RSquad Blockchain Lab
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​​🎙 RSquad: News from the World of Blockchain 🎙

Banking transactions worth $200 billion, court decisions recorded in blocks, and a country that moves towards a metaverse — RSquad has prepared a selection of news from the world of blockchain..

🌐Web3 nation🌐

The state of Tuvalu, located on an island in the Pacific Ocean, plans to use Web3 developments to preserve its culture.This announcement was made by its Foreign Minister at the recent SOR27 climate summit.

🌊This has to do with the fact that due to climate instability, the sea is gradually flooding the territory of the island. According to certain calculations, by the end of the century, Tuvalu will have completely disappeared under water.

In order not to lose their culture together with the territory, the inhabitants of Tuvalu decided to become the first digitized nation by recreating their state in the metaverse.

🌇It is worth noting that such innovative megacities as Seoul are already working on creating their digital counterparts. And many countries are actively developing the direction of providing services in the metaverse.

💵New technologies for banks💵

🧮In less than a year, banking giants HSBC and Wells Fargo, processed transactions worth over $200 billion thanks to the CORE blockchain technology.

💱Since the end of December 2021, institutions have started to carry out transactions using a distributed registry using 4 currencies: the British pound, the US dollar, the euro and the Canadian dollar. It is expected that the yuan will join the list in the near future.

According to media reports, the SWIFT interbank system is also aimed at digitalizing transactions, which has already successfully conducted transactions using the Quorum and Corda blockchain systems.

⚖️Blockchain-based court⚖️

The United Arab Emirates has introduced a new accounting system based on blockchain technologies into arbitration proceedings. This made the decisions which are taken available for enforcement in any corner of the planet.

ADGM Courts, the developer of the technology, assures that the new approach helps to save time and money in the enforcement of decisions on commercial disputes, as they will be available to the parties concerned already at the time of issuance.

💯 Blockchain technology based on the principle of immutability guarantees the authenticity of solutions, eliminating the need to obtain certified copies.
🌐 RSquad is a blockchain lab that has implemented more than 75 projects in such networks as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, TON, etc. 

👉 Follow our official media to keep up to date with current developments:

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​​🛠 How to Сhoose a Blockchain Developer?

The success of a project depends as much on the relevance of the idea as on the excellence of its implementation. RSquad is eager to tell you how to choose a blockchain developer who will translate your plans into reality.👇
📈Determining the course📈
First of all, determine the concept of the project. You must be clear about the answers to at least three questions:
1️⃣ What problems need to be solved?
2️⃣ What functionality is implied?
3️⃣ What final result is expected?
Outsourcing ⚖️ full-time employee
There are two implementation options: replenish your own staff with new employees or outsource the task to a specialized company. The latter looks more rational.
It is difficult for a non-expert to assess the level of competence of a developer. Because of this there is a high probability of work being poorly performed.
At a company, developers undergo a strict professional selection process. It is important for the employer that their experience is sufficient to implement projects of different complexity. For example, RSquad has employees who have been creating complex systems for 18 years, perfecting user interfaces for 11 years, etc. 

Not every development can be handled by a single specialist: it is more likely that additional help will be required.
The company implements turnkey projects thanks to its well-coordinated team.
🔎 Evaluation of contractors🔍

When the list of applicants is formed, you should compare them taking into account the following criteria:⬇️
🔻 Portfolio: see if there similar projects to yours have been realized, how reputable the clients were.
🔻 Team functionality: consider whether the services of the contractor can meet all your needs. 
🔻 Feedback: study the clients’ opinions about working with the developer. You can find information of this kind  on the website of the company  or its customers.

🔻 Social networks and blog: these channels are developed by companies with high expertise to share successful cases and educational content.

💎Successful solution💎
🔝 RSquad is a blockchain lab that has implemented more than 75 projects, in such networks as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, TON, etc. Its team consists of developers, experts in project management, architecture, analytics, testing, marketing, design, etc.

