Embassy of Russia in Ireland
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🇷🇺🇱🇦 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov held talks with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Laos Saleumxay Kommasith.

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#RussiaASEAN Ministerial in Phnom Penh.

🤝 Foreign Ministers of 11 nations, including Sergey Lavrov are participating.
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🎙 Foreign Ministry statement on the aggravation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

💬 The escalation of tensions in the Lachin corridor and other sections of the contact line is cause for grave concern. Unfortunately, there are human losses. We would like to convey our sincere condolences to the loved ones of those who lost their lives and to wish speedy recovery to the wounded.

Russian peacekeepers are doing all they can to stabilise the situation on the ground. Intensive work with both sides is conducted via all channels and at all levels, including top leadership. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov maintains close contact with his Azerbaijani and Armenian colleagues.

We urge the sides to display restraint and observe the ceasefire. We firmly believe that all differences must be settled exclusively by political and diplomatic means, with the account of the sides’ positions and in strict conformity with the Statement by the Leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia of November 9, 2020.

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📜 Foreign Ministry statement on the results of the #RussiaASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

The Russia - ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting co-chaired by the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Cambodia showed that the Russia - ASEAN strategic partnership is unaffected by the geopolitical environment.

The ASEAN countries welcomed Russia’s firm support for the Association’s central role in the regional architecture and unity of its states, and the active role of our country in ASEAN-centric mechanisms, including the East Asian Summit, the ASEAN Regional Forum on security and the meeting of the ASEAN Defence Ministers and Dialogue Partners.

The participants reaffirmed their plans to hold a second round of Russia-ASEAN consultations of senior security officials and the second dialogue on cybersecurity in the latter half of 2022.

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🇷🇺🇰🇭 On August 4-5, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had meetings with Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia Hun Sen and Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Prak Sokhonn during his visit to Phnom Penh for ASEAN ministerial events.

🤝 Sergey Lavrov and Hun Sen discussed the current state and development plans for bilateral cooperation in politics, trade, the economy, investment, science and technology, as well as culture and education.

☝️ Following the talks, the ministers adopted a joint statement and signed a plan of consultations between the Foreign Ministry of Russia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia for 2022-2024.

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🇷🇺🇹🇭 On August 5, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand Don Pramudwinai on the sidelines of the ASEAN ministerial events in Phnom Penh.

🤝 The two Ministers discussed the state and future of bilateral cooperation, including the political dialogue, trade, economic ties and humanitarian and cultural exchanges. They paid special attention to holding cultural events in both countries to mark the 125th anniversary of Russia-Thailand diplomatic relations in 2022.

The foreign ministers reaffirmed their commitment to stepping up cooperation within international and regional platforms, including within multilateral associations in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as their commitment to adding more substance to the Russia-ASEAN strategic partnership.
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🇷🇺🇹🇷 President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the Turkish President met in Sochi on 5 August 2022.

🤝 Ongoing regional and global challenges notwithstanding, the two Leaders reaffirmed their common will to further Türkiye-Russia relations based on mutual respect, recognition of reciprocal interests, and in accordance with their international undertakings.

Within the framework of this understanding, the Leaders, who conducted extensive consultations on the issues that are on the agenda of Türkiye-Russia bilateral affairs, agreed:

to increase the bilateral trade volume on a balanced basis and to achieve designated targets;

to meet one another’s expectations on the economy and energy;

to take concrete steps to boost collaboration about issues that have been pending on the agenda of both countries for a long time, concerning sectors such as transportation, commerce, agriculture, industry, finance, tourism and construction.
6 августа 2022 года представители русскоязычной общины Ирландии провели в центре Дублина мирную акцию в защиту населения Донбасса с требованием к правительствам западных стран прекратить поддержку режима Зеленского на Украине.

On August 6, 2022, members of the Russian-speaking community of Ireland held a peaceful protest rally in the center of Dublin in defence of the population of Donbass, demanding that the governments of the Western countries cease to support Zelenskiy's regime in Ukraine.

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❗️ FM Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on the escalation of tensions around the Gaza Strip

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💬 Moscow is gravely concerned about a new round of armed violence in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

This round of escalation was triggered by Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip on August 5, in response to which Palestinian groups began massive indiscriminate shelling of Israeli territory.

