CTXC 트윗 - #Eli5 Day4🤖Q: Difference between full nodes and miners?🤠A: Full nodes just keep a full copy of #blockchain history,… https://t.co/xgIxrM1mpk
Cortex Labs
#Eli5 Day4🤖Q: Difference between full nodes and miners?🤠A: Full nodes just keep a full copy of #blockchain history, whereas miners are the ones who create the blocks that go into the blockchain history. #CortexLabs #Cortex #AI #MachineLearning #CTXC
CTXC 트윗 - Cortex's next meetup in Taiwan! Our CTO, Jia Tian, and COO, Amy Chen will be there to answer your questions 😇 Sign up here 🔜 https://t.co/yZNrDPoPvb
#AI #blockchain #CTXC #CortexLabs
#AI #blockchain #CTXC #CortexLabs
Cypherpunks Taiwan 密碼龐克 (3)-AI on blockchain 核心價值
時間:2019年4月9日(星期二) 晚上7:00到10:00地點:People Squared 台北(中正區信義路二段253號)捷運東門站7號出https://goo.gl/maps/sfzdVEf6VTJ2費用:100元現場收(場地費+飲料)ps. 關於飲料的部分,大家自備環保杯喔團隊官網:https://www.cortexlabs.ai/第三次活動議程:簡述密碼龐克社群現況講題:AI on
CTXC 트윗 - It's heating up! In an hour the vote will start. We had such a great time interacting with @CrptoVIPSignal community. Now it's time to vote for Cortex! #CTXC #CortexLabs #AIOnBlockchian