👉 Follow our official media to stay up to date with current developments: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Telegram, VK, Twitter 

#RSquad #RSquadteam #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #blockchaintrends #blockchainsolutions #techsolutions #newsblockchain
​​📣 Strategic partnership RSquad and Tegro

🤝 The development teams have agreed on a strategic partnership, which includes joint participation in the development of the TON blockchain and creation of new useful products. So, let’s wait for the news profile to provide us with the first results of cooperation which promise to be interesting, given the potential of both teams.👇

💼 Tegro experience 💼

The Tegro team embarked on the development of tools for the TON blockchain in 2021. Its portfolio already includes the following projects implemented in the abovementioned network:
▫️ Tegro Money payment system - supports payments in fiat and cryptocurrencies.

▫️ An NFT Marketplace on TON - payment is made with the team’s $TGR token.
▫️ Tegro Wallet - a wallet with high transaction speed and reliable asset storage.

▫️Tegro Finance Exchange - a fast DEX with a minimum transaction fee of 0.4%.

The aforementioned Tegro products have 2️⃣ distinctive features:

▫️ these are exclusively decentralized services,
▫️ mandatory integration with Telegram, which allows multiple users of the app to access Tegro developments.

💼 RSquad experience 💼

💡 RSquad has been developing blockchain solutions of any level of complexity for 7 years. The lab has more than 75 successful projects for customers from 14 countries, which have been implemented in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and other networks.

👨‍💻 RSquad also has experience with the TON blockchain. The team worked on two projects to expand the cross chain features of the platform, working on:

▫️ the modification of the classic TON Bridge,
▫️ the development of the TON Trustless Bridge, a bridge with no intermediaries.

💎 The crossing point 💎

➡️ TON is an ultra-fast blockchain that provides extensive opportunities for users, developers and companies. It was created in 2017 by Telegram founders Pavel and Nikolai Durov.

Currently, the platform is actively developing a community of experienced developers, bringing together the best programmers in the world, including multiple winners of Telegram’s blockchain development contests.

🌐 RSquad Offiicial Media: Facebook | Instagram | Linkedin | Telegram | VK | Twitter

🌐 Tegro Offiicial Media: Website | Telegram | Twitter | Medium

#RSquad #RSquadteam #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #blockchaintrends #blockchainsolutions #techsolutions #newsblockchain #TON #TONblockchain #TONBridge #Tegro #TegroFinance #TegroWallet #partners
​​🌐 TON Trustless Bridge. A "light client" has been created. What's next?

Together with the developers of the TON blockchain, the RSquad team completed the first and one of the most global stages of the development of the TON Trustless Bridge - the TON (light client) was created on the EVM virtual machine. It allows developers to validate blocks and transactions directly on the Ethereum network without the use of intermediaries.

💡 What is TON Trustless Bridge?

Unlike a simple bridge, TON Trustless Bridge has an important advantage: the technology allows transactions between different blockchains without the use of intermediaries, that is, in the most secure way.
Intermediaries in cross-chain bridges are often the target of attacks. For example, according to Chainalysis statistics, since the beginning of 2022, more than $2 billion has been lost as a result of attacks.

The developed "light client" on the EVM virtual machine allows developers to validate blocks and transactions directly on the Ethereum network without the use of intermediaries

“We have completed a lot of hard work. And we plan to place the source code on Solidity in December-January. The launch of a full-fledged Trustless solution will take place in 2023, however, during development, intermediate results, code and tools will be published,” said the main developers of the TON Foundation - Anatoly Makosov.

The RSquad team is currently conducting analytics on the implementation of a light client Ethereum on the TVM virtual machine, and in parallel, it is planned to launch the development of a DApp, where users can get acquainted with the functionality and make their first trustless exchange on test networks.

📝 More details about the development of TON Trustless Bridge, the uniqueness of the technical solution and plans for the future, told RSquad CTO, Roman Nguyen in our blog on Medium.

🌐 RSquad is a blockchain lab that has implemented more than 75 projects in such networks as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, TON, etc. 

Follow us: Website | Twitter | VK | LinkedIn | Instagram

#RSquad #RSquadteam #RomanNguen #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #TON #TONBridge #DApp #blockchainsolutions
​​📣 RSquad is working on integrating GAGARIN with TON

The RSquad team is engaged in the technical integration of the GAGARIN ecosystem with the innovative TON blockchain. After the completion of the work, scheduled for the first half of January 2023, the communities of both parties will have access to the new functionality.

