#Ruby #Fulltime #Office #Junior #Middle #Senior #Backend #Rails #DDD #TDD #MySQL #PostgreSQL
Ruby Software dev. - Smart Pension
We're a diverse team, made up of people from different backgrounds, experiences and skills. Our goal is to build great products to help people plan for their financial futures. We’re constantly developing new ideas to help people look after their pension schemes, in the UK and abroad. We’ve grown to a team of over 500 talented people, all dedicated to creating the best experience for our customers. Recently we made it onto Great Places to Work UK's Best Workplaces 2020 for medium-sized companies! If you think you can help us build a smarter future, come and work with us.
This opportunity is for a junior level ruby engineer working in Dubai with a focus on supporting one of our biggest clients in the UAE.
65 000 - 75 000+ USD per year gross
Office (Dubai, UAE)
#250K #300K #350K
#5500_USD #6000_USD #6500_USD
Описание кнопок с реакциями
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Ruby Software dev. - Smart Pension
We're a diverse team, made up of people from different backgrounds, experiences and skills. Our goal is to build great products to help people plan for their financial futures. We’re constantly developing new ideas to help people look after their pension schemes, in the UK and abroad. We’ve grown to a team of over 500 talented people, all dedicated to creating the best experience for our customers. Recently we made it onto Great Places to Work UK's Best Workplaces 2020 for medium-sized companies! If you think you can help us build a smarter future, come and work with us.
This opportunity is for a junior level ruby engineer working in Dubai with a focus on supporting one of our biggest clients in the UAE.
65 000 - 75 000+ USD per year gross
Office (Dubai, UAE)
#250K #300K #350K
#5500_USD #6000_USD #6500_USD
Описание кнопок с реакциями
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#Ruby #Fulltime #Office #Senior #Lead #Backend #FullStack #Rails #DDD #TDD #MySQL #PostgreSQL
Ruby Tech Lead - Smart Pension
We're a diverse team, made up of people from different backgrounds, experiences and skills. Our goal is to build great products to help people plan for their financial futures. We’re constantly developing new ideas to help people look after their pension schemes, in the UK and abroad. We’ve grown to a team of over 500 talented people, all dedicated to creating the best experience for our customers. Recently we made it onto Great Places to Work UK's Best Workplaces 2020 for medium-sized companies! If you think you can help us build a smarter future, come and work with us.
95 000 - 115 000 USD per year gross
(salary is calculated in GBP)
Office (London, UK)
#450K #500K #550K
#7500_USD #8000_USD #8500_USD #9000_USD #9500_USD
Описание кнопок с реакциями
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Ruby Tech Lead - Smart Pension
We're a diverse team, made up of people from different backgrounds, experiences and skills. Our goal is to build great products to help people plan for their financial futures. We’re constantly developing new ideas to help people look after their pension schemes, in the UK and abroad. We’ve grown to a team of over 500 talented people, all dedicated to creating the best experience for our customers. Recently we made it onto Great Places to Work UK's Best Workplaces 2020 for medium-sized companies! If you think you can help us build a smarter future, come and work with us.
95 000 - 115 000 USD per year gross
(salary is calculated in GBP)
Office (London, UK)
#450K #500K #550K
#7500_USD #8000_USD #8500_USD #9000_USD #9500_USD
Описание кнопок с реакциями
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#Ruby #Fulltime #Office #Junior #Middle #Senior #Backend #Rails #DDD #TDD #MySQL #PostgreSQL
Ruby Software Engineer - Smart Pension
We're a diverse team, made up of people from different backgrounds, experiences and skills. Our goal is to build great products to help people plan for their financial futures. We’re constantly developing new ideas to help people look after their pension schemes, in the UK and abroad. We’ve grown to a team of over 500 talented people, all dedicated to creating the best experience for our customers. Recently we made it onto Great Places to Work UK's Best Workplaces 2020 for medium-sized companies! If you think you can help us build a smarter future, come and work with us.
80 000 - 100 000 USD per year gross
(salary is calculated in GBP)
Office (London, UK)
#400K #450K #500K
#6500_USD #7000_USD #7500_USD #8000_USD #8500_USD
Описание кнопок с реакциями
Другие направления Jooby.dev
Для тех, кто хочет поддержать наш проект
Ruby Software Engineer - Smart Pension
We're a diverse team, made up of people from different backgrounds, experiences and skills. Our goal is to build great products to help people plan for their financial futures. We’re constantly developing new ideas to help people look after their pension schemes, in the UK and abroad. We’ve grown to a team of over 500 talented people, all dedicated to creating the best experience for our customers. Recently we made it onto Great Places to Work UK's Best Workplaces 2020 for medium-sized companies! If you think you can help us build a smarter future, come and work with us.
