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Forwarded from Mike Yeadon
This is important, the first autopsy of a vaccinated man shows viral RNA everywhere in his body.
If we use their language we allow them to frame the narrative. We need our own. The language needs to be neutral as we want it to be used by all. These are my initial suggestions:

-Medical passes not vaccine passports

-Injections not vaccines

-Vaccine failures not breakthrough cases

-Covid19 not variants

-Healthy not asymptomatic

-Vaccine injury denier or immune system denier instead of pro-vaxxer.

-PCR method not PCR test

-PCR/LF positive not Covid case

-NHS near full capacity, not NHS near collapse.

Flashback: Eric F Donaldson (UNC) is co-author of the infamous Ralph Baric & Zhengli Shi paper:

"A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence"

He's a dystopian Bioterrorism SciFi-author too:

Synopsis of his Bioterrorism SciFi Thriller "Seventh Extinction: The Genesis Project":

Dr. Victor Kraus labored tirelessly as a wildlife ecologist, passionately striving to use science [.] to curtail the human activities driving global warming & fueling the 6th mass extinction. When Victor realized that nothing would stop human greed [.], he resorted to using the only weapon left in his arsenal: the first mass human extinction. A highly lethal engineered virus was developed and disseminated around the world to reduce the human population to one billion people. [.] the virus destroyed billions of lives [.]. With the pandemic running rampant, a Montana virologist working on a vaccine, ...
Sacrificing liberty for a little, temporary safety risks having neither liberty nor safety.

Here’s a key point:

“Make no mistake: the writer of the Declaration of Independence saw government not as a benefactor of man’s freedom, but rather its adversary. “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground,” Jefferson warned in another letter to Edward Carrington, a distinguished soldier and Virginia statesman. Free people don’t stay free by blindly trusting everything government officials say and do; free people stay free by treating government with great apprehension and even greater suspicion.”

Absolutely. We Brits have no “radar for totalitarianism”.
We’ve not experienced it the way most other countries have.
It’s among the reasons we’ve been so easy to ensnare.

Best wishes,
Forwarded from Dr. Thomas Binder, MD
"Have you been wondering why nothing seems to make sense in the current ‘pandemic response’?

Children’s Health Defense Europe is inviting you to an exceptional meeting with top notch experts that were never heard in official circles during the pandemic.

This is likely the most important symposium to watch and share in order to understand the current crisis. True whistleblowers with the highest standards of ethics are putting the pieces of the pandemic agenda together. And their picture reveals that the implacable measures destroying our economy and our democracies are not ‘the only possible response to a health threat’, but a step in a global coup that is organised by private bankers, industrial mafia and captured agencies.

When the former vice-president and chief scientific officer of respiratory disease at Pfizer Global is warning of the life threatening dangers of the Covid Vaccines…

When a former board member of a major Wall Street investment bank and former Assistant Secretary of the housing department of the U.S. government explains where and when the ‘going direct reset’ financial plan was launched by central bankers ahead of the pandemic and in perfect synchronisation…

It’s time to listen…"
Day 1
Session I: The False Pandemic with Prof. Martin Haditsch and his discussion partners: Sucharit Bhakdi, Michael Palmer, Ulrike Kämmerer, Denis Rancourt, Stefan Homburg, Josef Thoma, Harald Walach, Sam White, Thomas Binder, Charles Hoffe
Session II: The Going Direct Reset with Catherine Austin Fitts and her guests: John Titus, Richard Werner, Mark Skidmore, Patrick Wood with Taylor Hudak moderating
Day 2
Session III: First Do No Harm with Michael Palmer and fellow lead scientists Sucharit Bhakdi and Mike Yeadon. The complicit role of the media and the drive for control through deployment of vaccination passports, with Taylor Hudak, Michael Meyen, Patrick Henningsen and his guests
Session IV: The Hour of Justice with Patrick Henningsen, Mary Holland, Reiner Fuellmich, Sucharit Bhakdi, Vera Sharav, and guest speaker
Closing Panel Session with Sucharit Bhakdi, Thomas Binder, Catherine Austin Fitts, Reiner Fuellmich, concluded by Sucharit Bhakdi
If we use their language we allow them to frame the narrative. We need our own. The language needs to be neutral as we want it to be used by all. These are my initial suggestions:

-Medical passes not vaccine passports

-Injections not vaccines

-Vaccine failures not breakthrough cases

-Covid19 not variants

-Healthy not asymptomatic

-Vaccine injury denier or immune system denier instead of pro-vaxxer.

