the #Kupyansk direction, and in the #Donetsk direction it has taken more advantageous lines and positions;

▪️ In the #Avdeevsky direction, the RF Armed Forces continued to occupy more advantageous positions, and also repelled eight counterattacks of the AFU, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported;

▪️ As soon as the contact line is moved away from #Avdeuevka, the city can be restored quite quickly, Khusnullin said;

▪️ Moscow sees a lack of understanding on the part of the #West on the issue of #Ukraine, there is a desire for #Russia's defeat "on the battlefield", Lavrov said;

▪️ #Russia has not received any serious proposals for negotiations with #Ukraine since the meeting in #Istanbul in 2022, Lavrov said;

▪️ AFU Commander-in-Chief Syrsky admitted that the command of a number of Ukrainian brigades is not coping with the task of managing and holding positions;

▪️ A turning point is coming in the conflict in #Ukraine. A Russian victory will lead to huge economic costs in the #West, the French Foreign Minister said.

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📋🇷🇺🇺🇦🇪🇺 On the Prospects for the Participation of #EU Countries in the War in #Ukraine📍

🔹The issue of open participation of soldiers of European #NATO countries in the war on the territory of #Ukraine is being actively pushed by the anti-people governments of the #EU countries at the highest level, despite rather poorly organised opposition and protests. #France and #Germany are the actual driving forces in this situation, although high officials are trying to accustom their population to this gradually.

🔹Against the background of the build-up of #NATO troops and infrastructure on the eastern flank and multinational exercises involving tens of thousands of soldiers, the construction of a military network is intensifying factories and supply chains. At the same time, only the #US and #England are interested in such actions, and military-industrial corporations are the beneficiaries.

🔹But at present, the same #France, led by the gerontophile Macron, has in its Army about 200 thousand people and just over 200 Leclerc tanks (for comparison: for the “counter-offensive” of the AFU last year, #NATO supplied a total of about 500 units of armored vehicles, in mostly Soviet). That is, for now a separate army

🔹Although Macron has already been taking measures to increase the combat readiness of the French army for a couple of years. Yesterday, data leaked online about the revision of the military doctrine of Paris to confront an enemy “who can compare with its army in firepower”

🔹The unthinkability of war against #Russia or #Germany is eliminated...by lack of education. 80 percent of young Germans are convinced that the #US won World War II, forgetting who took #Berlin. Hence the relatively “calm” public reaction to the leaked negotiations between German officers about the supply of up to 100 Taurus missiles, including for the destruction of the Crimean Bridge.

🔹However, #NATO countries are objectively not ready for a protracted war with #Russia on the territory of #Ukraine, even if we exclude the use of nuclear weapons by Moscow. Objectively, there will not be enough armored vehicles and artillery ammunition. Although our principles in the field of nuclear deterrence allow us to strike when “the enemy’s impact on critically important state or military facilities, the failure of which would lead to the disruption of the response actions of nuclear forces' or 'aggression against Russia using conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is threatened.'

🔹Against the backdrop of the #EU countries actually preparing for open participation in the conflict in #Ukraine, we can say that Russia has 1.5-2 years before “closing the Ukrainian issue.” The production of weapons and military equipment in the #West has not yet been launched. Because the war benefits Western arms corporations and it is unlikely that any of them will want to reforge their swords into something else, cheaper.

🔹Of course, there is a well-founded point of view that the globalists intend to drive the peoples of #Europe into a frenzy in the face of global meat grinder and Armageddon, and then sharply offer a way out in the form of the loss of a significant part of freedoms in exchange for peace.

⭐️ But so far all the plans of politicians, their agreements and joint statements always end in a bloodbath.

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⚡️🇺🇸🇺🇸🗳 Trump or Biden - Who is better for #Russia⚡️

💬 Recently, my colleague Asbery from @Slavyangrad commented on a video with critical words about Trump.👇Lately I have often read the opinion that the much-celebrated and quoted Trump is actually worse than Biden. Since I, as an observer, do not share this opinion, I would like to briefly summarise my thoughts on this:

🔹The fact is that Trump is a criminal because he gave the order to assassinate the Iranian general Soleimani on the territory of #Iraq, a third country. It is also a fact that he broke his election promises. He wanted to hunt down the IS Terrorists together with Putin and have Saudi Arabia share in the refugee costs, to give just two examples. Shortly after taking power, everything suddenly changed. In this respect the critics are right.

