Scott Greer
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People always argue for Asian outreach but never consider how Asians are some of the biggest drivers of anti-white trends. Most Asians love mass immigration, Critical Race Theory, and affirmative action. You see many South Asian leaders on the Left. No Asian group demanded law and order due to black attacks
Most Asians want to join the upper caste in America. Supporting Republicans and conservative will endure that doesn’t happen. High status comes with assimilating into the worst aspect of the liberal elite
We should focus more on winning back white suburbanites than fixating on minority groups that have no interest in our ideas
Only 14 Republicans voted against Critical Race Theory: the holiday
It takes guts to stand against the entire establishment and oppose the anti-white Juneteenth. These patriots deserve a thank you
Be on the lookout for the new IQ Supplement today
The IQ Supplement on Martin Luther King is finally here
An important liberal project is convincing the nation that Magic Americans are the true founders and our history focuses on them as the central characters. Conservatives deride 1619 Project, yet now agree with its core premise. Pathetic
Make sure to play Dixie on repeat to celebrate Juneteenth tomorrow!
Whites listening to rap is how we got Juneteenth. #Facts
America’s newest holiday is exposed on the new Highly Respected
Populist Inc. tries way too hard to appropriate RW meme culture and it turns out like this. Pit vipers on two POC at a Juneteenth cookout...
You may be surprised by which region supported FDR’s drive for war. Listen to the new IQ supplement to find out more
This column from Rep. Matt Rosendale is a must-read. He gets why Juneteenth is anti-America