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Beit Trust Postgraduate Scholarships for 2023-2024 to Study at Top Universities of UK & South Africa (Fully Funded).

Successful students will get the chance to study at the world renowned and top-rated universities of United Kingdom and South Africa such as Oxford University, Cambridge University, University of Leeds, University of Edinburgh, University of Cape Town, Rhodes University and other higher-ranked universities. It is a fully funded opportunity.

Click here for more details and application process

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Beit Trust Postgraduate Scholarships to Study in the UK and South Africa with Higher Funding (Maximum Coverage).

Applications are open for the next round of scholarships for the academic year commencing September 2024 for universities in the United Kingdom and January 2025 for universities in South Africa.

Leading top universities in the UK and South Africa are participating in this scholarship scheme. Higher funding is available meaning that maximum coverage will be provided to successful students.

Click here to get more details and the application procedure

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