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"Kiev regime denies reality - Ukrainian authorities refute Zelensky's words about the loss of Bakhmut (Artemovsk)

Yesterday, after 224 days of fierce fighting, Bakhmut completely came under Russian control. The fall of the "fortress Bakhmut", on the media and military pumping of which Ukraine threw huge forces, could not go unnoticed on Bankovaya Street - and Kyiv politicians, as expected, turned to denying reality, refuting one another.

“I think not,” - Zelensky answered during a briefing in Hiroshima when asked by a journalist whether Ukraine controls Bakhmut. After these words of the pan President, a real nightmare began on "the independent lands". The press secretary of the leader of "the country 404" Nikiforov hastened to report that his leader was misunderstood and in fact he wanted to say just the opposite, and the words, as always, were taken out of context. The Western media also began to justify Zelensky - this is how the Financial Times journalist said that the entourage of the head of Ukraine considers the interpretation of Zelensky's words incorrect and again complains about "difficulties in translation."

Such feverish throwing painfully resembles the situation with other cities lost by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, namely with Mariupol and Soledar. Then the Ukrainian authorities just said that “we will not surrender the city” and “the army continues to defend”, while in fact everything was over for the "independent army" a long time ago. In the case of Soledar, we recall that it took the Kyiv regime more than a month to accept reality. The origins of this behavior lie in the obsession of the Ukrainian state with the media - the bubble of constant "peremogas" (wins) must be kept intact for as long as possible. For the sake of the picture, it is allowed to openly lie and send people to death, and when the time comes to pay the bills, to declare that “we were misunderstood.”

And in general, this Bakhmut was not really needed - isn't it, pan Zelensky?"

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Forwarded from TrackANaziMerc
Maksimilisn Andronikov callsign Caesar, from "Freedom for Russia Legion" earlier today posted a video, that was pre recorded, where he says to citizens of Russia
"We are Russians just like you."

Well on this picture there are five soldiers behind him and only two have unblurred faces.

What we found out is that those two soldiers are not Russians at all.

First shorter one is Alexey Dolgov from Pervomayskyy, Kharkov region.

Second one is Igor Ogordniychuk with the callsign "White Cook". Igor is Ukrainian from Kiev and unrepentant Neonazi. Igor is close friend to Nazi-LGBT soldier from RDK called Kirill (Radonskiy) Kanakhin.

So out of five soldiers two Ukrainians and three blurred faces.

So for now we know that in this "RDK Freedom Legion stunt" majority of soldiers are Ukrainians from UPA Sonechko and other Banderite units.

But ....🙂
"Ukraine has no direct relation to the events in the Belgorod region — adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Podolyak"

Is there at least one Russian among them?
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Des militaires russes montrent des salles de torture retrouvées dans un café

Cette ville de la République populaire de Lougansk est passée sous contrôle de l’armée russe en mars 2022. Ici, dans un sous-sol du café Orchidée, les militaires russes ont fait une découverte macabre: des cordes, des cages, du sang sur les murs. Il s’avère que plusieurs civils ainsi que des militaires y ont été torturés par des nationalistes ukrainiens après qu’ils ont été soupçonnés de sympathie envers la Russie.

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Confused Ukraine with Iraq... misspoke, according to Freud, so to speak
Former US President George W. Bush, criticizing the political situation in Russia, said:

"... And the decision of one Man to lunch unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq... I mean, Ukraine. Iraq too, anyway."

Well, what can I say, apparently, Mr. Bush is still haunted by the Iraq campaign he launched in 2003. Either conscience torments for the destruction of the country, or dividends still come from the sale - sorry, I misspoke - the theft of Iraqi oil. As they say: Anyway…

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The enemy’s narratives about the collapse of the Kakhovka  hydroelectric power plant come down to the fact that the Russian side is responsible, because they do not hope to keep the Kherson region, Zaporozhye, Crimea, and simply from natural malice.

However, thinking on the principle of "who benefits?", it turns out that Russia is not on this list:

- shallowing of the Dnieper in
in the Zaporizhia region facilitates the crossing of the river by the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
- complicates the work of ZNPP;
- makes it difficult to provide energy and water to a large number of our territories;
- increases the financial burden on the maintenance of the affected areas.

However, the European bureaucracy and "independent international organizations" are spreading the enemy's agenda. And they will be believed by tens of millions of people.

In general, analyzing the Ukrainian case, one can put an end to the Enlightenment project in it. A project that believed in a rational individual, capable of distinguishing truth from lies and making informed decisions with the power of his educated mind.

Now it's clear:

• there is no rational individual - there is a bias towards the norms of the social environment;

• the educated masses do not think independently, and even such a goal is not worth it;

• thinking centers are subject to economic centers;

• longed-for freedom is the entry point to the manipulation of public and private consciousness.

