Ukraine - War - Police - Strategic Investigations Department
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The channel is dedicated to the police work of Strategic Investigations Department (Organized Crime Department)
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School and houses shelled: #ZaporizhiaRegion #police officers collected evidences of invader's crimes.

As a result of armed aggression, russian troops damaged the civilian infrastructure of the village, there are casualties.

On 3 May, the invaders shelled the village of Zaliznychne in the Zaporizhia region. #RussianInvaders fired a rocket at a local school and 12 local houses. People were killed by shrapnel wounds.

❗️ Обстріляні школа та будинки: поліція Запорізької області задокументувала чергові злочини окупантів

Внаслідок збройної агресії рашисти пошкодили цивільну інфраструктуру селища, є загиблі.

3 травня окупанти здійснили артобстріл селища Залізничне у Запорізькій області. Російські загарбники ракетним ударом розтрощили місцевий шкільний заклад та 12 будинків місцевих жителів. Від отриманих осколкових поранень загинули люди.
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#Police in the group of paramedics are rescuing injured civilians from death

They are the first on the place of the explosion, work where it is hot, where assistance is needed immediately, because they know the value of people's lives.

Groups of paramedics, including police and SES officers, are saving lives at the scene. About medical skills and assistance provided to the injured of russian shelling.
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Поліцейські у складі груп парамедиків рятують від смерті поранених цивільних

Вони перші виїжджають на місце вибуху, працюють там, де гаряче, де потрібна допомога негайно, адже на рахунку життя людей.

Групи парамедиків, до складу яких входять поліцейські та працівники ДСНС, рятують життя людей на місці обстрілу. Про медичні навички та надану допомогу пораненим від російських снарядів.

Національна поліція України
There is ongoing combat against collaborators in #Zaporizhzhia: #Police has notified one more traitor of suspicion.

On 31 of March she organized meeting between schools’ executives and informed them about her new position of “Head of City Education Unit”. At this meeting she demanded from education institutions’ directors to organize educational process using program of aggressor country.

На Запоріжжі триває боротьба з колаборантами: поліція оголосила підозру ще одній зрадниці

31 березня організувала проведення загальних зборів керівників шкіл та повідомила присутнім про свою нову посаду «керівника міського відділу освіти». На зустрічі новопризначена посадовиця вимагала від директорів учбових закладів організувати освітній процес за програмою країни агресора.
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White angel “flew” to save the wounded

After #RussianStrikes at #Avdiivka Coke and Chemical Plant police sent all its forces to help the wounded ones.

There was also assistance provided by policemen of “White angel” unit from #Kurakhovo, who saved a male with grievous fragmentation stomach wound.

The victim required urgent emergency evacuation, while law enforcement officers numerously demonstrated magic of swiftness and courage and right through the fire evacuated the most wounded ones.

They also made it in time in this case. More than 60 km just like with the wings. Because there is nothing more valuable that human life. Russians easily get rid of it, but we fight for each life.

#Police officers delivered the wounded to the hospital in #Pokrovsk town, where the doctors immediately took care of him.
"Green Corridor" for men: in #Lviv, the #Police detained an organizer

The illegal channel of transferring men across the state border to the EU was exposed by operatives of the #LvivRegion Strategic Investigations Department.

As it was established by the police officers, the "businessman" provided a package of documents to men of conscription age who intend to hide from mobilization in the Armed Forces during the martial law. Falsified papers allowed men to leave #Ukraine without hindrance. The cost of the "service" is 7000 US dollars.
«Зелений коридор» для чоловіків: у Львові затримали організатора

Викрили нелегальний канал переправлення чоловіків через державний кордон до країн ЄС оперативники УСР у Львівській області.

Як встановили поліцейські, «бізнесмен» забезпечував чоловіків, що мають намір сховатися від мобілізації до ЗСУ в період дії воєнного стану, пакетом документів. Фальсифіковані папірці дозволяли чоловікам безперешкодно виїхати за межі України. Вартість послуги - 7000 дол. США.
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#OdesaRegion: #Police officers rescue guard officers of civilian infrastructure destroyed by missiles. Unfortunately, on the way to the hospital, one person died…

These photos show the consequences of the "denazification" of the people of Odesa city, which was organized by the #RussianInvaders on the 77th anniversary of the victory over #Nazism in #WorldWar2.
Одещина: поліцейські рятують зі зруйнованого ракетами об’єкта цивільної інфраструктури охоронців. На превеликий жаль, дорогою до лікарні життя одного чоловіка обірвалося…

На цих кадрах – наслідки "денацифікації" жителів Одещини, яку влаштували російські окупанти в 77-му річницю перемоги над нацизмом у Другій світовій війні.
💔#RussianTroops take away the #childhood from our children, deprive them of carefreeness and happy memories ...

But we will not allow the invader to continue to destroy everything most precious, we will protect our future. We will always protect our children.

The author of the picture is our #police officer from #Donetsk Oleksandr Polosukhin.
💔Рашисти відбирають дитинство у наших діток, позбавляють безтурботності й щасливих спогадів...

