Scott Greer
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There’s a simple fact conservatives don’t want to acknowledge about CRT. I discuss it in a column for American Greatness
This is GUARANTEED to be a great Highly Respected episode!
Overlooked aspect about the West’s secularization: as more whites stop attending church, these institutions orient more towards the third world. This means support for mass immigration in the hope it brings more parishioners
The new IQ Supplement takes listeners back to the pre-Trump era and the fledgling Dissident Right
We’re in a place now where burning churches is good, so long as its non-whites acting on behalf of racial grievances. Most of the replies support the arson and the Canadian government and Catholic Church look the other way.
There’s also something to be said of the Church. Many on the Right look at the Catholic Church as a reactionary bulwark. But if it can’t even stand up for itself in the face of church arson, what can it defend itself from?
If I were a right-wing Canadian, I would just leave. A country that punishes pastors more than church arsonists is not a place to stay
Happy July 4th!
Too many people focus on the words written during the War of Independence rather than the people who actually won independence. Abstract principles don’t create nations—people do
Highly Respected reflects on the new patriotism in today’s episode
“Let’s show how cool we are”

Finds the dorkiest young POC men possible

“Just bros being bros!”
Another day where conservatives think telling leftists about random Republicans will completely destroy them