Ron's show
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Welcome to my channel! Here you can find:
⭐️ Traditional and digital art!
⭐️new content almost everyday!
⭐️safe space to speak ur mind
⭐️ I'm 18, so please be respectul

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I hate being unnactive ughhh, but college is important‼️‼️
I wanna get an IPad so I can work in my university, that’s the dream. But for now I really wanna finish my commissions so I can open more
WIP ⚠️
Hello, sorry for the time. Im gonna be answering my clients texts next week.
I have been in an abusive relationship all this time, I’m really sorry, it has been hard. I haven’t even been able to eat. I have lost so many weight, I’m so skinny I can’t even recognize myself from last year.
I’m sorry, I’m really. I’m not strong at the time, I’m so so sorry
I have been insulted, mentally abused and don’t recognize myself anymore.
I stayed there, for almost a year. Yesterday was the last day that I talked to him, I was told to be a “disappointed”, to be an awful person and I.. I can’t, I simply can
Mi college, I don’t go to classes.

I was called “idiot”, “thief”…
I was called “other women”

At my own house, in front of my family, friends… I was yelled at, ignored at
So, I haven’t been able to draw… nothing really, since I have college and all I wanted was to be ok with my partner.
“You got mad at me”
“And even worst, you disrespected me in my own house”
“Not even ashamed, no onze of pity “
“No, it was all hate, u think I didn’t notice”

X: “I’m going”
Ron's show
“You got mad at me” “And even worst, you disrespected me in my own house” “Not even ashamed, no onze of pity “ “No, it was all hate, u think I didn’t notice” X: “I’m going”
And that is just, the surface. It has been so fucking awful. I have been called “useless” and a “disappointed”. Even in front of my family and friends, I paid my partner almost everything and.. even helped them with heavy stuff.
I know this is all to personal, but I have been in here for more than 6 months.

I have lost 23 pounds (156-133 pounds) and this person could be so charming that I was scared to lose them… we broke up three weeks ago, but still he contacted me to say sorry and then one day he was so sweet, three days later he was telling me that we weren’t anything…

I have good friends and a loving family that has been supporting me, so thankful for that. I haven’t had the creativity and don’t go to college for this. I’m scared of finding him, he could be so aggressive with words and.. we think the next step could be “beating”
I have been told if I was “worth it”
That texting me, calling me, even taking to me was a privilege, that even kissing… I had to earn it

X: “I don’t kiss anybody who isn’t my partner”
“I don’t say I love you to anybody”
“You are so special”

And then “I despise you” “you are too weak” “either you cry or you talk”
“You always assume things”
Even when I was in the hospital, they wouldn’t even see me, nor go visting me… and they were so kind in the beginning, but then

Punishing me, because I didn’t “see what they did”
X: “I won’t do it for you nor other women”

“I’m done with this conversation… not gonna let another women make me fail this examn”
“Not gonna distract myself again for a woman again”
And well
That’s it, kind of an explanation
Sorry that I’m saying it like this all of the sudden, but I think is fair because I haven’t been active for a while
I blocked them from all of sources, even they were in telegram, so that’s why you could see me active.
This was a narcissist and a sociopath. I spent time with him and my family and it was so hard to tell. I’m at my lowest, I will be ok soon again.

X: “I despiece you because I loved you too much, I hate you for it”

I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, this person goes to a college so popular here and I can’t go there anymore
Y para mis seguidores de habla hispana
Esto fue más que horrible en cada sentido, ataques de pánico y tengo un psicólogo ahora.
No aguanto, no aguanto tanto dolor, compartir tanto de mi ser y que esa persona me haya desterrado y maltratado. Que ya el maltrato se volvió tan normal, que si me pegaba, sentía que me lo merecía.

No me hablaba, activamente me ignoraba y cuando lo bloquee y rompimos se disculpo mil veces hasta esta semana que actuó tan duro y mal, es horrible.
Decided to get out of bed and do smth for myself
Tired tired
Ron's show
Tired tired
Thats beer in her hand, she doesn’t eat that much, but loves her beer!
And did this guy