Але ми не дамо загарбнику і надалі нищити все найдорожче, ми захистимо майбутнє. Оберігаємо й завжди будемо оберігати маленьких сонечок України.

Автор малюнку наш поліцейський з Донеччини Олександр Полосухін.

Національна поліція України
МВС України
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In #ChernihivRegion the enemy fired at 2 schools. 3 persons died, 12 got wounded.

On 12th of May at 00:20 school building was set on fire in #Novhorod-Siverskyi as a result of enemy shootings.

The fire destroyed construction elements at the area of 280 square km. As a result of the incident 3 persons died and 12 got wounded.

#Police is noting the results of enemy shootings.
На Чернігівщині ворог обстріляв школу та інтернат. Загинули 3 людини, 12 - травмовані.

12 травня о 00:20 у м. Новгород-Сіверський внаслідок ворожих обстрілів сталася пожежа будівлі школи.

Вогнем знищено конструктивні елементи на площі 280 кв.м. В результаті події 3 людини загинуло та 12 травмовані.

Поліція документує наслідки ворожих обстрілів.
#Police officers of Zakarpattia SID collected humanitarian aid for military and residents of #ZaporizhzhiaRegion and #DonetskRegion.

Pickup, ambulance, generators, medicines, hygiene products, clothes and other necessary things have already arrived at their destinations. Thank you to our friends from #Germany and everyone who joined the charity 🤝

Everything will be Ukraine 🇺🇦
Поліцейські УСР Закарпаття зібрали гуманітарну допомогу для військовослужбовців та мешканців Запорізької та Донецької областей.

Пікап, реанімобіль, генератори, медикаменти, засоби гігієни, одяг та інші необхідні речі вже прибули до пунктів призначення. Дякуємо нашим друзям з Німеччини та усім, хто долучився до благодійної справа 🤝

Все буде Україна 🇺🇦
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In #Kyiv operatives of the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police of Ukraine detained a group of people for selling weapons.

While hundreds of #Ukrainians and foreigners are collecting and donating aid to our soldiers who are defending the country from the #russian aggressor, there are also those who are trying to make money off this war.
According to law enforcement officers, the malefactors sold weapons and ammunition. The cost of ammunition ranged from 28 to 40 hryvnias, depending on the caliber, grenades - $ 50, pistols - $ 2000, but submachine guns could be purchased for $ 1000.

Submachine guns, grenades, pistols, a large number of ammunition of various calibers, melee weapons, money were seized.

Illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives is punishable by 3 to 7 years in prison.

#police #news
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🩸Police officers of Kharkiv region donated blood for wounded servicemen of the #ArmedForcesOfUkraine.

The war greatly stimulated the donor movement in #Ukraine. Now the need for donated blood has become even more necessary to save the wounded.

The #Police continue to support the donor movement in Kharkiv to save our defenders, and urge all concerned to join in this good cause.
🩸Поліцейські Харківщини здали кров для поранених військовослужбовців Збройних cил України

Війна дуже стимулювала донорський рух в Україні. Зараз потреба в донорській крові стала ще більш необхідною для порятунку поранених.

Поліцейські й надалі підтримувати донорський рух у Харкові, щоб рятувати наших захисників, і закликають усіх небайдужих долучатися до цієї доброї справи.
❤️#Police officers of the Strategic Investigations Department together with border guards and representatives of the "Phoenix Group" charity fund continue to help and support citizens in every possible way. A humanitarian cargo was delivered to #Mykolayiv and #Bashtanka. Bashtanka is located 7 kilometers from the confrontation line.

Food, water and protective equipment for local residents and those who are the first to help people and maintain law and order - the Police.

Everyone is working on their front to achieve peace in Ukraine. We are strong together. The victory will be for 💙💛
❤️Поліцейські ДСР, прикордонники, БФ «Фенікс груп» продовжують допомагати та всіляко підтримувати громадян. Доставили гумвантаж до Миколаєва та Баштанки. Баштанка знаходиться у 7-ми кілометровій зоні від лінії зіткнення.

Продукти харчування, вода, захисна амуніція для мешканців та тих, хто першими йде на допомогу людям та підтримує правопорядок - поліцейські.

Разом ми сила.
Перемога буде за 💙💛
💔#DonetskRegion: One morning at war…

Residents of the village of #Maksymilianivka will remember it as the day when the russians hit them while they were sleeping. The occupiers destroyed homes and dropped long-range munitions on the streets.

They explode at any moment for 72 hours...

Fortunately, the #Police have been already working on the spot. They had arrived before the people went outside. EOD technicians inspected the area and neutralized all dangerous objects. Mines were found on the road, near yards, in front gardens among irises and peonies. The Police prevented explosions, dozens of lives were saved🙏

For other residents of Donetsk region, this morning was a moment of farewell to home. For law enforcement officers who are helping families evacuate away from russian shells, it was a joy that these children had been saved.

And for all of us - this is another day to win 🇺🇦
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Vitalii Panko, a patrol #police officer, makes silent firing devices in his free time and sends them to our frontline.

