á¸ááá á¨ááľáἠááŽáááľ ááá°ááá á¨á /áá áá˘á á áááľ áá áá áł ááá
á¨áĽ sheger@pmo.gov.et áá ááááľáá áĽáá˛ááá áĽáá ááááᢠá¨áĽáŤáą áá á á°á: áĽá 5áááŽá::
á°á¨ááŞ: bit.ly/2NvoQWS
#trending #news #PMO #share #update @shegergebeta
á°á¨ááŞ: bit.ly/2NvoQWS
#trending #news #PMO #share #update @shegergebeta
Remember when Celavie had a 50% discount on their 10th year anniversary? Now they are having 20% discount at their price menu for their new branch.
âDiscount starts tomorrow (Saturday) and will be available until next week (Saturday)
đBole, behind Medhanialem Mall. In front of Champion Lounge or few meters away from The Mug Addis.
#celavie #news #update #newbranch @shegergebeta
âDiscount starts tomorrow (Saturday) and will be available until next week (Saturday)
đBole, behind Medhanialem Mall. In front of Champion Lounge or few meters away from The Mug Addis.
#celavie #news #update #newbranch @shegergebeta