Why does RSquad implement the integration?

👨‍🚀 GAGARIN is a modern launch pad for crypto projects created by RSquad, which provides its full technical support.

RSquad has experience of cooperation with TON developers: joint work on cross-chain solutions TON Bridge and TON Trustless Bridge.

In 2022, the RSquad team has already successfully integrated GAGARIN with the networks of CoinEx Smart Chain, OKX, Polygon, etc.

Features of the TON network

💎 TON is an innovative blockchain developed by Telegram with a fast growing ecosystem and millions of users.

Key Benefits:
▫️ performance and versatility ahead of Solana and Ethereum 2.0;
▫️ maximum decentralization;
▫️ tiny fees;
▫️ potential to support billions of users;
▫️ internal token Toncoin claiming the status of the first mass cryptocurrency;
▫️ favorable conditions for developers of DeFi, NFT, Web3, etc.

TON provides unlimited opportunities for startups and investors. And it's inspiring!

What opportunities are opening up?

▪️ Integration will allow Prospective TON project development teams to collect investments for development, as well as successfully launch projects into the market together with the GAGARIN expert team.
▪️ The communities of both ecosystems will have the opportunity to support TON projects, and therefore participate in the development of the rapidly growing TON network.
▪️ Investors will be able to buy tokens of promising projects and earn on GAGARIN bonus programs.

How will GAGARIN help develop the TON ecosystem?

Read about it in the new telegram channel Subscribe! There we will talk about the progress of integration and the launch of bonus programs for users.

🌐 RSquad is a blockchain lab that has implemented more than 75 projects in such networks as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, TON, etc. 

RSquad Official media: Website | Twitter | VK | LinkedIn | Instagram | Medium

TON Official media: Website | Twitter | Telegram

#RSquad #RSquadteam #RomanNguen #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #GAGARIN #TON #TONBridge #DApp #blockchainsolutions
​​🎙 Where blockchain is going: Podcast announcement with RSquad's CTO
RSquad CTO Roman Nguyen took part in a podcast recording for SeedOn. As a blockchain expert, he shared his vision of technology development, and also talked about how crypto startups can launch under the current conditions.
🔝 It turned out to be a meaningful conversation that will be of interest to developers, project teams, investors and those who are interested in the life of the crypto world. Here are the questions Roman answered.

About crypto startups

Taking into account the experience of GAGARIN (a launchpad for crypto startups created by the RSquad team), Roman Nguyen described the current situation with project launches and attracting investments.

▫️ How are things in the crypto-startup market?
▫️ Has the role of IDO been retained in fundraising?
▫️ Why should projects bet on their community?
▫️ Who cheats teams when launching startups?
▫️ How to avoid unscrupulous counterparties and “draining” of tokens?

Roman Nguyen also gave 5 tips that will help you successfully launch the project and not fail in the first days after the listing.

About blockchain technologies

Of course, the technical director of RSquad talked about the development of blockchain technologies, which are based on both startups and platforms that collect investments for them.

▫️ What are the benefits of 5th generation blockchains?
▫️ Why is there no mass introduction of new solutions?
▫️ Will the main technological platform in the blockchain change?

Follow the news in our social networks. We will publish the most interesting excerpts from the conversation in our channels and we will definitely publish the video of the podcast.

🤝 SeedOn is an innovative ecosystem that represents a new approach to traditional crowdfunding platforms. Its key values - trust, transparency and cybersecurity - are aimed at minimizing risks and increasing the transparency of transactions.

🌐 RSquad is a blockchain laboratory that has implemented more than 75 projects, including in the Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, TON networks. The geography of partnership is 14 countries of the world.

👨‍🚀 GAGARIN is a fully decentralized platform for project incubation, their subsequent support and IDO. It brings together more than 80k investors, thanks to which over $1 million has already been raised for the development of startups.