🔹But in politics things are different. One cannot draw any compelling conclusions about the future from history, especially not given Trump's character. I won't go into Palestine because the topic is complex due to deep internal #US structures and has only limited significance for #Russia.

🔹Domestically, the majority of Trump supporters, led by Tucker Carlson, are likely against #Ukraine support. The same applies to a significant portion of Republican politicians. Here it is impossible to distort the topic using the common methods and to exert influence.
🟡Only the US defence and oil industries benefit economically from the war. For the masses, the personal situation has worsened. Everything is counter-financed by an enormous increase in debt. As a businessman, Trump should understand that this is economic suicide in the long term.
🟡Since Trump stands for America First, he must regain lost ground, impossible with #Ukraine.
🟡I assume that Trump will try to end the conflict with one of his deals, e.g. Russia will be satisfied through enormous territorial gains and Ukraine will continue to exist as a puppet state in the Western sphere of influence, with security guarantees for the warring parties involved.

🔹I admit that my thoughts above are debatable. If I'm not right, then the undeniable fact remains that Trump is at loggerheads with almost all Western governments. The same applies to the propaganda machine of the West. Almost all MSM are against Trump and that will not change if he comes to power. The #West is expected to get divided!

📌 In effect, the #US and the #West will in any case be weakened by Trump's rise to power, from which #Russia will benefit. Putin preferring Biden was perfect trolling and Trump knows it!

🎬 Asbery Notes: I'd caution that Trump is problematic, as he did sends arms to Ukraine. He is also susceptible to public opinion...👇

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Special Operation, 4 Apr 2024, Main; pub. 19:01⚡️

▪️ The RFAF hit a Ukrainian temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries and an ammunition depot in the #Merefa area of ​​the #Kharkov region, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) said;

▪️ The AFU lost a total of up to 910 militants and 1 tank over the day, as follows from the MoD report. Russian troops advanced in the #Kupyansk, #Avdeyevka, #Donetsk and #SouthDonetsk directions. A Ukrainian Su-27 was shot down near #Kramatorsk;

▪️ The situation around #Ukraine is stalemate, but it was not Russia that drove it there, "the next move is not ours", Lavrov said. He also said that Moscow is ready to discuss security guarantees for #Ukraine only if the dialogue to resolve the conflict is on equal terms;

▪️ Ukrainian FM Kuleba said that at the #NATO meeting on Thursday it was decided to instruct the “military part” of the alliance to work out what the next step should be towards #Ukraine’s accession;

▪️ Relations between #Russia and #NATO have actually slipped to the level of direct confrontation, Peskov said;

▪️ The #Ukraine crisis may go beyond its geographical boundaries as a result of adventurous actions of even one of the #NATO countries. Any threat to #Russia’s security will not go unanswered, said Deputy Head of the RF MFA Grushko.

▪️ The head of the British MoD, Shapps, in an article on the future of #NATO, said that the #West has moved from the post-war world to the pre-war one.

▪️ High-ranking AFU officers believe that by the time they arrive in #Ukraine, F-16 fighters will no longer be needed on the battlefield, because #Russia will be ready to effectively counter them, Politico reported.

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Special Operation, 24 May 2024, Main⚡️

▪️ FSB Director Bortnikov said that Kiev, under pressure from the #West, is thwarting any constructive international initiatives for a peaceful settlement and instead is replicating unworkable 'peace formulas';

▪️ With the assistance of #NATO countries, the massive transfer of terrorists from other regions of the world to #Ukraine continues, and some of them are used for further terrorist expansion in the CIS, Bortnikov said;

▪️ Kiev, having no real capabilities on the battlefield, has switched to total terror, conducting systematic shelling of civilians and civilian infrastructure in Russian regions, and also conducting sabotage attacks in the Russian borderlands, the FSB director added;

