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Did Zelensky give the Pope an icon in which Jesus is blacked out?
I don’t like to criticise those speaking truth to power, even if I don’t agree with what they’re saying. Nobody died & left me in charge. And though I’m an experienced scientist, I’ll get things wrong, especially in relation to government lies. I didn’t always get a copy of the memo.

But those who I’m certain are lying, no quarter is given.

I apologise in advance for exposing John Campbell as a lying fraud. I know a very large number of people rate him, with the sole criticisms relating to him being slow to realise we were all being lied to.

Ps: for sake of easy understanding of the nature of my criticisms, only, I’m allowing the argument that there really was a new, severe respiratory disease causing virus, to stand, even though people who follow me know that I no longer believe it.
What Does "New" Virus Mean?

Whenever someone mentions "new" virus, or "novel" virus, the first thing to do is to ask: what does "new" or "novel" mean?

The short but imprecise answer indicates it means: made in a lab.

In this respect, then I defintely believe there was a "new" or "novel" virus, and there is a chain of evidence of gain of function experiments to back this up.

Just look up Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Vineet Menachery, and Shi Zheng Li, plus all the evidence uncovered by Rand Paul and Robert Kennedy Jr of Anthony Fauci's NIAID and USAID funded EcoHealth Alliance, and funding to Wuhan Lab. Plus papers linked below recording scientific experiments which are clearly gain of function research.

Here below is my longer language based answer and analysis.

Given that most people who died naturally after contracting what was called Covid19 died of bacterial pneumonia, and not from a virus, and that this has finally been admitted, the entire issue of viruses or "new" viruses becomes very marginal at best, or an engineered distraction to divide people at worst. Call me cynical, but I believe the latter is the case, even if people participating in the distraction are well intentioned.


As I said in 2020:

"A high percentage of people who required help from a ventilator due to a COVID-19 infection also developed secondary bacterial pneumonia. This pneumonia was responsible for a higher mortality rate than the COVID-19 infection."

Most COVID-19 Deaths May Be The Result of a Completely Different Infection : ScienceAlert
Artist Hiroyuki Hamada writes: "Absurdity of our time gets to all of us. It seems that we have lost the common ground to stand on. As we are forced to behave according to the imperatives of the authoritarian social formation, our need to construct our world views, to make sense out of the ridiculous routines and to escape the alienation all converge into additional layers of distractions and sources of conflicts among us. Anger and frustration can consume us easily. According to CDC, one third of the US teen girls have seriously considered suicide. Do you talk about the situation with your friends? Perhaps you feel that way, but you don’t feel like you have friends to talk about it. Here are five friends from Aesthetic Resistance talking about it. Please listen and share. Aesthetic Resistance Podcast #85. John Steppling, Cory Morningstar, Johan Eddebo, Varun Mathur and Hiroyuki Hamada"
How Nato seduced the European Left

The anti-war movement has fallen for a progressive circus

"In February, Nato held its first ever gaming event. A young employee of the alliance joined popular Twitch streamer ZeRoyalViking to play Among Us and casually chat about the danger disinformation poses to democracy. With them was a mountaineer influencer and environmental activist named Caroline Gleich. As their astronaut avatars navigated a cartoon spaceship, they spoke about Nato in glowing terms. By the event’s end, the stream had turned into a recruitment effort: the alliance employee talked about the perks of his job and encouraged viewers to check the Nato website for employment opportunities in fields such as graphic design and video editing.
The event was part of Nato’s “Protect the Future” campaign. This year it included a graphic novel competition for young artists. The alliance also courted dozens of influencers with large followings on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, and brought them out to the headquarters in Brussels. Other influencers were dispatched to last year’s Nato Summit in Madrid, where they were asked to create content for their audiences.
The European Left has been utterly captivated by this show. Following the path taken by the German Greens, major Left-wing parties have abandoned military neutrality and opposition to war and now champion Nato. It is a stunning reversal. During the Cold War, the European Left organised mass protests attended by millions against US-led militarism and Nato’s deployment of Pershing-II and cruise missiles in Europe. Today, little more than the hollowed-out radical rhetoric remains. With hardly any remaining opposition to Nato left in Europe, and the alliance’s creeping expansion beyond the Euro-Atlantic area, its hegemony is now nearly absolute."
Forwarded from Ukraine Watch
🇵🇱 Radiation spikes in the air appeared in eastern Poland

Yesterday in Lublin the measuring instruments recorded a sharp increase in bismuth levels by 6-7 times.

