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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦🇩🇪 German Government approves delivery of 88 outdated Leopard 1 Tanks to #Ukraine from industry stockpiles - Sueddeutsche Zeitung⚡️

📜 The newspaper reported this, citing government sources. According to them, the transfer of Leopard 1 tanks may take place at any time as soon as the tanks are repaired and Kiev wants to buy them. In addition to the tanks, the German authorities are considering the possibility of buying 15 Gepard Anti Aircraft Cannon Tanks from #Qatar for further transfer to #Ukraine.

💬 We recall that earlier it became known about #Germany's official decision to transfer 14 Leopard 2A6 tanks to Kiev.

🇩🇪 We will not give up supplying tanks.

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⚡️🇮🇱🇵🇸⚔️ Escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Zone until the End of 22 November 2023⚡️

🔹#Israel and Hamas, mediated by #Qatar and #Egypt, have concluded a truce that includes the release of hostages and a four day ceasefire in the #Gaza Strip. In addition, the entry of fuel, medicine and food supplies into the enclave will be expanded. The truce is due to come into effect tomorrow, starting at 10:00 local time. Nevertheless, the day before, the IDF air force continues to carry out airstrikes on southern and northern towns in the #Gaza Strip.

🔹Hezbollah representatives also expressed themselves about the agreements. According to them, they did not formally enter into the agreement, but they are ready to honour the ceasefire if #Israel does not fire on #Lebanon within the deadline. In the meantime, the exchange of strikes along the entire Israeli-Lebanese border continues with the same intensity.

🔹In the West Bank, Israeli security forces carried out a massive raid in the town of Tulkarm, where local residents fought back. As a result, unmanned aviation was used, 6 "militants" were eliminated by the IDF, and several dozen others were detained. In addition, the Israelis stormed the local hospital of Tabetha Tabetha.

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📜 RYBAR; 22 Nov 2023, 20:29

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⚡️🇮🇱🇵🇸⚔️ Escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Zone until the End of 28 November 2023⚡️

🗓 Last night, #Israel and Hamas finally managed to exchange 11 hostages for 33 Palestinian prisoners. At the same time, the sides agreed to extend the ceasefire for two days. Under the new arrangements, another 10 hostages are scheduled to be exchanged for 30 prisoners today. In addition, Hamas promises to hand over six to eight Thai nationals to the Red Cross.

▪️ CIA Director William Burns and Mossad chief David Barnea arrived in #Qatar for talks on further extending the truce. At the same time, Israeli authorities note that the resulting pause in the IDF is being used to prepare and develop plans to continue fighting to destroy Hamas.

🔹 Meanwhile, in the #Gaza Strip itself, the parties again accused each other of violating the ceasefire, but this time there were some wounded from the IDF.

▪️ Representatives of the Israeli Ministry of Defence claim that militants detonated three explosive devices, after which they fired at IDF positions. According to preliminary reports, five Israeli soldiers were wounded.

▪️ Hamas said that the Israeli side was the first to violate the ceasefire, while Palestinian formations were forced to retaliate. However, the group said it was ready to continue to honour the ceasefire as long as the Israelis were committed to it.

🔹 On #Israel's northern border, the situation remains calm. Arab media published information about Israeli troops shelling the outskirts of Ait al-Shaab, but the incident was not confirmed.

🔹 In the West Bank, meanwhile, clashes between Israeli security forces and local residents continue. The fiercest fights took place in Hebron, Tubas, Deir Ammar and the suburbs of Ramallah.

▪️ The tense situation continues in the area of ​​Ofer prison, where dozens of disgruntled residents gather before each exchange. They burn tires in front of the facility and clash with security forces. During one of them, a Palestinian was killed.

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📜 RYBAR; 28 Nov 2023, 21:02

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⚡️🇮🇱🇵🇸⚔️ Escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Zone until the End of 2 December 2023⚡️

🔹Israeli forces continue to carry out massive strikes on populated areas in the #Gaza Strip. The heaviest bombardment was in Khan Younis, where civilian infrastructure and residential buildings were extensively damaged. Nevertheless, the IDF said that over 400 targets across the region were hit over the past day. An explanation was also found for the shelling of a mosque, which was allegedly a militant stronghold.

▪️ So far, ground clashes are limited only to positional battles and militant ambushes on the route of IDF armoured vehicles. At the same time, the Israelis are preparing the ground for further offensive. Today, Israeli command spokesman Avichai Adrai presented an instruction map in Arabic, which showed the areas that the Palestinians urgently need to leave. Among them: Jabaliya, as well as the neighbourhoods of al-Shuja'iyya, al-Zaytoun and Bani Suhaila.

🔹At the same time, attempts by the parties, mediated by #Qatar and #Egypt, to conclude a new truce failed. On the instructions of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mossad chief David Barney recalled the Doha negotiating team back to #Israel. In addition, according to the British newspaper Financial Times, the IDF predicts that the military campaign against Hamas could take a year or more. According to the newspaper, the end of the conflict will follow only after the loss of Hamas control over the #Gaza Strip and the elimination of the group's leaders.