▪️ Director of the SVR Naryshkin said that Western elites are confused, realising that the strategic initiative at the front has passed to #Russia;

▪️ Ministry of Defence report: from 18-24 May, Russian troops carried out 49 group strikes, hitting the enemy’s military airfield infrastructure, storage sites for missiles, ammunition and fuel, workshops for the production of unmanned boats and drones, temporary deployment points of the AFU, foreign mercenaries and national formations, enterprises of the military-industrial complex of #Ukraine;

▪️ Within a week, Russian groups liberated #Staritsa in the #Kharkov region, as well as #Belogorovka, #Kleshcheyevka and #Andreyevka in the DPR;

▪️ In a week, Kiev lost more than 11 thousand militants, 19 tanks, 74 armoured vehicles, 8 MLRS vehicles, 178 field artillery guns, 10 field ammunition depots of the AFU;

▪️ Aviation and air defence over the week shot down 2 AFU MiG-29, cruise, anti-radar and operational-tactical missiles, 356 drones;

▪️ Bloomberg reported that #US President Biden will most likely not take part in the conference in #Switzerland because he will attend a fundraising event for his own election campaign in #California;

▪️ #Germany, together with #Denmark, supplied #Ukraine with 10 more Leopard 1 tanks, Berlin is preparing 3 HIMARS MLRS, the German Cabinet of Ministers said;

▪️ Analyst Korotchenko told RIA Novosti that this equipment will not change the situation even on a separate section of the front, and the tanks will become new trophies of the Russian troops.

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📋🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Two Majors #Summary for the Morning of 2 June 2024; pub. 07:17📍

🗓 The past week took place against the backdrop of an info campaign by Kiev and the most reactionary #NATO countries to obtain formal permission for the AFU to hit #Russia's "old regions", primarily adjacent to #Kharkov.

🔹This is cause the enemy was forced to transfer reinforcements to the #Kharkov front after the start of the Russian "buffer zone" operation, reducing the defence on other front sections.. Our troops have fought for many days in #Volchansk and at the #Liptsy edge, but heavy fights became positional. Kiev has stepped up openly terrorist strikes against civilians. Shelling of the #Belgorod region has intensified, the AFU hits agricultural firms, petrol stations, civil buses, rural machinery in the fields, shops and shopping centres.

🔹The enemy's aim to inflict economic damage on #Russia is also indicated by this week's strikes on refineries in Krasnodar kray with Neptun missiles and the use of ATACMS on ferries in the Kerch Strait used for transporting fuel. With the wording "in response to" the RF MoD reported strikes on #Ukraine's energy generating facilities, including the Dnepro HPP and other still active plants. #Ukraine's energy sector is already working at breakneck speed with serious outages, but there is no way to speak of a complete blackout.

🔹To prepare for active summer operations, our troops intensify combat work on different front sites. On the #Zaporozhye front, our units west of #Rabotino occupied 4 strongholds, moving to the area of #Shcherbaki, POWs were taken. On the #Kherson direction there is very active RFAF work in the island zone of the #Dnieper. The #Sumy direction is characterised by high intensity of mutual blows and movement of our troops in the #Kursk region, wwas noticed by the enemy. Western media point to many signals of satellite communication systems of our troops in the #Kursk region. There was no lack of blatant giddiness with the troop transfer by motorised columns. In the #ChasovYar direction are heavy battles in the eastern town parts. The RFAF advanced units have crossed the Canal from the south. In the north are battles at the #Kalinovka village. West of #Avdeyevka, our troops are gnawing through the enemy defences from the #Ocheretio ledge to #Netaylovo. To the south, expanding the control zones and close "pockets" as the offensive progresses.

🔹Kiev is mass mobilising. The net is filled with brutal footage of police and TCC detentions of citizens, scandals with openly sick Ukrainians to be sent to the front concentrating the hatred of the populace on TCC rather than Zelensky and Rada deputies who passed draconian laws to please the #West. Fleeing across the border is becoming more and more difficult. Even the Romanians, jointly with the State Border Guard Service of #Ukraine, try to return evaders. The only way out remains the guerrilla movement, the cars of Ukrainian military commissars are burning little by little, and cases of forceful repulse becoming more frequent. But the battered population hopes to survive after being sent to the front, and many zombified mobilised do not even think about the reasons for what is happening. Nevertheless, #Ukraine's mobilisation potential remains high.