RSquad Official media: Website | Twitter | VK  | LinkedIn | Instagram | Medium

#RSquad #RSquadteam #RomanNguen #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #GAGARIN #SeedOn #blockchainsolutions
​​🤝 RSquad will support the TON ecosystem project
RSquad invests in Libermall — an NFT Marketplace created on the basis of the TON network. Thus, the team is actively involved in the development of the TON ecosystem, confirming its readiness to support the blockchain not only with promising developments.
What is the prospect of Libermall?

This is an NFT trading platform that will expand the possibilities of the NFT industry on TON:
▫️ partnerships with NFT projects at the highest level;
▫️ no minimum limits on the trading platform;
▫️ Strengthening the partner token by increasing liquidity;
▫️ attraction of new users interested in the development of the project;
▫️ attractive earning opportunities for the community.

The negotiations showed that Libermall is also a talented, experienced development team, excellent technical solutions and a well-thought-out strategy. Combined with the growing popularity of the TON blockchain, the success of the project is undeniable. Therefore, it was decided to support it with investments.
Why does RSquad support TON?
-⠀RSquad considers TON to be one of the most promising blockchains, which opens up unlimited opportunities for developers and users.

- The formed assessment was also confirmed by the joint work of RSquad with TON developers on cross-chain solutions TON Bridge and TON Trustless Bridge.

- RSquad will also integrate the GAGARIN crowdfunding platform it created into the TON network. After the technical work is completed, GAGARIN will be able to use its experience in launching projects to support TON crypto startups.

🔔 Subscribe to in order not to miss important news about the integration of GAGARIN with TON and the launch of bonus programs for users.

🌐 RSquad is a blockchain laboratory that has implemented more than 75 projects, including those in the Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and TON networks. The geography of partnership is 14 countries of the world.

RSquad official media: Website | Twitter  | VK | LinkedIn | Instagram | Medium

#RSquad #RSquadteam #RomanNguen #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #Libermall #TON #TONBridge #DApp #blockchainsolutions
🌐TON Trustless Bridge: the second stage has started

RSquad has started the second set of works on the TON Trustless Bridge, a bridge that will ensure the integration of the TON blockchain with EVM-compatible networks without the involvement of intermediaries (oracles, relayers) subject to frequent attacks.

The RSquad team, together with the TON developers, will implement a DApp, a full-fledged application within which users will be able to make the first trustless exchanges on test networks.

💬 According to Anatoly Makosov, one of the main developers of the TON Foundation, after the completion of work on the interface, a long period of open testing and searching for bugs with the help of the TON community and various teams is planned.

At the second stage, attention will also be paid to analytics.

💬our goal is to understand what we need to add to the core of TON in order to implement a light Ethereum client on the TVM virtual machine. –  Roman Nguyen said. – These may be built-in functions for cryptography and other things. We are also exploring the possibility of using the so-called "sync committees" which were added to ethereum as part of the Altair update.”

Let us remind you that in the first phase RSquad managed to create a light TON client on EVM, the virtual machine of the Ethereum network, which allows developers of one blockchain to read the messages of another platform, with verification of transmitted data being conducted without the involvement of intermediaries (relayers).

As a result of work on the project, TON will launch a functioning TON Trustless Bridge, the uniqueness of which lies in the fact that the reliability of operations is guaranteed by the security of the blockchains themselves: consensus when transferring tokens from one platform to another will be achieved at the level of blockchains, and not relayers, which are often subjected to hacks.

👉 Read more about the development of TON Trustless Bridge in our blog on Medium.

🌐 RSquad is a blockchain lab that has implemented more than 75 projects in such networks as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, TON, etc. 

RSquad official media:
Website | Twitter | VK | LinkedIn | Instagram | Medium 

#RSquad #RSquadteam #RomanNguen #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #TON #TONBridge #TONTrustlessBridge #Ethereum #EVMEthereum #DApp #blockchainsolutions
​​📣TON Token Bridge Code Appears on GitHub

💎 The verification and testing of smart contracts of the token bridge has already been successfully completed. To prove their reliability, TON also launched a $50,000 vulnerability contest.
RSquad is currently working on creating a full-fledged application, within which users will be able to make the first trustless exchanges on test networks.
👉 Code publications can be found here -

🌐 Follow our news so as not to miss important information.

