The impact of the war was so much that, two days after the Battle of Adwa, Italian Prime Minister Crispi's Cabinet resigned.
Source: EthiopianFacts
ááľáá á'ááą áá áľá áááá˝đđ⤠á áľáᣠáľáᣠááááľáŁ ááĽáᣠáŠáŤáľáŁ ááááᣠá˘áľáŽáľáŤáááľ!!! áĽááłá á125áá á¨á áľá áľá á áá á á°á¨á°á!
#proudethiopian #Adwa125
The impact of the war was so much that, two days after the Battle of Adwa, Italian Prime Minister Crispi's Cabinet resigned.
Source: EthiopianFacts
ááľáá á'ááą áá áľá áááá˝đđ⤠á áľáᣠáľáᣠááááľáŁ ááĽáᣠáŠáŤáľáŁ ááááᣠá˘áľáŽáľáŤáááľ!!! áĽááłá á125áá á¨á áľá áľá á áá á á°á¨á°á!
#proudethiopian #Adwa125