🔹In the RF MoD, the high-profile resignations and arrests, which began amid a change in the leadership of the ministry this week, have found their continuation. So far, the military machine continues to operate the way it was set up in previous years.

📌 In the coming summer period, several sections of the front are expected to become more active, subject to mandatory personnel conservation. It is most likely to keep exhausting the enemy and stretching his defence along the whole front to destroy his manpower with heavy weapons. The #West will try to restore parity by supplying weapons and equipment to maximise the war prolongation and permanent damage to #Russia.

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📋🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Two Majors #Overview #Summary for the Morning of 16 Jun 2024; pub. 07:02📍

🗓 Last week was characterised by a specific proposal of the Supreme on the possible start of negotiations on the condition of AFU withdrawal from the new Russian territories, which Kiev and #NATO immediately rejected. Predicting such behaviour, Verkhovny's speech immediately said that next time the proposals would be on completely different terms to #Russia. The enemy and its handlers have once again demonstrated their lack of commitment.

🔹The draft communiqué of Zelensky's promoted #Ukraine summit in #Switzerland also does not contain any theses on ending the war, only general appeals.

🔹Meanwhile, Kiev continues to inflict military and economic damage on #Russia. This week, a massive raid on a military airfield in the #Rostov region with the simultaneous use of up to 70 AFU UAVs was indicative. The #Belgorod region is under constant attacks by all available means, and they target civilians and businesses. After the beginning of attacks on #Kharkov front, the AFU has drawn up reserves and, despite losses, still prevent us from creating a buffer zone.

🔹In the #Kursk direction, there are also daily enemy strikes on civilian infrastructure and civilians. The enemy is expecting our offensives on the #Sumy region and is evacuating in the border area.

🔹In general, at the front, our Army retains the initiative and forces the enemy to drain reserves and mobilise more citizens into the AFU. However, the full mobilisation potential still amounts to several million bayonets, even if this requires to lower the age limit.

🔹The RFAF are conducting offensives in the #Seversk and #Kurakhovo sections, at #ChasovYar, west of #Avdeyevka, and in the #Zaporozhye direction.

🔹The mathematics of war from the new DM with precise calculations and logically required actions has not yet reached all areas of Russian activity. Once again, strikes on the enemy's rear facilities are commented with the words "in response to", only in the third war year another oil depot in #Kiev is destroyed. Nevertheless, the promising Belousov-Dyumin team announced plans to develop the production of UAVs and trench EW equipment using the production capacities of the regions. Meanwhile, the enemy has long more than compensated the disparity in artillery shells by FPV drones with a repeater system, which multiplies the range.

🔹In general, the problematic issue remains the knocking out of our expensive air defence systems in the southern direction, for which, among other things, #US ATACMS missiles are being used. The version voiced by the Western media that such actions are aimed at advance preparation for the start of F-16s in Ukraine does not make sense. The Western analogue of FABs with ATACMS - JDAM is already being used more and more often by the AFU in the #Kharkov direction. The very fact of transferring F-16s to #Ukraine can by no means become a turning point, but it will allow Kiev to maintain the cumulative parity of all available forces and means on the front, which will prolong the war.

🔹An indicative moment was the reaction of the #US on the arrival of a detachment of Russian Northern Fleet ships in #Cuba. After numerous statements by our various speakers about readiness for the most decisive steps, Washington did not regard our visit as a threat during the Cuban missile crisis, although it sent its aviation and navy to accompany the actions of Russian sailors.

📌 The past week confirmed again the lack of intentions of #Kiev and the #West to negotiate, as well as the enemy's focus on prolonging the war as long as possible, despite the human, economic and territorial losses. The Russian Army retains the initiative, but due to the technological changes, our successes are tactical in nature, oriented on the exhaustion of the AFU military machine. Measures are being taken to bring RFAF to a modern technological level, but so far this is not enough to turn the situation around.

