Simple Stock Bot Announcements
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@simplestockbot news and announcements
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Forwarded from Simple Stock Bot
Thanks for using this bot, consider supporting it by buying me a beer.

Keep up with the latest news for the bot in its Telegram Channel:

Full documentation on using and running your own stock bot can be found here.

- /dividend $symbol will return dividend information for the symbol. πŸ“…
- /intra $symbol Plot of the stocks movement since the last market open. πŸ“ˆ
- /chart $symbol Plot of the stocks movement for the past 1 month. πŸ“Š
- /news $symbol News about the symbol. πŸ“°
- /info $symbol General information about the symbol. ℹ️
- /stat $symbol Key statistics about the symbol. πŸ”’
- /help Get some help using the bot. πŸ†˜

Inline Features
You can type @SimpleStockBot [search] in any chat or direct message to search for the stock bots full list of stock symbols and return the price of the ticker. Then once you select the ticker you want the bot will send a message as you in that chat with the latest stock price.

The bot also looks at every message in any chat it is in for stock symbols. Symbols start with a $ followed by the stock symbol. For example: $tsla would return price information for Tesla Motors.

Market data is provided by IEX Cloud
Simple Stock Bot Announcements pinned Β«Thanks for using this bot, consider supporting it by buying me a beer. Keep up with the latest news for the bot in its Telegram Channel: Full documentation on using and running your own stock bot can be found here. Commands…»
After hours data has been added to the bot!

Any time you get a stock symbol's price outside of regular hours, the current after-hours price will be returned along with the previous day's closing price.
New Status Command!

If you suspect that the bot isn't working correctly, you can run /status, and the bot will check for any errors with itself, IEX Cloud API, and its IEX Cloud account.
Hey everyone! I just pushed an update to the Bot that adds cryptocurrency support. Cryptocurrencies use $$, and stock tickers use just $ like before. To get a chart for Ethereum, you can do /chart $$eth or to get a chart for Tesla you can do /chart $tsla like always.

All commands support both cryptocurrencies and stocks except that /dividend doesn't have a parallel in the crypto world (maybe it could provide staking info?), and there is currently no /news support for cryptos, but I hope to have that fixed soon once I find a good news source that supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies.

OTC markets are also supported in this update.
A minor update this week following lots of bug fixes. /trending has been added. It takes no input and returns a list of coins and stocks that are currently all the buzz🐝

A small quality of life improvement is that the bot now sends silent messages. No more phones buzzing off the tables when someone asks for 10 prices in a single message!πŸ”•
When using the /news command on a cryptocurrency would it make sense to return the top posts for the day/week from the cryptocurrencies subreddit?
Anonymous Poll
Simple Stock Bot has been updated!

The bot has a brand new website and updated docs

A new command has been added /cap which is a fast way to get the market capitalization of any symbol.

The /donate command now works in group chats!

There have been over 12 bug fixes and other small improvements made with this update. Fixes and improvements worth noting:

- The inline functionality is now faster than ever.
- The /trending command now shows a change in price for each trending symbol.
- Cryptocurrency commands are now an order of magnitude faster.
- Stock market symbols now support a period so now you can finally get the price of $brk.a

As always a big thanks to everyone that has reported issues to me and has donated to keep to bot running!
Hey everyone the stock bot is officially out of API tokens for its stock market data and will no longer be usable until Sept. 1st when the pay period resets. The cost is $108 per year but someone has donated $10 so I am only $98 away from being able to run the bot for the next year. See or the /donate command for more information on ways you can help!
Update to the /trending command. The bot now keeps track of which symbols are being used the most and will include them when the trending command is called.
Big Bug Fixing Update to the Bot:

Inline functionality now works again! Thanks to a massive influx of users from the $$shib hype the performance of inline commands was once again degraded to the point of not working at all with telegram. You can use the inline functionality with tickers or even type company names and they will show up!

The bot can read cashtags in image captions.

Fixed /cap not working correctly for stocks. Market caps should be working for all non OTC stocks again.

The backend used to generate plots has been updated so all plot commands should be faster and the file sizes generally smaller.

Some stocks like McDonald's used a backtick ` instead of a normal apostrophe which caused issues with Telegram.

Finally I want to give a big thanks to everyone who donated during the downtime last week. The bot is growing rapidly so every penny helps! Use /donate in any chat to see how you can help too!
Which of the best performing stocks of 2021 will perform the worst in 2022?
Anonymous Poll
GameStop 724.5%
Upstart 281.4%
Moderna 140.8%
Ford Motor 132.9%
Nvidia 126.6%
Dicks Sporting Goods 99.0%
Due to increased costs for market data from IEX Cloud, a new provider will be required for the bot to have stock market data. Until then only cryptocurrency data will be available on the bot. There is currently no estimation for when stock market data will return to the bot.
πŸŽ‰ Exciting News! πŸŽ‰

The bot is back online and better than ever! After a short hiatus due to market data unavailability, I've integrated with to ensure you get enhanced real-time stock market insights.

πŸ”— Check out what's new in the latest update on the blogs release notes

Thank you for your patience and continued support. Time to dive back into the financial discussions with refreshed insights!