-PCR method not PCR test

-PCR/LF positive not Covid case

-NHS near full capacity, not NHS near collapse.

It seems an unnamed US government official has said nasal titres of viral load are higher in the injected than the non injected. If this is the case, Dr Robert Malone believes we are looking at antibody-dependent enhancement or vaccine enhanced disease, as feared from the beginning.

PHE data indicates this is increasing mortality by 0.7% of the infected in the UK.

There is no official confirmation of this, but as Dr Robert Malone puts it:

"If it walks like a duck, if it talks like a duck, it probably is a duck"
So again - it’s all smoke and mirrors. Claim an exemption and you don’t have to do it...

“Mr Pichai said Google’s vaccine mandate would be adjusted to adhere to the laws and regulations of each location with exceptions for medical and other “protected” reasons, and would not apply until vaccines were widely available in an area.”

But what we MUST do is refuse to REVEAL our medical history to anyone. That is what is unconscionable. If they say you can “claim an exemption” they are saying you have to reveal your choice. NO!! We must stop the ability to segregate on health status at all. HEALTH PRIVACY FOR ALL!

People must say to their employer: “I will never, under any circumstances, reveal my private medical history to my employer or a business I wish to use. My medical history is between me and my doctor.” That’s how many of us refused temperature checks (that old, sly nudge!)

If they cannot LABEL you “unvaxxed”, they cannot segregate you. You must never reveal your status under any circumstance. That’s our power and we must protect it at all costs!

Anna Wright
If people want medical passes for eligibility to work, they better be ready for mandatory HIV tests, mandatory cancer screenings, mandatory herpes tests, mandatory Lyme Disease tests. Why? Because test kits have high profit margins, not because this is a logical or ethical idea! It’s all about the tests, the jabs, the treatments. All enforced or no access to society. Do people want that?

Anna Wright
Vaccines in UK are not mandatory. There is an exemption on evidence of medical reasons and the Supreme Court recognises at common law that denial of free and informed consent is a self certified medical reason. See Montgomery v Lanarkshire [2015] UKSC 11

The fundamental common law right to free and informed consent, based on the ancient Tort of battery (tresspass to the person), are valid in all 16 Commonwealth Realms and both the Republic of Ireland and USA, where English common law is retained as a body of law.

In Ireland, evidence that English common law rights are retained can be found in the Statute Revision Act (2007) which retained Magna Carta and most of the English Bill of Rights (1688) and much, much more.

In USA, English common law rights are retained by the 9th Amendment of the Constitution "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.", hence why US courts refer to them.

For our friends in New Zealand, you also have these common law rights, but additionally, Art.11 of your 1990 Bill of Rights states:
"Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment."

More links:
316.2 KB
Vaccines in UK are not mandatory. There is an exemption on evidence of medical reasons and the Supreme Court recognises at common law that denial of free and informed consent is a self certified medical reason. See Montgomery v Lanarkshire [2015] UKSC 11

Montgomery (Appellant) v Lanarkshire Health
Board (Respondent) (Scotland) 2015


44. In other words, if (1) the patient suffers damage, (2) as a result of an
undisclosed risk, (3) which would have been disclosed by a doctor exercising
reasonable care to respect her patient’s right to decide whether to incur the
risk, and (4) the patient would have avoided the injury if the risk had been
disclosed, then the patient will in principle have a cause of action based on

"If you have a medical reason which means you cannot be vaccinated or tested, you may be asked to self-declare this medical exemption."

The Supreme Court recognises at common law that denial of free and informed consent is a self certified medical reason. (See Montgomery v Lanarkshire)
I met Rod Humphris, the folk hero who chucked Keir Starmer out of his Raven Pub in Bath!

Just told him well done!

Forwarded from Glenn O'Connor
Book a cheap flight from UK to anywhere for the day you return from Greece. Tick the box on the passenger locator form to say you're transiting the UK and are therefore exempt from quarantine. Then simply forget all about the cheap outbound flight 😉
NBC news journalist