Forwarded from Douglas Macgregor
Toxic dust from Khmelnitsky is  blowing towards Western Ukraine  & Poland. 🤔☝️
The Grand Inquisitor in the Bedroom

May 3, 2023

"The entire Covid phenomenon is evidence of medical institutional authority. But it shows more than that, and along with the Climate discourse, all the factors being discussed have come into play. Historical amnesia, cultic attachment to celebrity or influencer generated *news*, scapegoating victims and punishing them. And the scientism whose imprimatur legitimizes even the most glaringly absurd edicts. All of this is stunningly OBVIOUS. And yet, and yet, one will be met with emotional resistance to any of it.

The repressive state apparatus operates by violence, and only secondarily through ideology. And the Ideological state apparatus almost entirely through ideology, but it is an ideology that draws strength from the repressive mechanisms within it (School comes to mind)." ...
Robert Hoeschele is a member of Jews for Justice who has stood up to totalitarian Covid measures and infringement of rights - and stands trial in Munich for sedition today (5/17).

In our last post we informed you of even today the German Governments have the power to interfere with the course of justice by instructing the Public Prosecutors to go easy on some cases or crack down on others. Now Andrew Barr, Secretary of Jews for Justice, has written to the Court in Munich where today, May 17th, 2023, Robert Hoeschele is on trial for “Sedition” because he had the audacity to remind the Government of Bavaria that not just Germany, but more so Munich has a very dark past, which it had forgotten during the Lockdowns and thereafter when the Unvaccinated where segregated even though the Vaccinated were spreading the virus and get sick just the same. (Recording of the speech in this livestream at 0:55:00)

Robert Hoeschele reminding the Government of Bavaria of the dark history of Germany, and particular Munich, one “Capital of the (Nazi) Movement” during a speech in favor of individual freedoms and basic rights on February 14th, 2021. Today Robert Hoeschele stands on trial for sedition because of that.

Robert Hoeschele and his family have stood their ground, and they have paid already dearly. They need our help, so please see the link at the end of this piece.
Here is the letter by Jews for Justice

Landgericht Mu‌nchen I
Abteilung fu‌r Strafsachen
80097 Mu‌nchen
In the matter of Robert Hoeschele (Case number 18 NBs 112 Js 160206/22) ____
Whom It May Concern:
Jews for Justice is a group of Jews who are committed to the defence of free speech and human rights.
In Jewish law and tradition, ‘justice’ (‘Tzedek’ in Hebrew) does not refer to punishment or retribution, but to a commitment to follow the path dictated by one’s conscience – to follow what is in one’s heart – regardless of what others may say or what the consequences might be.
Among the laws that G_d handed down to Moses on Mount Sinai for the Israelites was the instruction ‘Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd.’ (Exodus 23:2).
Many of us in Jews for Justice lost family members in the Holocaust. We regard it as our duty to the memory of our murdered ancestors to ensure that the lesson of their deaths is not forgotten.
There are many lessons of the Holocaust, including ‘Do not be a bystander;’ ‘Do not stay silent in the face of minor crimes, lest they lead to greater ones;’ ‘Do not shrink from speaking out for fear of retribution.’
Robert Hoeschele, who is a member of our group, grew up in Jonava in Lithuania, which had been a prominent Jewish town until its Jewish inhabitants were wiped out in mass executions by German Einsatzgruppen in 1941, and in the nearby ghetto at Kovno. Robert carries their fate in his heart.
We feel honoured to have him as a member, and appalled that he should be facing trial for following the path of truth and justice.
In the words of the celebrated Jewish legal philosopher Hillel, who lived two millennia before the Holocaust, ‘If not now, then when?’
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Barr, Secretary, Jews for Justice,
c/o 12 Rookfield Avenue, London N.10 3TS, UK.