In a small home shop, on old lathes and drilling machines, Vitalii makes "silencers" for Kalashnikov assault rifles and machine guns. Such devices are especially important for the activities of reconnaissance groups, because it makes them less noticeable.

It takes from 8 to 10 hours to make one silencer.

🇺🇦Together to victory!
#Поліцейській патрульної поліції Віталій Панько у вільний від роботи час виготовляє пристрої безшумної стрільби та відправляє нашим військовим на передову.

У маленькому домашньому цеху, на старенькому токарному та свердлильному верстатах, Віталій виробляє «глушники» для автоматів та кулеметів Калашникова. Такі пристрої особливо важливі для діяльності розвідувальних груп, адже робить їх менш помітними.

На виготовлення одного глушника іде від 8 до 10 годин.

🇺🇦Разом до Перемоги!
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#Police detained members of a criminal group involved in kidnapping for extortion

A group of unknown people abducted a 58-year-old man on one of the streets of #Kremenchuk and drove him to one of the warehouses. There, using physical and psychological violence, the kidnappers demanded $ 15,000 from the victim.
Поліція затримали учасників злочинної групи, причетних до викрадення людини з метою вимагання

Група невідомих викрала 58-річного чоловіка на одній з вулиць Кременчука та на автомобілі вивезла його до одного зі складських приміщень. Там, застосовуючи фізичне та психологічне насильство, викрадачі вимагали від потерпілого 15 тисяч доларів США.
#Zaporizhzhia: police documents the consequences of enemy shelling

In the morning of May 25th, russian military shelled the city's civilian infrastructure in two districts at the same time. Russian troops launched four cruise missiles. According to preliminary data, there are dead and injured.

One of them was brought down by the Ukrainian air defense. The other three hit civilian infrastructure in two districts of the city. As a result of armed aggression, one of the shopping and entertainment complexes in the city center was damaged.

The rashists also targeted the private sector in one of the districts of Zaporizhzhia. In more than 60 houses, the shockwave damaged walls, windows, roofing and residential areas. One of the houses was destroyed by a direct missile hit.

Relevant services continue to work at the scene and document the consequences of the rocket attack.

#stoprussia #police #news
❤️#DonetskRegion: the Police delivered humanitarian aid to villagers near #Lyman.

The villages of #KryvaLuka and #Ozerne are under round-the-clock shelling by #RussianOccupationForces. As in other settlements of Donetsk region, people are forced to be in shelter around the clock, without food and water. Law enforcement officers are helping overcome the humanitarian catastrophe.

#Police enforcers brought humanitarian aid to people: hygiene kits from the Ukrainian #RedCrossSociety and food that does not need to be prepared, from the International Headquarters for Aid to Ukrainians and bread from Lyman Mayor Oleksandr Zhuravlyov.

Evacuation is the only way to save your life and health.
We remind that there are social centers in the region and in other regions of the country, where people are accommodated and fed. No one is left with trouble alone. Support and shelter is provided to all.

National Police of Ukraine
Ministry of Internal Affairs
In #Lviv, the #Police stopped activities of a group that "specializes" in smuggling and selling weapons

For 6 months, operative officers of the Strategic Investigations Department in #LvivRegion, regional police department investigators and prosecutors have been documenting the group's criminal activities to identify all its members.

It consisted of 5 people - residents of Lviv, #Zakarpattia and #Ternopil regions, including private international carriers. The criminal group "specialized" in the illegal acquisition, storage and sale of unregistered firearms, including abroad. The members of the group - the carriers - delivered weapons outside Ukraine in disassembled condition.

On May 26, the Police detained the group's organizer and conducted authorized searches of the detainee's and other defendants' residences. #Grenades, pistols, ammunition of various calibers, TNT grenades, an improvised explosive device, etc., were seized.
Ihor Klymenko, the Head of the National Police of Ukraine: 8 people died in Kharkiv as a result of today's shelling, including a newborn child.

Today the enemy shot #Kharkiv. Previously, they fired with howitzers.

When the shelling began, a young family was walking in the street: a wife and a man with a 5-month-old baby in his arms. The man died immediately, the woman was hospitalized in serious condition. Later, the #Police found the child's body. The baby was thrown up on the roof of the building's entrance by the explosive wave from the father's hands…

8 Kharkiv residents were killed in today's shelling in Kharkiv. Another 17 were injured. Once again, Ukrainian families have become orphaned by hated russian invaders.

It is our duty to hold the enemy accountable for their crimes. And we will do it. Certainly.
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#Occupyingtroops shelled #Lysychansk #LuhanskRegion: a providing humanitarian aid center was damaged.

Today, the troops of the #RussianFederation and illegal armed groups of the so-called #LPR carried out artillery shelling of the center of Lysychansk. As a result of the shelling, civilian infrastructure and cars of local residents were damaged. Fortunately, no one was injured in the shelling.

Enemy shells damaged apartment buildings and private buildings, hotel premises, garages and the premises of the humanitarian aid center. Also, as a result of the shelling, one of the cars delivering humanitarian aid to the city was damaged.

The #Police conducted inspections of damaged facilities and documented #RussianWarCrimes.
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