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📋🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Two Majors #Summary Overview for the Morning of 30 June 2024; pub. 08:43📍

🗓 The past week has been spent discussing the bloody AFU strike against civilians on a beach at #Sevastopol using an #US ATACMS cluster warhead missile. After the incident, a decision was finally made to install shelters for civilians and update the public alert system. Attempts to simultaneously hold the tourist season and ensure the safety of people in the frontline region, although conditioned by differently directives of the federal centre, initially looked like an extreme stage of schizophrenia. Yesterday morning, 4 civilians in #Sevastopol were injured in an enemy missile attack.

, the state and military administration system is still being adjusted to meet the realities. Much attention has been paid by the new team of the MoD to the rehabilitation of servicemen, and a decree "On monthly compensation payments to certain categories of servicemen performing military service under contract" has been signed. But it has not yet been possible to achieve promptness in the issue of providing all types of allowances to the newly formed units that have already begun to carry out combat missions in the SMO zone, hence the emerging charges for "trifles" such as construction materials and uniforms. Stepashin said this week that our frontline soldiers are sometimes "beggars" (quote), half of their salaries are spent on uniforms and other things, and soldiers and officers go on holiday at their own expense. This statement from the margins of the St Petersburg forum once again pulled from the past the former lies of the media servants of the former MoD team that "everything is available at the front".

🔹On the front, the RFAF retain the initiative, imposing their will on the enemy, while the parity achieved due to the predominance of both sides in various means of defeat does not allow the Russian Army to make breakthroughs to operational depth. Nevertheless, on the #Kherson front, the RFAF are expanding their control zone on the islands. In the #Zaporozhye direction, offensive actions are intensified in several areas, finally taking away enemy forces from the #Rabotino section. The pressure on the enemy positions in the #SouthDonetsk direction and west of #Avdeyevka continues, the enemy forces are being crushed in #ChasovYar, the RFAF are advancing towards #Seversk from different directions, and battles are raging in the area of the #Torskoye ledge. New is the RFAF advance towards #Toretsk (#Dzerzhinsk), and some signs indicate plans to increase pressure on this front section.

🔹In the #Kharkov direction, RFAF "North" troop group units have pulled in AFU reserves from different parts of the front, and heavy fighting is taking place in #Volchansk. At the same time, there is no reason to talk about the effectiveness of the creation of a "buffer zone" for the defence of #Belgorod region. The AFU are fiercely hitting civilians, targeting civilian transport and trying to destroy the region's economy.

🔹In general, it is not the first time when the General Staff is unable to fulfil the tasks set from the top. Belousov's public assignment of a task to Gerasimov to take "operational response measures due to the activity of #US drones over the Black Sea", which directly help the AFU to strike #Crimea, was indicative.

⭐️ Thus, it has not yet been possible to radically reverse the situation in the LoC least in some areas. This is due to the changed technological mode of warfare, the need to fine-tune the military establishment and to save the lives of the RFAF personnel. It is now much more important to achieve wear and tear on the Kirv Regime's military machine, which is already happening
🟡The problematic issue in this regard remains the counter wear and tear of #Russia's forces, which Kiev is engaged in at the behest of the #West in the hope of reducing our country's potential before the upcoming war with #NATO, for which its countries openly prepare.

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Special Operation, 30 June 2024, Main⚡️

▪️ Russian troops liberated the settlements of #Spornoye and #Novoaleksandrovka in the #DPR, the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) reported;

▪️ The RFAF hit a railway train with weapons, military equipment and personnel of the AFU's 117th Mechanised Brigade while unloading, MoD said;

▪️ Russian air defence overnight destroyed 36 Ukrainian drones over the territory of the #Kursk, #Lipetsk, #Voronezh, #Bryansk, #Oryol and #Belgorod regions, MoD said;

▪️ Two civilians were injured during an attack by a AFU drone in the village of Bogun-Gorodok, #Belgorod region, Gladkov said;

▪️ Four rescuers were injured in #Donetsk due to shelling by the AFU, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported;

▪️ Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski called on the #West to learn how to benefit from the escalation of relations with #Russia, for example, “to confiscate all 300 billion euros of Russian assets.”