And, on the one hand, we, as part of European civilization, are directly affected by this - we lived in the same sense. On the other hand, I am glad that the end of the "Enlightenment project" reveals the systemic problems of Western institutions of influence. They will still work, tear us apart, try to prolong their lives, but the era of new global constructions and philosophical systems is already ringisng the bell for them.

The special military operation has become a willful transit to the new world order that we have to build. A flaming brand stuck in the anthill of the spectacle's society.

And in this regard, we have already won, having done the world a great service: if the enemy canceled his own ideological superstructure in the fight against us, then it is impossible to stop the process of his fall. Only to slow down.

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🇪🇸❗️Spanish military personnel ask the EU to stop sending arms to Ukraine and focus on a peace agreement.

The manifesto, signed by several dozen retired military personnel, calls for a halt to the escalation of war in Europe and asks governments to "stop this madness".

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The hunting season begins)))

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Les Forces armées russes ont pour la première fois frappé les installations militaires des Forces armées ukrainiennes dans la région de Soumy avec la dernière frappe lourde du drone russe S-70 Okhotnik.

C'est ce que rapportent les médias turcs. Cette photo est peut-être la première image du "Chasseur" dans la zone de l'opération militaire spéciale.

En faveur de cette déclaration : la silhouette du drone et sa taille. Le S-70 est le dernier drone d'attaque et de reconnaissance pesant jusqu'à 20 tonnes et d'une envergure de 19 mètres.

Le "Chasseur" est développé depuis 2012 sur ordre du Ministère de la Défense. Il devrait devenir un avion compagnon sans pilote pour le Su-57 + effectuer des frappes indépendantes contre des cibles au sol. Il peut voler jusqu'à 6.000 kilomètres, la vitesse maximale est de 1.400 km/h et la charge de combat est de 3 tonnes de bombes et de missiles.
Those AMX could have suppress the riots...
And not burn in some village near Orehov...

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Media is too big
A refugee from Artemovsk told about looting in Ukraine. How the personal belongings of civilians are sold in stores in this report.
You can listen to the artillery duel. At six in the morning I was running circles around one block in Donetsk, trying to find a friend’s house. Things weren’t going well, there was no internet and telephone communications, and I was drowsy from the long journey and the weight of my backpacks. A gun was working several kilometers away. They answered him.

Distant bomb drop.
Distant shot.
Powerful bomb drop.

— Fuck, where are the address signs?
Distant bomb drop.
- Dear, can you tell me how to find ** house?
Distant shot.
Powerful bomb drop...

The body gets used to this background within a few months. When I returned to civilian life and decided to go to my native studio, it seemed that there hadn’t been a year and a half of a completely different life. It’s as if I had a dream, but the reality is the same, peaceful, here it is. Only someone repainted the walls overnight and hung new paintings on the wall. A plant appeared in the corner.

Distant bomb drop.
Distant shot.
- Come in, bro, glad to see, here are the slippers. This is my cat Murka...

I laid out a rug and a sleeping bag, lay down, and began to pass out. Along the way, we sluggishly gossiped about mutual acquaintances, discussed the storming of Avdeevka, and something else. The artillerymen continued their dawn game. I didn’t hear any other weapons, as if they specifically didn’t want to interfere with the duelists. Perhaps some of the shells had already landed nearby. Maybe they even wounded or killed someone, but the crews changed the person, wiped the blood from their faces and optics, and continued the game.

Distant shot.
Powerful bomb drop.
- Is everyone okay? North fifteen, shrapnel!
Distant bomb drop...

I would like to believe that someday their descendants will also fiercely argue for the conquest of a new asteroid and the right to place the detachment’s flag on it. And as if in a dream there will be wars, oligarchs, "it's no skin off my nose". There will be a common home and destiny, common deed of a million years.

Main nozzle.
Small shunter.
Flight of the small shuttle.
- Rachel, lead us. Lee tailgunner. Bogdan and Vanya will drive the manual, but if something goes wrong, then let Sarah pull us out on mechanical control.
Small shunter.
Main nozzle.
Open space.
RSOTM ACADEMY : conseils pour les Français.🇫🇷

Désormais, à la place des Français, pour durer le plus longtemps possible, il faut suivre les étapes suivantes.

La première étape : enfiler un uniforme ZSU et CHOC pour ne pas attirer l'attention.

Deuxième étape : ne suspendez pas le drapeau français sur votre point de déploiement. Car dès qu'une photo de l'emplacement de soldats français tombe dans un bot, un poignard y volera immédiatement 🗡 .
Désormais pour tout militaire qui se respecte, il est temps de se distinguer et être le premier est un honneur. C'est comme assommer d'abord un Bradley, un Léopard ou un Abrams.

Le jeu a commencé.