Already since spring 2020, Robert became a courageous freedom fighter of the first hour and well-known organiser of demonstrations of QUERDENKEN 841/Bayern, which were known under the slogan "Courage for freedom of speech!". He also appeared as a speaker at demonstrations of "Bavaria stands together". This was followed by arrests by the police, charges, lawsuits, defamation, mobbing and, last but not least, the impossibility of finding a job.
Robert is facing a prison sentence of up to 5 years!
The PayPal account of his wife Daniela Höschele :
Please note "GIFT / COURT COSTS" as the purpose of payment.
When I led respiratory and allergy research at Pfizer (1995-2011) I recall noticing that Zithromax (azithromycin) was an antibiotic with, iirc, 90% of scripts directed towards suspected chest infections.
The commercial franchises were a law unto themselves and there was no expectation of contact between research (R&D) and commercial.
Another bad behavior dot joined. It was said that “there was no evidence of clinical benefit” (from the prescription of Zithromax in acute exacerbations of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease aka bronchitis or smokers lung).
But it’s been approved so how could there be “no evidence”?
Well, in clinical trials for new antibiotics, the control group are given whatever is then standard-of-care. The goal isn’t to see if the new drug “works”, merely that it’s not inferior to the SOC. The clinical trials then get designed with that endpoint in mind.
It turns out ironically that they definitely did work.
How do we know that? Well, during the alleged viral pandemic, general practitioners were guided not to prescribe antibiotics for “covid19”. There was a 50% fall in antibiotic prescriptions for chest infections. Deaths in the community soared, overwhelmed by easily-treated bacterial infections. The death certificates read “covid19”, an imaginary disease.
Remember, somebody or a group thought these death-dealing ruses up.
The other principal two were in hospital, inappropriate & injurious mechanical ventilation plus iv remdesivir, a renal toxin, which together killed almost every patient treated thus, & in care homes, contraindicated combination of sedative midazolam and respiratory depression promoting morphine which, with inadequate monitoring, lead to huge numbers of deaths. Again, death certificates read “covid19”.
No one died of or even with covid, because it’s a fictitious disease.
Just look at the appalling contrivances necessary to produce “Covid deaths”.
Lethal mistreatment in hospitals, care homes and the community.
Someone or some group thought these up & then morally flaccid senior doctors within the country medical associations pushed these “treatment paradigms” onto the medical “profession”.
Anyone arguing against these “treatment guidelines” was admonished & warned off a repeat performance. I know several doctors previously in hospitals or in the general practitioner network who wouldn’t stay quiet. They were dismissed. No mainstream media did anything other than to parrot the covid19 deaths count every day.
There’s not s shadow of a doubt in my mind that lots of medics knew that these “treatment guidelines” were medical madness.
Some but not all nurses worked it out. Even some non medical PhDs knew these were wrong and would very often result in the avoidable death of the unsuspecting patient or resident.
This is, time and again, medical murder, aka plain murder.
Please share. Everything I’ve written is documented in numerous places by a growing group of people.
Best wishes
Robin's comment to the above:

I don't believe Covid19 to be a fictitious disease, because I experienced a disease at that time which led to a considerably more severe bacterial pneumonia than an average flu. For the record, I never had bacterial or any other pneumonia before January 2020. I consider Covid19 to be a synergistic viral-bacterial disease, in which the bacterial component creates most damage in the lungs.

It's the default position of those who have not experienced it to fall into a black and white position of: either it killed people or it doesn't exist. This is an error that does not take onboard the personal experience of their own bodies of millions. Science or statistics does not cancel out the personal experience of our own bodies; it's in fact the other way round. In philosophy this is called Phenomenology. Science is lagging behind philosophy in this area as a practice of knowledge.

I also confirm on the observation of my own body and the ones of both family members and friends, and others who reached out to me in 2020 to help save their family members, that Azithromycin works against the pneumonia resulting from what is still known as the Covid19 disease. Most of those people also never had bacterial pneumonia before.

It is also worth noting that Azythromycin has also provided ample evidence of being a bacteriostatic agent rather than an antibiotic, the bacteria stops growing rather than gets all killed, and also is said to have strong anti-viral properties at the same time.



Azithromycin is known to reduce the length of the disease and the time required to test negative. Please note that azithromycin is considered as a bacteriostatic: it stops bacteria, and as antiviral at the same time. Alternatively use doxycycline.
From Carlo Brogna's research. Antibiotics which work against bacteria in which SARSCoV2 replicates have -100% written next to them.