80 000 - 100 000 USD per year gross
(salary is calculated in GBP)
Office (London, UK)
#400K #450K #500K
#6500_USD #7000_USD #7500_USD #8000_USD #8500_USD
Описание кнопок с реакциями
Другие направления Jooby.dev
Для тех, кто хочет поддержать наш проект
#Ruby #Fulltime #Office #Middle #Senior #Backend #Rails #DDD #TDD #MySQL #PostgreSQL #Relocate
Ruby Software Engineer - Smart Pension
A rapidly-growing fintech company transforming the retirement industry for the better. We’re changing the way people interact with their retirement savings using our award-winning platform which is powered by our inhouse technology. We’ve gone from a small start-up to a global industry-leader with over £2bn in assets under management. Join us to transform retirement, savings and financial well-being, across all generations, around the world.
55 000 - 65 000 USD per year gross
Office (Krakow, Poland)
+ relocation package
#250K #300K #350K
#4500_USD #5000_USD #5500_USD
Описание кнопок с реакциями
Другие направления Jooby.dev
Для тех, кто хочет поддержать наш проект
Ruby Software Engineer - Smart Pension
A rapidly-growing fintech company transforming the retirement industry for the better. We’re changing the way people interact with their retirement savings using our award-winning platform which is powered by our inhouse technology. We’ve gone from a small start-up to a global industry-leader with over £2bn in assets under management. Join us to transform retirement, savings and financial well-being, across all generations, around the world.
55 000 - 65 000 USD per year gross
Office (Krakow, Poland)
+ relocation package
#250K #300K #350K
#4500_USD #5000_USD #5500_USD
Описание кнопок с реакциями
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#Ruby #Rails #Fulltime #Remote #Office #Senior #Backend #SQL #OOP #SOLID #DDD
Senior RoR Backend dev. - Rocketwork
Удобный и технологичный сервис с простой навигацией.
Основная цель - предоставить компаниям и их сотрудникам максимально просто взаимодействовать друг с другом: легко оформлять документы, перечислять зарплату, автоматически и без кучи бумаг вести деловые отношения.
Ищем хорошего разработчика в дружную команду, которая всегда поддержит и поможет. Работаем с передовыми технологиями, в рамках полезного для людей проекта.
230 000 - 250 000 RUB на руки (на старте)
Удаленка/офис в Москве (по желанию)
#200K #250K #300K
#3500_USD #4000_USD #4500_USD #5000_USD
Полное описание + контакт для связи
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Senior RoR Backend dev. - Rocketwork
Удобный и технологичный сервис с простой навигацией.
Основная цель - предоставить компаниям и их сотрудникам максимально просто взаимодействовать друг с другом: легко оформлять документы, перечислять зарплату, автоматически и без кучи бумаг вести деловые отношения.
Ищем хорошего разработчика в дружную команду, которая всегда поддержит и поможет. Работаем с передовыми технологиями, в рамках полезного для людей проекта.
230 000 - 250 000 RUB на руки (на старте)
Удаленка/офис в Москве (по желанию)
#200K #250K #300K
#3500_USD #4000_USD #4500_USD #5000_USD
Полное описание + контакт для связи
Другие направления Jooby.dev
Описание реакций
Для тех, кто хочет поддержать наш проект
#Ruby #Rails #Fulltime #Remote #Senior #Backend #PostgreSQL #ElasticSearch #KISS #DRY #SOLID #DDD
Senior Ruby Backend dev. - Innovative people.
Требуется опытный разработчик на 3 - 6 месяцев на проект (музыкальный стриминговый сервис).
300 000 - 380 000 RUB на руки
#300K #350K #400K
#3500_USD #4000_USD #4500_USD
Полное описание + контакт для связи
На данную позицию рассматриваются только кандидаты из РФ, РБ
Другие направления Jooby.dev
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Senior Ruby Backend dev. - Innovative people.
Требуется опытный разработчик на 3 - 6 месяцев на проект (музыкальный стриминговый сервис).
300 000 - 380 000 RUB на руки
#300K #350K #400K
#3500_USD #4000_USD #4500_USD
Полное описание + контакт для связи
На данную позицию рассматриваются только кандидаты из РФ, РБ
Другие направления Jooby.dev
Описание реакций
Для тех, кто хочет поддержать наш проект
#Ruby #Rails #Fulltime #Remote #Senior #Backend #PostgreSQL #ElasticSearch #KISS #DRY #SOLID #DDD
Senior Ruby Backend dev. - Innovative people.
Требуется опытный разработчик на 3 - 6 месяцев на проект (музыкальный стриминговый сервис).
300 000 - 380 000 RUB на руки
#300K #350K #400K
#3500_USD #4000_USD #4500_USD
Полное описание + контакт для связи
На данную позицию рассматриваются кандидаты из любых стран
Другие направления Jooby.dev
Описание реакций
Для тех, кто хочет поддержать наш проект
Senior Ruby Backend dev. - Innovative people.
Требуется опытный разработчик на 3 - 6 месяцев на проект (музыкальный стриминговый сервис).
300 000 - 380 000 RUB на руки
#300K #350K #400K
#3500_USD #4000_USD #4500_USD
Полное описание + контакт для связи
На данную позицию рассматриваются кандидаты из любых стран
Другие направления Jooby.dev
Описание реакций
Для тех, кто хочет поддержать наш проект