RSquad official media: Website | Twitter  | VK | LinkedIn | Instagram | Medium

#RSquad #RSquadteam #RomanNguen #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #GAGARIN #TON #TONBridge #DApp #blockchainsolutions
​​Dear friends, we wish you a Happy New Year!🎄

Another year, which the RSquad team has devoted to blockchain technology development, is coming to a close. The calendar period is coming to an end, but not our work on projects that help make the world easier and more reliable.

🚀 In 2022 we launched GAGARIN Launchpad, developed its functionality to the ecosystem level, integrated it with key networks and this is not the only achievement. There are other significant cases in our portfolio.

Obviously, new projects and bold blockchain solutions await us in 2023. We are sure that we will be able to please you with them!

We wish everyone a bright and full year, in which there will be amazement at your own capabilities and warmth of soulful meetings!

Your RSquad team💥

#RSquad #RSquadteam #RomanNguen #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #newyear #happynewyear
​​📣 RSquad Has Concluded a Technological Partnership with Devium

RSquad has partnered with a comprehensive Web3-based software development platform. As part of the agreements reached with Devium, the blockchain lab has been included into the list of companies that have gained early access to the Testnet project.👇
💫 Dream, code, own, monetize!
This is the philosophy of Devium, a comprehensive decentralized platform offering innovative open-source and commercial code licensing technology using NFT and Blockchain technologies.
Microsoft praized the project, presenting it with a Startup Grant.
Key advantages of Devium
▫️ Supports Web2 and provides a fast transition to Web3.
  ▫️ Combines the resources required for quality development on one platform.
▫️Provides the ability to monetize licensed code on the project’s marketplace.
▫️ Guarantees accessibility, enhanced security and no censorship.
🤝 Collaboration potential
For RSquad, which develops blockchain solutions for various projects, a technological partnership with Devium opens up additional opportunities:
🔹 gaining early access to the Testnet of the Devium project
🔹 collaboration within the infrastructure   
🔹 the ability to integrate the service when working on new projects

🔝 RSquad will take the potential of Devium into account and use it to the benefit of projects that are being implemented.

🌐 RSquad is a blockchain laboratory that has implemented more than 75 projects in such networks as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, TON, etc. Geography of partnerships - 14 countries

The RSquad team consists of professional developers, experts in project management, architecture, analytics, testing, marketing, design, etc.

➡️ RSquad official media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Telegram, VK, Twitter

➡️ Devium official media: Website | Telegram | Twitter | Discord

#RSquad #RSquadteam #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #blockchaintrends #blockchainsolutions #techsolutions #newsblockchain #Devium #partners
​​📣 Podcast Featuring RSquad CTO Released 

A podcast with Roman Nguyen, the CTO of RSquad is out on SeedOn. Given his development experience with GAGARIN and interaction with other projects, the interview focuses on evaluating the situation in the crypto market, discussing the problems of startups and blockchain development directions.

Who should definitely check it out?

Developers - to synchronize their perspectives on blockchain technology.
Crypto startup teams - to adjust their approaches to launching projects.
Investors - to better understand the situation in the crypto market. 

What questions did Roman Nguyen answer?

▫️ What transformations are taking place in blockchain technology?
▫️ How has the situation with  IDO changed over the past year?
▫️ What problems do crypto startups face?
▫️ Who and what should projects be wary of during the launch?
▫️ How realistic is it for a project to get investment support from the community?
▫️ What are the rules to follow in order to have a successful launch and not "fail to launch" a project?

👉 Follow the link to watch the podcast with Roman Nguyen. 

📝 You can read the text version in our Medium.

🌐 RSquad is a blockchain lab that has implemented more than 75 projects in such networks as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, TON, etc. It is the developer of the GAGARIN project - a fully decentralized platform for incubating projects, their maintenance and running IDOs.

🤝 SeedOn is an innovative ecosystem that represents a new approach to traditional crowdfunding platforms. Its core values - trust, transparency and cybersecurity - are aimed at minimizing risk and increasing transaction transparency.

💡 Stay tuned. We'll be sure to separately publish the most interesting excerpts from the talk in our media:
Facebook , Instagram, Linkedin, Telegram, VK, Twitter.

