"I say be patient because you must. There is no sense in shaking the tree when there are no fruits ripe enough for you to catch"
💫Wolf Swap will come.
✅Certik will come.
💎Just like Hotbit and CMC. The roadmap is set for a reason, this is a long-term project.
👑Relax, do the vote, together raise awareness of your project while the Dev team takes care of the final stage.
🚀Upvote, add watch list on CMC, CGK, Coinhunt,Coindiscovery,WatcherGuru,...
⭐️Deposit on XT.com
There are so many things you can help with rather than asking repeatedly question every few minutes, it won't help.
#SWisheretostay #SafeWolf
💫Wolf Swap will come.
✅Certik will come.
💎Just like Hotbit and CMC. The roadmap is set for a reason, this is a long-term project.
👑Relax, do the vote, together raise awareness of your project while the Dev team takes care of the final stage.
🚀Upvote, add watch list on CMC, CGK, Coinhunt,Coindiscovery,WatcherGuru,...
⭐️Deposit on XT.com
There are so many things you can help with rather than asking repeatedly question every few minutes, it won't help.
#SWisheretostay #SafeWolf