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All of your greatest heroes have one thing is common: they are fearless, no matter what they do or what field they are in. They all somehow dare to explore the unknown by breaking their limits and raising the bar for everyone. May they be your inspiration.
If you learn from your past and you understand the lesson you are ready for your transmutation. Focus on the positive sides only and be fearlessly creative.
The truth can be painful sometimes but if you live with love there is no pain, there is no fear. All the doors are still open.
When everyone is slowing down because of the same issue, don’t ever give up. Learn to overcome the problem because there are always solutions and alternatives which will make you lead the race.
When you have a goal in life the only action of thinking about it can literally change your chemistry and your future self.
It’s a great thing to have goals in life but you always need a good plan and to be very strategic. Sometimes you might not get what you want, other times you’ll be surprised by the wonder of the unexpected, when finally everything makes perfectly sense. Never stop exploring.
Sometimes it is inside of you because of bad upbringing, sometimes someone could simply want to make sure you are affected by it. Rebel against your fears and be guided by the pure feeling of love.
Enjoy every single moment of your life and live it to the fullest, no matter what you do.
Very ‘social’ people are most likely to be guided by a desperate need for attention; others are simply socially responsible and most of the time you will never hear about them: some people save their face, others save the world.
When you know you’ve done everything in your power you always win.
Don’t ever believe who’s is saying you are amazing too easily because they are just trying to fool you while you’re simply too good for them.
Never work with someone who cheats on their partner.
When you are depressed you are underground, if you are angry you are just beneath the surface, Be determined and you’ll be able to see the sky.
When you lose someone you can only hope they are well and when you hope you have lost.
Believe in yourself and you will reach for the stars. Look down at the world below and never forget where you came from.
The last lap is the one that counts in a race.
Always live as if it was your last day on Earth but never forget that your actions can affect people around you.
Let your enemies think they’re winning and they will soon be defeated.
When you are doing what’s right and doing your best with honesty, it’s never your fault.
Your body is pointless without a great mind
Useless without a brave heart
Insignificant without an incredible soul.

When you’ll realise that the time is over it might just be too late to understand that what really matters in life is what you leave here in this world, even the most simple and caring thing.

What you give is what will make the difference, this will make you eternal.

Be a great thinker
Be a brave warrior
And be always honest
Give yourself to others.