#RSquad #RSquadteam #RomanNguen #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #SeedON #Web3 #cryptocurrency #cryptostartup #startup #crypto #podcast #itpodcast #DApp #blockchainsolutions
Forwarded from The Daily TON RU
☑️ Эфир: Запуск проекта в криптозиму. Успешный старт в конкурентной среде.

⚫️ В следующий вторник, 24 января, в 19:00 по МСК мы с вами встретимся на третьем выпуске шоу The Daily Talk.

⚫️ В этот раз нашим гостем станет Роман Нгуен – Co-founder и СТО RSquad & GAGARIN. RSquad может быть вам знаком по многочисленным упоминаниям в канале TON Community, особенно в контексте разработки бриджей.

⚫️ На эфире мы поговорим про впечатление команды RSquad от разработки на TON, участие в создании бриджей, уязвимые места в стандартных бриджах (за прошлый год было взломано около 12 межчейновых мостов) и создание инновационного trustless бриджа.

⚫️ Но самое главное – мы обсудим интеграцию лаунчпада GAGARIN в The Open Network. Роман расскажет про опыт запуска проектов в одной из самых конкурентных сетей – BNB и о том, как этот опыт может помочь проектам экосистемы TON.

🏆 Чтобы сделать эфир еще интереснее, а ожидание – приятнее, мы запускаем розыгрыши пяти редких NFT из амбассадорской коллекции GAGARIN. Эти токены дают владельцу существенные преимущества при использовании платформы GAGARIN. По словам авторов лаунчпада, всего будет выпущено 500 штук, а получить их можно только в активностях у партнеров платформы. Номинальная цена токена: $475 (именно столько денег нужно потратить, чтобы получить подобные преимущества).

⚫️ 3 NFT мы выдадим авторам лучших вопросов на эфире.
⚫️ 2 NFT мы разыграем среди подписчиков @thedailytonrus и @gagarin_launchpad_ru. Для этого нужно зарегистрироваться в боте, итоги подведем на эфире или сразу после.

Принять участие в розыгрыше.
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​​New Partnership in the TON Network

We are happy to announce a new partnership between RSquad and the Scaleton team which provides users with unique opportunities for financial transactions and development of DApps in the TON network

Scaleton is an ecosystem of products built on the progressive TON blockchain:

▫️ DeDust is a decentralized exchange that was the first in the network to provide free token imports, and now suprasses other DeFi services in the number of active users.

▫️ Tonkite is a toolkit for developers that makes it noticeably easier to create DApps based on TON.

Given the potential of Scaleton, and the experience of RSquad in developing various projects, the cooperation will be beneficial for both sides, improving and better integrating the existing products.

It should be noted that while working on cross chain solutions for TON blockchain, the RSquad team appreciated the innovativeness and great potential of the network. 

Therefore, in December it started integrating its own project GAGARIN (crowdfunding platform) into TON, and is also set to further develop relations with the projects of the network. 

🌐 RSquad has been developing blockchain solutions of any level of complexity for over 7 years. The lab has carried out over 75 successful projects for customers coming from 14 countries. 

The projects were implemented in the networks of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, etc.

RSquad official media: Website | Twitter | VK | LinkedIn | Instagram | Medium

#RSquad #RSquadteam #RomanNguen #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #GAGARIN #TON #Scaleton #DApp #blockchainsolutions
🚀Exciting news!

📒 Ton Token Bridge Set to Launch in Less Than Two Weeks

Our team has been tirelessly working on a cross-chain Token Bridge for TON, and we're thrilled to announce that it will be launching in just 10 days!

The news about this was published in the telegram channel The Daily Ton:

We're looking forward to this event and can't wait to see the impact it will have on the TON ecosystem. Keep an eye out for more updates as we get closer to launch.

#RSquad #RSquadteam #TON #bridge
Please open Telegram to view this post
​​Exciting news for all blockchain enthusiasts! 

A conference is happening on March 25-27 in the TON blockchain metaverse, Deversee, where founders, project representatives, media, and crypto enthusiasts from all corners of the TON universe will gather to discuss the latest trends and developments in the blockchain industry. 

