#油塘 #YauTong Ticket Inspection 1639 🆎 各1黃 ⚠️ 匿板後捉入 ‼️‼️‼️ 2055 🅰3黃捉入⚠️ #WCM Team‼️‼️ (#416杏花邨事件 有份跪頸)
#每日盲點介紹 #DailyBlindSpot
油塘🅰匿廣告板後 🅱匿告示板後
YauTong 🅰🅱 beware the CSRPU behind the notice board
油塘🅰匿廣告板後 🅱匿告示板後
YauTong 🅰🅱 beware the CSRPU behind the notice board
#大水坑 #TaiShuiHang Ticket Inspection
2049 最少1黃匿暗位捉入‼️‼️
#每日盲點介紹 #DailyBlindSpot
TaiShuiHang paid area behind the advertising board near hair-cut shop
2049 最少1黃匿暗位捉入‼️‼️
#每日盲點介紹 #DailyBlindSpot
TaiShuiHang paid area behind the advertising board near hair-cut shop
#香港 #HongKong Ticket Inspection 0825 0925 1015 DEF/IFC1 閘內3黃⚠️有cam 1230 1235 1245 1303 🆎2黃捉入‼️ DEF 3黃捉出入‼️ #LCM‼️ #Afro mixed
#每日盲點介紹 #DailyBlindSpot
香港東涌線DEF/IFC1 閘外告示板後捉出‼️‼️
HongKong TungChung DEF/IFC1 unpaid area behind the Advertising board ‼️‼️
香港東涌線DEF/IFC1 閘外告示板後捉出‼️‼️
HongKong TungChung DEF/IFC1 unpaid area behind the Advertising board ‼️‼️
#九龍灣 #KowloonBay Ticket Inspection 1648 🅰️3黃捉出入‼️‼️ 1815 BC 2黃捉入 1836 🅰3黃捉出‼️‼️ 1900 🅰 BC 繼續捉出入‼️‼️ #YK ‼️‼️ mixed #KT
#每日盲點介紹 #DailyBlindSpot
KowloonBay Gate BC paid area behind the Customer Centre
九龍灣 #YK‼️ 匿客服後陰濕捉入‼️‼️ 不斷抽查落扶手電梯乘客
KowloonBay Gate BC paid area behind the Customer Centre
九龍灣 #YK‼️ 匿客服後陰濕捉入‼️‼️ 不斷抽查落扶手電梯乘客
#葵芳 #KwaiFong Ticket Inspection 1626 AD 最少4黃捉入+抽查‼️‼️ BC 最少4黃捉入+抽查‼️‼️ 不斷抽查落電梯乘客‼️‼️ 請確保使用正確有效車票進出該站✅ #CLHY ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ #LF mixed
#每日盲點介紹 #DailyBlindSpot
KwaiFong gate BC paid area behind the notice board and pillar
葵芳 不斷抽查 提防柱後‼️‼️‼️
KwaiFong gate BC paid area behind the notice board and pillar
葵芳 不斷抽查 提防柱後‼️‼️‼️