🔹On #Israel's northern border, the intensity of strikes has increased significantly. Hezbollah fighters shelled border settlements and IDF strongholds, and several shells hit Israeli military barracks in Baranit and Doveve. The IDF responded with massive strikes on targets along #Lebanon's entire southern border.

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📜 RYBAR; 2 Dec 2023, 20:38

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⚡️🇾🇪🇺🇸⚓️ Coalition Troop Activity off the Yemen Coast⚡️

🇺🇸 The US-led coalition has already begun working in full force off the coast of Yemen to ensure the safety of navigation in the Gulf of Aden, the Bab El-Mendab Strait and the Red Sea.

▪️ A naval group consisting of the aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower, the cruiser Philippine Sea, three US Navy destroyers and the frigate Languedoc patrols the Horn of Africa and the coast of #Eritrea. They are also due to be joined by a Greek Navy frigate.

▪️ For the first time in many years, US Air Force reconnaissance aircraft intensified in the area. An RQ-4B drone flew from El Udeid airbase in #Qatar near #Yemen, and an RC-135 electronic reconnaissance aircraft operated from Sigonella on the island of #Sicily.

▪️ In #Eritrea and #Djibouti, the tactical aviation group was also strengthened: several Mirage 2000 fighters of the French Aerospace Forces flew to the American Reapers already in #Djibouti.

❗️In general, the activity of coalition forces is gradually increasing. Given the ongoing attacks by the Houthis and their mining of the Bab El-Mendab Strait, the likelihood of demonstrative attacks on #Yemen is also increasing.

📌 This is also indicated by the increased attention of American intelligence to several objects under the control of the Houthis, the air and sea harbor of Hodeidah, the airfield in Absa and several Ansarallah positions in the coastal zone.

🗺 High Resolution: 🇬🇧 MAP; 🇷🇺 MAP

📜 RYBAR; 23 Dec 2023, 14:51

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Special Operation, 22 May 2024, Main⚡️

▪️ Russian troops, as a result of active actions, took control of #Kleshcheyevka in the #DPR, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) reported;

▪️ The AFU lost up to 1,330 militants over the day, follows from the MoD report. The "North" Group advanced into the depths of the enemy's defence in the #Kharkov region, and groups in other directions also improved their position;

▪️ If #France sends troops to #Ukraine, #Russia’s response will lie far beyond the political plane; #France’s participation in hostilities will officially make it a party to the conflict, the Russian MFA said;

▪️ A group of six boys who were in #Russia will be reunited with their relatives in #Ukraine through the mediation of #Qatar, Lvova-Belova said;

▪️ The court sentenced a resident of #Transbaykalia, who transmitted data on the movements of Russian military personnel to the Ukrainian intelligence service, to 12 years in prison, the FSB reported.

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ The Saudis are ready to dump European Debt⚡️

🔵Political Scientist and Orientalist Nikolay Sevostyanov on Riyadh’s fatigue from the #West and the request for real independence:

💬 According to Bloomberg, Riyadh warned the G7 of its intention to get rid of #EU debt in the event of confiscation of Russian assets. At the same time, the emphasis was placed, among other things, on debt obligations issued by the French Treasury.

❗️ There is no official information on this yet, and it is unlikely that it will appear. However, the news sounds quite plausible for three reasons:

🔴1) Saudi Arabia is a serious geopolitical player with growing internal problems and a large number of 'skeletons' in the palace 'closets'. At the moment, the kingdom is entering a period of social and political turbulence, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to emerge from it without losses.
🟡As a result, Bin Salman does not need the experience of sanctions to be extended to himself one day, and this scenario is not assessed in Riyadh as incredible. Facade European realities (behind which anything can be) are not applicable to the #Gulf, and the methods of resolving internal disputes in the Arab monarchies are quite peculiar, so the fears are well founded.

🔴2) Over the past decades, while modernising the economy and carrying out limited liberalisation of public life, Saudi Arabia has accumulated a serious request to change its role in the world. A similar request is observed in #Qatar and the3 UAE. The Gulf monarchies, despite serious contradictions, have a common complaint against the #West. They no longer want to be its oil or gas hub. Each state claims its own future, and the request from Riyadh is most noticeable.

🔴3) Bin Salman is very dissatisfied with the way the coalition’s military operations against the Houthis are developing. The Saudis are even less pleased with the West's persistent desire to resume a full-fledged war in the south. But most of all, Riyadh is frightened by possible contacts between Moscow and Sanaa related to the potential transfer of modern weapons to the Yemeni rebels, as the Western media are vying with each other.

📌 This does not mean that such deliveries take place. Moreover, it does not mean that the Saudi threat to the #EU is a consequence of blackmail or a condition of the Houthis not receiving something serious and dangerous. But this definitely means one thing. The Saudis need #Russia as a partner, not an enemy. There is no ideological closeness or pronounced mutual sympathy, but there is a clear understanding that both countries are superfluous within the framework of the global Western worldview. Isn't this the best platform for friendship?

📜 Nikolay Sevostyanov especially for @segodnia_ru

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