CTO and Co-founder at RSquad, Roman Nguyen, has been invited as a speaker to address the topic: 
"IDO or Lucky Ticket: Is it Worth Participating in IDO if You Can Win the Lottery?

🎁Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best and join us for a chance to win one of 2 NFTs! 

• 12+ speakers from the crypto world
• Create your own custom avatar
• Activities and drawing of prizes from partners and speakers
• Distribution of user-resources of the Deversee* project
• Q&A sessions

Language: Russian

A detailed program will appear on the website a day before the event.

Login: FREE/ places are limited

🔘 Registration

#blockchain #conference #TONuniverse #cryptoenthusiasts #RSquad #NFTs
RSquad has completed the technical integration of Gagarin with the Optimism blockchain, a low-cost and lightning-fast Ethereum L2 blockchain.

Now the GAGARIN platform will be able to run IDO and launch projects on the Optimism blockchain.

🌐 Optimism is primarily known for its Optimistic Rollups, a Layer 2 scaling solution designed to increase the throughput and efficiency of blockchain networks, particularly Ethereum. By moving transactions and computations to a secondary layer above the primary blockchain, Optimistic Rollups significantly improve scalability and reduce transaction costs.

Optimism utilizes fraud proofs, enabling users to challenge incorrect transaction results and ensuring security and data integrity in the network.

Several popular projects in the Ethereum ecosystem have either integrated or announced plans to support Blockchain Optimism's Optimistic Rollups technology. Here are just a few of them: Uniswap, Synthetix, Chainlink, MakerDAO.

Follow our channels! Lots of news and updates ahead!

RSquad official media:
Website | Twitter | VK | LinkedIn | Instagram | Medium

#RSquad #RSquadteam #blockchainlab #blockchainlaboratory #blockchainexperts #itdevelopers #GAGARIN #DApp #blockchainsolutions
RSquad has completed the technical integration of Gagarin with Arbitrum, a super-fast layer 2 blockchain with over 4.8 million users already!

Now the Gagarin platform will be able to run IDO and launch projects on the Arbitrum.

The Arbitrum platform is based on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which allows users to securely and seamlessly exchange cryptocurrencies and tokens between systems. This layer 2 solution allows for faster transactions, thus reducing the cost of doing business on the blockchain. It also provides a range of different tools and functions to make the development of smart contracts easier and more efficient.

Arbitrum is becoming increasingly popular as it combines the efficiency of blockchain technology with the security of smart contracts. Unlike other blockchain networks, Arbitrum runs on a hybrid consensus protocol - a combination of proof-of-stake and Byzantine Fault Tolerance - which helps to ensure security, reliability, and fast transaction execution.

Projects supporting Arbitrum include 0x Protocol, Aave, Loopring, Plasma Group, MakerDAO, Uniswap, Chainlink, Gnosis Protocol, SpankChain, and many more.

Follow our channels! Lots of news and updates ahead!

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​​RSquad team at the conference in Vietnam! 🇻🇳

TON Foundation in partnership with APAC DAO is hosting a TON Builder Meetup in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The conference will bring together the best developers and those who are interested in the TON blockchain ecosystem.

Roman Nguyen, CTO & Co-founder RSquad, has been invited as a speaker and will present a talk titled: "The Tamper-Proof Bridge: Exploring the Power of Trustless Blockchain Interoperability."

We invite everyone interested in Web3 development to join us. We would also be delighted to meet with our current and future partners at the event.

 📆 Date: June 16, 15:45 
 🌐 Address: The Hub, Tầng 8, 195/10E Điện Biên Phủ, Phường 15, Bình Thạnh, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 70000, Vietnam

RSquad is a team of over 30 blockchain developers, each one devoted to making complicated tech terms a reality. We've brought over 70 projects to life for our clients, working with many different types of blockchains like TON, Solana, Aptos, Ethereum, and other EVM-compatible ones.

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The Open Network channel published an article about the performance of CTO RSquad at BUIDL Vietnam 2023

"Roman Nguyen shared our significant results in the development of a Rainbow Cross-Chain — unique cross-chain solution that works absolutely without intermediaries and private keys, and checks all data on smart contracts," — TON reported

Read more about the report here 👉