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ The Saudis are ready to dump European Debt⚡️

🔵Political Scientist and Orientalist Nikolay Sevostyanov on Riyadh’s fatigue from the #West and the request for real independence:

💬 According to Bloomberg, Riyadh warned the G7 of its intention to get rid of #EU debt in the event of confiscation of Russian assets. At the same time, the emphasis was placed, among other things, on debt obligations issued by the French Treasury.

❗️ There is no official information on this yet, and it is unlikely that it will appear. However, the news sounds quite plausible for three reasons:

🔴1) Saudi Arabia is a serious geopolitical player with growing internal problems and a large number of 'skeletons' in the palace 'closets'. At the moment, the kingdom is entering a period of social and political turbulence, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to emerge from it without losses.
🟡As a result, Bin Salman does not need the experience of sanctions to be extended to himself one day, and this scenario is not assessed in Riyadh as incredible. Facade European realities (behind which anything can be) are not applicable to the #Gulf, and the methods of resolving internal disputes in the Arab monarchies are quite peculiar, so the fears are well founded.

🔴2) Over the past decades, while modernising the economy and carrying out limited liberalisation of public life, Saudi Arabia has accumulated a serious request to change its role in the world. A similar request is observed in #Qatar and the3 UAE. The Gulf monarchies, despite serious contradictions, have a common complaint against the #West. They no longer want to be its oil or gas hub. Each state claims its own future, and the request from Riyadh is most noticeable.

🔴3) Bin Salman is very dissatisfied with the way the coalition’s military operations against the Houthis are developing. The Saudis are even less pleased with the West's persistent desire to resume a full-fledged war in the south. But most of all, Riyadh is frightened by possible contacts between Moscow and Sanaa related to the potential transfer of modern weapons to the Yemeni rebels, as the Western media are vying with each other.

📌 This does not mean that such deliveries take place. Moreover, it does not mean that the Saudi threat to the #EU is a consequence of blackmail or a condition of the Houthis not receiving something serious and dangerous. But this definitely means one thing. The Saudis need #Russia as a partner, not an enemy. There is no ideological closeness or pronounced mutual sympathy, but there is a clear understanding that both countries are superfluous within the framework of the global Western worldview. Isn't this the best platform for friendship?

📜 Nikolay Sevostyanov especially for @segodnia_ru

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📋🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ #Summary Overview for the Morn of 14 Jul 2024; 07:56 (GMT+3)📍

🇺🇸The intense reaction to foreign political events ended with an assassination attempt on Trump. #US law enforcement officials stated that no foreign country was involved. Trump is now confidently outflanking Biden, and conspiracy theorists are ramping up the pace of publications. In our opinion, to hit a bullet from a distance of 130 m exactly in the top of the ear, kill and wound civilians, and then go to the other side of the world yourself is top flight. Choosing between conspiracy and mess, we are always on the side of mess, to which the #US is confidently rolling.

🇺🇸 The results of the #NATO summit showed the #West's intentions to continue the conflict, despite endless words about negotiations. #Russia was called an enemy, #China an accomplice, and tens of dollar billions were allocated. Except that promises to deliver "several hundred antiaircraft guided missiles" to Kiev next year and the deployment of factories point to some lack of production capacity in the Alliance countries. #Germany has gone further and calculated that it expects a direct confrontation with #Russia in 2029, for which it is preparing the return of compulsory military service and increasing the efficiency of the military-industrial complex. The #West needs time for final preparations.

📉Our peace proposals, 4 new regions move to #Russia without a fight and #Ukraine gets non-aligned status, have an extremely negative effect on the frontline soldiers who storming enemy positions, and once again SMO goal changes, stated earlier as complete demilitarisation and denazification.

🇧🇾Lukashenko joined the peace case, declaring the elimination of tensions on the Ukrainian border and ordering the withdrawal from the border.

