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2025 has been declared the Year of the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the Year of peace and unity in the fight against nazism.
The proposal was approved by the leaders of the CIS countries during a meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth.
The summit also discussed a block of cultural and humanitarian issues within the CIS countries. An international organization for the support and promotion of the Russian language will be established under the auspices of the Commonwealth in 2023.
#Russia #CIS #GPW
Media is too big
The Center for Technology and Microfabrication is a unique platform for everyone involved in biomedicine. Not only biologists, medics, and representatives of fundamental medicine work here, but also designers and engineers. They work on creating new methods and unique, innovative diagnostic devices.

The Center's technology makes it possible to create micro- and nanostructures for a variety of microfluidics and biomedical tasks. Watch the video to learn more about these technologies.

#Russia #Science
Более 200 врачей из медицинских организаций Москвы постоянно оказывают помощь жителям ЛНР и ДНР.
В составе бригад — хирурги различных специализаций, анестезиологи-реаниматологи, травматологи-ортопеды и другие врачи.
Они уже провели более 3,5 тыс. операций и почти 11 тыс. консультаций пациентов. Кроме того, они помогают в организации стационарной помощи, установке или настройке медицинской техники, а также оказывают консультативную поддержку.

#Россия #СМР #ДНР #ЛНР


More than 200 doctors from Moscow’s healthcare organizations provide non-stop medical aid to people in Donbas.
Health teams consist of surgeons of different specialties, intensivists, orthopedic traumatologists and other doctors.
They have already performed more than 3,500 operations and gave a consultation to almost 11,000 people. Besides, they help to deliver in-patient care, install and adjust medical equipment as well as consult.

#Russia #EmergencyMedicalService #DPR #LPR
From 7th to 9th December International tourist forum TRAVEL HUB-2022 will be held in Saint Peterburg.

This year, forum includes several events united under common theme: sustainable development of tourism and its influence on socio-economic development of regions and state in the contemporary conditions.

Organizers invited participation of representatives of relevant organizations and unions; main players of tourist business and related industries; IT-technology developers and users; representatives of scientific and educational organizations as well governments.

Participants and guests will be able to find out about the promotion strategy of the regions which are participants of "Silver necklace of Russia" project as well as to share their ideas on modernization of travel industry in other regions of Russia.

Organizers: Saint Petersburg committee for tourism development and Saint Petersburg Convention Bureau.

🔗 Live broadcast and program of the event are available on website

Doctors of the Luhansk Republican Children's Clinical Hospital are interning at the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology.

Doctors will be trained in such areas as pediatric surgery, pediatric neurosurgery, pediatric traumatology, anesthesiology and resuscitation, radiation diagnostics and pediatric urology.

The training courses are designed for a month. Classes include practicing skills on the basis of specialized departments of the Institute.

At the end of the program, all specialists will receive state-issued certificates confirming professional development.

#Russia #LNR
📍🇷🇺 One of the most mystical places in Russia is considered the Valley of Ghosts on the coast of Crimea.

In the Valley there are more than a hundred stone pillars of different sizes. All these
figures resemble people, animals and various objects. During the daylight hours when the lighting changes, the same natural sculpture at different times resembles different images.

Some tourists stay overnight in the "land of unclean powers" and tell of visions. Some
believe that the Valley of Ghosts is a place of power, which gives energy. That’s why,
freestanding stones were often the object of worship in ancient times.

Media is too big
30 января 1923, ровно сто лет назад, родился один из самых известных режиссеров России Леонид Гайдай. На его фильмах выросло несколько поколений, картины стали народными: зрители разобрали их на цитаты. Однако особое внимание режиссер уделял танцам и песням, что превратило его работы в настоящие музыкальные комедии. Смотрите наше видео, чтобы вспомнить культовые музыкальные номера из фильмов Гайдая.



Leonid Gaidai, one of the most famous directors of Russia, was born on January 30, 1923, exactly one hundred years ago. Several generations have grown up on his films, the movies have become popular: the audience broke down them into quotes. However, the director paid special attention to dances and songs, which turned his work into real musical comedies. Watch our video to remember the iconic musical numbers from Gaidai's films.

🇷🇺 Russia is one of the world’s top 10 countries in the digitalization of government services. So, today, Russians do not have to leave their homes to obtain documents and certificates from various
departments and to submit applications to state institutions. To do this, they can use the «Gosuslugi» portal.

🧑‍💻 Using the site it is possible, for example, to apply for a driver’s license or an international passport, pay state fees, fines, housing services or make an appointment with a doctor.

At the moment more than 100 million people have confirmed their accounts on the site. And for the whole of last year more than 200 million state services were provided through the portal. The most
popular were the services related to the registration of social payments and various benefits.

In addition, some state services for foreigners are available on the site.

🔗 Read more about this at the link.

One of the important directions in the work of the Agency is taking care of memorial sites abroad. It is implemented in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia dated September 6, 2008, №1315. We are talking about burial places that have historical and memorial significance for Russia: memorial and general cemeteries, individual plots, burials, individual graves in general cemeteries, outside cemeteries and in chapels, with the exception of military and new burials.

The Agency has criteria for selecting burial sites. First of all, the contribution of the buried persons to science, culture, art, spiritual life of Russia and other countries, to strengthening relations between Russia and foreign states is evaluated.

#Russia #Rossotrudnichestvo