We view these developments with deep concern. They can lead to a resumption of full-scale military confrontation and a further deterioration of the already deplorable humanitarian situation in Gaza.

We call on all parties involved to exercise maximum restraint, prevent an escalation of armed hostilities and return to a sustainable ceasefire without delay.
❗️Комментарий официального представителя МИД России М.В.Захаровой к очередной годовщине августовских событий 2008 года на Южном Кавказе

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💬 Сегодня, в четырнадцатую годовщину начала военной агрессии Грузии против народа Южной Осетии и российских миротворцев из состава Смешанных сил по поддержанию мира в зоне грузино-югоосетинского конфликта, мы вновь отдаем дань памяти жертвам этого вероломного нападения, а также мужеству тех, кто ценой своей жизни спас югоосетин от истребления.

На преступную военную авантюру, предпринятую режимом М.Саакашвили, был дан адекватный ответ – в сложившихся экстремальных обстоятельствах Россия сначала успешно провела операцию по принуждению агрессора к миру, а затем признала Южную Осетию, а также Абхазию, которой была уготована та же участь, что и соседней республике, суверенными независимыми государствами, взяв их под свою защиту.

Другим последствием отражения грузинской агрессии стал запуск в Швейцарии нового переговорного трека – Международных женевских дискуссий по безопасности и стабильности в Закавказье, главной задачей которых является обеспечение прочной и надежной безопасности Абхазии и Южной Осетии через поддержание постоянного прямого диалога между обеими республиками и грузинской стороной.

Однако в последнее время на этой важной диалоговой площадке возобладал политически мотивированный подход со стороны отдельных «игроков», движимых своими эгоистичными интересами. В результате Женевский формат оказался фактически «замороженным». Вот уже восемь месяцев не удается провести очередной раунд Женевских дискуссий.

Перспективы проведения отложенного раунда по-прежнему остаются туманными. Это – не наш выбор. Вся ответственность за срыв переговорного процесса и его последствия полностью ложатся на инициаторов таких деструктивных действий и тех, кто им потакает.

🔗 https://is.gd/qxnuk7
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🕯 Today marks the 14th anniversary since the beginning of the military aggression launched by Mikhail Saakashvili’s regime against the people of South Ossetia.

On the night of 7 to 8 August, 2008, Georgia's armed forces commenced the so-called operation to restore constitutional order in South Ossetia, which led to numerous casualties.

❗️ That operation was a blatant violation of international agreements on the peaceful settlement of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict, and Mikhail Saakashvili’s deliberate actions were later recorded in the 2009 report of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Conflict in Georgia, created under the auspices of the EU.

☝️ Further escalation was avoided thanks to the direct involvement of Russia, which stopped the Georgian invasion by conducting a peace enforcement operation, and then ensured safety of the people in South Ossetia and Abkhazia by recognising the two republics as sovereign and independent states.
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Media is too big
🛑 The Ukrainian nationalists have recently intensified the shelling of residential areas in Donbass, now use even anti-personnel the so-called butterfly mines.

The use of butterfly mines goes against the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of August 12, 1949.

The fact that the Ukrainian nationalists even possess butterfly mines speaks volumes. By signing the 1997 Ottawa Convention, Ukraine made a commitment not to use anti-personnel mines under any circumstances, not even on the battlefield, and to destroy all stocks of such mines held in arsenals.

Apparently, Kiev has not done any of that.

On August 1, Russia’s Permanent Mission to the UN sent the information about the use of butterfly mines by Ukraine to UNSG Antonio Guterres and the head of the Security Council. The letter with attached photographic evidence will be distributed as an official document of the UNSC & UNGA.
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🇷🇺🇮🇱📞 Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the State of Israel Isaac Herzog, at the latter’s initiative.

🤝 The Presidents discussed bilateral cooperation, including in humanitarian affairs in view of the extensive historical legacy of Russia-Israel relations. In this context, they spoke about the Red Army’s decisive contribution to the Victory over Nazism and saving the Jewish people from extermination during the Great Patriotic War, as well as about the positive role of Jews in Russia’s public and cultural life.

They covered the operation in Russia of the organisation representing the interests of the Jewish Agency for Israel and agreed that the contacts on this matter will continue between the respective agencies of the two countries.

☝️ The leaders confirmed the intention to develop the multi-dimensional cooperation between Russia and Israel.