⚔️ On the front, the RFAF retain the initiative. In the #Kharkov direction, our troops have pulled the enemy's reserves from other directions. In the #Svatovo - #Kupyansk section, the bulge near #Berestovoye and #Makeyevka (#LPR) is expanding. In the #Seversk sector, our troops pressing south of #Spornoye. At #ChasovYar, ours lining up all along the Canal, moving westwards. For the #Toretsk area, we predict a gradual AFU defence breakthrough. West of #Avdeyevka, the RFAF have advanced on a wide front. On the #Zaporozhye front, the RFAF advanced several hundred m in some areas. In the #Kherson direction, the 18th Army is destroying the enemy on its #Dnieper bank, 🎬👇while our supply on the islands is difficult. The boats promised a year ago remain promises. The AFU have more tactical drones throughout, which levels out our heavy weapons.

💥In the
#Belgorod region, the number of civilian enemy shelling has not been reduced, and social tension is growing amid the deaths of civilians, many of whom refuse to leave because of the poor provision for evacuation.
💥In the #Kursk direction, the AFU remotely knocked out many petrol stations in frontline areas, which also caused problems. In addition, #Russia continues to lose refineries to enemy drone strikes.

🇺🇦In #Ukraine, forced mobilisation does not stop, which predictably for Kyiv causes the burning of TCC cars - they act as a lightning rod from the true culprits of the war - Zelensky and the authorities. However, more and more TCC cars are burning.

🇵🇱In #Poland, the formation of a "legion" of Ukrainian citizens has begun, who will allegedly return to #Warsaw after being sent to the front.

🇩🇪In #Germany, major political leaders promise to expel Ukrainians if they win the elections.

📌Thus, when neither side is able to get advantage, #Russia is being pushed into a ceasefire that the #West can increase military production and mobilise. They want to cheat: #Russia already decisively outnumbers #Ukraine in heavy weaponry, and is generally crippling Kiev's military machine. For the #US election period, experts predict a suicidal rush, the TCC's is tasked to "catch" several full-blooded brigades for meat assaults.

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Special Operation, 15 July 2024, Main⚡️

▪️ The AFU lost up to 1,900 militants over the day, an Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter has been downed, the Ministry of Defence reported in its summary;

▪️ Russian air defence on Monday night and in the morning shot down 28 Ukrainian UAVs: 17 over the #Bryansk region, 6 over the #Crimea, 3 over #Kursk and 1 each over the #Oryol and #Lipetsk regions;

▪️ Orban, after the 'peace tour', sent his plan for a Ukrainian settlement to all #EU leaders, the proposals are on their table, the Hungarian Prime Minister's office said;

▪️ Orban, during his visit to #Moscow, outlined the main parameters of his vision for resolving the Ukrainian crisis - the Kremlin is not informed of his 'peace proposal' to #EU leaders, Peskov said;

▪️ #Ukraine needs 25 Patriots to completely cover the sky, Zelensky said;

▪️ There is growing despair around Zelensky because the #West is not making clear decisions to increase support for #Ukraine, writes Bild.

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Special Operation, 17 July 2024, Main⚡️

▪️ The Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced the return of 95 Russian military personnel from Ukrainian captivity, and in return 95 prisoners of the AFU were transferred;

▪️ The total losses of Ukrainian troops over the day amounted to 1,980 militants, follows from the MoD report;

▪️ Ukrainian troops lost a tank, American Bradley and M113, and Western-made artillery, the MoD added;

▪️ #Ukraine, together with the #West, can organise, against the backdrop of Kiev’s failures, an incident using weapons of mass destruction, possibly chemical ones, and blame #Russia, said Russia’s permanent representative to the OPCW;

▪️ MoD proposed to establish a certificate of participation in the special operation to simplify the receipt of social support, follows from the draft government resolution;

▪️ The monument to RIA Novosti military correspondent Zhuravlev, who died while performing his professional duty in the SMO zone in 2023 in the #Zaporozhye region, was opened at the cemetery in #Yekaterinburg;

▪️ Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjártó told RIA Novosti that the second round of the conference on resolving the conflict in #Ukraine could take place this year, and #Russia should be represented at it;

▪️ #US Senator Paul said that #Ukraine's promise of #NATO membership at the alliance summit in #Washington was the worst decision; it will not improve the security of the remaining members, but will only increase the risk of a direct clash between the alliance and #Russia.

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