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Hi Robin,
I hope you're well. I saw the following comment on YouTube, which I think is a great concise summary of Israel's nonsense defence. I'm sure the poster won't mind you reposting on your channel.

Summary of Israel's arguments.
1. The word genocide came about because of Jews - therefore we can’t be committing genocide.
2. South Africa didn’t notify us of this in the correct order.
3. Don’t take any notice of the public statements from our leaders alluding to genocide, we promise, behind closed doors we ask that civilians be protected.
4. Look at this nice statement from our PM that he conveniently released yesterday saying we don’t want to hurt civilians.
5. We had to bomb civilian infrastructure because Hamas was there. (No mention of guided vs dumb bombs being used)
6. We dropped flyers and social media posts saying to evacuate (no mention that areas people were told to evacuate to were also bombed or that no power meant social media useless)
7. Conveniently, between being notified of this case and today we have started letting some aid into Gaza.
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Gaza – providing perspective - Alex Kriel

"Another important element in Deep State thinking is the little known 1986 book which compiles a series of around 40 essays from various foreign policy players. The essays were compiled and edited by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (then Israeli ambassador to the U.N.). The book is called “Terrorism: How the West Can Win”.

An excellent review of the book by Professor Edward Said of Columbia University is available on JSTOR2. The key theme of the book is the introduction of the idea that a “war on terror” can be a reasonable casus belli (cause for war) for invading another country. In addition, the book ties in Islamic countries with terrorism thereby making several countries targets for this proposed war on terror. The idea of a “war on terror” very significantly lowers the bar for military action, which under the U.N. Charter is justified for “self-defence if an armed attack occurs” 3. With the benefit of hindsight we now know that many of the countries identified in the book were subsequently attacked by the U.S. and its allies.

The trigger for attacking the countries identified by Paul Wolfowitz in 1991 and launching the war on terror outlined by Benjamin Netanyahu in 1985, was of course the attacks of 9th September 2001. The new doctrines allowed American politicians to subsequently attack; Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria over the following twenty years, even where there was no link between those countries and 9/11."
"1986 book which compiles a series of around 40 essays from various foreign policy players. The essays were compiled and edited by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (then Israeli ambassador to the U.N.). The book is called “Terrorism: How the West Can Win”.

Read more:
Walt, Stephen and John J. Mearsheimer.
"The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy."
"In this paper, John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science and Stephen M.Walt of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government contend that the centerpiece of U.S. Middle East policy is its intimate relationship with Israel. The authors argue that although often justified as reflecting shared strategic interests or compelling moral imperatives, the U.S. commitment to Israel is due primarily to the activities of the “Israel Lobby." This paper goes on to describe the various activities that pro-Israel groups have undertaken in order to shift U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction."
Russia's 5th column

"We break down President Putin's speech on the 5th column, exposing who they are and what they want - we name names.. We provide the big picture context of clash between a corrupt Davos oligarchy and a conservative Russia. This is BIG!"
Deeply disappointing High Court decision today to do away with rule of law and freedom of speech in the UK.

I shall fight on, both my work from Donbass, and for freedom of speech in the UK.

Have communicated more fully on this with Peter Hitchens of the Mail. Notwithstanding differences of view on certain subjects, he has supported me in this from day 1, must be said.

Thank you for your support!!!!
Forwarded from Rise of the Global South
⚡️JUST IN: US and British Interests are “Legitimate Targets” – Houthis

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Forwarded from BioClandestine (BioClandestine)
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08/16/2023: Russian MIL, via General Kirillov, warned that the US were looking to create another pandemic.

“Just like in 2019, the USA has started to prepare a new pandemic by looking for mutated viruses. We do not exclude the possibility of the USA using so-called ‘defensive technologies’ in an offensive capacity, as well as in pursuit of the goal of imposing global control by creating biological crises.”

Looking for “mutated viruses”? Who does that sound like? Nathan Wolfe, the @virushunter , and founder of Metabiota, operating biolabs in Ukraine.

Essentially, Russian MIL accused the US of creating and intentionally releasing SARS-CoV-2 in 2019 in order to control the world, and they claim they US are planning to do it again this election.

Now with the WEF/WHO talk about the emergence of this mysterious “Pathogen X”, it’s looking like the Russians might be telling the truth about this whole thing.
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
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Boris Johnson and the denial of the obvious

Western media has published statements by former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson seeking to deny his responsibility for the breakdown of talks between Russia and Ukraine in the spring of 2022.

Obviously, Johnson is deploying clichés about “Russian propaganda” for cover.

👉However, his statements, published on January 11, 2024 in “The Times” and “The Wall Street Journal”, raise the question: what exactly is he trying to refute?

︎According to Johnson, during his controversial visit to Kiev on April 9, 2022, he sought to persuade Vladimir Zelensky to refuse to sign the above-mentioned treaty, justifying it by his distrust towards Moscow.

︎He bluntly stated that "any deal with Putin was going to be pretty sordid".

︎He recommended continuing hostilities since "Putin must fail".

︎He promised prolonged support, new tranches of military supplies, including anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles, and financial assistance.

︎Moreover, following the visit, the Prime Minister's office set the record straight. A subsequent government press release clearly stated that, while in Kiev, Johnson "urged against any negotiations with Russia on terms that gave credence to the Kremlin’s false narrative for the invasion".

There can be no doubt that the cornerstone provision on permanent neutrality of Ukraine, as set out in the draft "Treaty on Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees for Ukraine", did not accord with the vision in London and Washington of the "terms" under which the conflict could have been resolved. Otherwise NATO members would not have spent the preceding eight years cynically exploiting the Minsk agreements in order to systematically prepare the Ukrainian military for a direct kinetic confrontation with Russia.

︎Against this backdrop the former prime minister's self-exonerating claims that the final decision belonged to the Ukrainians are utterly futile.

︎Importantly, by the beginning of the Special Military Operation, Johnson's premiership was already hanging by a thread.

︎The Ukrainian conflict was thus perceived by him as a promising chance to revive his flagging career.

The issue at stake was never about concern for the future of Ukraine and Ukrainians - only about self-promotion and political survival. The outcome of Johnson's voyage to Kiev proved to be tragic for Ukraine.

➡️Read in full
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Forwarded from DD Geopolitics
⚠️ BREAKING: The Greyzone's Kit Klarenberg reports the death of Gonzalo Lira.

According to Kit, Gonzalo was being tortured in the Ukrainian prison and suffered health issues.

We will update you when we have more info!

🔴 @DDGeopolitics
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Forwarded from DD Geopolitics
🇺🇸🇺🇦 The only thing Gonzalo Lira is guilty of was risking his life and safety to bring the truth about the fascist Ukrainian regime to his Western audience.

The hypocrisy of protecting cretins like Cirillo while allowing their own citizens to languish and die in a seedy dungeon in their backwater failed puppet state.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics
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Gonzalo Lira, July 2022. Talking to Geopolitics and Empire

Gonzalo Lira discusses the collapse of American power and how Washington has decided to pull down the rest of the world instead of accepting a graceful decline. The Russians have the upper-hand in Ukraine and will win the war. The U.S. now wants to pivot to war with Iran and eventually China. If the U.S. feels it is losing, in its hubris and pride it may seek to use nuclear weapons. The European project is over, Europe is dead. He comments on the Western world’s fall into totalitarianism and turn toward the use of population control systems such as social credit and digital currency. The best places to escape to are countries that are poor, backward, and low-tech with lots of food.